New Love

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: New Love 21

The things were thrown by Jiang Yun, and they were all thrown into the trash can.

Since Xu Zhiyi likes demonstrations so much, he specially showed Jiang Yun about those nasty and disgusting people, so Jiang Yun has to respond, after all, everything is about having a relationship.

After all, there are some things that Xu Zhiyi cares too much about, but for the current Jiang Yun, it is dispensable, and can even be thrown away at any time. The other party likes to post dark dazzling in the circle of friends so much, she doesn’t mind wasting a little time and effort, and returns it in the same way .

The public one is for Qin Zhao and Xu Zhiyi to read together. There is no need to block other people. She candidly tell Qin Zhao that she has gone back, and what Qin Zhao will think, how she will react, and what Xu Zhiyi will do, it is not within her scope of consideration. .

Xu Zhiyi was about to go back to City C, and Qin Zhao would stay in City S for a few days. It was far and wide, and it wouldn’t be Jiang Yun who was restless.

Jiang Yun has always been mild-mannered, and does not like to have too many entanglements and resentments with others. Whether it is in the workplace or in private life, he likes to leave some room for everything, so that in the end, there is some possibility of turning around without tearing his face. Too ugly.

But this time alone, the embarrassing truth over and over again made her really disgusted, especially the things Xu Zhiyi did.

Originally, in her heart, the eight-year relationship was betrayed, and the fault was mainly Qin Zhao. No matter how Xu Zhiyi got involved in this relationship, she should mainly find Qin Zhao to solve the past. There is no need to involve Xu Zhiyi too deeply. It’s not easy to end up making too much trouble, but Xu Zhiyi was unconscious, so he had to come to meddle with people.

Jiang Yun’s temperament is good, but it doesn’t mean that she will tolerate it indefinitely, especially after seeing Xu Zhiyi’s circle of friends.

This girl who just came out of the campus is so tired of thinking so much that she will not restrain her if she doesn’t make some trouble for her.

Xu Zhiyi didn’t come out to her friends and family members, so naturally the Dou family didn’t know about it, otherwise the possible marriage wouldn’t be brought to the fore. She was ambiguous and never made a statement. Cheng contacted her for a long time. She didn’t refuse and didn’t answer clearly. She didn’t stop or object to what the Xu family did, as if she would accept the family’s arrangements.

Both families thought she agreed, and even Dou Ningcheng thought so, so Mr. Xu would try to get Dou Ningcheng to stay in City C for a while, so that Xu Zhiyi and Dou Ningcheng could be together in advance. If it can be done, the marriage should be completely finalized before long.

And because Xu Zhiyi’s attitude was too acquiescent, Mr. Xu was also trying his best to match, with sincerity, the Dou family was very satisfied, otherwise Dou Ningcheng wouldn’t accept this, and he wouldn’t make a special trip to C city.

Jiang Yun doesn’t know much about Dou Ningcheng, but he heard from others that this person is not simple at all, he is excellent, and has a lot of skills. In addition, he is the oldest junior of the Dou family, and he is very likely to become the first of the Dou family. An heir, otherwise Old Master Xu would not be so fond of him.

For such a powerful person, the city is absolutely deep enough. It is hard to say whether he accepts Xu Zhiyi’s concealment and whether he can bear it.

Of course, rich people have a lot of concerns, and maybe they won’t go into it for the sake of their own interests, but no one knows what Dou Ningcheng will do in the future and how to deal with them.

Jiang Yun didn’t know about the others, but just relying on the bad things Xu Zhiyi did, it would be impossible to continue the marriage. For people like Dou Ningcheng, this family can’t work, just find another family. A woman who does three herself.

Furthermore, even if the original interest relationship between the Xu family and the Dou family will not be destroyed in the end, it will definitely have some impact on Xu Zhiyi, which will have a certain impact on her status in the Xu family.

In short, no matter what, Jiang Yun will definitely block Xu Zhiyi.

The evidence in Jiang Yun’s hands was not enough to threaten Qin Zhao, but it was still okay for Dou Ningcheng to arouse suspicion.

Some things are too much, and there is no need for her to do too much. Dou Ningcheng is a smart person, and he is sharp enough. As long as he sees the evidence, he will check it out. If he does too much, it will be counterproductive.

Tonight, the sky is full of stars, and it is still early. Most of the surrounding houses are lit up. Occasionally, there will be neighbors who come back from evening work or walks in the alleys, and there will be voices from time to time. The old trees are tall and straight. Under the illumination of the light, the shadow of the elder casts across the bluestone slab.

The old house was dark early, and the windows of the rooms on the second floor were open.

At ten o’clock, Jiang Yun turned off the lights and lay in bed, leaning sideways toward the window, and has yet to fall asleep.

There was a faint light coming in from the window. Although it was not dazzling, it still made her unable to sleep. She lay on the bed without moving for a long time. She turned her back to the window, pulled the thin quilt up, and covered herself tightly.

The air conditioner in the room is old and has been around for a few years. It is inevitable that there will be noises when it is running, which is endless.

The phone is placed on the bedside table, the screen is facing down, and it is turned on silently.

No need to look, Jiang Yun also knew that there must be a lot of missed calls and messages, but she never picked up her mobile phone to check it, so she just lay quietly thinking about things.

In fact, after careful calculation, it has not been a long time since we moved here, about half a month, but a lot of things happened during this time, like the twine that cannot be untied, the more you disassemble it, the more chaotic , making people unclean.

She always felt that these things were getting more and more out of control. Once they started, they couldn’t take them back.

But it’s normal. Reality is reality, planning is one thing, and how the situation unfolds is another.

After meditating for a long time, Jiang Yun still closed his eyes tiredly, settled down and started to sleep, no longer bothered so much.

It was foggy the next morning, and when I woke up at nearly eight o’clock, the window glass was full of small water droplets condensed from the fog.

Jiang Yun didn’t get up immediately after waking up, but after waking up for a while, he sat up warmly, touched the phone on the bedside table and flipped it over.

Last night’s public circle of friends received several comments and many likes. She clicked in to take a look, but did not find any trace of Xu Zhiyi and Qin Zhao, but saw Lu Nianzhi.

The man gave her a thumbs up.

Jiang Yun couldn’t help but glanced more, and then returned to the message interface.

The circle of friends was posted at 9:30 last night, and Qin Zhao sent her the first message at 9:40: “Go home?”

At ten o’clock, the second message was sent: “Answer the phone.”

From ten o’clock to ten o’clock, Jiang Yun’s mobile phone received a total of eight missed calls.

Jiang Yun just went to his former residence and posted a specious Moments, but Qin Zhao thought it meant turning back, and he thought it was softhearted and wanted to get back together.

After the phone call, she sent a lot of messages to Jiang Yun. She seemed rather uneasy and rather excited.

The last message was: “Sister, I will arrive at City C at nine o’clock the day after tomorrow, and I have bought a ticket in advance.”

Jiang Yun read her messages one by one with the rare patience. After scrolling from top to bottom, he paused on the chat interface for half a minute, and finally did not reply.

She didn’t know what happened to Qin Zhao and Xu Zhiyi in S City, whether they really had dinner together or what, but what happened in the past could not be erased, cheating was an indisputable fact, and so was the person’s continued concealment. Now that she sees that Qin Zhao will become like this because of one of her circles of friends, she will not be moved or softened because of this, or she will not have much reaction.

Click into the circle of friends, refresh twice, but did not see Xu Zhiyi.

– She must have seen Jiang Yunfa’s news last night, and it was a little strange for Jiang Yun to be so quiet after a night.

Xu Zhiyi is not a person who can bear it, and usually can’t stand the slightest bit of humiliation. Even so, she hasn’t fought back, unlike her behavior.

Jiang Yun wanted to click into her Moments again, but found that she had blocked herself again.

Maybe something happened.

However, Jiang Yun had no time to take care of these, and was too lazy to take care of it.

Lu Nianzhi sent a message in the early hours of last night, asking him to prepare the things he was going to give to Dou Ningcheng and bring them with him, and take pictures later.

“At five o’clock in the afternoon, I’ll pick you up at the alley.”

The place to take pictures is in this person’s villa, and there is no need to prepare anything, as long as Jiang Yunren goes over.

Jiang Yun didn’t know much about photography, and thought it would take a while to shoot, but she didn’t ask much, after all, Lu Nianzhi helped her so simply.

She prepared everything, sealed it with an ordinary paper document bag, and waited at the alley when it was almost time.

Lu Nianzhi came here counting the time, and he still drove the black Bentley the day before yesterday.

The weather was relatively dry, it was very hot at this time, and the two didn’t chat a little. As soon as the car arrived at Jiang Yun, they bent over and sat in, and then drove to the new area.

Xu Shi thought of those lust-heavy photos in this person’s circle of friends, Jiang Yun couldn’t let it go after all, he was not sure, so he didn’t say anything when he got in the car.

While waiting for the traffic light at the intersection, Lu Nianzhi turned his head to look over, “Very nervous?”

Jiang Yun was stunned, “No.”

“The seat belt is not fastened.” Lu Nianzhi said, looking at her deeply, as if seeing through her thoughts.

Jiang Yun looked down and pulled the seat belt subconsciously, only to realize that the seat belt was not buckled at all, so he immediately had to buckle it again.

But Lu Nianzhi took a quick step and leaned over a little to fix it for her. Jiang Yun’s movements were too slow, and he accidentally touched the back of the opponent’s hand. The next moment, he secretly retracted his hand, as if nothing happened.

Lu Nianzhi took all her actions in his eyes, but didn’t say anything. He said softly, “Don’t be nervous.”

Jiang Yun was not comfortable, “No.”

Lu Nianzhi suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, wondering why.

She has an alienated world-weary face. She seldom smiles. Most of the time, she is indifferent and doesn’t show too many emotions on her face.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun didn’t quite understand what he was laughing, but he didn’t ask, just pursed his lips uncomfortably, and turned his head to look out the car window quietly.

The car was moving very fast, and the scenery outside the window changed rapidly.

At dusk and sunset, it was the rush hour, and after leaving the old city, it gradually became congested, and the congested traffic was like a long winding dragon winding on the ground.

When he stopped at the intersection again, Lu Nianzhi asked again, “Can you swim?”

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, he was wrong, he couldn’t calm down a bit, and it took a while before he said, “Want to shoot this?”

Lu Nianzhi said, “No, I don’t know how to shoot.”

Jiang Yun snorted, and his ears felt a little hot for no reason.

As if he didn’t see Jiang Yun’s change, Lu Nianzhi still asked, “Is it possible?”

Jiang Yun didn’t look at her. After a while, he replied in a low voice, “Well…”

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep-water torpedo: Mr. Cheng 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Mr. Cheng, 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Xi Shen, Mr. Cheng, and 1 Fat Lu;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: kosoaa, DetectiveLi2; yanyan, Wei Huanger, the other shore, fog, did you write five or three today, Sanjiu, Huahua, jacetsai, lx, the cool little yellow duck, Mr. Cheng , Respect 822, Born to be a human _ Na, sparsely drunk, la la la, the universe is caught in the pages of the book, the bread is not Superman but BB, the uncle in pants, bibib11;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 64 bottles for the time difference; 20 bottles for the first actor in the canyon; 10 bottles for the wind and the flash of cold light; 9 bottles for Mr. Cheng; 5 bottles for the third master; 4 bottles for Ji Zhi’s handsome acridine; Cold or not cold, 285461732 bottles; 1 bottle of hl, Qiqi, Forest Wind Xu.

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