New Love

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: New Love 23

Today’s evening wind is stronger than usual, blowing every now and then, without a break, the sky is empty, and the surroundings are silent.

Jiang Yun looked at Lu Nianzhi and couldn’t respond for a while.

The meaning of this sentence seems to be too far-reaching. I don’t know if it is a follow-up sentence or something else.

When he said this, Lu Nianzhi’s expression was more serious than before, and he didn’t continue, as if waiting for Jiang Yun’s answer.

Jiang Yun’s throat choked, as if something was blocking her, her thoughts also became chaotic in an instant, the part of her heart was sometimes constricted and sometimes hot, she was shaking her head, her lips were moving, but she couldn’t speak.

I don’t know how long it took, but she should have calmed down, and then she put down the hand on Lu Nianzhi’s shoulder in disguise, deliberately stirred it twice in the water, and looked down at the wrinkled water surface inadvertently.

“Just heard…”

The tone is very light, as if pressing something.

Lu Nianzhi grabbed her hand that was messing around in the water, and said, “It’s gone?”

Jiang Yun sank into the water, then raised his eyelids to look at the other party, he hesitated to speak, but after all, he didn’t say what was in his heart, and instead asked in a mocking tone: “Boss Lu, what are you doing to those girls? Is that the case, and you also say so many nice things?”

The emotion on her face was incomprehensible, as if she was pretending to be relaxed.

Lu Nianzhi didn’t expect her to say such a thing, and after a while, he asked back, “What girl.”

Taking advantage of this moment, Jiang Yun pushed her hand away from him, got freedom, stayed away from this person for a short time, and then supported the pool wall and said, “I will chase you to the studio, and I will give you flowers and food. Those who come close.”

This person is high-quality in all aspects, tall and good-looking, has a successful career, and has a wealthy and wealthy family. Since he was studying, he has not been short of people to follow. In addition, he has been publicly out of the closet for a long time, and he is related to fashion brands. In the field of her, there are more young groups in contact, and girls who adore her can queue up.

In the years we have known each other, there have been many rumors about Lu Nianzhi’s lace, and Jiang Yun has also seen some with his own eyes.

For example, there was a time a year ago, when everyone gathered in a group to drink happily, a beautiful little girl of 18 or 19 years old came over for some reason, opened the private room door and saw Lu Nianzhi, her eyes were red, and her tears stopped. Can’t stop.

At that time, the little girl didn’t dare to do anything while standing in front of Lu Nianzhi. Anyway, she cried aggrieved. I felt pity for it.

Zhang Yi and the others helped to smooth things out. When they sent people out, Jiang Yun heard them talk about the cause and effect. It turned out that the little girl had been chasing people for half a year, and she was still in college. Flowers to send gifts, I can’t wait to give myself all, after tossing back and forth, and finally the Chinese New Year, the little girl thought about a surprise with Lu Nianzhi, thought about spending time together, and officially confessed at a time. , Who knows that Lu Nianzhi rejected him before he had time to act, which is called heartless.

In fact, there are quite a few people like this around Lu Nianzhi, and the girl is just one of them. The only difference is that she persists longer.

Lu Nianzhi is not easy to get along with, and he doesn’t show any mercy to anyone. He is a hard rock with no heart. He does what outsiders do to please him.

She is too calm, and takes these things lightly. After so many years, except for getting closer to the friends around her, she is going through the motions with everyone, all the same.

Jiang Yun knew what kind of person she was, so he didn’t dare to touch her at will, and deliberately said such words to distance himself.

Xu Shi didn’t like what she said, so Lu Nianzhi frowned, “I’m like that kind of person?”

Her expression was a little serious, and Jiang Yun was not easy to answer.

Lu Nianzhi came over here, very close to Jiang Yun, within reach.

Jiang Yun said, “It’s not like that.”

“You don’t think so.” Lu Nianzhi said.

Thinking she was too serious, Jiang Yun had to say, “I didn’t think about it in my heart.”

Lu Nianzhi explained: “As soon as those people came together, I refused, and I didn’t have any relationship with anyone.”

Jiang Yun didn’t say a word, not knowing how to answer.

Fortunately, Lu Nianzhi didn’t continue, just came over and hugged her from behind to keep her from staying away.

Jiang Yun didn’t hide, let this person hold it, and took the initiative to grab the wall of the pool, so as not to sink.

Lu Nianzhi stroked his legs gently, floated behind her against her, and pressed them together, his tone softened by two points, “Did you listen to Zhang Yi and the others again?”

Feeling the softness behind him and the vague touch, Jiang Yun’s eyelashes trembled, but he restrained himself and did not turn his head. Instead, he put both hands on the shore and leaned forward slightly. Lie on your stomach, resting your head on your arms.

It is not so laborious to hold it in this way, after all, the water is buoyant, and there is still a person behind it.

The water on Jiang Yun’s face was falling down, and the gently swaying pool water was rippling, slapping her body from time to time, her lips moved, and after a while, she said, “It’s not all because of what they said.”

What I saw was always true. It was true that there were many girls around this person, although it was not what she said.

Lu Nianzhi didn’t make much excuses for these things, grabbed the pond wall and hugged her waist, put his hand on her belly, put his hand on her wet ear and said, “I almost talked about it once. , not much.”

Jiang Yun is not someone who asks the truth. She knows the relationship between the two of them at this time. She knows that she shouldn’t say too many things like this. The more she talks, the more wrong it looks. : “I haven’t seen you bring it out.”

Even if they didn’t know each other before, they were in a social circle after all. If Lu Nianzhi met such a person, he would definitely bring them out to meet those friends, but Jiang Yun had never heard of it or seen it. When Lu Nianzhi took the initiative to mention it, she was still a little curious and blurted out without thinking about it.

It’s not a shameful thing, it’s not important, it’s not a secret, Lu Nianzhi doesn’t mind telling the truth.

“I used to know, not on C City’s side, it was almost done, but in the end I refused.”

Jiang Yun was a little surprised by such a sincere attitude, especially since the other party said it very seriously.

Lu Nianzhi doesn’t look like the kind of person who falls in love impulsive. From Jiang Yun’s acquaintance with her to now, she has always been very calm and composed, and she has her own principles for doing things. Such a hesitant approach is really not like her… Jiang Yun is really I didn’t expect such a thing, and it is estimated that Zhang Yi and the others don’t know.

She became more and more curious, and wanted to ask why, to be successful, it is estimated that both parties have that intention, why did they reach the step of rejection again, but she still held back and didn’t ask, just hummed.

But Lu Nianzhi seemed to know all her thoughts, leaned behind her and said softly, “It’s not suitable, it’s not what I want, so we’re not together.”

Jiang Yun finally looked back, “Don’t people blame you?”

Lu Nianzhi said, “Don’t complain.”

A firm tone.

Jiang Yun was stunned, not knowing what to say.

For a moment, she felt that Lu Nianzhi was really unintentional, but then she stopped thinking that way. Emotional matters are indeed the case. If you are not willing, you should let go earlier. There is no need to drag and drop. Both sides are tired and hurt, so they should be a little bit more simple.

Thinking like this, Jiang Yun thought of himself again.

To be honest, if Qin Zhao had been more sincere at the beginning, he would have spoken out if he had two hearts, whether to break up or whatever, Jiang Yun was not completely unacceptable, and it was no big deal to end peacefully. She would be sad, but she would not blame anyone. Emotional matters are reluctant, there is no way to get to that step, and it is useless to complain, there is no need to hold grudges.

But who would have imagined that Qin Zhao had gone the most unacceptable way, betrayal, deceit, and entanglement…

Each one made Jiang Yun unbearable and disgusted.

The eight-year relationship should be very deep. Even if the trouble is very ugly in the end, and it can’t be closed, there should be some thoughts left, but it happened to Jiang Yun and Qin Zhao, and it was immediately worn away from the beginning, stunned. There is nothing left.

“That’s good.” Jiang Yun said, a little emotional.

Lu Nianzhi kissed her on the back, and suddenly said, “Because we don’t like each other, it doesn’t mean that, and it’s not enough to make do with it.”

It seemed that he was explaining it on purpose, revealing the bottom line to Jiang Yun.

This sentence seems superfluous, but there is no need to say it, it is normal for adults to fall in love, they are twenty-seven, how many people of this age have no ex or no emotional experience, there is no need to say so much, even if it is true It doesn’t matter if we talked about it, Jiang Yun might care about it.

What’s more, the two of them are just getting what they want, not a relationship of lovers. This explanation makes the relationship between the two even more unclear, as if they both care about each other.

Jiang Yun was silent for a while, and lay on his stomach with difficulty, not even raising his head.

Didn’t respond, didn’t do anything.

Lu Nianzhi kissed her from behind, her smooth shoulders, her clean back, the back of her neck, the side of her neck that couldn’t be touched…

The water in the swimming pool is not too deep, but not too shallow. If you stay in it, you can hug and kiss at most. If you are farther away, you will not be able to come, and it will be more dangerous. Come on, when Lu Nianzhi finished kissing, Jiang Yun swam away, and then circled the pool twice.

Lu Nianzhi didn’t go after him, no longer got close to him, but went out of the water and sat by the pool, took out a cigarette from nowhere, lit it, put one hand behind him, and looked at the people in the pool while smoking.

At the back, the cigarette could not be smoked, and the upper half was wet and could not be ignited, and the sparks went out in a short time.

At this time, Lu Nianzhi shouted: “Jiang Yun…”

Jiang Yun stopped, almost tired from swimming.

“What’s wrong?”

Lu Nianzhi said, “Come up.”

At that time, the sky was completely dark, there were no stars and no moon, there was nothing in the dark, the villa was not lit, and the backyard could only be lit by the dim yellow street lights outside, and some could be seen vaguely.

The two got out of the water one after the other, went ashore and rested on a chair to calm down, and then drank wine.

After that, he went to a reclining chair, Lu Nianzhi was on his side, and Jiang Yunping was lying down.

The wine is very strong, the degree is not low, and it is very intoxicating.

Jiang Yun drank a lot. Anyway, it’s just the two of them here. There’s nothing to worry about. When Lu Nianzhi lowered his lips to look for her, she grabbed the man’s hand and asked in a dazed voice, “No more pictures?”

Lu Nianzhi didn’t answer, just blocked her mouth.

The cigarette is mint-flavored, and it remains in the lips and teeth, with a little cool and refreshing feeling.

Lu Nianzhi moved his hand behind Jiang Yun’s neck, groped for a while, and pulled off the two thin straps.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 4 pata; 2 kosoaa; the cool little yellow duck, the road has no return, leesse, fat road, rich, never had, An Lelin, yanyan, wearing pants The uncle, Li Goudan, unenthusiastic netizens, Ye Xingxing, born to be human_na 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of confession on another day; 20 bottles of Xiao Xia Ke; 19 bottles of four; 10 bottles of Lu Wugui, Dec, Qishan Yiju; 9 bottles of Wanli Bookworm; 6 bottles of Bai Lantern Festival; San Shaoye, 31708138 , Anlelin 5 bottles; Beak 4 bottles; Chen Lu 3 bottles; What year. 2 bottles; 1 bottle of hl, Yi Xiaobai and Lin Jianfengxu.

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