New Love

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: New Love 27

The black dress that Lu Nianzhi wore today only reached the middle of the thigh, showing off his figure. His shoulder-length hair was loose and had been specially groomed. The whole person looked capable and mature, which was different from the usual casual and casual style. .

She changed her shoes at the entrance, then came in, put the brown paper bag on the table, and sat down next to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun sat on the sofa with his legs bent and didn’t move, until the man was next to him, then looked at the paper bag and asked softly, “What is this?”

Lu Nianzhi opened the bag and took out the contents.

“Black tea, bought from North Street.”

It has been raining for nearly a day today, and it is cold in the middle of the night, which is the right time to drink hot drinks.

Jiang Yun reached out and took a cup, but he was rude and took a sip first while holding the paper cup.

From Beijie to here, the black tea is still hot, not hot, and the temperature is just right.

The black tea was bought in a Hong Kong-style milk tea shop, which can be recognized from the logo on the paper bag. In the past, Jiang Yun used to go to that shop to buy this drink when he was still at work, and the taste was still the same, honest and familiar.

“Is it Chen Ji next to the tea restaurant?”

Lu Nianzhi leaned over and took a drink from his cup, “There is a tree in front of the street.”

It is Chen Ji, a drink shop that Jiang Yun likes very much. The owner is from Hong Kong, and the proprietress is a local from City C. The husband and wife have jointly run this shop in the 1990s. It is an old shop with charm. .

Jiang Yun loved drinking black tea, and after hearing Lu Nianzhi’s words, his face softened a lot, and it was no longer as flat as before.

“Who will you pick up at the airport?” she asked.

“A friend,” Lu Nianzhi said, “is also a brand partner. He came from France and decided to come over after playing in G City for a week. He is not very good in Chinese and doesn’t know the way, so I asked him to pick him up.”

People who open fashion studios, especially Lu Nianzhi, have a wide network of connections. They have acquaintances and friends at home and abroad, and they push each other when they have resources.

Jiang Yun didn’t know much about this, so he half-guessed and half-doubtedly asked, “Is this about to release a new product?”

Lu Nianzhi hummed, “Almost, soon.”

“You’ve been very busy lately, and you’re often busy.” Jiang Yun said, tilted his head to look, glanced at the TV screen again, and put the black tea on the table.

The movie reached the climax of the plot. There was a misunderstanding between the male and female protagonists, and the female protagonist left heartlessly.

The film is very beautiful when it interprets the emotional entanglement and lingering of the male and female protagonists. It uses a lot of slow and long shots, with a little eroticism but not bad taste. However, the rhythm when narrating the story is very fast, and many need to be expressed. The content of the show will not be performed directly, but will be buried deeply and let the audience experience it by themselves.

Jiang Yun couldn’t help but read it a couple more times. He was obviously not interested before, and was so bored that he was about to fall asleep. Now he likes it, and he is inexplicably attracted.

Lu Nianzhi took off his shoes and stepped on the sofa.

“I don’t have two months of free time in a year. It’s basically like this. I have to go abroad for a few trips next month.”

“I’ll relax after I’ve been busy,” Jiang Yun said, feeling that the person was getting closer, lowered his eyes, didn’t point it out, and pretended that nothing happened. “At least it will be better than now.”

The two chatted with each other, you and I said a sentence, and they came and went to answer each other, and they talked about dispensable things.

The early morning is the period when the temperature drops rapidly. Since the door was not closed, the strong wind blew into the house wrapped in drizzle.

Lu Nianzhi also put down the hot drink. Seeing that Jiang Yun was only wearing thin suspenders and hot pants, he asked, “Is it cold?”

Jiang Yun shook his head gently, “Fortunately, it’s not very cold.”

She also had a thin blanket by her hand. If it was cold, it would have been pulled over her legs and covered it.

Lu Nianzhi is not afraid of the cold. She usually wears less clothes. After hearing Jiang Yun’s words, she stopped asking questions and watched a movie next to Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun had something in her heart, she spoke less, and was much more silent than usual. Lu Nianzhi could see that she was not in a good mood, and she didn’t talk much, so she quietly accompanied her by the side.

This unexpected harmony in getting along is different from the past, revealing a different kind of warmth.

The movie continues, the pictures change frame by frame, and the light in the living room is also bright and dim.

Jiang Yun kept staring at the TV screen, the light coated her whole body with a soft layer, and when she got close, she could see the thin fluff on her auricle with the faint light.

Lu Nianzhi raised his hand and touched her ear, leaned sideways into her arms, and wrapped his other hand around her waist.

The sling was short, covering only the chest, leaving Jiang Yun’s waist and collarbone exposed. She was more sensitive, and she couldn’t help being touched by Lu Nianzhi’s ears, so she ducked back subconsciously.

Lu Nianzhi put his hand on her neck, “I’m so ticklish, I have to hide every time.”

Jiang Yun didn’t take her hand away, but still stared at the TV screen, “I’m just not used to it.”

Lu Nianzhi smiled.

The movie shows the reconciliation of the male and female protagonists, the reconciliation of the former lovers, followed by all kinds of beauty and tenderness, accompanied by some intimate scenes.

In the past, I dared to shoot, unlike now that there are too many restrictions and any scenes have to be cut out. After the kiss, it will come naturally. When the kiss is real, the shooting is very beautiful. After that, it is all about borrowing and rendering the environment, or just shoot Take a picture of the charming face of the heroine.

It’s okay to watch this scene alone, and it’s not surprising, but there’s something wrong with two people watching it, especially when the relationship between Jiang Yun and Lu Nianzhi is still unclear.

Ambiguity and thoughts are intertwined, hotter than the black tea with white vapor on the table.

Jiang Yun didn’t show it on his face, but his hand couldn’t help but hold onto the thin blanket next to him, keeping away from Lu Nianzhi without a trace.

Lu Nianzhi seemed to have expected her reaction, his eyes lowered, and he moved closer.

Jiang Yun didn’t notice it at first, but when he came back to his senses now, he found that the man had been lying on top of him at some point, and his waist was completely encircled.

The two of them cuddled together, next to each other in the dim light, in a gesture far more intimate than the two on TV.

Lu Nianzhi’s hands were not very calm. After touching her ears, then her face, her fragile throat and neck… But it didn’t go too far, so she stayed in these places and didn’t touch other places.

The old house was quiet in the early hours of the morning. There was no other sound except the sound of rain. The two of them were squeezed on the sofa that was not large enough, and they could hear each other’s breathing ups and downs, and the unsteady panting.

Xu Shi was immersed in all reason and self-restraint by the heavy rain, and was also affected by the clips on the TV. Jiang Yun did not push the person away, but put his hands on the backrest behind him. Grab it twice out of thin air.

She was originally a little tired, restless and restless, but for no reason, since she saw the WeChat message sent by Lu Nianzhi, she has become different. There are suddenly more people at home in the middle of the night, and the empty house seems to be less deserted. , the continuous rain is no longer annoying.

People’s state of mind always changes silently. It doesn’t feel deep at first, but it gradually eases.

I just drank something, sat next to each other for a while, chatted a few words, but was appeased for no reason, and slowly calmed down.

Lu Nianzhi leaned over to Jiang Yun’s ear and kissed her, then went down and grabbed one of her hands and clasped it, “Do you like this old movie?”

Jiang Yun raised his thin white neck and pressed his face against the man’s temples, “It’s okay, I usually see more.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist, turned over with skill, and let her sit on his lap. Lu Nianzhi said, “I have some CDs there, old movies from my collection, and I will send them to you next time.”

Jiang Yun hugged this person, clinging to her shoulders without saying a word, before replying after a while: “Okay.”

The tight skirt that Lu Nianzhi wore tonight was inconvenient to press on it, so it would be better to sit up and down, and not so restrictive. Jiang Yun didn’t care that she was a little stronger at this time, and it wasn’t the first time.

But then they didn’t continue, just hugged each other.

Jiang Yun just knelt down on both sides with his legs, put his whole body on Lu Nianzhi, lying on the other’s shoulders and didn’t move.

The dark night always makes people easy to sink. Under the cover of darkness, the emotions spread unscrupulously, entangled in Jiang Yun’s throat, so that she can’t speak, she can only hold each other like this.

Lu Nianzhi was so restless just now, and he seemed to want to go deeper at any time, but now he is very honest, putting one hand on Jiang Yun’s back and stroking.

No one said a word, quietly enjoying the tranquility of this moment, silently comforting each other.

Jiang Yun’s life has been relatively depressing and gloomy these days. Even though he was slowly walking out, he was still a little sad when he passed the hospital. It’s not just because of Qin Zhao and Xu Zhiyi, but also for other reasons. She can’t explain it herself.

Lu Nianzhi patted her on the back, and after a long time, he said softly, “Lu Shixing called me this morning and asked about you.”

Jiang Yunfu lay on top of her, raised his waist and hips, “Ask me what?”

“Said that next time I come to City C, I want to treat you to a meal.”

Jiang Yun was silent.

Lu Nianzhi explained: “The one who poured water on you last time was her friend. She has been thinking about it and said it several times.”

That girl, Lu Shixing, is usually careless and careless, but she is actually a thoughtful little girl. At the villa that day, although her friend just accidentally knocked water down on Jiang Yun, it was an unintentional move, but after that Everything is because of this.

Jiang Yun’s embarrassing situation Lu Shixing has always seen in his eyes, but because there are so many people present, he is too embarrassed to do anything in order not to make the atmosphere stiff. This girl is young, and once she remembers one thing, she can’t forget it. She talked about it on the phone several times, which was very annoying.

Jiang Yun also came at that age. He understood it as soon as he heard it. He felt a little helpless and replied in a low voice, “It’s nothing, I don’t care.”

Lu Nianzhi said, “She applied for C University and will come here to study in the second half of the year.”

Jiang Yun snorted, and then thought that she had a little cousin who was also studying in C University, but she didn’t say it, lying on Lu Nianzhi’s body motionless, probably a little tired.

After almost a minute, she asked, “When are you going?”

Lu Nianzhi tilted his head and touched her chin, “3:30.”

It rained too much before and the flight was delayed. That friend was originally on the early morning flight.

Jiang Yun nodded, put the hand around Lu Nianzhi’s neck, and inserted it into the man’s hair after a while.

Lu Nianzhi was a little embarrassing. He didn’t let her go, and he didn’t really come.

When the ear was lightly kissed again, Jiang Yun’s body froze, and then he hugged the person under him tighter, one palm on the back of the other’s head, and the other hand stroking the prominent collarbone, bowing his head slightly. Lu Nianzhi looked at each other, his lips and teeth almost touching.

“Don’t keep hooking me…”

In the end, it is a person with normal feelings who can’t bear to do this.

Lu Nianzhi wasn’t very conscious. If he wanted to kiss her on the lips or not, he could kiss him at any time, but if he didn’t touch her, her eyes were deep, and she restrained her emotions and asked in a low voice, “Does it bother you?”

Jiang Yun avoided answering and looked elsewhere.

The movie has come to an end, and everyone is happy with the ending, but neither of them have watched the specific plot, so I don’t know how the plot will develop.

The two of them now look even warmer than the movie, with dark waves flowing, and their love for each other is entangled.

It was so warm just now, but it changed in a blink of an eye. The dark night deepened this charming atmosphere, and a different feeling pervaded in the wet rain, and it was almost immersed in the bones.

Lu Nianzhi raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Yun, then slowly lowered his head under her gaze, dropped a kiss through the thin fabric, and then half-closed his red lips and stopped.

Jiang Yun sat on the top, naturally seeing every move of this person clearly. She lowered her eyes, looked at Lu Nianzhi, did not stop her, and enjoyed the comfort given by the other party.

Lu Nianzhi went up to kiss again, with gentle movements, then raised his head and kissed Jiang Yun’s face, “Do you want to?”

Jiang Yun still didn’t answer, and the hand on this man didn’t move.

The rain in the sky has become smaller at this time, the pattering rain is getting weaker, and the rainwater accumulated on the old branches is sliding down and soaking into the ground.

The movie is over, and the ending song is playing.

Lu Nianzhi kissed Jiang Yun and replaced the next words with actions.

But this time is different from the past. She asked, but she didn’t continue to the end. She just kept kissing her, kissing her, stroking her back, holding people in her arms when she was emotional, and nothing else. there is none left.

This kind of contact that doesn’t go too far is relatively unfamiliar to Jiang Yun. Intentional restraint is more attractive than arrogance. Just touching lips and teeth is deep enough. It is clear that nothing has been done, but it is even more exciting.

During the kiss, she didn’t breathe, and after that, she lay on the sofa tiredly, her chest heaving up and down, and it was almost impossible to recover.

Lu Nianzhi leaned on top of her and gently scratched the corner of her lips with his fingertips.

The fingertips are warm, and the touch is only for a moment, but the grinding feeling is always lingering.

Jiang Yun stared blankly at Lu Nianzhi, the light was too dim to see the other person’s face so close, she tilted her head, and her rosy lips chased and kissed the man with the ball of her finger.

“Okay, don’t do it anymore.”

Lu Nianzhi responded, laying on his side beside her, resting for a long time, then lying down on her chest, pressing half of his body in her arms, and calling softly, “Jiang Yun—”

Jiang Yun responded: “Well.”

Lu Nianzhi didn’t speak immediately, but after deliberation for a while, he said, “I met Qin Zhao today, and she asked you…”

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Fat Lu, kosoaa, and bright one;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: A Bao, the uncle in pants, the cold fish, Deeplove, Qi Dongyeyu, Sanjiu, born to be a human _na 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of clucking; Jiejiu. 13 bottles; 9 bottles of Hug, Yiqi; 5 bottles of Yunmu and Anlelin; 3 bottles of herring;

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