New Love

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: New Love 87

It was dark in the woods, and there was an antique street lamp only twenty meters away. The people over there were so noisy that they didn’t notice her here at all.

She looked over subconsciously, and suddenly saw two people standing under the tree.

– Qin Zhao and Xu Zhiyi.

Qin Zhao stood with his back facing this side. From Jiang Yun’s perspective, he could only see her back, but Jiang Yun still recognized her at a glance.

Xu Zhiyi was very excited, as if she didn’t notice the surrounding environment, her voice was a bit sharp, and she looked like she didn’t care, and she didn’t care that she was outside.

Seeing the two of them at first glance, Jiang Yun was quite surprised, because Lu Nianzhi had just said before that Xu Zhiyi was sent abroad for treatment, why did he suddenly appear here again?

So Qin Zhao disappeared in the past two days, is it related to Xu Zhiyi?

Jiang Yun didn’t want to meddle in her own business, and she didn’t want to get involved. She subconsciously wanted to stay away from these two people, but she couldn’t help but look again.

And just at this moment, she saw that Xu Zhiyi grabbed Qin Zhao suddenly, and the whole person looked very wrong.

“Did you go looking for her again?!” Xu Zhiyi asked hoarsely, emotionally unstable.

Qin Zhao should have said something, but it was too far away to be heard here.

Xu Zhiyi’s mood fluctuated a lot, and she was very angry just now, and her furious appearance changed again in an instant, but she obviously couldn’t calm down, as if she couldn’t restrain herself.

Jiang Yun didn’t know what the bipolar disorder was like, but he could feel that Xu Zhiyi must be ill.

On the other side, Qin Zhao seemed to want to speak well, and kept explaining that he planned to take Xu Zhiyi away first, but Xu Zhiyi couldn’t listen to what he said. Knowing that Qin Zhao wanted to send herself back to Xu’s house, she pulled Qin Zhao even harder. The clothes he wore, the whole person kept talking ramble, not giving Qin Zhao a chance to explain.

“Are you going to deceive me back?!”

“I’m not going back, I don’t want to go back!”

“Azhao, can you help me?”

The more he talked, the more irritable Xu Zhiyi became.

Qin Zhao couldn’t restrain her alone, for fear of what she would do, she could only hold her back.

Little do they know that this made Xu Zhiyi even more excited, and mistakenly thought that this was to forcibly take him away.

“You still think about her, right?”

“Do you want to find her again?”

“Qin Zhao, do you still like her?!”

“You said to wait for me to come back, you lied to me!”

“It’s all because of her, it’s all her fault!”

Qin Zhao wanted to hug Xu Zhiyi to prevent her from messing around, but Xu Zhiyi broke free and raised his hand and gave Qin Zhao a slap in the face.

Jiang Yun’s feet seemed to be rooted, silently watching this funny farce, those two people were like complete lunatics, ridiculous and pathetic.

In fact, Jiang Yun was very angry when she first discovered Qin Zhao’s derailment. She was so angry that she couldn’t sleep all night long, and even affected her work status. On the surface, she seemed to be fine, but in fact, it plummeted. At that time, she was about to collapse. She once thought Qin Zhao and Xu Zhiyi would receive retribution, but they didn’t expect the retribution to come so quickly and so absolutely.

Qin Zhao is really a contradictory person. He cheated on Xu Zhiyi when he was with her, and after breaking up, he wants to save her and abandon Xu Zhiyi like a mess.

Xu Zhiyi is not a good thing, but it is also pitiful. He tried every means to play tricks, and was willing to interfere in other people’s feelings. The third thing is to be with Qin Zhao. Now that the trouble has reached the point of no end, he still doesn’t change his mind. What can he get?

Jiang Yun would not sympathize with her, and would not give any sympathy to such a person, but he would not feel happy because of it, and felt that this would be revenge.

She has put it down. It has nothing to do with her whether Qin Zhao and Xu Zhi are good or bad. She is now an outsider who can stand on the side and watch.

She brought Xu Zhiyi down to this point, and Qin Zhao was the one who caused it, so she couldn’t get rid of it. These two people got together in secret, and now they torture each other, they are all chosen by themselves.

Jiang Yun didn’t look any further, hesitated for a while, but continued to walk forward.

Lu Nianzhi was waiting in the back seat of the car. He had already found out that she was coming, but he just didn’t.

This man also knew that there were people not far away, and knew which two they were. He was sitting in the car and waiting just because he didn’t want to collide. Lu Nianzhi heard all the conversations, and when Jiang Yun was about to walk in front of her, she looked over there.

Qin Zhao and Xu Zhiyi were still arguing, and someone came here, and it seemed that they came to find Xu Zhiyi.

Xu Zhiyi found those people, and immediately slapped Qin Zhao hard, trying to break free from Qin Zhao’s hands, which was extremely extreme.

Jiang Yun got into the car without looking back, not wanting to be found out, let alone paying attention to these crap.

Knowing what she was looking at after standing outside for so long, Lu Nianzhi didn’t ask a word, he turned to help close the car door, and hugged her by the way.

Jiang Yunyi hugged Lu Nianzhi in turn and put his head on the man’s shoulder.

They hugged each other for a while without speaking. Lu Nianzhi patted Jiang Yun lightly, gently tilted his head and kissed her ear, and asked in a low voice, “Are you tired from work today?”

Say nothing about unpleasant people, and pretend nothing happens.

Jiang Yun didn’t want to mention those boring things, and rubbed against Lu Nianzhi’s neck, “One thing, I’m too busy in the afternoon.”

The two held each other together and did not separate until the noise outside became smaller and farther away.

—Xu Zhiyi was taken away. Together with Qin Zhao, those people all left.

The place gradually quieted down, leaving only the two of them alone in a car.

Jiang Yun moved his waist and said instructively, “It’s nothing.”

Lu Nianzhi still hugged her and said, “I know.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Jiang Yun said, “Don’t think so much.”

Lu Nianzhi kissed her hair, and then brought her close to her lips, “I didn’t think of anything…”

The warm breath fell on his lips, like a feather brushing gently on it, Jiang Yun felt a little itchy, and couldn’t help pursing his lips.

The distance between them was too close, so close that they could touch each other with just any movement, Lu Nianzhi got closer at this moment, sealed her mouth, and took her breath first.

Jiang Yun paused, but hadn’t switched over yet. When she felt the wetness and warmth approaching, she still accepted it, her teeth were lightly opened, and she let the other party kiss.

Lu Nianzhi reached up with one hand and stroked Jiang Yun’s neck with great patience. Jiang Yun raised his chin involuntarily and moved closer to this man’s arms.

The two of them became more and more compatible, and the kiss lasted for a long time, until one of them couldn’t breathe smoothly before they separated.

Jiang Yun grabbed Lu Nianzhi’s hand, put his face in her palm, and at the end, took the initiative to lean in and ask for a kiss. This time, she led, and in turn led Lu Nianzhi, and the two cuddled together to kill off the insignificant episodes just now.

The lights were not turned on in the car, and the surrounding light was dim. They were patiently groping for each other, but they did nothing. They just kept it for the past few days. They have rarely been so intimate. Now they want to feel another person body and temperature. Jiang Yun moved, and sat on Lu Nianzhi’s lap at the back.

There is not much space in the back seat of the car, and it seems a bit cramped, and it is impossible to even raise the handle a little. They were facing each other like this, hugging each other. After a while, Jiang Yun held Lu Nianzhi’s face with both hands, and asked softly, “How long have you been waiting?”

“Not long…” Lu Nianzhi said, leaning back a bit, his entire back resting on the seat, “About half an hour.”

After counting the time, they all stayed in the hotel until they were impatient.

Jiang Yun rubbed the side of the man’s face twice with his fingertips, bowed his head and kissed, and then said, “I have asked Director Shao for a long time off, and I won’t be there until tomorrow afternoon.”

Originally, Shao Qing called her over this evening and told her that the arrangement had changed. She had to go to the branch in S City early in the morning, which meant she couldn’t go out tonight. Jiang Yun hesitated again and again, but let Dai Zhichong do him a favor. Dai Zhichong is not the kind of person who is not easy to talk about. As soon as she heard that she had private affairs, she agreed, and Shao Qing didn’t have much opinion, just told her to take over in the afternoon.

Using an excuse to escape from work, Jiang Yun had never done such a thing before, but this time it was an exception.

She cares so much about her career, and now she is acting like she made up excuses for not attending classes when she was studying, and she is so impulsive that she is not like herself.

The impact of this sentence was too great, and Lu Nianyi became a little different when he heard it. He suddenly raised his hand and pressed her on the back of her head, pressed her down, and directly covered her lower lip and started kissing recklessly.

The whole car swayed, and Jiang Yun’s hands were caught.

It was quiet everywhere, and there were no people around. Only people and vehicles walked through the venue. It was too remote, and no one came over at night.

But that doesn’t mean that no one will come here, Jiang Yun and Lu Nianzhi just kissed for a long time, endlessly.

“It’s time to go…” Lu Nianzhi said, and touched Jiang Yun’s mouth lightly.

I booked a hotel room by myself tonight, and it is relatively close to the branch office, so it is convenient for Jiang Yun to go there tomorrow. Lu Nianzhi thought about everything thoroughly and was well prepared.

Jiang Yun hummed and touched her face.

It’s not early, the past is just right now. The two rested for two minutes, then switched to the front, and then drove away from the woods.

“Where?” Jiang Yun asked, looking outside.

The speed of the car was neither slow nor fast, and it drove out after a while, passing by the gate of the stadium.

There are still many people at the entrance of the venue, there are many vehicles parked, and people from various companies are still busy here.

“Xicheng Street,” Lu Nianzhi replied, turning the steering wheel for half a turn, “It will be there in about thirty minutes.”

After leaving the venue, there is a relatively empty road. The car continued to move forward, and about half a minute later, there was a steeper curve, and Lu Nianzhi drove at a constant speed.

The sight at night is not good, and it is not easy to detect the situation ahead. It was not until they were approaching the corner that they saw that the front was blocked.

There are many vehicles leaving the venue from this road, and several vehicles are blocked in front.

The people in the cars all got out and turned on the lights, not sure what they were doing.

Lu Nianzhi slowly pulled to the side and stopped, and Jiang Yun also lowered the car window, wanting to see what happened, if something happened and he needed help.

When someone saw them, they hurriedly shouted and asked them if they would give first aid.

Jiang Yun was stunned, his heart skipped a beat.

The man shouted very anxiously: “There was a car accident. Someone was seriously injured. I called but the ambulance hasn’t come yet. Will you two give me first aid? Come and help soon!”

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: davidwalkker1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: born to be human _na 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Fallen, Bbbbbb, Dong Wang Zhuang, Gun Xue, Jo, Uncle in Pants, IE, yanyan, kleinlunemoon, short fingers, Zhuangzhuang’s little cub, 1 Tower of Hanoi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xi Ci, ah ah ah 23320 bottles; Wang Jingwen’s girlfriend 18 bottles; Three Young Masters 2 bottles; , Perilla? Water glaze, Queen, woc1 bottle.

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