Night of Genocide: Madam, you don’t want anything to happen to Sasuke, right?

Chapter 215

Chapter 215 Stress and Relaxation!

In fact, there is one thing he didn’t say.

That is, compared with Konohagakure, Kirigakure has much less resources.

Among the five major ninja villages, except for Sandgakure, the remaining three ninja villages have better resources than them.

What is the war for?

It is definitely not pure aggression, but resources and interests.

If there is no interest behind it, no one would want to easily pay the price to attack a ninja village with strong strength.

Just saying this sentence is a bit of boosting others’ ambitions and destroying one’s own prestige, so the elder master didn’t say it, but it doesn’t matter whether he says it or not, everyone present knows it.

After the elder master finished speaking, those who originally agreed to help Konoha became a little hesitant.

Because what the elder master said does make sense.

If the people of other ninja villages really have the intention to invade their Kirigakure, they should have taken action a few years ago when they were in the blood mist village and were exhausted by internal and external troubles, instead of waiting until now. Since they didn’t do it then, of course they won’t do it now.

Even the head of the Kaguya clan could not find any reason to refute for a while.

Seeing that everything must be settled.

As the fifth generation Mizukage, Terumi Mei frowned slightly.

Her original intention was to help Konoha.

Of course, she understood what the elder master said.

But for the current Kirigakure, the most important thing is not her Mizukage, but Uchiha Chiya.

As long as Uchiha Chiya is there, Kirigakure will be worry-free for a hundred years.

But if Uchiha Chiya is disappointed with Kirigakure because of this incident.

What will happen, she doesn’t know.

So when the conclusion of not helping Konoha was gradually determined, Terumi Mei was anxious, but due to her status, she couldn’t say anything too arbitrary.

She turned her head slightly and looked at Uchiha Chiya, who was sitting there without saying a word from beginning to end.

She hoped that Uchiha Chiya would say something.

And she believed that if Uchiha Chiya asked them to take action, many people present would be shaken.

Because the prestige of Uchiha Qianye in the Hidden Mist Village has reached this level.

But what he expected in his heart never came.

Uchiha Qianye never said a word, just watched lightly, no matter how things developed, he did not interfere.

This is actually in line with his mind.

Extremely high prestige and extremely high military force can certainly decide many things.

But sometimes over-reliance on these is not what he wants.

When Mei Terumi just became the fifth generation Mizukage and he just became the head of the Kirigakure Village Guard Department, he did have a big move on many high-level officials in the Hidden Mist Village without mercy. So that now when these high-level officials see him, they still can’t help but have some fear on their faces.

But that was because at the beginning, and those high-level officials did do many things that they shouldn’t have done.

Everything he did was what those high-level officials should bear.

But now it’s different.

All the high-level officials of the Hidden Mist Village gathered here for the future of the Hidden Mist Village, not for personal interests.

They followed their own hearts and expressed their own opinions.

If he interfered with force at this time, I’m afraid it would be a bit wrong.

Anyway, in his heart. He didn’t care whether Kirigakure took action or not.

He had said this to Mei Terumi long before. If Konoha was attacked, he would go to help, and he alone was enough.

With the words of the elder Yuanshi, more and more people agreed.

The atmosphere on the scene was not so intense.

Everything seemed to have settled down long ago.

Mei Terumi looked at the scene and opened her mouth, but in the end she didn’t say much.

She was the Mizukage, but she couldn’t directly interfere with the decision of the top leaders.

Just like that, the opportunity was over.

Kirigakure’s final decision was not to fight Konoha.

But as the Uchiha, who was called the Minister of the Security Department by Wu Ying, Qianye would go to Konoha in his personal name to fight against the three major ninja coalitions.

Then the head of the Kaguya clan, Kaguya, followed in the footsteps of Uchiha Qianye and announced that he was willing to fight for Konoha Village.

After that, several families or individuals who respected Qianye very much expressed their willingness to take action.

Mei Terumi did not object and agreed to all of them.

The other top leaders did not impose any responsibilities.

Because there was a Uchiha Qianye standing in the middle of these people.

They dared to control others, but they were really scared of Qianye like a mouse seeing a cat.

No matter what Qianye wanted to do, it was not their turn to say anything.

They also knew that it was useless to say anything.

It was better not to say anything.

So on the day after the meeting, the envoy of Konoha took Qianye, the head of the Kaguya clan, and a group of ninjas who were willing to go to Konoha with them to participate in the support and went to the battlefield.

However, it was very troublesome to travel through mountains and rivers when coming, but it was much easier to go back.

When Qianye was in the Chunin Exam, he left Flying Thunder God Sorcerers in many places in Konoha. It was a matter of a moment for him to go to Konoha, even if he brought so many people. There would be no obstacles at all.

So in an instant, Qianye arrived in Konoha with a group of people.

As soon as they arrived in Konoha, they noticed the kind of frustration and disappointment in the air.

Konoha Village was desolate.

There was no scene of prosperity and vitality when Qianye and others came last time.

The ninjas in Konoha Village were all in a state of disgrace, and many were even injured.

The villagers were also dejected. With Konoha’s current situation, it was indeed too much for them to deal with the ninja neighbors from the three major ninja villages.

���Seeing the miserable state of Konoha now, Kurenai Yuhi and Might Guy couldn’t help but sigh, and they were even more worried in their hearts.

However, they also had some hope in their hearts. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Because although they failed to ask for reinforcements from the Hidden Mist Village, they did not get nothing after all.

At least they brought Uchiha Chiya back.

That’s enough.

Chiya looked at the bleak and even calmness of Konoha.

It would be like this after a defeat and low morale.

There is nothing to say about it.

But soon, the villagers of Konoha also noticed the few people who suddenly appeared.

And recognized Uchiha Chiya.

The hero who transformed into a black giant during the Chunin Exam to withstand the huge meteorite that was enough to destroy the entire Konoha.

“”Uchiha Chiya!”

Someone among the villagers of Konoha shouted.

The other villagers also looked over. They also recognized that this was the man who had saved them in times of crisis.

For some reason, their originally lost eyes suddenly became full of life, as if the man in front of them could definitely save them from adversity.

“Uchiha Chiya! It’s Uchiha Chiya!”

More and more people shouted Chiya’s name.

The originally low-spirited and embarrassed Konoha Village suddenly became excited. Might

Guy and Kurenai Yuhi, who were originally worried, couldn’t help but show a hint of joy on their faces when they saw this scene.

In any case, it seems that morale has been restored.

Chiya looked at the Konoha villagers who were excited because of his arrival.

He used a ninjutsu casually.

Wood escape ~ Wood dragon technique.!

A green wooden dragon rose from the ground.

The wooden dragon was nearly 100 meters long, and its whole body was flashing with a frightening green light. It looked lifelike, and its strong bones and muscles set off a sense of strength like a steel behemoth.

It was so indestructible and awe-inspiring.

At this time, such a terrible dragon lowered its head like a puppy in front of Uchiha Chiya.

Qianye raised his foot and stepped on the head of the wooden dragon.

Then the wooden dragon circled and flew up into the sky above the entire Konoha. Such a huge creature, coupled with the shouts of the Konoha villagers just now.

More and more people noticed the appearance of Uchiha Qianye.

For a moment, the entire Konoha seemed to have walked out of the haze of previous failure.

They all raised their heads and looked at Uchiha Qianye who was stepping on the wooden dragon, with exclamations and fanaticism flashing in their eyes.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

They joined forces to create the current Konoha.

And now Konoha is facing a critical moment of life and death.

A person who possesses both Uchiha Madara’s Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and Senju Hashirama’s Wood Release appeared.

And this person will eventually lead Konoha Kage Village out of the haze, defeat all enemies, and restore the glory of the first ninja village in the ninja world.

“Uchiha Qianye! Uchiha Qianye!”

The shouts echoed throughout the entire Konoha Village.

Kakashi and others who were originally discussing countermeasures���Hearing such a sound, they walked out quickly.

They looked up and saw Qianye hovering in the sky.

A smile appeared on their faces at the same time.

Kakashi shook his head and muttered to himself: This Uchiha Qianye, really, can cause such a sensation wherever he goes.

More importantly, the problem that originally worried him so much seems to have been solved.

At this moment, Qianye, who was flying over Konoha on a wooden dragon, also saw Hatake Kakashi.

He could fly directly towards Hatake Kakashi.

He wanted to know the current situation of Konoha immediately.

And those questions he had in his mind before.

Why would the three major ninja villages suddenly put aside their disputes and even the distribution of interests, unite as one, and fight against Konoha together.

This matter was too abnormal, and Qianye felt more and more wrong the more he thought about it. He believed that if he could understand the reason for the current situation in Konoha, there might be a better solution.


Kakashi smiled and patted Qianye’s shoulder.

This might be the first time he smiled in a while.

After all, the pressure from the three major ninja villages’ benevolent coalition was too heavy for him.

It was so heavy that he couldn’t breathe.

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