Nightmare Fantasy Online

Chapter 111: “Behemoth’s Lamp” & The Author’s Challenge

And here we are! The Jungalow Island! 

What? Too soon? Eh, we probably just burned out our bad luck with the debt collectors back at Barataria. 

"Garami, this is...?" - Cold=Rose

"Jungalow's sole source of entertainment for gamers such as us. The island-type Dungeon known as 'Bahamut's Lamp'...apparently." - Garami

After notifying Cold=Rose, I stuffed my note back into the inventory. Good thing I wrote that down since nothing in front of us could have hinted its name. 

To explain, the previous desolated piece of stone in the middle of the ocean that Captain Tarreltow should be more familiar with is now a massive island desert with tall buildings here and there. The port filled with people is one of them, and currently, the only way to enter the island without facing monsters the moment you try to dock. 

"That guy, despite being a comic relief, he's got way more territory than me..." - Garami

I muttered under my breath in annoyance, as the area of the island far surpassed what the Darkland Fort's zones could cover. The port must be a zone that uses a keystone facility that facilitates a port that acts as a safe zone for half the area, while the other half acts as a nice start on the invaders' Dungeon Dive. I can see glowing spirits and scorpions, probably common-line monsters related to this place's Dungeon theme, crawling through the dunes just outside the port. 

FYI, the pirates led by Captain Tarreltow left their ship the moment they realized that the former wasteland of an island had transformed into a new mecca for sailors. I bet that they'll do a da capo of the Barataria incident with this port's moneylenders. Note to self, never travel with them again. 

"Territory?" - Cold=Rose

"Ah, n-nothing. Just talking about a different game." - Garami

Did I manage to side-track her? No need to give a non-DM (Dungeon Master) inside info about our business. To be safe, let's take a conversation turn at full force.

"More importantly, should we start to look for that Author guy right away?" - Garami

"Hmm, fair enough. Then, what plans do you have to drag that genie out of his large Lamp?" - Cold=Rose

"The same way I'd do if I wanted to get 'me' out of the Darkland Fort. Bash things to pieces." - Garami

"N-no doubt that would bring him storming outside, but...should we not try to act a little more amicable? We want to know how he obtained that volcanic element he used for his car, not challenge him to a war with no survivors." - Cold=Rose

"Eh, it should be fine. Just take a look at us." - Garami

One is a demonic priestess with a blindfold for extra fetish points and the other is a best-of-both-worlds between a plant woman and a Yuki-Onna. Bones even mentioned lately that he'd found doujinshi about me on some of the game's fan sites, so I'm confident about my visual appeal. Also, can you get a piece of the profit for doujinshi if you're the subject? I need to look into that. 

Despite my foolproof reasoning, Cold=Rose continued requesting a retake on my "snatching an Author" plan. While we were busy discussing, scythes and bows might have been pulled out during that time, a strange little something came up to us and asked for our attention with a nasty hissing sound. ...Yeah, I'll never get to like these guys. 

"What is this? A monster?" asked Cold=Rose, finally pointing her bow away from me and aiming at the little creature instead. Someone's as coldblooded as her appearance suggests. 

"Are those things in your eyesockets just for decoration?" - Garami

"I see a monster, I shoot it. No questions asked. Even more so when it's a non-cute critter." - Cold=Rose

"You're not wrong about it being ugly as hell," I agreed, looking at the abomination at our feet, acting all cutely while pretending not to understand what we're talking about. Or it's just that stupid. "However, it's a messenger. Don't shoot."

"...Who in their right mind uses a snake as a messenger?" - Cold=Rose

"It's not a snake, but a low-tier Djinn." - Garami

What we're looking down on is a small snake with metallic-colored scales. It has a strange pattern on those scales, a large tube-like "backpack", and a noticeable large ring attached to the bottom of its tail. The backpack looks similar to what homing pigeons use, and just as I expected, it contained a letter to us. And while I still don't like this messenger, at all, I do find it impressive for it to take out the letter from its bag despite the scroll being almost as big as the snake itself—props to where props are deserved. 

"A Djinn? As in that type of demons stuffed in lamps?" - Cold=Rose

"Not only lamps but also rings and other trinkets. Some are even unrestricted. While they're often humanoids, there are exceptions like this one." - Garami

My avatar used to be an F-rank "Unstable Djinn", the earliest stage a player can reach if they want to play as a Djinn. The reason for that is that players choosing demon-type races are restricted to the G-rank Color Demons. Some animals can turn into Djinns or other demons by exposure to demonic energies, like this little monstrosity.

"But truth be said, it's prolly just something spawned out of the Dungeon," I said as I ended my explanation regarding Djinns to Cold=Rose.

"Thanks for the lecture, but how are you sure about the Dungeon bit?" - Cold=Rose

"Because nothing I've heard about the Author says he's a [Demon Caller] like me." - Garami

To prove my point, I showed Cold=Rose the letter—a written invitation from the local Dungeon Master himself. 


Following the snake Djinn, as the letter instructed us, we arrived at an abandoned-looking building hidden in a forgotten corner of the port zone. No players or NPCs can be seen anywhere, and I can understand why. With a whole port to explore, not to mention the dunes that needed to be conquered before one could enter a literal 1001 Nights come alive, this abandoned house won't stir even the interest of horror house enjoyers. 

Despite the shared skepticism between me and Cold=Rose, the snake Djinn slithered through an opening in the old building's broken door. Having no other choice, the two of us tagged along the snake into the building. It looks like the remains of an old bar inside, but all the furniture is falling apart from wear and tear, not to mention everything here's covered in a thick layer of dust...

Hold that thought. There are footprints on the floor, visible in the dust. Someone's been here recently, not bothering to hide the evidence. The snake Djinn had followed the footprints, leading to a door that seemed to go to the house's cellar. Unlike the entrance door, this one is in way better shape, a giant padlock protecting the basement from intruders. Had it not been unlocked like now. 

At encouragement from the snake Djinn, I opened up the door and went downstairs. The stairs were well-lit, unlike the rest of the place, and led to a large room that gave off the feeling of a hidden gamble den. A large round table was placed in the middle of the room, and sitting at one end was the person we were looking for. I think. 

"And you are 'the Author'?" - Garami

The reason for my doubts is that the character sitting at the table, now accompanied by the snake Djinn who had slithered its way up onto the table and laid curled by the man's side, is that the suspect in question is wearing an all-encompassing grey robe that hides his figure. Only the snake's calm demeanor and the letter we received from it earlier are making me put the pieces together to form my humble hypothesis about this man's identity.

Oh, and also because "the Author" always shows up wearing a grey robe that covers his whole visage. Then again, who knows if it's always the same person appearing? 

"Kua-HAHAHA!! Yes, that's me." - The Author

He started up with a loud laugh before calming down into a somber mood. Yeah, that matches the info I have on this guy. Seeing as we'd arrived at the right place, I took a seat on the opposite side of the table while Cold=Rose took the seat directly opposite the grey man's. 

"Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is GreyLizard, but just call me Author if that's easier." - GreyLizard

"...Why not just 'Grey'?" - Garami

".........HOLY ****!!!! Why did I never think of that myself...!?" - GreyLizard

Yeah, just like my info said. This guy's mood goes from zero to max within 0.0002 seconds. 

"*Cough*, then, Mr. Grey, the reason you called us is...?" - Garami

"Right, right, excuse me there. Ms. Garami from the Darkland Walkers? Ms. Cold=Rose from the Homura Thawing Committee? The two of you have arrived on my island today because, let me guess, you latest masterpiece of a book!?" - Grey

"Not at all." - Garami

"Perish the thought." - Cold=Rose

"UGH, OGH!?" shouted the strange hooded man while clutching his chest as if someone had stabbed his heart with stakes covered with napalm. Twice. 

"Guh..., fine, no more jokes. You want to hear about the volcano-like engine I used during the last event, am I right?" - Grey

"That's it," said Cold=Rose, her interest perked. "We, or at least I, wish to know where you found whatever core or key item you used for that engine. An item like that could provide a great clue on how to release the Homura Country from its frozen fate."

"Frozen fate... I like that! Mind if I use it?" - Grey

"........." - Cold=Rose

Hey, Rosey? We know you're an Ice user. No need for the sub-zero glares. 

"Eeeeeeehm... A-about the 'Volcanic Core' item? That's what you want?" - Grey

"Yes. We in the Homura Thawing Committee wish for any sort of information related to such high-tier heat-generating items. The items themselves would also be great, but what we need is clues on how to get rid of that demonic ice once and for all." - Cold=Rose

"Demonic ice"? "Once and for all"? Something tells me I've not studied the current situation in Homura well enough. Well, not my problem~. The Umbral Kingdom is my turf, not some Eastern-inspired popsicle. 

"About that, giving or selling that hot potato's something I can't do. It's personal business, please understand. On the other side of the banana, I'm all-okay sharing where I almost burned off my precious writing hands in exchange for that molten fireball." - Grey

The conversation seems to flow well in Cold=Rose's favor. I guess I was never needed here sans for transporting the frozen archer princess. 

"HOWEVER!!!! Before that, Garami of the Darkland Walkers! I hereby challenge you to a Dungeon Battle!!!" - Grey

......Should I try to report to the admins so they can ban this guy's account? Supreme annoyance can be classified as a sort of sexual harassment, can it? No? Life's so unfair...

"Just one question: why me?" - Garami

"Kua-HAHAHAHA!! I've done my homework, ladies! I know all about that the Thawing Committee has joined forces with the Darkland Walkers! Now, you won't leave your precious partners high and dry, do you?" - Grey

"Sure I will. Why should I do something that bothersome?" - Garami

"HUH!?!?" - Grey

"I have to agree with Garami here. Our Thawing Committee does not have enough funds to hire all of the Darkland Walkers. Knowing their Guild Master, the Guild as a whole would leave us 'high and dry' financially if we hired them all." - Cold=Rose

No denial from me here. It's the truth after all. 

As if acting as an antithesis to Cold=Rose and my calm behavior, the Author, aka Grey, looked like a deer in the headlights. Did this guy do his "homework"? It feels more like he only latched on to a rumor without checking its credibility. 

"Uh, ah, hold on! Please dial back the talk! Ehm, to start anew, Ms. Garami, are you aware of something known as 'Dungeon Battles'?" - Grey

"Nope, and I don't wanna know. Unless the reward for having to listen through this tutorial is a flaming secret." - Garami

"Alright! You have a deal!" - Grey

Stop recording there, save it onto a file secretly, and...done. Having proof of an agreement is always important so people don't go back on their words. Besides, knowing about this Battle-thing and agreeing to whatever it is are two completely different things~. Though, just the name is starting a fire in my gamer's heart...

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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