Nightmare Fantasy Online

Chapter 19: Fire, Wood, & Metal

MWA-HAHAHAHA!! Take this, fireballs!


Your level has increased by 1. You have reached Lv.17.

You have obtained 0.4 Aether Points.

You have obtained the title: [Spirit Slayer]

Title and level-up! I'm on a roll today! 

It's the day after the exploration and defeat of the "Black Area" on the fifth floor. I'm currently on a killing spree in the "Red Area" where tons of fire spirits similar to the water spirits from yesterday are trying to stop me. "Trying" is written in bold characters.

And how am I overwhelming these floating fireballs that should have an advantage over me, specifically, my threads? Simple. I'm making use of the magic item I got yesterday~.

The "Magic Staff of [Water Blast]" is a blue rod that wouldn't look weird on a magician, but it's far from any simple piece of wood. Anyone with high enough INT can equip it and use its abilities. Specifically, the ability to use a pseudo-[Water Blast] move! I learned about it from the BBS last night.

[Water Blast] seems to be a skill of the Water element that inflicts damage through consuming MP to create a blast of water. Just like its name suggests. I'm not against simple names, especially for something that makes me a one-demon-army against these pesky fireballs! 

The Lesser Evil Fire Spirits have the appearance of floating fireballs with nasty faces visible in the fire, but as the water spirits from yesterday, they are Lv.1 G-ranks that hardly pose any trouble even for me. I'll extinguish them like a prime exorcist! Hmm, that feels sorta wrong...

Ignoring my bad monologue, I kept on dousing every fireball in sight until [Detect Monster] went silent. Time for a break. I have to recover my MP. Thank god that I obtained this new skill.

Skill: Mana Auto-Recovery
Skill Type: Ability
Skill Tier: 1
Element: None
  • Recovers X MP over the timespan of 10 seconds.
    • X = Skill Level * 2

Auto-recovery sounds like end-game content, but demons seem to have it easy in obtaining it. It's even part of our trait. And despite the skill description saying I'll recover 2 MP per 10th second with my lv.1 skill, I'm recovering 3 MP instead. Must be from the boost from the Demon trait. It's little, but even dust can become a mountain if you gather enough.

While waiting, let's look at the new title as well. 

Title Name: Spirit Slayer
Acquisition condition:
  • Kill 100 Spirit-type enemies
  • Small increase to damage against Spirit-type enemies
Status enhancements upon equipping:
  • MP: +20

Proof of having killed many spirits. Do you have a grudge against them or something?

Oh? 20 MP is generous, even if [First Evil Eye]'s better. Wonder if there's a more advanced version of it. And yes, I have a grudge against them. Specifically, the water types, but I'm not the kind of demon to discriminate between elements. 

Looking at my map, I shouldn't be far from the ball of threads now. If this area is designed similar to the "Black Area", then "that thing" should be..., there! I'm getting a reaction from [Detect Treasure]! It is right over..., and this guy is a roamer too. Rude bastard. I know I'm pretty, but stay in your room until I arrive, okay?

"Water Burst!!" - Garami

"*Blub, blub, blub*-!?" - Fire demon?

I fired the magic attack into my shadow where the boss had been hiding, just like his compatriot from yesterday. That's why I didn't notice him, or this one, right before they exited the shadows. Not sure if it's some demon-power or a boss-related privilege, but I could see him with Manavision, so it's not a foolproof ability.



Name: [Fire Fiend]. | Level: 5/E. | Rank: Solo.

So they're all Fiends? And another one with a low level.

"Why you-*Blub, blub, blub*-!!" - Fire Fiend

Low or not, he's stronger than me. Because of that, I made the magic staff keep on forcing water down his throat while I used [Sleep Demon's Touch] to weaken him so he wouldn't get away. It took a minute or so, but finally, the force of the water attack seems to have done its thing.


Boss battle cleared! 

Acquired 3.0 AP as a reward for having subjugated the boss: [Fire Fiend]. 

First-time clear bonus: The "Magic Bracelet of [Fireball]" item.

No damage clear bonus: 3 AP

Your level has increased by 3. You have reached Lv.20.

You have obtained 0.8 Aether Points.

For reaching your race's level-cap, you have obtained 2.0 Aether Points.

Your Karma Value has fallen.

Congratulations. Evolution is now possible.

You have 2 evolution options available. 

Thank you, all you sea-orientated players who're posting on the BBS. Thank you for telling me that drowning takes away HP like a status ailment. And for "Red Rage" from the demon thread exposing her race's weakness to the Water element. 

Thank you so much~. Because now I can..., 5 AP for each option!? Come on!!

Hmm, let's wait with evolving. The Quest reward, meaning that special evolution right, sounds like something to wait on instead. 

Ah, almost forgot. This hidden panel that [Detect Treasure] noticed was around here...*click*. Bingo! 

The contents of the secret room behind the panel contained one, two..., 40 bronze-colored coins! There were only 4 silver-colored ones in the "Black Area". Or is it that 10 bronze equals 1 silver?

I'm talking about the set of coins that I've discovered across the Dungeon. Like the gold coins that I sold for a high price to that guy from the Blackmarket or the bronze coin that I got as a reward from that mini-boss. Now I have 46 bronze-, 4 silver-, and 1 gold coin of this "currency". I discovered a few on the 4th floor. Wonder how much a coin collector would pay for them.

Anyway, the real treasure I'm searching for is the item placed alongside the coins. A new battery for the glitch vacuum cleaner. I found one in the "Black Area" as well, so all I need now is to take this back with me, then return here..., but let's go and burn the ball of threads so it won't summon more spirits. Time to taste my Fireball! 


Later, outside the "Green Area".

*Cough, cough*. that was a stupid move of me. 

I looked at the scorching inferno that was supposed to be the "Green Area". It looks more like a stone oven in an authentic Italian restaurant.

I-it's not my fault..., the Lesser Evil Wood Spirits had the appearance of flowers and plants, so..., and I did try to defeat them with my [Mystical Threads] at first, only for the same threads to act as kindling...


Boss battle cleared! 

Acquired 3.0 AP as a reward for having subjugated the boss: [Wood Fiend]. 

First-time clear bonus: The "Magic Dagger of [Grasp Vine]" item.

Your Karma Value has fallen.

And there goes the Fiend! But he's mostly the fault of this mess! Scaring people like that, didn't his mom teach him better?! I got burned a little myself, so I'm not in the wrong here! 

More importantly, is the treasure chest gonna be alright? Not to mention the battery for the vacuum cleaner. I guess that there's one in each area, seeing as how both the Black- and Red Areas had one each. Better wait for the fire to stop...

Log out!


Another day, another area! Let's go!

I'm currently in the White Area, and the place is filled with Lesser Evil Metal Spirits. They look like grey-ish blobs of melted metal...

The Green Area? Of course, I got the battery! Thank god the hidden room was fireproof. Even if I was worried if even the glitches had turned to ashes...

There's no risk for another forest fire here, but the evil spirits aren't what you would call "flammable". I'm stuck with trying to hit them with [Mystical Threads].

Back to the metal blobs. They're too weak! The only good thing I can say about them is that they're not as many compared to the Wood spirits. That was a disaster...

But the "Metal Fiend" or whatever isn't coming. Despite the other three guys trying to score a sneak attack on me, I can't see anything weird happening with the shadows nearby. 

This continued until I reached the hidden panel in this area, and like the other three cases, there was a battery for the vacuum cleaner plus some more of these strange coins. I left the battery behind as I didn't want it to be damaged if the boss suddenly appeared, but I grabbed the few coins and placed them in the pocket where I kept the others. I'm having a feeling that these things may have a special purpose, so it's better to keep them on hand. 

...maybe the Fiend this time around is a gentleman that doesn't fight dirty? A real demon in white armor? What a loser.

I mentally insulted my future opponent while whipping away the few spirits that tried to attack me in something I can only assume to be desperation. It may have something to do with that title I got from the Red Area. The slayer-title. Maybe the spirits see me as some boogeyman? 

While humoring myself with that thought, I finally reached the end of the area without being interrupted by a boss for once. Just as I predicted, the big bad was waiting here. And now I'm starting to understand why it wasn't trying to take me by surprise like the other three.



Name: [Lesser Armor Devil]. | Level: 2/D. | Rank: Solo.

A grey knight wearing full-plate armor that had a slight, demonic design was standing in front of the huge thread ball. A huge greatsword was stabbed in the ground which the demonic knight was resting its hands on. And despite its low level, the knight emitted an aura of experience that could make even an amateur understand that it was far from a simple-minded monster.

So that's the reason it never went for a dirty blow. It never needed to.

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