Nightmare Fantasy Online

Chapter 21: Vile Queen & World Message

*Sniff*, all my AP...

Name:  Garami | [First Evil Eye]
Race: Unstable Djinn | Player 
Gender: Female
Level: 20/20 | Evolution is possible
Traits: 2
Karma Value: -177
Main Class: Scout Lv.22
Skills: 17
Titles: 9
Aether Points: 0.7
HP: 41/41 MP: 166/116 [+50] SP: 64/67
STR: 12  VIT: 41 MAG: 68 [+50]
RES: 67 [+30] SPD: 123 DEX: 175 
INT: 46 LUC: 176 [+30]
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Mana Auto-Recovery Lv.1] NEW [Magic Lv.1]  [Speed Lv.1] 
[Dexterity Lv.1]  [Luck Lv.2]    
Magic Skills:
[Mystical Threads Lv.2]     
Crafting Skills:
[Create Traps Lv.2] UP1    
Active Skills:
[Lurk Lv.5] UP2 [Small Inventory Lv.1] NEW  
Passive Skills:
[Throwing Lv.1]  [Evasion Lv.2]  [Linguistics Lv.3] 
[Auto-Map Lv.2]     
Perception Skills:
[Detect Monsters Lv.2]  [Detect Treasure Lv.3]  [Identification Lv.1]
[Lesser Darkness Talent Lv.1]     
Monster Skills:
[Sleep Demon's Touch Lv.1]   [Weakness Evil Eye Lv.1]   
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
[First Quest Cleared]  [Emergency Quest Clearer]  [Giant Killer]
[Merciless] [First Boss Kill]  [Alternative Boss Clear] NEW
Hunting Titles:
[First Kill: Arachnid]  [Spirit Slayer] NEW  
Status Titles:
[First Evil Eye] NEW    

I had 12 AP before this, but that stupid devil forced me to spend 9 AP on upgrading some skills, plus getting 1 new one. Even the few points from when Scout reached Lv.20 are not enough to compensate for this loss...

I've added the Magic Dagger I got from the Green Area to my arsenal, but I doubt I'll have a chance to use it, considering my low STR. I lost the item belt from the fight with the stupid devil, so I was forced to take up a skill to replace the item. As for the Magic Shield I got from the White Area, the devil is using it. He's the vanguard after all. 

"This is gonna work, right?" I asked the devil as we walked down the stairs leading to the Vile Queen's "chamber". 

"It has to work, or we can say goodbye to our peaceful lives." - Lesser Armor Devil

No guarantees and just threats!? What a shitty game!

Despite my grumbling, we reached the "bottom" of the fifth floor. The Queen's area. The battlefield is around 500 meters wide, so I can't see the Queen from this distance. According to the demon, the Queen is chained to a throne that can turn, and she will fight players by using long-range attacks like threads and summons. 

The plan is to let the demon attract the Queen's attention and move counter-clockwise around the circular area. I shall move behind the Queen's throne and attach the batteries fully charged with the stolen demonic energy to the throne without being noticed by the Queen. 

...honestly, it's a sketchy plan. There's no guarantee that the devil is on my side or if he's faking it. The whole contract thing could be a big hoax. Well, the worst that can happen is my current character being deleted. I'll just create a new character, restart in one of the cities, and prepare an army of adventurers when I find the castle again. I'm a girl that knows how to hold a grudge.



Name: "The Vile Queen", Archechina. | Level: 25/D. | Rank: Solo.

Ugh, it's stronger than what the devil was...

"Okay, let's start the plan," whispered the devil before he walked out of my line of sight. He started to shout something, probably to the Queen, but my ears couldn't catch on to what he was saying since he was too far away, and because my ears are as bad as my eyes.

No other choice than to play along. This is a task impossible alone, which is the whole reason I agreed with his idea...

I moved according to the plan, meaning close to the wall counter-clockwise. Loud sounds of battles could be heard on the other side of the room. I checked the map to see how far I'd walked and when I reached the 9 o'clock part of the room (with the entrance being 6 o'clock), I made a beeline for the middle of the room. 

Yes! The Queen has her back turned to me! The devil did it!

Wasting no time, while keeping the stealthy [Lurk] skill active, I started to take out the four batteries from my newest skill.

Skill: Small Inventory
Skill Type: Active
Skill Tier: 1
Element: None
  • Allows the user to store items into X "item slots".
    • X = Skill Level * 10
    • Some items require more "item slots" if they shall be stored in this skill.

It's pretty handy, even if it's limited compared to some of the OP item bags from certain light novels. The batteries need two slots, while a single potion bottle requires 1 slot, just to make an example. But that's for the weak-type potions I own, so the higher-ranking ones may need more slots.

Anyway, time to start setting the "bombs". The new level of [Create Trap] allows me to make more complicated traps, even if it's just sticking the batteries onto the throne with the sticky threads from [Mystical Threads]. The speed of the skill far surpassed my abilities, which would have been too slow and made the Queen notice me, so I'm grateful for the devil telling me to increase the skill level. 

After the batteries were set, I dragged the long "fuse" created from [Mystical Thread] and moved as close to the wall as I could while making sure to move clockwise so I wouldn't end up in the Queen's line of fire as the devil continued to keep her aggro on him. 

"Fireball." - Garami

I activated the Magic Bracelet's power with a small whisper and created a small Fireball due to giving as little MP as possible to the accessory. Not that I have that much left to give anyway. [Lurk] and the threads for [Create Trap] have almost emptied my gas tank. 

The moment the fuse left my line of sight, I crunched down while holding my head low. Three, two, one...


A massive blast shook the whole room. It reached me, taking a good chunk of my HP with it. 

Did that do it? 

I tried to search with [Detect Monster] to see what had happened to the two..., crap. Two signals are left. Meaning they both survived.

I restored my HP and MP with the two potions that had been all that I could store with the new [Small Inventory] skill before re-activating [Lurk] and tried to sneak up on the Queen again. I made sure to stay on the opposite side of the room as the devil's signal, as the Queen is more likely to keep her eyes on him.

After reaching the middle of the room again, I saw the sorry state of the Queen's throne. It's in pieces. The Queen herself is still linked to it, quite literally. Large, gothic-looking chains from the remains of the throne were forced into the flesh of the Vile Queen, meaning that she's still stuck here even with the throne practically destroyed.

The Queen looks like a female adult, but with an exoskeleton on her arms and legs like a spider. There are also huge horns on her head that take a shape similar to a crown. She's dressed in a black evening gown, but it's almost destroyed due to the explosion from before.

The Queen launched several attacks that looked similar to [Mystical Threads] into the darkness, probably aimed at the devil who's still fighting with the Queen. I could hear faint sounds of metal being destroyed..., please let it be the metal walls created by the Magic Shield. 

This ain't gonna work. The batteries have done a lot of damage to the Queen, but we need a finishing move. The devil's occupied, and my attacks..., probably won't work. They're too weak. Sorry for being a Scout!! Grr, if just that lazy devil could get a good hit in...

"Grasp Vine!" - Garami

I stabbed the Magic Dagger into the ground and created a green magic circle that released several vines that moved in a tentacle-like fashion and wrapped themselves around the Queen. 

"[Mystical Thread]!" - Garami

While turning off [Lurk] to save some MP, I released a volley of [Mystical Threads] at the Queen before she could recover from the shock of being captured. The threads hit her, but they couldn't even draw blood from her. The Queen, finally looking at me-gyaaa!?

Instead of a human's face, she has a too-realistic spider face! Bleargh. Being used to spiders does NOT mean I'm happy to see such a strange combination, developers!

The Queen had prepared the magic circles for her own [Mystical Threads]-like skill while I'd been standing like an idiot when I saw her shocking appearance. I jumped outta the way and used [Create Traps] on the threads that I'd hit the Queen with and wrapped them around her like a half-assed cocoon. It didn't stop the Queen from readying the second valley of threads, but then:

"Fireball!" - Garami

I poured all my MP into a big Fireball and shot it at the Queen while I hurriedly tried to roll away from the spot. The Queen fired her threads in visible panic at the Fireball, and..., YES! 

The magical threads simply passed through the Fireball. That skill is related to [Mystical Threads]! Just like my threads, the Queen's threads aren't affected by the fire while it's in its "magical state", but on the flip side, they can't affect the Fireball either.

The Queen turned into a human candle due to the threads and vines wrapped around her when the Fireball hit her. I, on the other hand, had managed to escape without being hit due to the Queen messing up her aim in her panic. 

Still..., it's not enough. The Queen's on fire, but she doesn't look like she's gonna kick the bucket any time soon. The vines and threads are more likely to do that. And when she's free...

I stood up and took a stance against the Queen, who was glaring at me with her eight eyes filled with rage. Crap, scary... But it's just what I wanted.

"[Vibration Slash]!!" - Lesser Armor Devil

Because the rage had made the Queen forget all about the devil.

The devil in shining armor (from the flames of the candle-Queen) slashed at the Queen's torso with his sword enveloped in some "moving force", or whatever I should call it. The Queen was taken by surprise, and this final slash managed to reap the last of her HP. 

As I saw the Queen's body turning into the same old black dust as with the spiders on the 3rd floor and the spirits here on the 5th floor, I noticed I'd been holding my breath for a while. But now, there are no worries. 


The Dungeon Boss: ["The Vile Queen", Archechina] has been defeated! 

Acquired 5.0 AP as a reward for having subjugated the Dungeon Boss: ["The Vile Queen", Archechina]. 

The Treasure Vaults of the Dungeon are free for your taking.

You have cleared the World Quest: [Plunder of the Arcechnia Castle | Path of Chaos].

You have obtained ownership over the Dungeon: [Arcechina Castle]. Discover the Dungeon Core to start altering the Dungeon.

New Evolution Options are available: 1.

You have obtained 10.0 Aether Points.

You have acquired the title: [World Quest Cleared].

You have acquired the title: [Dungeon Clearer].

You have acquired the title: [Dungeon Ruler].


Player: [Garami] has cleared and obtained the Dungeon: [Arcechina Castle].

Alterations of the Dungeon will proceed shortly. 

It is impossible to enter the Dungeon: [Arcechina Castle] for the next 24 hours.

I won. No doubt about it.

"BWA-HAHAHAHA! Looks like things are going to become chaotic from now on!" - Lesser Armor Devil

The devil started to laugh. Maybe the separate message was shown to him as well? I turned around to him and saw his body gradually disappearing in puffs of black smoke. It was different from how the Queen was disintegrating..., ah.

"You're going home?" - Garami

"BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHA! YES, FINALLY! Allow me to thank you, o little lady of this false realm. If you ever would appear before me again..., I will let you go scot-free." - Lesser Armor Devil

"'re thinking we'll be enemies if we meet again?" - Garami

"OF COURSE! I am the Archdevil of Irritation, Razor Emerwell! The one who may be stronger than the Demon King of Solomar himself! And I am not stupid enough not to predict that you would take a different route than to join that old bloke if you were to come to my world. He's goddamn boring after all, compared to the alternative! BWA-HAHAHAHA! BWA-BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!!" - Lesser Armor Devil

Leaving behind those strange words, the devil completely disappeared in a fit of joyous laughter. Well, I won't be meeting him again..., right?

Suddenly, I'm feeling dead-tired. No wonder, considering I've been going on ever since I challenged the White Area today. But before I log out, there are a few things I gotta do. Checking out the rewards~.

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