Nightmare Fantasy Online

Chapter 24: Dark Udug & Dungeon Monsters


When I woke up in my Player Room, I was amazed at how clear things were. I'd almost forgotten how great it was with proper eyes in-game.

After snapping out of my amazement, I started to look at my body. The "broken parts" that used to be on my body had all disappeared. The horns are still there though. And now, both my eyes had black scleras. There were no cracks though, so I didn't mind. Even if my pupils had taken a cross-like shape. 

Other than that, my body was completely "human". Though, if the description of this race was right, then my insides wouldn't be meat and flesh, but...darkness? It's a little strange to think about. 

Anyway, what's new on the game front? 


Evolution is complete. 

Due to your evolution, the following abilities are granted:

Your natural status values have increased.

Natural Aether Point gain has increased from 0.4 to 0.6.

You have obtained the following skills: [Dark Drain]; [Surprise Attack]; [Demon's Presence].

The trait: [Spiritual Demon (Unstable)] has been upgraded into; [Spiritual Demon].

Okay, Three skills for the price of 1 evolution. Not bad. And the "unstable"-part of my trait has gone sayonara. 

I then started to look at my stats..., wow. Anyway, let's swap the titles from the Evil Eye to the World Conquest title. Better this way so people don't guess my (potential) killer skill.

Name:  Garami | [World Quest Clearer]
Race: Dark Udug | Player 
Gender: Female
Level: 1/50 
Traits: 2
Karma Value: -177
Main Class: Scout Lv.22
Skills: 22
Titles: 12
Aether Points: 7.7
HP: 51/51 [+20] MP: 126/126 [+20] SP: 77/77 [+20]
STR: 42 [+20] VIT: 51 [+20] MAG: 78 [+20]
RES: 77 [+20] SPD: 143 [+20] DEX: 185 [+20]
INT: 66 [+20] LUC: 186 [+20]
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Mana Auto-Recovery Lv.1]  [Magic Lv.1]  [Speed Lv.1] 
[Dexterity Lv.1]  [Luck Lv.2]    
Attack Skills:
[Dark Drain Lv.1] NEW    
Magic Skills:
[Mystical Threads Lv.2]     
Crafting Skills:
[Create Traps Lv.2]     
Active Skills:
[Lurk Lv.5]  [Small Inventory Lv.1]   
Passive Skills:
[Throwing Lv.1]  [Evasion Lv.2]  [Surprise Attack Lv.1] NEW 
[Linguistics Lv.3]  [Auto-Map Lv.2]    
Perception Skills:
[Detect Monsters Lv.2]  [Detect Treasure Lv.3]  [Identification Lv.1]
[Lesser Darkness Talent Lv.1]     
Monster Skills:
[Sleep Demon's Touch Lv.1]   [Demon's Presence Lv.1] NEW [Weakness Evil Eye Lv.1] 
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
[First Quest Cleared]  [Emergency Quest Clearer]  [Giant Killer]
[Merciless] [First Boss Kill]  [Alternative Boss Clear] 
[Dungeon Clearer] NEW [World Quest Clearer] NEW  
Hunting Titles:
[First Kill: Arachnid]  [Spirit Slayer]   
Status Titles:
[First Evil Eye]  [Dungeon Ruler] NEW  

Now we're talking. According to the BBS, the humanoid E-rank races start with an average stat build of 80 to 100 depending on the race. Some may have lower stats overall due to specializing in some status values, just like me right now. 

But my number of skills far surpasses any normal humanoid. Even if they're a bunch of low-leveled ones. Which may not be so good after all.

Yesterday night, I went around and spread bits of info on the BBS regarding the dangers of challenging the Dungeon while skipping out on the gains from it. While doing so, I also took a peek at the "meta"-boards. Turns out that high-leveled skills have higher worth than a bunch of low-leveled ones. Some guys even spend time and AP to get a single skill to the second skill tier. 

"But just 7 AP isn't much..." - Garami

Despite my turning into the ruler of the Dungeon, or precisely because I'm the one in charge now, there are not many opportunities for me to obtain more AP from now on. The few Quests that were laid around the Dungeon were there only due to the place being a "trial" to players, not something we players owned. 

That is my thoughts after seeing the "color spiders" being whipped out from the castle after I obtained its ownership. Even the grey ones...

Anyway, even the BBS says that the monsters in some Dungeons are super-unique to those places and aren't found either in nature, in other Dungeons, or as evolution options for us inhuman players. Some Dungeons have regular monsters inhabiting/defending them, but the unique ones are as explained: unique. 

No need to cry over lost AP opportunities or spiders..., okay, I'm crying for the latter. Just the grey ones. *Sniff*.

L-let's change the subject, *sniff*. What can the new skills do?

Skill: Dark Drain
Skill Type: Attack
Skill Tier: 1
Element: Darkness
  • Inflicts Darkness damage based on the user's MAG to a target. The user then recovers X% HP based on the damage inflicted.
    • X = skill level.
    • This skill consumes 10 MP for each use.
Skill: Surprise Attack
Skill Type: Passive
Skill Tier: 1
Element: None
  • Improves damage from attacks on enemies that have not noticed you by X%
    • X = skill level * 3
Skill: Demon's Presence
Skill Type: Monster
Skill Tier: 1
Element: None
  • Small chance to inflict the Fear status ailment to anyone witnessing the user while the skill is active.
    • Extended usage of this skill on NPCs may "corrupt" them.

The first two skills are cool, but WHAT THE ***!? [Demon's Presence] is too fiendish! N-not that I know how bad this "corruption"-thing is..., I better not use it too often. And hey! It doesn't say anything about it requiring any costs! Damn. Fiendish indeed.

Okay, better keep a move on. The Dungeon Points are soon fully charged. Not acting would mean wasting future Dungeon..., let's just call them DP for short. First, I need some bodyguards, aka, monsters...huh?

When I tried to "spawn" some monsters, I got a list of the related elements of the Dungeon and something called "monster-lines". Currently, there's only a "Demon-line" on that tab. I tried to push them both and got a list of various demon-type creatures. All of them are related to Darkness.

From what I gathered from the system menu, it seems that each element of the Dungeon is required to be connected with a "monster-line" for me to spawn monsters here. Just one line per element, but it seems that I can use the same monster line for various elements, but only after I've obtained those.

After that, I need to select a "chief" among the various monsters, or in my case, demons. I can then start spawning monsters of that race. And that extends to its evolutions below and above its current rank! But the Dungeon's stats have to be high enough for that creature's summoning. I can't summon D-ranks with my all-E stats, and some races require me to up the ranks of more than the Monster stat. 

In addition to the chief, I can also add up to three "retainers" to that element. However, the element is stuck with the monster line I chose when selecting the chief, and the retainers have to have some "connection" to the chief.

That last part isn't a problem in my case. It seems that any demonic creature is considered a "demon". Be it a Fiend or a Mimic, or even these "Demon Dogs" that are a popular mob around the Darkness capital according to the BBS, I can still add them as retainers no matter what. They're all demons in the end.

It would be worse if my monster line would be something like "Beast". If I chose a wolf mob, then all the monsters of that element would have to be canines. Or so I think. There's nothing that can prove me otherwise, just as there is no proof for my hypothesis.

With that in mind, I started to look at the LONG list of potential demons. As expected of their "main element". Since there's no big deal about who becomes the chief, let's choose something cool and strong. It may be that the chiefs are easier to spawn, or the Dungeon bosses are based on only the chief.

And after a while, I found something.

Stygian Clown:
  • Race: Demon
  • Element: Darkness
  • Rank: E
  • Description:
    A humanoid demon that has an appearance of a clown. Their faces are covered with masks that are half-and-half black and white, and they are dressed like human clowns.
    They take pleasure in tricking people with comedic movements and gestures before killing them. A dangerous demon that only has the appearance of a humanoid. 
    It is weak in one-on-one combat, but when using trickery and cooperation with other demons, it more than lives up to its rank.

This doesn't sound bad. It's not one of the races a player can evolve into, as I looked up Darkness Fiends and its description explicitly told it was among the demons that "represented the sin of Wrath". Well, Extra Evolutions are a thing, so it may not be completely impossible. 

I went with Stygian Clown for the chief and started to pick out its retainers. Not that I needed to, but it's better to take care of stuff like this right away. And after a little while, I found them.

Dark Phantom:
  • Race: Demon
  • Element: Darkness
  • Rank: E
  • Description:
    A spiritual demon of darkness. It looks no different from a blob of moving shadows, but its essence is made of pure darkness.
    It has strong stealth-related skills and can drain its victim's HP and MP.
Dark Gazer:
  • Race: Demon
  • Element: Darkness
  • Rank: E
  • Description:
    A demon of the Evil Eye. It takes the appearance of a floating eyeball with various tentacles growing from the bottom of the eye and wings on the top.
    It makes use of Evil Eyes and magic to fight its enemies. 
Gloom Boogey:
  • Race: Demon
  • Element: Darkness
  • Rank: E
  • Description:
    A humanoid demon with a cuddly appearance. It looks like an ogre, but its arms look like they are made of cotton and plush, with only the horns being the sole sign of danger.
    A special breed of demons that are attracted to the dreams of children. This race in particular favors nightmares.
    They are physically strong and can take a beating, but weak with magic. They are clumsy but are not against cooperating with other species.

To keep it short, I've added a Scout, a Mage, and a Warrior as the retainers of the Stygian Clown. From their names, I think there are other variants from the different elements. Maybe except for the Phantom?

After I'd finished selecting the monsters, I could now place them on the floors. Seems like I can have up to 50 E-ranks on the first floor, with an additional 10 added each time we go up a floor.

I can also swap 1 E-rank for 5 F-rank monsters, and 1 F-rank for 5 G-ranks.

At first, I didn't see the reason behind this ability, since F- and G-ranks are too weak to be trusted with protecting the Dungeon, but then it hit me. They were bait. A Dungeon can't become stronger without invaders, since killing these invaders are what increases the Dungeon's level and its DP-cap 

Despite that, I simply added Clowns, Boogeys, Phantoms, and Gazers to each floor with an overall ratio of 3:4:1:2. Before focusing on the Dungeon's level, I should prepare it before the big event.

Selecting and assigning monsters didn't consume DP, but I couldn't control when the monsters spawned as a drawback. An E-rank will take 20 minutes to respawn, and that's only when there are no invaders on that floor. 

And back to the DP, they're almost capped. It's time to spend them on Dungeon stuff this time around. 

I added a special restriction on the invaders, limiting them to at most 2 parties at the same time. It took 100 DP, but it didn't take any Facility Points..., guess I can shorten that to FP.

After that, I ordered a Wooden Arrow Trap and placed them on the 1st floor. Seems like they're placed randomly after I assign them to a floor, and they will move randomly a while after they're triggered. Not bad for a test buy.

I used up the rest of my DP on a Poison Arrow Trap and finished it for now. I want to take a walk. After all, this is the first time in a while that I could explore the Dungeon without limited sight.

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