Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

A Saiyan Beatdown (12.1)









5,500HP! (50,850/56,350)


Gray looked down at the boy, watching him struggle on the ground, completely blindsided by the sudden attack. His focus was so intense that he ignored the notification flashing at the edge of his vision, assuming it was just another damage or reputation alert.


[Saiyan Assimilation] has reached 5%!


You have been inflicted with the [Saiyan Bloodline] status condition!


A surge of adrenaline shot through Gray's body, his heart pounding in his ears as he stared at Bareth. An indescribable mix of emotions filled him—anger, disgust, disappointment, and pity all raging within him.


“Who the hell are y—BELH!” Bareth's lackeys scrambled to their feet as the table shattered beneath them, splinters flying everywhere after Bareth was slammed through it. One of the boys who had been sitting next to him charged at Gray, his fist clenched. He was thin and muscular with a rectangular and long face, and he raised his fist high as he flung it at Gray. But Gray’s Ki-covered fist met his face before he could land a hit, sending him crashing into the nearest wall. Gray raised an eyebrow, examining the boy with mild curiosity.


8,260HP! (6,465/15,725)


[Follower] Replik:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 16


PL: 1,950,280


HP: 15,725/15,725


TKI: 26,280/26,280


Reputation: -20/100 (Negatively-Viewed)


[Follower] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be natural followers. They will be able to follow orders to a high degree.


The average trainee might be stronger now, but…


“You’re all still ants compared to me,” Gray scoffed, feeling his Saiyan pride ignite. As Bareth shot up from the ground, rage burning on his face, Gray easily dodged him, his movements fluid. Gray stepped past him, letting Bareth’s momentum carry him forward so he was leaning past him, and then raised a cocked-back fist. Bareth’s face turned even redder as Gray's Ki-covered fist crashed into his nose, shattering it. Blood splattered across Bareth’s face as he slammed into the ground, a crater forming beneath him.


12,500HP! (38,350/56,350)


So fragile.


“You bast-” Another one of Bareth’s lackeys quickly joined him as Gray grabbed him by the neck, stopping him mid-lunge toward him. The boy was overly fat, looking nearly like a sumo wrestler, and Gray smirked as he easily held the boy upward by his thick neck. Gray gripped his neck tighter, letting the boy spit and choke for a moment before he slammed him into Bareth’s downed form.


18,500HP! (12,850/31,350)


I don’t need [Observe] to know how pathetic you are.


Gray blinked, shaking his head slightly at his thoughts.


The entire cafeteria had now turned their attention to the scene, a crowd gathering as trainees moved closer, eager to watch the fight unfold. Six more of Bareth's crew stood nearby, but they hesitated, eyeing Gray warily after seeing how effortlessly he handled their friends. In the corner, Gray noticed the girl who had been sitting next to Bareth trying to shrink into the wall, as if she was trying to hide away.


“Move, dumbass!” Bareth roared, shoving the coughing large boy off him as he jumped to his feet, a Ki ball forming in his hand. He swung his arm wildly, and the blast hit Gray square in the chest, sending a cloud of dust flying. Bareth followed up by raising his hands up to his chest, a smirk on his face as he fired a volley at point-blank range into Gray.


Breathing heavily, Bareth grinned through the blood streaming down his face, staring into the dust where Gray had been standing. “Serves you right, bastard! Do you know who—GERH!”


Bareth’s words died in his throat as Gray’s hand shot out from the smoke, gripping his throat. Lifting him effortlessly, Gray held the smaller boy aloft as Bareth thrashed in panic, his fists striking Gray’s face in desperation. But Gray didn’t flinch, he didn’t even blink. With a wave of his hand, Gray blasted the dust away, revealing their struggle to the onlooking crowd.


Why do I feel so pissed off right now? Why… do I want to humiliate you?


"Pathetic," Gray muttered as Bareth swung wildly at him, struggling to breathe under Gray’s grip around his neck. Each of Bareth's punches barely registered, not even managing 100 damage per hit. One of Bareth’s friends finally made a move, grabbing Gray’s arm in a futile attempt to break his hold. The boy leaned his body backward, putting his full strength into his arms as he tried to rip Gray’s hand off Bareth’s throat. Gray let him struggle for a moment before raising his free hand and delivering a sharp chop to the side of the boy’s neck, sending him crumpling to the floor, unconscious.


7,500HP! (8,200/15,700)


Another boy tried his luck, launching towards Gray from behind. Gray idly leaned his head to the side, not dropping his grip on Bareth, or even looking at the boy, and swept his foot outward. The boy lost his balance and tumbled to the floor. He started to push himself up but was met with a curb stomp as Gray’s foot slammed into his head.


9,500HP! (9,400/15,700)


None of his other friends tried to help him after that, all of them staring warily as Gray choked out Bareth. Bareth’s desperate punches grew slower as his face started to lose color. He gave up on trying to hit Gray, instead opening his mouth as he tried to say something. Gray gripped his neck even tighter, ensuring that all that came out of his mouth was a mixture of spit and blood.


“If you try to stand up, I’ll kill you. Got it?” Gray asked with an overly sweet grin. Bareth frantically nodded, his hands clawing at Gray’s vice-like grip. With a sudden movement, Gray yanked him forward, then slammed him back into the crater his body had made earlier.


5,000HP! (33,350/56,350)


Bareth gasped, clutching his bruised neck as a coughing fit overtook him. His face was pale white, and his neck had five purpled dots forming from where Gray’s fingers had been gripping him. Blood trickled down his face, and he choked on it, wheezing for breath. Sitting in the crater, covered in blood and panting heavily, Bareth didn’t try to stand up but glared up at Gray with unmasked anger. Gray didn’t get notifications for losing reputation, but he didn’t need one. The fury in Bareth’s eyes said it all.


“You know who I am?” Gray asked the downed Saiyan, smirking at him.


Bareth’s eyes flicked over him, recognition slowly dawning. "Y-you—GUK!" Another coughing fit wracked his body as he spat out more blood. His coughs sounded painful, with his voice sounding horse, but Gray found himself unable to muster up any pity for the boy's condition.


I… I feel pity, but not at how hurt he is. Only… because he’s so weak.


Gray felt strange as he stared down at the suffering boy who looked nearly identical to Dareth.


Is it because he’s Dareth’s brother? I… want him to put up a fight. I feel so disappointed. Fuck, whatever.


After a moment, Bareth managed to compose himself enough to respond. “You... You’re Gray, right?”


“Good. Your brother mentioned me, did he?” Gray’s smirk widened, pushing away his inner thoughts.


“Yeah…” Bareth waved a hand dismissively as one of his friends moved forward, kneeling beside him to help. He glared up at Gray again, defiance flickering in his eyes. "The hell did I do? Why are you doing this?"


“What did you do? How could you forget?” Gray said simply, a shit-eating grin on his face, “You were born as Dareth’s brother, of course. I was annoyed with how you treated that girl, but even if I hadn’t seen that, I still would’ve beat your ass. Your face looks too much like your brother's. Did he tell you about what he did to my friend?”


Bareth’s glare deepened, but a small, twisted smirk formed on his face. “No, but I’m sure whatever he did, the bitch des—”


He cut himself off as Gray raised his hand, a ball of Ki forming at his fingertips. Panic flashed across Bareth’s face as he quickly raised his hands in surrender. “I-I mean, I’m sure the nice lady didn’t deserve it at all! My brother can be such a jackass sometimes, right?”


"Good save," Gray said, though he still considered blasting Bareth. 


Nah, I don’t wanna kill him by accident. 


“B-But, what does that have to do with me?” Bareth sputtered, “I didn’t do anything to you! I can’t control my brother's actions!” 


Yeah, but you can control your reputation with me being at -150. If you don’t like me that much then you’re definitely going to try some fuck shit if I don’t put you down now. Plus… this is fun.


“Don’t care. Your brother pissed me off, and he’s not here. So, I’ll be taking it out on you.” Gray said, a shit-eating grin still wide on his face.


Bareth glared up at him, “This isn’t enough? What more do you want from me?”


Maybe it’s because you're his brother, or maybe I’m just really pissed off right now… but I want to take everything from you, Bareth.


“Your bitch.”


Bareth blinked in confusion, “Huh? M-My bitch?”


“Yup!” Gray said cheerily, “Your brother hurt my bitc- ah, not my bitch, of course. I would never call her that. Don’t tell her I said that, or I’ll kill you. That goes for all of you!” 


Gray finished his sentence by shouting at the crowd that had formed around them, glaring threateningly at them. He felt a lot of joy at how they all looked away, not meeting his gaze as he glared around.

"As I was saying," he continued, turning his attention back to Bareth, "your brother came after one of mine, so now I’m stealing yours. You!" Gray pointed to the girl Bareth had backhanded earlier, who was now standing just inside the crowd. "You’re mine now. And you too!"

His second declaration was aimed at the girl who had been sitting next to Bareth, now cowering against the wall at the far end of the cafeteria, desperately trying to remain unnoticed. Gray emphasized his point by pulling the first girl close, wrapping his arm around her waist.

“So, unless you want to be choked to death- very slowly and painfully, might I add- don’t even look in the direction of either of them,” Gray said as he pulled the girl into him again, “or at Asia or Tama- ah, you probably won’t recognize them by name. Asia is a super adorable small blonde girl with the fattest ass you’ve ever seen, and Tamari’s a tall feisty redhead.”


Gray abruptly clapped his hands together, the sound resounding around him and getting everyone's attention again as he glared at the crowd, “That applies to all of you. If anyone touches any of these four girls, I recommend you commit suicide, because what I’ll do to you will be much worse.”


There was a small silence as the whole crowd stared at him warily. Finally, Gray broke the silence, “Understand?


A scattered chorus of nervous agreements rang out from the crowd as it quickly dispersed, the trainees leaving and breaking the semi-circle that had formed around Gray and Bareth in the corner of the cafeteria. Gray glared back down at Bareth, a small ball of Ki forming in his hand, “That goes double for you, your brother, and any of your friends, got it? I already don’t like you, so I might not be able to resist killing you guys if you’re even within 100 feet of any of my girls, alright?”


“Y-Yeah, I won’t even think about them, okay?” Bareth said with a frantic nod as he tried to stand up, stumbling and using his arms to support himself. One of his lackeys quickly put his arm around his shoulder, supporting him.


“Good. Don’t let me see you again.” Gray said with a scoff, and Bareth’s friends moved quickly, grabbing their unconscious friends and helping Bareth limp away.


+10 HREG for dominating an opponent! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+10 EREG for dominating an opponent! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


“Hey, what are you dumbasses doing? No fighting in the Eating Zone!” A gruff voice rang out in the room, an older Saiyan walking over to them in a huff. He was short, bald, and had a gray mustache, but looked to be made entirely of muscles, reminding Gray of a bowling ball.


[Adaptable] Grapion:


[Saiyan D-Class Instructor]


Age: 42


PL: 8,820,400


HP:  84,200/84,200


TKI: 25,950/25,950


Reputation: -5/100 (Negatively Viewed)


[Adaptable] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally adaptable, able to read any situation and adapt to it.


Gray smirked again as he gestured to Bareth, “Ah, it was just some sparring, instructor. I told them they should take it to the training grounds, but they really wanted to spar in here. Right?”


“W-What?” Bareth asked dumbly as Gray looked at him.




“Uh, y-yeah! Just some friendly sparring!” Bareth said, contradicting the fountain of blood that was flowing down his face.


“Do it on the training grounds next time, dumbass! You’re gonna have to pay for that broken floor! Get this idiot to a healing pod, we can talk about the punishment after.” Grapion said.


The instructor looked over Gray, then turned and looked Bareth up and down. Finally, he smirked, “Well, it's clear to me who lost. You’ll take the punishment and cover the cost.”


“B-But he-”


“Don’t care, brat. Get moving.” Grapion ushered Bareth and his group out of the cafeteria. Gray swiped his hands together as he watched them leave, brushing off the dust and blood that coated them.


Let’s hope that was enough to keep him from causing trouble.


Gray blinked as he looked over at the shattered table, finally noticing the floating notification, which was floating menacingly over the remains of the table.


[Saiyan Assimilation] has reached 5%!


You have been inflicted with the [Saiyan Bloodline] status condition!


What the hell does th-


“U-um, thank you for your help!” The girl who he was pressing into his side said quietly, interrupting his thoughts. He turned to look at her, taking her in for the first time.


Almost forgot you were here.


The girl was blushing and looking down at the floor, but Gray could see her round and cute face. She had big innocent eyes and mid-length brown hair framing her face. He looked lower, taking in her body. She was short but had decently big breasts and a round thick ass. He quickly used [Observe] on her.


+200 Reputation with Ochaco (For standing up for her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]


[Warm] Ochaco:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 16


PL: 950,280


HP: 4,750/4,950


TKI: 45,280/45,280


Reputation: 200/1000 (Liked)


[Warm] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally warm and kind. They will be caring, warm, soft, and positive.


Gray’s eyes lingered on her behind for a little too long as he admired her.


She’s no hour-glass like Asia, but damn, I’ve lucked into a good one. Maybe all those LUK points are paying off?




Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 46,150 Coins


Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)


PL: 31,972,700


Available Points: 300


HP: 42,500/91,450


TKI: 171,925/171,925


STR: 315


AGI: 350


END: 290


INT: 435


CHA: 145


LUK: 455


KI: 395


HREG: 206


EREG: 206


Skills: [Observe LVL 4], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Congnitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Frieza! LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]


Party: [Empty]



AN: There’s chapter 12, hope y’all enjoyed it! As always, you can read the next part of this chapter, and all of chapter 13 RIGHT NOW at! (I’ll be upping that to 5 chapters ahead later this month or next month!) Otherwise, the next part will come out later today!

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