Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

Preparations (10.1)









“PERVERT! PERVERT! PERVERT!” Erza screamed as she stomped and lashed her leg out repeatedly, destroying the massive boulder behind Gray’s head as he swerved his head left and right, barely avoiding the woman's foot. 


“Wait wait wait! This is just a misunderstanding!” Gray said as he continued to dodge the raging women. 


Erza finally stopped as she glared down at him, “Misunderstanding? Well, then clear it up for me! It looks like you were hiding out behind this rock to peek at us while we trained, and then groped Yor’s breasts when you got found!” 


Gray hurriedly waved his hands, “Not at all! I was just here with Captain Ginyu and the Ginyu Force earlier when I got tired from the… training…yeah, the training we did! So I sat down and fell asleep!”


Gray looked at Yor for help, as she looked much more reasonable than her friend, but Yor just blushed as their eyes met and looked away.


That would’ve been cute if your friend wasn’t trying to cave my head in! 


“Really? You were training with Captain Ginyu? THE Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu Force just happened to come to Planet Vegeta, and spent his precious time training you, a no-name Saiyan, in what just happens to be our training spot?” Erza asked, looking down at him with disbelief.


“Well, when you put it like that…”

“Even if I believed your stupid story for some reason, that doesn’t explain why you just groped Yor’s breasts! What’s your excuse this time? The sun was in your eyes or something!?” Erza shouted down at him, making eye contact with him.


Gray stared into her eyes. Erza stared back. Gray stared some more. Erza stared back again.


“You weren’t actually going to say that, right?” 


“No! No! Of course not! There’s no way I thought the sun, which had already set, made spots in my eyes, and that those spots turned out to be Yor’s tits…” Gray said, scratching the back of his neck.


“Are you an idiot?” Erza asked incredulously as she stared down at him.


“No! I said that’s not what I thought! I just… um… uh… groped them because they were super nice and soft! Like, totally irresistible!” Gray said, knowing immediately that he gave a bad answer as fire reignited in Erza’s eyes. 


“I’ll kill you!” She screamed as she raised her foot upwards again.


“Wait!” Erza stopped her incoming attack as Yor spoke up, turning to look at the older woman.


Yor blushed as she looked away, her arms crossed and covering her breasts, “I’ll take responsibility… it’s not his fault that my breasts are so irresistible.”


She then looked over at Gray, an overly serious look on her face, “When shall the wedding be?”


+100 Reputation with Yor (For seducing her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Cute Pawn]]


When the fuck did I seduce her?


“You’re not getting married!” Erza shouted as she swatted the back of Yor’s head.


“But I still have some vacation days! 10 should be enough for the wedding and honeymoon, right?” Yor asked with an innocent look on her face.


“Lord Frieza doesn’t give us vacation days,” Erza sighed, looking back at Gray and jerking her thumb towards Yor, “Seriously, what were you doing here? We found you passed out behind this rock, and she got worried.”


“I really was training with the Ginyu Force! Though, getting my ass beat would be a better term for it.” Gray sighed, leaning back against the giant pile of rubble where the rock once stood.


“Oh, why didn’t you just say that,” Erza said, her gaze turning softer, “It’s not uncommon for Frieza Force soldiers to take out their frustrations on easy targets.”


+20 Reputation with Erza (For activating her protective instincts) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Cute Pawn]]


“Yeah! Lord Zarbon almost killed me when I was still a recruit! Put me in a coma for a whole week!” Yor said, looking overly cheerful as she told the story with a nostalgic smile on her face.


That’s not a happy memory, y’know?


“Sorry for judging you too quickly. We haven’t done our proper introductions yet, have we? I’m Erza, one of the youngest Frieza Force squad captains, as well as a fellow Saiyan!” Erza said with a grin, holding her hand out for Gray to take.


Gray smiled as he took her hand, letting her pull him to his feet, “I’m Gray, a Saiyan recruit in training. I just finished my first semester and passed the F-Class exam.”


“And I’m Yor!” Yor said as she stood up, taking a step towards him with a beautiful and friendly smile on her face, “I’m your fiance!” 


“No, you’re not! Introduce yourself properly!” Erza said as she glared at the other woman.


“Ah, I’m also Erza’s vice-captain, and a Saiyan as well!” Yor finished with a giggle. 


Gray grinned, “It’s nice meeting both of ya! Thanks for being concerned about me, but I’m all good. I’ve also got some friends who are probably looking for me, so I’ll need to head back to the training building.” 


“Are you sure you’re fine? You could use my healing pod if you need, hubby!” Yor said, looking at Gray with a concerned look on her face, her face flushed red.


“Stop calling him that!”


“Seriously, I’m all good. I heal pretty fast. If you both are Frieza Force members, then I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you both once I graduate.” Gray grinned at them both as he started flying upwards.


“Oh, that’s right, you’re still a trainee! We can have the wedding after you graduate!” Yor shouted up to him as he started flying towards the training building. 


Erza sighed again at Yor’s words, but smiled softly up at Gray, “Yeah, yeah. Good luck with your training. If you survive and graduate, come see me. I’ll see if I can make room in my squad for you.”


“Will do!” Gray hollered as he flew away, picking up his speed as he blasted towards the training center.


“Come on, Yor. Let’s get back to our training.”


+20 Reputation with Yor (Because she likes you) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Cute Pawn]]


She’s way too nice, but having a powerful Frieza Force member be into me isn’t a bad thing either. She also looks kinda familiar…


Gray hummed as he racked his brain, wondering where he’d seen the two girls before.


Nah, must be my imagination. I feel like I’d remember those two.


Gray soared through the sky as the training building came into view, and he landed back at the area his Saiyan pod had landed in. It was relatively empty, with just a few instructors milling around as another pod landed. He headed towards the double doors that led to the inside, entering the large hallway as he turned in the direction the cafeteria was. He had to walk a bit further than usual as he looked for the D-Class cafeteria, which wasn’t any different from the F-Class one, excluding the fact that only D-Class trainees could eat there and there were better food options. He started walking a bit faster, hoping he’d find Asia and Tamari there.


I doubt it though. I might have to wait to talk to them tomorrow. It’s been a few hours, I’m sure they’re back in their rooms by now, and maybe even asleep already. They must also be exhausted from the mission. 


His fear of missing them today was leviated as he entered the cafeteria, a voice calling out to him, “Gray!”


Asia ran towards him, and Gray couldn’t help but let his eyes scan over her body as she did, her decent-sized breasts jiggling with each step. He had to stop himself from whistling appreciatively as he saw her bigger, bubbly ass jiggle as well, being visible even from the front. She stopped right in front of him as she looked up at him with worry, “Is everything okay? I was really worried!”


You are so cute Asia.


Gray grinned, placing his hand on her head and patting it, “I’m all good, don’t worry. Just got a new mission already.”


“A new mission? We just got back from Vargon!” A voice rang out from behind Asia as Tamari walked up to the two of them. Saeko was with her as well, joining the threesome a few seconds later. 


Gray smiled complacently at her, “It’s fine. Let me get some food first and I’ll tell you all about it, alright?” 




“Am I coming with you?” 


Gray stared across the table at Saeko, who was the last of the trio of girls remaining in the cafeteria. Asia and Tamari had both headed back to their rooms to go to sleep, the exhaustion from the exam still weighing on them. He’d spent the last few hours conversing with the three of them, first about his mission and then about the future of their training. Of course, he’d been vague about what really happened, leaving out that King Vegeta had given him the mission personally, and that said King was sending him on a suicide mission.


“No. I didn’t want to worry the Asia and Tamari, but the mission will be really dangerous. It’ll be tough even for me to survive.” Gray sighed.


“Then it would be better if I came with you, as backup!” Saeko said with a sweet smile.


“Seriously, no. The enemies on Earth are going to make Kolra look like cannon fodder. I won’t be able to protect you.” Gray countered, looking into her sharp blue eyes.


Well, maybe not cannon fodder. He was still an A-Class recruit, even if he was the weakest one. But if even Frieza Force members can’t keep a stronghold on Earth, then I’m sure the opponents I’ll meet will be much stronger than Kolra was.


“How sweet that you feel the need to protect me, but I won’t need it. I can hold my own. I might not have a big power level like you, but my sword skills more than makeup for it.” Saeko said, her eyes narrowing as she continued to stare into Gray’s, a bloodthirsty smile creeping onto her face. She crossed her arms under her breasts, pressing them upwards in her Saiyan underarmor.


“Even if you could hold your own, it’s not like I can just take you with me in my pod. This is a mission. The members have already decided, and I’m not the leader. I can’t just get you in, and I’d need a really good reason if I even wanted to try and convince Raditz.”


That’s not completely true. I’m sure Celia has enough sway to convince Raditz.


“Just tell him I’m your personal sword holder,” Saeko said with a teasing smile as she held up [King’s Obelisk], “You definitely didn’t leave your masterpiece of a sword, which you said was ‘super awesome,’ in your pod when we landed, right?”


Gray blinked and blushed as he realized he had, in fact, left his sword in this pod when he was more concerned about meeting the King, “Okay, maybeeeeeee I did that, but I’ll keep better track of it on Earth. I’ll get a sheath for it and everything now that I have time. I don’t need a personal sword holder!” 


Saeko’s smirk grew even wider, turning almost creepy as she stared down Gray like an animal staring at their prey, “Fine, then just tell him I’m your personal whore!”


“W-What?” Gray stuttered, the words catching in his throat.


“That would be a good reason, right? Then they wouldn’t even need to get another pod for me.” Saeko smirked as she watched Gray squirm, “You wouldn’t mind, right? The pods are pretty small, so I’d have to sit on your lap the whole time. And if there are any problems with your ‘joystick,’ I could lend a hand…”


“Saeko,” Gray groaned, rubbing his face with his hand, “Seriously, it’ll be dangerous.”


“...Well, if I really can’t go, then maybe I should start letting all the other recruits know I’m your personal whore, right? Just to dissuade them from trying anything!” Saeko said, her smirk not leaving her face as she held up her hands in a surrendering gesture, “You Saiyans are all barbarians, right? A poor, helpless Takuthian girl like me, stuck in a building with a bunch of hormone-filled Saiyan brutes, all backed up from having to train constantly. I’d need something to make sure they don’t do anything to me, right?”


“Fine…” Gray groaned, “I get it. I’ll talk to Raditz, alright? Don’t tell anyone anything about you being my… whore.” 


+200 Reputation with Saeko (For giving into her teasing) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]


Gray had been steadily gaining a reputation with Saeko over the past day as she slowly started liking him more, just from association. This wasn’t uncommon, as he’d constantly get small reputation gains for no major reason from multiple people as he became more familiar with them. However, this reputation boost had skyrocketed his relationship with Saeko to the next level, setting her reputation at over 400.


Saeko’s smirk turned into a dominant smile as she stood up, lending forward so her breasts hung down in front of Gray’s face where he sat across the table from her, “Great! I’m glad we both agree on this!”


“Yeah, yeah. But don’t think I forgot about what you said, y’know?” It was Gray’s turn to smirk as he brought his hands up, giving both of Saeko’s handing breasts a squeeze, “You’ll be in my pod. Don’t complain when my, what did you call it? ‘Joystick’ presses into that nice ass of yours, alright?”  


+100 Reputation with Saeko (For not giving in too easily) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]


Saeko’s dominant smile grew even larger as she reached her hand forward, grabbing Gray by his hair and shoving his face forward into her breasts. She leaned forward, whispering into his ear, “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t. I hope the trip there is nice and long, just like something else…” 


She stepped back, freeing Gray’s face from her breasts as she stepped around the table, “But for now, I’ll be heading to bed. Don’t think about me too much tonight!” 


“Yeah, yeah. I probably will be, but I’ll see you tomorrow. Get all the rest you can in the next few days. We need to be fresh for the mission” Gray said with a defeated sigh. 


+40 Reputation with Saeko (For giving into her teasing) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]


That just seemed like a bit of fun teasing to me, but I guess it was a big deal to her. Does she have a higher reputation than Asia and Tamari now? I’ll check later.


Saeko walked away from the table, stopping momentarily to look back at him as she softly slapped her ass through her skirt, then continued walking. Gray leaned his head into the table, feeling exhausted again.


“I thought Saiyan women were supposed to be feisty, but the only non-Saiyan girl so far seems like she’ll be the most trouble.” Gray mused to himself, “I'm not one to let a woman boss me around, but every harem needs that lead girl, right?”


I figured it’d end up being Bulma, considering she wore the pants in the relationship with even stubborn-ass Vegeta, but she’s got some competition. 


Gray sluggishly picked his head up, standing up and walking away from the table. He headed back to his room, his mind and body both ready for a good night's sleep after all the excitement from the day. He threw himself onto his bed as he arrived, but forced himself to sit up as he had one more thing to do before heading to sleep. Gray sat on the edge of his bed, an excited smile on his face.


I’ve got a [Perk Token] and two [Skill Token]’s to use, right? 



Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 46,150 Coins


Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)


PL: 31,972,700


Available Points: 600


HP: 42,500/91,450


TKI: 164,025/164,025


STR: 315


AGI: 350


END: 290


INT: 415


CHA: 145


LUK: 155


KI: 395


HREG: 196


EREG: 196


Skills: [Observe LVL 4], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]


Party: [Empty]




AN: Thanks for reading! As always, you can read the next half of this chapter (which will be posted publicly later today) and up to chapter 12 right now at !

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