Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

Saiyan Recruit Arc End (7.2)









Well, at least I’ve got some time alone.


Gray checked his stats one more time as his space pod raced away from Vargon.


Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan F-Class Recruit 1]


Age: 15


Wallet: 36,150 Coins


Lvl: 8 (22,956/30,000 XP)


PL: 29,036,200


Available Points: 0


HP: 55,580/91,450


TKI: 29,565/164,025


STR: 315


AGI: 350


END: 290


INT: 415


CHA: 145


LUK: 155


KI: 395


HREG: 176


EREG: 176


Skills: [Observe LVL 4], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]


Party: Asia, Tamari, Celia


His eyes skimmed through the stats for a moment, before thinking shop.


A screen appeared before him:




Wallet: 36,150


[Wooden Stick] - 1 Coins


[Bag of Chips] - 3 Coins


[Metal Pipe] - 10 Coins


Where the hell is the good stuff?


Gray mentally swiped the screen downwards, scrolling downwards as the items he could purchase became more expensive. There were thousands of items, with pretty much anything Gray could think of being available. He sighed in relief as he saw a search bar in the top corner.


I thought I’d have to scroll through this every time I wanted to buy something. Thank you, game.


Gray hummed as he thought about what he should search for.


Senzu Bean.


[Senzu Bean] - 100,000 Coins


[Enhanced Senzu Bean] - 1,000,000 Coins


[ULTIMATE Senzu Bean] - 100,000,000 Coins


[LOCKED] - Reach LVL 10 to unlock more shop items.


A hundred thousand coins for one senzu bean?! You better start giving me more coins and soon, damn game. And why the hell are there three kinds, or maybe even more, of senzu beans? 


Gray pushed aside his curiosity as he looked at the price, knowing he wouldn’t be able to afford anything more than a normal senzu bean anytime soon. 


Dragon ball?


[Earthly Dragon Ball] - 1,000,000 Coins


[Earthly Dragon Ball Set] - 6,000,000 Coins


[Namekian Dragon Ball] - 3,000,000 Coins


[Namekian Dragon Ball Set] - 20,000,000 Coins


[LOCKED] - Reach LVL 10 to unlock more shop items.


Yeah, won’t be getting any of those anytime soon. What about… healing items?


[25% HP Restore] - 10,000 Coins


[25% Ki Restore] - 10,000 Coins


[50% HP Restore] - 50,000 Coins


[50% Ki Restore] - 50,000 Coins


[Full Heal] - 100,000 Coins


[Full Ki Restore] - 100,000 Coins


[Ally Revive] - 10,000,000 Coins


[Self-Revive] - 100,000,000 Coins


[LOCKED] - Reach LVL 10 to unlock more shop items.


These prices are ridiculous… damn nightmare mode. I wonder if I could just buy four 25% restores instead of a full restore, or would it be 25% of my missing HP? More importantly, there’s a self-revive. Does that mean if I die I’ll go to other world like the characters in the series did? 


Gray’s eyes glanced over to the [Ally Revive].


Sorry, Ken, you were a good guy, but that’s way out of my budget. Maybe in a couple of years, when I’m hopefully rich as hell and ruling the whole universe, I’ll be able to bring you back.


Gray glanced at his sword, which barely fit into the Saiyan pod. 


Why the hell did they make these things so small?  I wish I could’ve unlocked an inventory and taken those swords with me.  I’ll try to come back here someday on a bigger ship.

Gray wanted to spend more than a few minutes looking at the shop, but the exhaustion of the battle started weighing on him heavily.


Whatever, it’ll always be there. I’ll look through it more thoroughly another time.


Gray closed his eyes, allowing sleep to take hold of him as his ship raced toward Planet Vegeta.




“Arrival on Planet Vegeta in approximately 10 minutes.” A robotic voice rattled through Gray’s space pod, waking him from his slumber.


Did I sleep the whole trip back? I guess I did only sleep for a couple of hours during the nearly two days we were on Vargon.


Gray looked out the pod window, watching Planet Vegeta grow bigger in his view. His mind wandered to Celia’s words earlier.


King Vegeta will want to speak with me? I get that she’s royalty, but how the hell does she know that? Hopefully, it’s nothing bad, but knowing my luck, it definitely will be.


Gray tried to calm his nerves as his pod raced toward Planet Vegeta, and before long his pod was slamming into the planet's surface, creating a crater around him. The pod door raised up, and Gray stepped out. They landed in the same place they had left from, but it looked much emptier. Instead of thousands of recruits, there were now only a few instructors. 


One of them was Beolour, who was walking swiftly toward him. He looked strangely nervous and stopped stiffly in front of Gray, staring at him expectantly. Gray wasn’t sure what he wanted but was saved from an awkward situation by Celia, who was walking toward him from where her pod had landed a few dozen feet away. She stopped next to him, and stood straight up, looking at Beolour.


“F-Class, Team 1, returning from Vargon. The mission is complete.” She said simply, and Beolour nodded stiffly at her.


“Good job, recruits. You’ve brought pride to your families, as well as to our class. You’ve passed the exam.” Beolour said stiffly, sweat dripping down his brow.


[Quest Complete]


Pass the exam.




+500 Attribute points (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+10,000 Coins


+10,000 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+1 [Perk Token]


+1 [Skill Token]


Bonus Rewards:


You will receive bonus rewards based on how many [Sayians] you kill. 


+50,000 XP for killing 5 Saiyans!


You will receive bonus rewards based on how many [Vargonians] you kill.


+30,580 XP for killing 3,580 Vargonians!


You have leveled up multiple times!


Gray didn’t have time to even look at his reward, as he quickly realized why Beoleour was so nervous. A man was approaching them, one whom Gray recognized very well.


[Rough] Raditz:


[Saiyan Elite]


Age: 29


PL: ?


HP: ?


TKI: ?


Reputation: 0/100 (Neutral)


[Rough] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally talented in “rough” situations, such as training, sports, etc.


Why the fuck is he here?


He looked exactly how Gray remembered him. He was tall, with bulging muscles all over his body, and a long mane of black hair flowing down his back. Beolour turned toward Raditz nervously.


“Ah, Sir Raditz, these are the recruits from Team 1 in Class-F.” He said, trying his best not to look nervous but failing miserably.


“No shit,” Raditz said with a chuckle, glancing at Celia and gesturing toward Gray, “He’s the one, right?”


“Yes. This is Gray.” Celia responded emotionlessly.


“Great. The King wanted to speak with him as soon as he arrived. Let’s go.” Raditz said gruffly, ignoring the rest of his team, and Saeko, who were now arriving beside Gray from their own pods. Tamari looked as good as new and had been speaking quietly with Asia until they’d arrived beside Gray.


“This is Saeko. She is from the planet Takuth, but is a guest of Gray’s. Show her to a bedroom where she can stay, and I will bring Gray to Father.” Celia said, not letting any emotion show on her face as she gestured toward Saeko. Saeko gave a small smile.


“A pleasure to meet y-”


“I didn’t ask about her. Beolour, show her to a room. Kid, follow me.” Raditz interrupted her, staring pointedly at Gray.


“No, I will show him the way.” Celia countered again, and Raditz glared back at her.


What the hell is going on?


“The King gave me the task of bringing the boy to him. Don’t make this difficult.” Raditz said with a hint of steel in his voice.


“The King gave me a mission to find him. I will be the one to report the success of the mission.” Celia responded, still showcasing no emotion. Raditz's eye twitched in annoyance.


“Fine, you can come with me, bastard child,” Raditz said with a humorless smile on his face.


“A royal bastard is better than a low-class any day. I will speak with Gray and the rest of our team alone for a minute, then we will head to Father.” Celia answered evenly. Raditz glared at the girl angrily, then huffed and walked towards the door leading into the building.


“What was that all about?” Tamari asked, looking questioningly at Gray. 


“I’m not sure…” Gray trailed off, looking at Celia.


“Beolour, leave us,” Celia said simply, and the large man quickly walked away from the group.


“He is one of Fathers, that is, King Vegeta’s, squad captains,” Celia explained.


“Your dad is King Vegeta?” Tamari asked incredulously.


“I was wondering what you meant when you called her royalty back on Vargon…” Asia said quietly, glancing up at Gray.


“It is not important to you. I must bring Gray to Father now. Saeko, tell Beolour to show you to a room. You two, do whatever you’d like.” Celia said, looking dismissively at Tamari and Asia. 


Tamari looked like she was going to argue with her, but stopped as she glanced back at Raditz, who was glaring impatiently at them from across the training grounds.


“Be careful,” She murmured to Gray as she walked toward the building.


“I-I’ll see you later, Gray!” Asia said cutely as she rushed to follow Tamari. Gray smiled at her and nodded. Saeko walked over to Beolour.


“Before we meet Father, you must listen to me. What I will tell you is very serious.” Celia said, looking at Gray seriously.


“I’m not sure I trust anything you say anymore, but sure, go ahead,” Gray said simply.


“It’s fine if you do not trust me, as long as you do not trust the King either. I did not lie to you Gray, when I said I would entrust my life to you. I am truly on your side, but the King is not. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.” Celia said cryptically. Gray opened his mouth to respond, but Raditz's voice rang across the training grounds before he could.


“What the hell is taking you so long, bastard child?” His gruff voice shouted as he started walking toward them.


“I will explain more later. Just ensure you do not make any commitments to King Vegeta. Do not tell him any secrets, do not agree to any of his plans, and do not trust him. Most importantly, be respectful, but do not go overboard. No kneeling, no bowing.” Celia said as they started walking toward Raditz. 


I don’t trust her, but I also wasn’t going to do most of that anyway. Whether or not I’ll trust him or agree to any of his plans depends on what he says, but I won’t tell him more than he needs to know. The no kneeling and bowing part is questionable. Hopefully, he won’t try to kill me on the spot for being disrespectful, but I don’t know anything about royal etiquette, and she’s royalty, so I’ll have to trust her.


“You can fly, right?” Raditz asked gruffly, and Gray nodded, “Follow me.”


Raditz shot off into the sky, and Gray struggled to keep up with him. He was glad to see that while Celia was doing better than him, she was also struggling to keep up.


I can’t tell how strong she is with her power suppressed, but she’s likely not much stronger than I am now. 


They soared over planet Vegeta, and Gray got to see how the planet looked outside of the academy for the first time. They soared over small towns, farms, and then also huge cities. It took more than a couple hours of flight before they arrived at a giant city. The buildings looked rather… normal if you ignored that they were all built on the top of giant rocks and mountains.


There were skyscrapers looming around, as well as smaller buildings, but nothing looked very impressive or out of the ordinary expect for one building. In the exact middle of the city was a giant palace, towering over all the other ones. A giant mountain stretched into the air higher than any of the towering mountains or rocks around it, but the palace on top put even the giant mountain to shame.


It was completely golden, with columns of gold acting as support beams for the palace. It was easily tens of thousands of feet tall, as well as thousands of feet wide. Raditz led them through the city-like palace, and they eventually reached a giant set of double doors. Raditz pushed them open, and they stepped into a giant throne room.


The room was nearly pitch black despite the sun shining outside. There was a giant balcony hanging over the room, and a semi-circle of thrones sat in the middle of the room. Each throne had a figure in it, but only one of them was alive. 


King Vegeta sat on the middle throne, while the six thrones around him, three on each side, had large statues of men filling them, all of whom were depicted as dying in various ways. There were many more smaller statues littering the room, all portraying men kneeling before the thrones. Gray glanced at King Vegeta.


[Ruler] King Vegeta:


[Saiyan King]


Age: 67


PL: ?


HP: ?


TKI: ?


Reputation: 25/100 (Positively-Viewed)


[Ruler] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be natural rulers. They will have skills and perks that allow them to more effectively rule a kingdom.


“This is the child, your Highness,” Raditz said, but Gray noticed that the man didn’t kneel or bow, instead standing straight as he stared up at the king. King Vegeta looked exactly how Gray pictured he would, looking nearly identical to Vegeta, with his short stature and his large spike of hair, but looked older with the beard on his face. 


“He is.” King Vegeta’s voice rumbled throughout the throne room, “Good work.”


“My mission is complete, Father,” Celia spoke up.


“It is. Good work, Celia.” The King responded. His eyes locked with Gray, and for just a split second, Gray felt a spike of fear rock through his body. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to come from this meeting, but the king’s next words were definitely not it.


“How do you feel about killing Freeza?”




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