Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 106: The Chimera’s Feast

Lynn's heart pounded in his chest as he witnessed the transformation of the seemingly lifeless body. The sinister smile sent chills down his spine, confirming his suspicions that something deeply malevolent was at play.

The laughter echoed through the chamber, reverberating off the cold stone walls. It was a haunting sound, devoid of joy or mirth, carrying an air of pure madness and sadistic pleasure.

"Leaving so soon?" Knott's voice rang out, simultaneously raspy and taunting. "But the party's just getting started," he declared, his eyes gleaming with a twisted intensity.

At that particular moment, Lynn's pupils instinctively contracted. A cold shudder coursed through his body, accompanied by an unsettling sensation that permeated into his heart, as though he was being closely observed by a dangerous predator.

His ears caught a faint whisper, an unfamiliar word that had never met his hearing before. Its meaning eluded him, leaving him utterly perplexed and unable to comprehend its significance.

Simultaneously, a peculiar veil of numbness enshrouded him. This unusual state of emotional detachment was accompanied by an indescribable sense of discontentment that resonated deep within his heart.

"Something is wrong," he immediately realized, a surge of clarity cutting through the fog of confusion. An inexplicable pressure descended upon him, weighing heavily on his shoulders like an invisible burden. It wasn't an illusion!

As soon as he noticed the problem, he immediately broke free from the control. He discovered that at one point he had lifted his legs and was approaching the grotesque altar. Some invisible force compelled his legs to carry him forward against his will.

With an unwavering will, Lynn halted his involuntary stride and regained control over his body. Cold beads of perspiration dotted his forehead as the implications of what had just transpired sank in.

"As expected from the special detective," Knott sneered, his laughter abruptly ceased, replaced by a sinister smile on his face. "This kind of small tricks don't work—"

But before he could finish his sentence, Lynn sprang into action. Without a moment of hesitation, he unleashed another round of gunfire with his Bloody Reaper.

This time, he triggered the full force of his firepower, holding nothing back. The heavy bullets surged forward, propelled by deadly intent. Their trajectories were meticulously aimed to ensure a swift and fatal outcome.

One bullet set its sights on Knott's head, while the other zeroed in on his chest, specifically targeting the heart. In a matter of milliseconds, the projectiles closed the short distance, finding their mark with chilling precision.

The devastating impact utterly destroyed their targets, leaving behind only a mangled mess. In a gruesome display, darkened blood erupted everywhere, creating a macabre jet that splattered the cold stone floor.

Lynn didn’t stop to savor the moment of victory. Looking at the mangled body lying motionless on the ground, his spiritual vision revealed that it had still some activity. He understood that this was merely the beginning of the conflict, far from its conclusion.

Determined to stay ahead, Lynn tightened his grip on his weapons and continued his retreat, taking deliberate and cautious steps backward to create more distance between himself and his adversary.

His expression remained stern, showing the gravity of the situation. In this brief respite, he took the opportunity to reload his gun, all the while scanning his surroundings.

Now that he had exposed himself within the enemy's base, he understood the vulnerability of his position. He could be attacked from any direction, and he needed to be prepared for any eventuality.

His senses were on high alert as he analyzed what was going on. "Perhaps this is not Knott himself, but rather some kind of puppet being controlled by him," he whispered under his breath.

His intuition led him to believe that this was highly probable, especially upon noticing the unique mark etched onto the corpse. This realization firmly took hold in his thoughts, leaving him with no doubt that there had to be more to this puzzle.

Especially considering the content of the journal he had discovered earlier in the underground chamber beneath the manor. These disturbing notes offered ominous hints regarding the corruption and obsession that had seized the merchant.

Just as he was going to shift his focus to the sole location where Knott’s true body might be hiding, an unexpected chuckle resonated from the presumed corpse, whose physical form was destroyed beyond recognition.

"Such ruthlessness,” the raspy voice remarked, a hint of amusement detectable amidst its impassive tone.  "It appears that the rumors regarding your cruel nature are not unfounded."

Lynn's eyes narrowed as he observed the grotesque sight before him. Despite missing half of its head and with its chest brutally destroyed, the ravaged puppet-like being persisted in its eerie, ceaseless monologue.

This time, the voice was coming from two distinct sources simultaneously. His gaze shifted toward the big structure in the center of the ritual circle.

Indeed, that was the only hiding spot possible in the area. The twisted amalgamation of bones and ligament appeared to pulse in sync with the rhythm of the voice, confirming his suspicions.

However, he didn't launch an immediate attack. The information in the madman's speech piqued his interest. He was not talking specifically about Lynn, but rather on special detectives as a whole.

This merchant seemed to know something about the mysterious side of this world, especially the enigmatic identity he had accepted when he entered this dungeon for the first time.

"When that poor officer informed me that a special detective was coming to avenge him, I was forced to change my plans," Knott admitted, his voice emanating from the writhing mass of flesh.

"I didn't expect that a small sheriff in this remote town could have connections that allowed him to directly contact those terrifying people," he continued.

Since arriving in this world, Lynn had simply accepted the role assigned to him without deeply contemplating its significance. It seemed that the organization he represented that dealt with supernatural incidents was far more powerful and influential than he had initially assumed.

"However, the relentless pressure you have applied since your arrival into town has finally compelled me to abandon my former body and be reborn anew," Knott's voice proclaimed, a fervent zeal creeping into his tone.

"And you, my dear detective, are the final ingredient I require to complete this miraculous transformation," the voice uttered with sinister delight.

As soon as those ominous words were spoken, the skeletal structure of the altar suddenly pulsated violently, growing in intensity until the entire edifice seemed alive, undulating and contorting grotesquely.

Simultaneously, the mysterious symbols etched upon the chamber walls came to life. Bathed in an otherworldly crimson light, they glowed with an eerie intensity that seemed to penetrate the very fabric of reality.

Lynn's eyes widened as he witnessed the surreal spectacle unfolding before him, but that didn’t stop him from quickly reacting. He was expecting the situation to escalate.

With swift speed, he raised his Bloody Reaper and fired another barrage of shots in quick succession, aiming at the convulsing altar. The thunderous blasts reverberated through the underground space as the bullets streaked toward their target.

However, his efforts proved futile. Before the projectiles could reach their intended target, they were intercepted by a sudden and unexpected emergence.

Bursting forth from within the convulsing mass of flesh, a limb covered in an armored exoskeleton materialized, effectively blocking the incoming attack.

The bullets collided with the sturdy armor, resulting in a resounding clang that echoed through the ritual chamber. The effect of the assault caused visible cracks to form on the shielded surface, demonstrating the sheer force behind the rounds.

The limb recoiled slightly as it absorbed the impact, momentarily affected by the intensity of the attack. But it swiftly retreated into the depths of the convulsing structure, seeking refuge.

Full of determination, Lynn braced himself to press forward, ready to continue his assault. However, he was momentarily disrupted when he noticed an unforeseen development, prompting him to pause briefly.

The elaborate sigils meticulously carved into the walls of the chamber began to shift along the perimeter of the ritual space.  They seamlessly intertwined and merged, forming a perfect and unbroken circle.

The expected confusion that should have clouded his mind in the face of such a bewildering phenomenon was absent. Instead, his brow furrowed with curiosity, as a sudden notification from the system appeared in front of him.

[The Chimera's Feast]

[Hidden Mission: A duel to the death, where the winner devours the loser, assimilating everything they possess. Defeat Knott to survive the ritual!]

"A fight to the death where the victor consumes the loser?" Lynn muttered in disbelief. "Just what kind of twisted ritual is this?"

He had little time to ponder this disturbing revelation before a thunderous crash echoed through. Lynn's gaze returned to the altar just in time to witness something burst violently from within.

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