Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 11: First Surgery

As Lynn peers inside the crumbled wall, he spots a woman with her back pressed against the wall. She appears to be in a dire state. Her clothes are covered in blood, including dried and coagulated black stains, as well as flowing scarlet blood, indicating that she may have suffered severe injuries

Lynn notices that one of the woman's hands is hanging limply by her side, while the other is tightly gripping a crowbar. As their eyes meet, Lynn sees a spark of hope light up in the woman's eyes.

"It's not a zombie," the blonde woman murmurs softly, her expression suddenly lighting up.

Overwhelmed, she couldn’t hold back anymore. Having exhausted her last bit of strength to survive until now, the woman's body suddenly goes limp as she collapses to the ground, fainting from exhaustion.

"Fainted?" Lynn furrows his brow, his eyes showing a solemn and suspicious expression.

They are in a hospital filled with zombies, and the chance of encountering a lone surviving human is as low as winning the lottery.

And against all odds, he has stumbled upon her!

After observing for a long time, the woman lying on the ground still shows no signs of suddenly transforming into a zombie and violently biting his neck.

In Lynn's perception, although it is weak, this woman still has a heartbeat and is breathing. At the very least, she should be a human, not a zombie.

He felt that she had probably really fainted from exhaustion and blood loss.

Still, he remains cautious, not letting his guard down.

Lynn weighs his options. He could leave this unknown survivor here and continue solo. But his instincts tell him that would be unwise. Other humans represent valuable allies and resources. He must take the risk.

Kneeling down, Lynn examines the woman's injuries.

Lowering his gaze, Lynn carefully examines the woman's blood-soaked clothing. After thinking for a moment, he approaches her and reaches out to feel her faint pulse.

Looking closely, scarlet blood is oozing constantly from the woman's chest. Clearly, her injuries are extremely serious. Without immediate care, Lynn estimates grimly that she likely won't survive.

Save her?

Or leave her be?

Lynn furrows his brows as he ponders deeply.

However, upon further reflection, he realized that his dilemma was completely unfounded and invalid.

With this kind of severe injury, even using his skill [Cell Proliferation] will only delay the inevitable.

Although Lynn has a [Doctor] Class, the gravity of her condition demands a proper surgical intervention, a complex procedure that surpasses his own limited medical knowledge and experience.

“Maybe with the help of [Gemini Soul] …” Lynn muttered, maybe using his talent, he has a slim chance of saving her.

“With this kind of injury, she will certainly die, I might as well try”

Faced with certain death otherwise, Lynn decides the attempt is worthwhile.

He will treat this as valuable training.

First, he spread out a sheet he found in the room on the ground, then lifted the unconscious woman and placed her on it.

Then, he takes out surgical instruments from his backpack, and Lynn begins moving his hands with calm precision.

Using the surgical scissors, he made an incision from top to bottom where her collar was, revealing the injuries.

After a thorough inspection, it was clear that she had more than one injury.

Luckily, she doesn’t seem to have any injury that looks like a bite or a scratch from a zombie.

Lynn's expression turned grave as he examined the wound in the middle of the blonde woman's chest. It appeared to be the result of a powerful impact, possibly caused when the brutish zombie tore down a wall and she was hit by debris or thrown against the ground.

Activate [Gemini Soul]!

Lynn gently touched the skin near the wound and felt the limbs, using this touch to perceive the status of the body and simulate it in his mind.

He quickly assesses the overall condition of the injuries.

“A broken rib, a left arm fracture, internal organs damaged in multiple places,” Lynn mutters calmly. “She needs an operation as soon as possible."

Making a mistake during the surgery, and this woman would be cut to death by himself. But if he didn't proceed with the operation, the woman would also die.

She would die in both cases, but there is still a chance of survival if the surgery is successful.

Taking a scalpel, Lynn proceeds with an indifferent expression and starts the complex operation, stitching, and mending as if performing on a lifeless corpse, his focus unbroken throughout.

Apart from dissecting zombie corpses, it was the first time Lynn used his scalpel on a living body, and it was in the middle of a hospital filled with zombies.

This is the first time he has operated on a living body. Lynn draws on fragmented medical knowledge from his past life, combining it with [Cell Proliferation] to repair the damage.

Cleaning, sterilization, suturing, fixation of the fractured and damaged limb...

As he carried out the operation, he utilized his heightened state of consciousness to retrieve information from medical texts that he had read in his previous life. Though he was not a medical specialist, he had come across sections of these texts that could prove useful in the current situation.

Simultaneously, he activated his [Cell Proliferation] skill, which stimulated the growth of cells and initiated the healing process, thereby enhancing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

He remained focused throughout the process, stitching together the internal organs, blood vessels, nerves, and finally the epidermis.

As he finished suturing, Lynn looked at the woman in front of him, who probably wouldn't see the dawn, and then used his [Cell Proliferation] skill two more times rapidly healing wounds and regenerating damaged tissue.

After applying the bandages with gauze, he retrieved a sheet and draped it over the blonde woman's body, covering her naked form to prevent her body heat from dissipating too rapidly and risking death.

The operation was perfect, at least for Lynn, a beginner doctor.

Sighing in exhaustion, Lynn looks down at the woman. "I've done all I can. Your fate is in your hands now."

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