Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 116: Back on Blue Star

A metallic scent hung in the air, dense and cloying. It was overpowering, filling the entire space. Red stains covered the pristine white walls, evidence of the gruesome battle that had just unfolded.

Imprints of fists had been slammed with earth-shattering force, indenting portions of the tough material. The residual fire emanating from those handprints caused wisps of smoke to rise, gradually dissolving into the surroundings.

Strewn across the ritual chamber floor were the lifeless bodies of the five werewolves. No longer snarling beasts overwhelmed by primal bloodlust, they had reverted to their original human forms after death. Their mangled corpses lay in various states of dismemberment.

Simon stood motionless amidst the carnage, beads of sweat glimmered on his muscular frame as the remaining heat continued to radiate faintly from his skin. His chest rose and fell with deep breaths as he surveyed the aftermath.

The ritual had succeeded, provoking a profound metamorphosis within his very being. He could feel it in his bones, his muscles, permeating every fiber of his existence. The power coursing through his veins was exhilarating and intimidating in equal measure.

Closing his eyes, calming his mind, and regulating his breathing. He delved inward, visualizing a surging river of magma cascading through his core. With a single thought, he could transform again into that terrifying form.

As he became lost in contemplation, the heavy silence blanketing the room was abruptly disturbed. A low hum reverberated through the air as hidden mechanisms came to life again.

Simon did not need to glance up to know who had arrived. The sound of high heels clicking against the hard floor echoed through the chamber. He recognized the distinctive, purposeful stride.

Emerging from the brightly illuminated corridor beyond the opening, Amber traversed the floor strewn with remnants of chaos, carefully avoiding the pools of blood congealing on the white tiles. Her keen eyes scanned the scene, analyzing every detail.

"Captain Simon," she spoke, her voice resonating with a profound sense of awe inspired by the sheer force witnessed. "Congratulations for the advancement! How do you feel?"

He drew in a deep lungful of air and turned to face her, enjoying the newfound sensation of strength permeating his being. "Powerful," he stated simply.

"The researchers are eager to run more tests and obtain readings. But first, you should clean yourself up and take some time to recover," Amber suggested, gesturing to the lingering blood splatter and grime coating his frame.

Simon nodded his head in agreement with her suggestion. The idea of taking a refreshing shower to cleanse himself of the lingering stress and gather his thoughts sounded incredibly appealing.

However, before leaving, a thought crossed his mind. "Wait," he said, turning back. "Can you use your ability on these corpses? Perhaps you could glean some valuable information."

Amber paused, a contemplative look in her eyes as she glanced over at the mangled bodies scattered across the ritual chamber floor. She hesitated briefly before replying.

"I can try," she said finally. "My ability as a [Medium] still lacks refinement, but communicating with the lingering spirits of the recently deceased is within my capabilities."

Amber closed her eyes, drawing a deep breath to center herself. Without opening them, she navigated toward the nearest dead body. Silently, words from a cryptic language started escaping from her lips like delicate whispers.

The moment this happened, the temperature in the room plummeted abruptly. An unnatural chill permeated the air, accompanied by a bone-chilling breeze that seemed to materialize from nothingness.

Simon tensed, skin prickling from the sudden icy touch of the wind. Goosebumps rippled across his muscular arms as an involuntary shiver shook his frame.

But Amber appeared unperturbed, immersed in her extraordinary ability, slipping into a trance-like state.  Strands of raven hair fluttered gently around her face, stirred by the spectral breeze.

The corpses started trembling, their limbs shaking ever so slightly. The movement was barely perceptible at first. If not for his sharp senses, he would have dismissed it as a trick of the light.

But the subtle quivering steadily gained strength. Their arms and legs shuddered violently as if an electrical current passed through them. Even the severed limbs twitched and writhed.

As they convulsed, an aura flickered around them like erratic flames. Slowly, impressions started flowing into Amber's mind - images, sensations, flashes of memory.

Her brow furrowed with concentration as she absorbed the influx of information. The connection she established with the spirits allowed her to tap into their fragmented consciousness.

After several minutes, she withdrew from her trance with a shuddering gasp. She staggered weakly before steadying herself, visibly drained from the exertion. Turning to face Simon, she spoke in a raspy tone.

“As we expected, they were previously ordinary humans who have undergone extraordinary transformations, resulting in profound alterations to both their physical forms and mental faculties."

“The absence of their identities within our database can be attributed to their origins from the abandoned district," Amber further clarified, solving a mystery that was previously puzzling them. 

Simon's eyes narrowed his expression hardening. "I should have realized that wretched place would be involved," he muttered, shaking his head. "Were you able to uncover anything else?”

Amber nodded slowly, gathering her thoughts. "Flashes of memories and sensations came through the link. Before their monstrous transformations, they were just a ragtag group squatting in the outer district's slums, engaging in petty crimes to survive."

"One night, they stumbled upon something during a warehouse robbery...some type of drug. Desperate for a thrill, they dared each other to try it. The effects were almost instant, triggering their metamorphosis into those beastly forms."

He frowned contemplatively as he listened to Amber recounts the fragmented details she had glimpsed. If an extraordinary substance with such radical effects was circulating in that place, it represented a serious threat.

"The abandoned district..." Simon whispered, his eyes gleaming as if he was reliving distant memories. 

While the two exited the ritual chamber and discussed countermeasures and plans, the night slowly ended. The first rays of dawn began breaking on the horizon, casting a soft glow across the cityscape.

The soft morning light filtered into the quiet living room of a small rental house on the outskirts of H City, falling upon the worn furniture and threadbare carpet. For a moment, the pale glow illuminated the fine particles of dust drifting lazily through the stale air.

Amidst this tranquility, a faint hum suddenly permeated the room, accompanied by a mesmerizing shimmer. The ordinary surroundings seemed to ripple and distort before a swirling vortex materialized out of thin air.

A figure stepped forth from the mystical gateway. As the portal dissipated behind him, Lynn blinked and shifted his gaze around the familiar environment. He released a deep sigh, feeling the tension ease from his shoulders.

"I'm back on Blue Star," he murmured.

Thanks to having time after completing the dungeon mission, he had been able to treat his wounds before returning. Only faint bruises and shallow cuts remained from that fierce confrontation with Knott.

He was even able to return to the dormitory provided by the sheriff, take a shower, and change clothes. The only thing wrong was his stomach rumbling loudly, reminding him that it had been quite some time since his last proper meal.

Gazing out the window at the peaceful neighborhood, a thought suddenly struck him. "Speaking of time... how many have passed since I entered the dungeon?" he muttered to himself.

His frown only deepened as he looked at the electronic clock on the side wall. "Twelve hours... the ratio is different from the trial dungeon," he remarked, noting the discrepancy.

In the hospital dungeon, just a little less than a day had passed in the real world during his multi-day ordeal within that nightmarish realm. But now, based on the clock, a full 12 hours had elapsed here on Blue Star while he was undertaking his latest dungeon mission.

"Does that mean that each world has its own unique flow of time relative to this one?" Lynn pondered, his sharp mind racing to analyze the implications.

If the progression of time differed across the various domains he was plunged into, it would make predicting and managing the durations of his disappearance from this world exceedingly difficult.

He shook his head, realizing this was not the time for speculation when his stomach practically screamed for sustenance. He needed food first before he could properly reflect on everything that had transpired.

Rummaging through the fridge and kitchen cabinets, Lynn was able to scrounge together a simple but hearty meal from the available ingredients - eggs, rice, leftover vegetables, and canned meat combined into a steaming fried rice dish.

As he shoveled down mouthfuls, the rumbling in his stomach gradually subsided. The familiar flavors and textures were a comforting contrast to the chaos and violence that seemed to dominate his life lately.

With his belly full, Lynn leaned back on the worn couch, finally allowing his mind to truly process recent events. So much had transpired in the course of that single dungeon.

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