Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 118: Bloody Reaper Evolution

On the coffee table in front of the couch, Lynn meticulously placed the remaining spoils from the dungeon. His gaze scanned over the collection of objects, taking in each one with keen interest.

He first looked at the most captivating item—a mysterious, dark tissue that seemed to exude an otherworldly aura. It was a hooded cloak, crafted from a peculiarly smooth and silky material that appeared to absorb the surrounding light as if thirsting for it.

"[Evaluation!]" he promptly incanted in his mind.

[Veil of Shadows]

[Grade: Uncommon]

[Evaluation: Created from the rare darkness silk sourced exclusively from the lightless worlds, this fabric possesses abilities that allow the wearer to shroud themselves in illusion and stealth.

Effect 1: Shadow Step – Blend into shadows, becoming almost invisible from sight. Allows stealthy movement and hiding from detection.

Effect 2: Phantom Projection - Create phantom doppelgangers of the wearer to misdirect pursuers or draw attacks for a limited time.]

Lynn's eyes widened for a moment as he read the description and remarkable properties. An eager smile spread across his face. "This could prove incredibly useful for the upcoming expedition in the abandoned district," he remarked aloud.

Donning the silky fabric, he felt the soft material conform and drape over his frame. An immediate change overcame his senses - colors and light slightly faded around him as if dusk had suddenly fallen.

Focusing his mind, he activated the [Shadow Step] ability. His body seemed to dissipate, blending seamlessly into the surrounding dimness. He glanced down but could barely discern his own form.

"Incredible!" he whispered. Even his voice sounded muted and far away to his own ears. He took an experimental step forward. To any observers, it would appear as if a vague shadow had momentarily wavered before stillness returned.

He moved slowly across the room, marveling at how his footsteps made no sound, and even the disturbances in the dust motes suspended in the air were negligible. It was as if he had become one with the very darkness.

After testing the ability to hide and muffle his presence, he decided to experiment with the second noted effect. He gathered his spiritual energy, concentrating on projecting a phantom projection.

Before his eyes, a transparent shadowy silhouette emerged, merging into a hazy mirage of himself. The ghostly double looked identical to him in every way, mimicking his appearance and movements precisely.

He waved his hand, and the phantom mirror followed the action in perfect sync. He couldn't help but grin, immediately recognizing the value of this ability. The combat applications alone were outstanding.

As the tests were conducted, Lynn unconsciously stepped closer to the windows of the small rental house. Immediately, the concealing shadows enveloping his form wavered and deformed before dissipating entirely. He was abruptly exposed, no longer cloaked in obscurity.

Caught by surprise, he glanced around in confusion, trying to discern what had caused the sudden failure. His gaze fell upon the windows illuminated by the bright morning sunlight streaming in from outside.

"Could it be that direct sunlight interferes with the cloak's power?" he murmured to himself. This seemed the most likely explanation for the unexpected cancellation of the stealth effect.

To test this theory, he promptly stepped back into the dimly lit interior of the living room, away from the illumination. Once again, he activated [Shadow Step]. Just as before, his body swiftly dissolved into the enveloping darkness.

"This could prove problematic," he contemplated with a frown. "The abilities seem to weaken and become unusable when exposed to light."

Satisfied after testing the cloak's limitations, he decided to set it aside for now and continue examining the rest of the objects. His gaze fixated on a pendant, compelling him to reach out and pick it up, bringing it closer for a detailed inspection.

As he examined it closely, Lynn discovered a small, intricately designed piece. The pendant boasted a delicate silver setting adorned with elegant swirling filigree accents that gracefully encased a sizable circular lens positioned at its center.

The lens itself seemed to be crafted from a multi-hued crystal that glimmered faintly even in the dim light of the living room. Turning it slowly, he noticed how it fractured incoming rays into vibrant rainbow hues like a prism.

[Magnifying Lens Pendant]

[Grade: Rare]

[Evaluation: A finely crafted pendant housing a large circular magnifying lens at its center, it is a precious tool for any investigator delving into supernatural mysteries.

Effect 1: Aura Reading – Allow the wearer's perception to notice ambient spiritual auras and traces that are normally invisible to the naked eye.

Effect 2: Hunting Mark – Leave a lingering magical mark on enemies and targets, making them easier to track and locate.

Effect 3: Vestige Divination – Examine remnants from events or objects to glean hidden clues and visions from the past.]

"This pendant is absolutely extraordinary," Lynn couldn't help but exclaim aloud, unable to contain his enthusiasm after reading the remarkable properties of this item.

Ideas flooded his mind as he contemplated the endless possibilities and applications that these abilities could offer him in his adventures. It was a formidable rare piece of equipment.

Gingerly, he lifted the pendant, positioning it carefully so that the lens aligned perfectly with his right eye. Drawing upon his spiritual energy, he activated the first effect, and an immediate shift occurred within his perception.

The room underwent a breathtaking transformation, as if a vibrant mosaic of shimmering colors and ethereal auras had been superimposed upon it. With the naked eye, his surroundings appeared perfectly ordinary.

But peering through the enchanted lens, a hidden dimension was revealed. Glowing streams of energy pulsed along the walls and floorboards. Trails of colorful mist swirled lazily through the air.

Even mundane objects like the worn furniture emanated unique auras. The energies intermingled and flowed, weaving an enchanting tapestry only visible through the mystical lens.

He was captivated by the sight before him. He noticed that the aura traces lingered briefly wherever he walked like fading footprints marking his path before dissolving back into the surroundings.

"This surpasses even my [Spiritual Vision]," he whispered in awe. That skill granted only a subtle enhancement to perceive spiritual energy, yet the lens opened entire new dimensions to his senses.

Taking in the transformed scenery, questions arose. "Is there a distinction between auras and spiritual energy?" he wondered aloud. But before he could contemplate the matter further, something in the swirling spectral display caught his attention. 

Lynn's eyes narrowed as he focused on the small, worn leather journal resting inconspicuously amidst the scattered items on the table. It was Knott's diary that he had found in the underground ritual chamber beneath the manor.

While everything else in the room pulsated with vibrant auras ranging from bright to muted hues, the aged book was shrouded in a faint, yet unmistakable, black wisp.

The dark vapor clung to the journal like a second skin, exuding an ominous feeling. it seemed twisted and malignant as if tainted and corrupted by some malevolent force.

Lynn instantly recognized it. "Spiritual pollution," he muttered under his breath, astonished by this discovery. "This lens is even able to perceive spiritual pollution."

His gaze shifted, scrutinizing the other rewards scattered across the table's surface. As expected, most radiated benign auras, clear signs that they held no corruptive influence.

However, there were some exceptions. Three identical items nestled together near the aged leather journal - crystalline vials, each containing the granted reward [Chimera's Essence].

These objects possessed subtle undertones of darkness swirling within their auras, but he wasn't surprised. After all, the volatile essence had been extracted from the twisted amalgamation of creatures that Knott had become. 

[Chimera's Essence]

[Grade: Rare]

[Evaluation: A liquid distilled from the remnants of a defeated chimera, containing its extraordinary essence. Directly ingesting this substance is not recommended, it may lead to uncontrollable mutations.]

Lynn's brow furrowed as he read the evaluation, encountering the warning about uncontrollable mutations. He placed the glass vial down on the table with great care, deep in thought about the utility of this thing.

"Wait... an extraordinary essence," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I can't help but wonder if this could be the key to Bloody Reaper's evolution."

He focused his thoughts, manifesting the pistol into his hand. The weighty firearm materialized, its dark metal surface gleaming. Since initially awakening after being anointed with his own blood, it had remained stagnant.

His hand tightened around the grip as his mind wandered back to the dungeon domain where he had battled the crazed merchant Knott and his legion of twisted minions.

During those fierce exchanges, Lynn had attempted to use the blood of the various monsters being controlled to try to catalyze the Bloody Reaper's evolution. However, his efforts proved fruitless.

Now Lynn wondered if the chimera essence he had obtained as a reward might yield different results. After all, the volatile substance contained the full amalgamated power of all the creatures assimilated into Knott's monstrous form and more.

Excitement surged through his veins as he contemplated the possibility. Perhaps introducing this extraordinary essence could spur the powerful pistol's growth.

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