Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 127: Unlucky Swordsman

With his back firmly pressed against the brick wall, Lynn made a conscious effort to remain perfectly motionless. [Veil of Shadows]’s effect was still activated, enveloping his body and presence in the surrounding darkness.

But he understood that relying solely on this wasn't enough. Taking slow and deliberate breaths, he calmed his racing heart until its beat was almost invisible, matching the rhythm of his calculated immobility.

His extraordinary control over his physical form was on full display. Every fiber of his being was stilled, even the blood flow through his veins slowed to minimize any discernible pulse or disturbance.

This made the difference between discovery and remaining undetected. In the suffocating silence of the dark alleyway, he became one with the shadows. The only thing that remained active was his mind, filled with thoughts.

Maybe he could take him by surprise. The idea flashed temptingly through Lynn’s mind but was quickly dismissed. Revealing himself now would be foolish, he needed to remain wary of the bigger picture.

The Special Investigation Bureau forces were swiftly mobilizing to secure this area. Getting entangled with them would open an unwanted can of worms. Not to mention the masked man was still dangerous, even while injured. 

As he contemplated his options and assessed the situation, the hushed sounds of rapid footsteps were growing steadily louder, signaling the swordsman's approach.

After entering the dark alley and continuing his escape, the man moved as rapidly and stealthily as possible despite the wound on his forearm. However, he soon realized that Amber had not chased him.

He slowed his pace and finally stopped to peer back the way he came, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the empty passage. He had fully expected the woman to pursue him, but only a heavy silence permeated the gloom.

Unbeknownst to him, he was standing directly next to Lynn’s concealed position. Every muscle of his being held taut like a coiled serpent, ready to spring into action at the first hint of detection.

After a prolonged silence, seeing no signs that he was being followed, he breathed a sigh of relief. The tension drained from his shoulders, relaxing slightly from their formerly rigid state.

Using his uninjured hand, he covered the wounded forearm, wincing as his fingers pressed against the bullet wound. Blood seeped sluggishly through them, dripping steadily onto the ground.

Now that the haze of battle had lifted, the pain from his wounds returned in full force. Leaning back against the wall for support, he closed his eyes momentarily to steady his breathing. 

At that moment, his left shoulder made contact with something behind, causing him to tense up instantly. They snapped open, battle-honed instincts immediately on high alert. 

He had touched something - or rather, someone. Spinning around with lightning speed, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword as he came face to face with Lynn.

For a split second, he couldn't understand what he saw. In the pitch-black alley illuminated only by the faint glow of the moon, all he perceived was the subtle gleam of two eyes suspended in the darkness, staring back at him.

Despite the initial shock, he didn’t stop his movement. His fingers swiftly wrapped around the hilt of his blade, prepared to unsheathe the gleaming weapon in a flash. 

But before he could do anything, Lynn sprang into action faster. His hand shot forward from the darkness with blinding speed, curling into a tight fist that connected with the masked face. 

The powerful impact jolted his head, snapping it backward with a sudden violence that sent him stumbling backward, feet faltering as he took several steps in retreat. 

His back collided harshly with the brick wall in the opposite direction, causing him to release a grunt of pain. Agony radiating from his right eye socket where the hit landed.

The other eye widened in surprise and disbelief as the strange ghost mask concealing his face crumbled from the force of the blow. He had not anticipated an attack from a hidden assailant.

He tried to retaliate with a quick swing of his sword, but Lynn was already a step ahead. The element of surprise was on his side, and he fully intended to press his advantage to quickly end this confrontation.

White strings emerged from beneath his cloak bursting forth to entangle the man's blade, immobilizing its movements before he could complete the retaliatory strike. 

Instantly rendered completely vulnerable, he struggled against the constricting grip, his gaze darting around in panic. "What is this?" he exhaled with shock through gritted teeth.

Ignoring the question, Lynn closed the distance and continued his attack without hesitation. Now was not the time for talking, only action. His arm pulled back, coiling like a viper preparing to strike.

To end the fight, he slightly increased the strength used. His fist rocketed forth to collide with the man’s temple, the devastating blow landing with the power of a sledgehammer. 

In the split second before impact, the enemy’s eyes widened in alarm. He realized too late that he had grievously underestimated his shrouded assailant's capabilities. 

With bone-shattering force, the powerful punch hit precisely its target. His eyeballs rolled back as his head snapped to the side, all strength draining from his neck and shoulders.

His consciousness wavered as agonizing pain exploded behind his eyes, white spots dancing in his vision. The alley tilted and swayed dizzyingly before him. He collapsed limply to the concrete like a puppet with its strings cut.

His blade slipped from numbed fingers, hitting the ground. The ornate sheath dug sharply into his ribs as he fell upon it at an awkward angle, adding another flare of discomfort to his rapidly fading awareness.

Lynn looked down at the crumpled form of the man, his body lying limp and motionless amidst the alley's gloom. Only the subtle rise and fall of his chest proved that he was still alive.

Releasing a deep exhale, he was a little bit speechless at the unexpected turn of events. He only planned to avoid detection and wait for the swordsman to pass by, but a simple touch of the shoulder caused the situation to spiral out of control. 

"You've already decided to escape, why did you suddenly stop?" he muttered aloud, confusion and disbelief evident in his tone. More importantly, the masked man was so unlucky that he directly stopped next to him.

He shook his head, letting out an exasperated sigh. "I didn't want to intervene. I just wanted to quietly watch a show and maybe learn some secrets about the mysterious side of this world. What bad luck."

Dark bruises were already beginning to form on the right side of the unconscious man's face from the powerful blows. His skin rapidly swelled and purpled where the devastating strikes had landed.

Crouching down to check on his condition, his fingers delicately traced over the contusions marring the pale skin. It seemed no deadly or permanent damage had been inflicted.

"Since the situation has escalated to this point, I suppose I should take advantage of it," Lynn mused to himself. Although he was not going to kill him, taking some compensation for the unprovoked attack was only fair.

His eyes turned to the long sword that had fallen from the limp fingers. The blade shone faintly even in the gloom, glints of silver dancing along the exquisitely honed edge.

He reached down and carefully lifted the weapon. It was lighter than expected yet perfectly balanced. Turning it over in his hands, he couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship

Giving it an experimental swing, the blade let out a melodic ring, almost singing as it sliced through the air. Just by listening to the clear sound, he sensed the extraordinary energy pulsing within.

The fact that it could effortlessly block bullets was proof of its resilience and sharpness. Based on the glimpse he had of its abilities during the earlier confrontation, this sword's strength seemed on par with his Flame Edge.

"Let's get a closer look," he immediately decided, utilizing his skill. "[Evaluation]!" Information about the blade's properties appeared before him.


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