Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 129: Midnight Rose Invitation

The night that seemed to stretch out endlessly had finally reached its conclusion. The darkness that shrouded the abandoned district gradually lifted as the first rays of dawn emerged on the horizon. 

The glow of pale golden light gently descended upon the desolated terrain, seeping through the weathered crevasses of crumbling edifices, and illuminating the meandering pathways of narrow alleys.

Lynn was currently located in one of these decrepit empty buildings. What was once a cozy family home, now stood as a dilapidated shell, its walls cracked and chipped, its furniture reduced to dust and debris. 

The only thing that was left partially intact was a rickety chair, where he now rested after the long and eventful night. The wooden frame creaked faintly beneath him as he leaned back.

In his hands was the worn leather-bound tome [Monster Whispering Manual]. He slowly turned the aged pages, his eyes swiftly scanning the intricate details etched upon them.

[Gemini Soul] was activated!

After the long wait, he could finally use his unique talent safely. His mind swirled with knowledge, processing information and forming connections at an astonishing rate.

Time seemed to slow around him as his perceptions sharpened to an impossible degree. Every minute detail within the text came into crystalline focus, and each word was comprehended near-instantly.

However, this time, even with this unmatched ability activated, he quickly realized that completely absorbing and assimilating this dense content couldn’t be done in one sitting.

After all, it was extraordinary knowledge, filled with esoteric secrets and detailed rituals far beyond anything he had previously encountered. The insights were profound, yet not easily grasped.

Reluctantly withdrawing his consciousness from the exalted state, Lynn released a strained exhale as he eventually reached the limit of his mental capacity. He closed the aged book, pressing his palm flat against the worn cover. 

A part of him wanted nothing more than to delve back into the mysterious knowledge. Just a short time scratching the surface had revealed some techniques and rituals capable of augmenting his power without the need for sublimation.

Unfortunately, he had to put the manual back in his inventory as other pressing matters demanded his attention. He pulled out the small, black, rectangular card with a silver rose emblem.

Last night, he had already thoroughly inspected it for any hidden trap, but it was just a perfectly ordinary high-quality card stock without any extraordinary effect. However, it was not the item itself that caught his attention.

Lynn turned the card over once more to inspect the unusual inscription on the reverse side. Etched across it in delicate silver lettering was a series of cryptic symbols arranged in an orderly sequence.

The same mysterious runic language that was used in extraordinary techniques and rituals. Without the knowledge gained from the [Monster Whispering Manual], he wouldn't have known what to do with these markings.

Inserting spiritual energy inside them, he carefully channeled it through each minute detail of the runic sequence. A subtle tremor seemed to ripple outward from the card's surface and the ancient text momentarily glowed with a faint luminescence before fading.

In that fleeting instant, he felt a peculiar sensation wash over him - a whisper in the depths of his consciousness. It was not a sound, but rather a direct transmission of information that bypassed his physical senses entirely.

"Invitation..." he repeated aloud, his eyes remaining closed to maintain the connection as he processed the message. "Unique gathering… The 15th... Inside the Central District... Midnight Rose Exchange."

Lynn sat in contemplation as the sun rose over the abandoned district. After discovering this message last night, he realized that he still knew very little about the central district.

Although he intended to enter it in two days during its monthly opening, he was ignorant of what to expect within its walls. Determined to rectify this, his next goal was to gather as much information as possible, and he knew exactly the best place for that.

Stretching his cramped muscles and rolling his shoulders to alleviate stiffness, he finally stood up from the rickety wooden chair where he had been sitting motionless for hours.  

He walked over to one of the few unbroken windows in the decaying house. The rising sun streamed in, bathing everything in a warm golden glow. He estimated it was around mid-morning now.

At this early hour, the streets were largely deserted save for a few vagrants rummaging for scraps. Emerging from his dilapidated refuge, he briskly made his way through the winding alleys and crumbling buildings.

After navigating the labyrinthine paths, he shortly arrived at his intended destination - The Whispering Serpent tavern. Pushing open the weathered wooden door, he stepped inside. 

There were already a handful of shadowy patrons seated at the tables nursing drinks. Their gazes turned cautiously towards him as he entered, sizing him up. But they soon lost interest and returned to their hushed conversations.

At the counter, the proprietor Boss Reggie slowly wiped down the bartop, movements steady and deliberate. His single piercing eye focused on the new arrival approaching.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, I thought maybe the last work scared you off," the barkeeper said as Lynn took a seat at the bar.

He shook his head. "On the contrary, I was hoping there might be more opportunities for challenging medical cases around here. Things have been rather...quiet lately in my part of town."

Boss Reggie raised an eyebrow. " Quiet, you say? Can't say I've heard anyone describe this place as quiet before. Just last night there were reports of some crazy skirmish, it was animated.” He let out a hearty laugh.

"Oh? I must have luckily missed all that excitement. Do you know what happened exactly?" Lynn maintained a neutral expression as he asked, feigning ignorance about the prior night's events.

The man leaned forward, resting his burly forearms on the wooden counter. "Information always comes at a price around here," he said in a low voice. "But for a trustworthy doctor like yourself, I'll give you the basics."

"Details are still fuzzy, but there was some big confrontation. Folks say they saw flashes of light and heard explosions that shook the whole area - it was like bombs were going off!”

He shook his head gravely. " A few witnesses claim they saw sinister beasts too, and the famous Special Investigation Bureau seemed to also be implicated. Either way, things are getting crazier around here by the day with the black-market opening approaching."

Lynn nodded thoughtfully. Careful not to seem too curious, he casually asked, "This chaos doesn't seem to have deterred visitors arriving for the gate opening in two days though, I presume?"

"Not at all!" Boss Reggie responded enthusiastically. "If anything, it's whipped up even more excitement. Everyone wants a piece of the action when those gates swing open."

"Speaking of, are you planning to try your luck at entering the central district? Do you need to buy some information? It could come in handy," he remarked as he dried a glass.

As expected, when the conversation veered towards the central district, the barkeeper proposed to sell the information he needed. However, Lynn knew such insights would not come cheaply. 

Additionally, he was short on money. His recent shopping spree to acquire supplies had drained a sizable portion of his remaining funds of federal dollars. Hearing this, Boss Reggie didn't seem disappointed. 

Instead, he leaned in closer. “If that's the case, I have a medical work for you, and the pay is quite generous," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “The reward money will more than cover whatever information you need.”

Lynn's eyes narrowed slightly as he regarded the man across the wooden counter. The bartender's words had immediately raised his suspicions. An offer that seemed too good to be true often hid an unseen catch.

"Before I agree to anything, I'd like a bit more information," he responded carefully. "What exactly does this job entail?" Boss Reggie nodded understandingly.

“This time, the client is not from the abandoned district, but from the city. He is a rich man, very rich. But the situation is a bit complicated, many people are not willing to accept this job, otherwise it won't be your turn.”

When he heard the amount for the reward, Lynn was shocked. It was an astronomical sum. But according to the bartender, the patient's condition didn’t seem to be very good.

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