Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 147: Sublimation Material: [Cursed Doll]

Lynn's revelation of the incomplete [Tamer] sequence path sent shockwaves in the crowd, and whispers of astonishment, greed, and envy rippled through the underground room.

The implications were clear to the extraordinary individuals seated around the obsidian table, each acutely aware of the immense value such knowledge could hold and bring to them.

And unlike the transaction for the Sacrificial Rook, where the participants had engaged in a fierce negotiation, the asked price of a sublimation material practically met no resistance.

In fact, they thought it was surprisingly fair and measured. Some even secretly believed that Lynn might be undervaluing the worth of what he held. After all, it was a direct way to the extraordinary.

The problem, however, was the rarity of the asked item. Only a few had such precious objects in their possession here at this gathering and could retrieve them to present for the transaction.

He looked around the table, his gaze sweeping across the cloaked figures as he gauged their reactions, analyzing through them who was interested and could fulfill his terms and who could not.

Shade remained eerily silent, his covered features betraying no outward emotion. The subtle narrowing of his eyes signaled that his mind was deep in thought, carefully considering his options.

He was the one who had shown the keenest interest in the extraordinary knowledge presented. However, judging by his silence, it was clear that he was either unwilling or unable to meet the price.

His situation was not unique. Most people in this cavernous space were likely grappling with the same dilemma. They started thinking of alternative methods to obtain the coveted extraordinary knowledge.

The keen eyes finally settled on Silver Rose, the mysterious organizer of this exclusive gathering. She was the most obvious candidate capable of providing the sublimation material he needed.

The elegantly robed woman's lips curved into a faint smile, noticing his observation. "Any kind of sublimation material?” She calmly questioned, smoothly cutting through the tension.

Lynn met the piercing gaze and nodded without shrinking, his expression composed but with a hint of anticipation. "Any kind would work," he replied in a neutral tone.

"In that case, I may have something that could meet your demands," she confidently declared, lights flickering across the intricate carnival mask. "However, I have a particular condition in exchange."

His eyes narrowed slightly, yet he inclined his head, prompting her to continue. The other guests remained silent, having nothing equivalent to offer, and watched the negotiation unfold, eager to see the outcome.

The condition was straightforward yet caught everyone off guard. Silver Rose required him to refrain from sharing the details of the tamer profession with anyone else in this gathering. Of course, he was free to do as he wished after the event ended.

The narrowed gaze deepened as Lynn considered the proposition. He understood the significance of what she was asking, and agreeing to her terms meant limiting his potential transactions with others.

However, the potential benefits of obtaining the sublimation material outweighed the drawbacks of this situation. "Understood," he replied after a momentary hesitation. "I can agree to this."

The woman nodded, seeming satisfied. "Excellent! I believe we have a deal." She made a subtle gesture, and immediately, the space in front of her hands subtly deformed as something appeared between them.

A mysterious case seemingly appeared from thin air, and the eyes of everyone widened in astonishment. Etched upon its surface were complex runes and symbols, as if intended to seal whatever lay within.

The sudden appearance of the object through what appeared to be an extraordinary ability instantly piqued Lynn's interest. It reminded him of the inventory section, where he could store and summon objects. He became more and more interested in her profession and class.

Placing the container upon the obsidian table, the onlookers stirred restlessly, their attention riveted upon it. Even the usually impassive Alchemist and Blaze focused on the scene, their bodies betraying curiosity.

Slowly, she reached out and grasped the lid. Faint clicks of the latch disengaging cut through the overwhelming silence. Lynn found himself unconsciously holding his breath, his concentration unwavering.

The moment it opened, an electrifying shift seized the room - a tangible alteration sending shivers down the spines. It was as though a force had woven itself into the very fabric of the environment.

Emerging from the depths of the box was a porcelain puppet, its features delicately sculpted with an almost lifelike quality. But what should have been pristine white was marred by faint splashes of crimson.

However, the most disturbing detail was the small butcher knife gripped firmly in the delicate hands. The metal gleamed wickedly, streaked with crimson lines that seemed to pulse like veins along the blade.

As the entity came into full view, its presence seemed to cast a spell over the entire chamber, drawing all attention towards it. Faint murmurs and whispers - a mix of manic laughter and sobbing began to echo in the ears.

The ordinary people among the participants of the Midnight Rose Exchange stared at the revealed entity with hollow, vacant eyes, looking like they lost their souls. Some even started slightly laughing and tearing up.

The few extraordinary individuals around the obsidian table felt the same sensation but quickly recovered. The sharp minds and alert senses fiercely resisted the faint spiritual pollution.

Lynn intensely focused, pupils faintly flowing as he activated [Evaluation].

[Cursed Doll]

[Grade: Special]

[Evaluation: A marionette imbued with tremendous anguish and despair, capable of amplifying the inner darkness and fears of those who come into contact with it. Can be used as a sublimation material.]

Immediately after, Silver Rose closed the wooden receptacle, sealing away the unsettling porcelain puppet. The oppressive atmosphere in the cavernous hall instantly receded and disappeared.

The expressions that had turned vacant and hollow rapidly blinked as if shaking off a trance. The whispers of madness quickly dissipated, and color slowly returned to their faces, but some stayed slightly pale.

"What do you think, Wanderer? That should meet your needs for a sublimation material," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of satisfaction. "Do we have an agreement?"

Thoughts still lingering on the eerie experience of witnessing the cursed doll unveiling, this question caused Lynn's mind to snap back to the present negotiation, his focus returning to Silver Rose.

"We have a deal," he rapidly replied, reaching out to accept the precious case. When his fingers closed around it, he could feel a faint hum of energy resonating from within, as if the thing was alive.

In return, he slipped his hand into the inventory, his movements smooth and unhurried. Grasping the few pages he had meticulously prepared for this occasion, he slid them across with practiced ease.

When he retrieved them, Silver Rose's expression trembled in shock. The way he summoned the documents from nowhere mirrored her extraordinary ability to conjure the wooden container moments earlier.

In addition to the [Tamer] knowledge, the unexpected display of a similar power caused the mysterious woman to regard this cloaked figure with newfound interest and curiosity.

Maintaining her composure, she accepted her end of the bargain, carefully inspecting the diagrams and lines of text scrawled across them. Her gaze scanned the content, absorbing the information with each passing moment.

After several minutes of intense scrutiny, her lips curved into a small, pleased smile. "Fascinating," she murmured, fingers tracing the written symbols on the parchment. "This is indeed a remarkable find."

Lifting her gaze, she met his steady stare. "You have my gratitude, Wanderer. This information is valuable." Instantly, she made the pages disappear into her special pocket, securing them away.

With everything necessary now within his grasp, Lynn finally released a long-awaited sigh of relief. Though the event continued throughout the long night, the following transactions were no longer as intense.

As dawn approached, the stars slowly drifted westward across the dark sky while the moon retreated behind veils of clouds, its luminescence dimming, surrendering to the advancing sunrise.

Rays of sunlight began covering the central district and its buildings, and the crowded central district slowly emptied. The usual hustle and bustle of the marketplace was absent, replaced by an eerie quiet.

After the Midnight Rose Exchange concluded, the underground hall buzzed with activity. Participants collected their acquisitions and departed, taking the same narrow passage they used to descend here.

Only Silver Rose stayed behind in this space, lingering near the central table. She raised her head and looked at the ceiling, her gaze piercing through the layers of stone and directly observing the auction house.

“A fight is about to start,” she murmured in a barely audible voice. "If I didn't have other obligations, I'd be tempted to stay and watch." With a gentle flick of her wrist, she vanished.


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