Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 157: Uninvited Intruder

The sun slowly descended in the sky, its warm rays filtering through the gnarled branches lining the remote valley. Since Lynn immersed himself in the ritual, nearly an hour had passed.

Outside, nature continued its daily business, indifferent to the profound changes unfolding inside the cavern. The leaves rustled softly in the breeze, their verdant surfaces dancing under shifting patches of light.

The stream flowed serenely, its clear waters gurgling melodically over weathered stones as it meandered through the grove. Tiny insects flitted among the foliage, their dull hums mingling with birdsong.

However, this idyllic scene was suddenly interrupted by the faint but unmistakable snap of tripwires, carefully prepared and positioned to secure the perimeter and alert of any unwanted intruders.

Simultaneously, the wildlife in the vicinity fell into an eerie silence. Something or someone caused the little creatures to still their movements and hold their breath as if sensing a looming danger.

From the thick undergrowth bordering the creek, subtle disturbances hinted at a presence. Silently and stealthy approaching, it emerged from concealment onto the silt-lined banks.

Revealed was a massive spider, its glossy brown carapace gleaming dimly. Spindly legs, the size of tree branches, supported the bulky frame as it crept and crawled forward at a steady pace.

Multiple beady eyes dotted the furry head, scanning its surroundings while vibration sensors twitched frantically. Driven by an enticing odor, it prowled with hunting intent in search of prey.

Had Lynn been present, his extraordinary senses would have immediately recognized that this was no ordinary arachnid. Its sheer size alone, approaching the height of a large dog, marked it as something unusual and formidable.

The savory aroma of roasted pheasant he had prepared by the stream was likely the source of its attraction, drawing the predator from its hidden lair, unable to resist the temptation of an easy meal.

Regularly following the faint scent trail, the monster closed on the origin. But to its confusion, the target was already gone, devoured down to the last picked bone. All that remained was a circle of ashes where the fire had been.

Before it could process the situation or seek out new prey, a pungent, metallic odor assailed its sensory organs, carried subtly on the breeze. Intrigued, the beast swung its bulky form toward the novel smell.

As it neared the opening of a shallow cave nestled in the hillside, its movements abruptly halted. A faint, resonating pulse emanated from the dark crevice, causing the creature to freeze in its path.

Something about the vibrations radiating from inside had triggered a deep, instinctual vigilance within the normally fearless arachnid. Whatever lay in wait beyond that threshold was no ordinary prey.

However, because the heavy scent of blood still hung thickly in the air, the spider found its hunger overriding the instinctive caution that gripped it. Slowly, it approached the fissure that served as an entrance.

The gap was barely wide enough to accommodate the large size, but it squeezed through with some difficulty, sharpened pedipalps dragging against the stone. Inside, everything was quiet except for the subtle tapping of its legs.

It didn't take long for a pale glow to appear in the gloom, just enough illumination for the simple eyes to discern shapes. In the center of the cramped space stood a massive cocoon, its silken outer layer a pure porcelain white.

Suspended between the ceiling and the ground like some bloated parasite, its surface was alive with a network of fleshy veins, writhing and pounding with a disturbingly unnatural vitality.

The monster froze, caught between dread and fascination, paralyzed by the bizarre sight. It had hunted and consumed many things, but this grotesque mass was unlike anything it had encountered.

Despite the fear evoked by this unknown existence, its instincts were quickly overwhelmed by a compelling urge to devour it. A ravenous hunger surged from within, driven by some profound intuitions.

Deep within its primitive brain, an atavic desire pushed it to absorb the mysterious essence of the strange prey, convinced that doing so would yield many benefits, regardless of the consequences.

Slowly, inch by inch, the spider began creeping forward. As its pincerlike appendages extended toward the pulsating structure, each tiny hair standing on end, a low rumble suddenly resonated.

The sound reverberated through the cave, a deep, resonant hum that caused the walls to tremble slightly. The beast paused momentarily, its multiple eyes narrowing as it detected the vibrations.

However, the alluring scent that had lured it here, the tantalizing metallic tang of blood, combined with the persistent instinct to devour, overrode any hesitation. With renewed determination, it explosively lunged forward.

But just as its fangs were about to pierce the surface, a piercing crack echoed through the air, and fractures appeared across the porcelain-white cocoon, snaking outward in a web pattern.

A blinding flash erupted from the rupture, exploding apart in a shower of wet fibers, accompanied by a shockwave that hurled the arachnid bodily across the cavern with brutal force.

The massive bulk slammed into the far wall with an audible crunch, pieces of rubble raining down from the impact site. Stunned and dazed, its legs scuttled frantically across the uneven cave floor.

Countless flesh tentacles burst from the crack, lashing out fiercely and surrounding the intruder. The monster wanted to retreat, its instincts screaming to escape, but the attempt was intercepted quickly.

The tip of the tendrils hardened and pierced through the junction of the chitinous exoskeleton with brutal precision, anchoring the creature in place as more emerged from the widening breach.

The outer layer of the cacoon peeled away, revealing an inner shell shimmering with a colorful glow. Intricate patterns of pulsing veins coiled across the exterior as if the entire structure was alive and conscious.

From the center of this radiant husk, a pair of glowing eyes suddenly snapped open, their intensity piercing through the thrashing constraint beast. At that moment, the arachnid's primal mind registered a profound truth - this was no ordinary prey but something infinitely more powerful and dangerous.

Desperately, it tried to struggle free, fangs clashing against the restraints. But the tentacles lashing out from the glowing structure refused to relent, enveloping it in an ever-tightening grip.

The frantic movements slowly subsided within minutes, giving way to a still, ominous silence. The exposed inner shell gradually dimmed as if defending itself had drained its reserves.

Emerging from the now-collapsing edifice was a humanoid figure, his features obscured by a swirling veil of energy. Powerful broad shoulders and a lithe frame were the only discernible details visible through the distortion.

Unhurriedly, he stepped forward, each movement flowing with simple grace, contrasting the chaotic violence of the previous moments. Sinews, connecting him to the cacoon, severed with a quiet snap.

Before long, they rapidly withered away, disintegrating into a fine ash. Even the shell began to dissolve, the durable material flaking away into dust as if all vitality and sustenance had been siphoned.

Nothing remained where the enormous structure had once dominated the cramped enclosure except for a thick layer of dust. In its place, standing silently amidst the desolation, was a lone figure.

The skin that seemed to shimmer with a faint, otherworldly light, suggesting extraordinary qualities, progressively returned to normal as Lynn controlled and stopped his increased energy from fluctuating wildly.

A thin veil still distorted his vision, but it rapidly cleared as he blinked, adjusting to the faint light of dusk stemming from the entrance. "I didn't expect to encounter such a surprise just before the end," he calmly declared, his gaze fixed upon the corpse of the spider that had foolishly ventured into his domain.

Wondering where it had come from, he retracted the twisted flesh tendrils that entangled and eliminated the intruder. With an audible, slithering sound, they merged back into his outstretched hand in a seamless transition.

Raising his palms to examine them closely, he felt an extraordinary aura infused in his every cell. The first sublimation was complete, his transformation beyond anything imagined.

However, as he sensed the surging wave of power coursing through his body, something felt... different. A soft, cool breeze caressed his skin, causing him to glance down in astonishment. All his clothes had been shredded by the intense transformation, leaving him almost bare.

"Ah!" Lynn exclaimed, uncharacteristically flustered as he instinctively covered himself. Quickly retrieving a new set of garments from his inventory, he hastily dressed, cursing his oversight.

"I was so focused on the ritual that I failed to account for the aftermath," he muttered, berating himself for the lapse. Shaking his head, he refocused, inspecting the changes that occurred to him with a critical eye.

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