Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 159: Threats Lurking in the Shadows

Lynn surveyed the dissolved remains of the massive spider, a deep frown etched upon his features. The disappointment was palpable. His first attempt to utilize the newly acquired skill had ended in a frustrating failure.

"Manipulating the blueprints of life, even if it is indirectly, is more complex than I imagined," he mused, clicking his tongue in annoyance, the analytical mind already dissecting the reasons behind the unsuccessful attempt.

Staring at the murky liquid, he replayed the sequence of events in his brain, realizing that the genetic code had fought back tenaciously against his intrusion, unwilling to submit to his will.

He remembered the strands thrashing against his grip as if they possessed a stubborn sentience of their own. This unexpected resistance had caught him off guard, causing the sample he was trying to mimic to break down.

With a critical eye, he approached the mess, crouching to study more closely what was left. The molecular structure had destabilized rapidly, the components melting into an unrecognizable sludge.

It was as if the very fabric of its existence had been torn asunder, unable to maintain its form. Reaching out, Lynn dipped a finger into the viscous fluid, rubbing the substance between his digits.

"Interesting..." he murmured, feeling the faint traces of lingering spiritual energy. There was still some residual information, but it was severely fragmented and disorganized, devoid of any cohesive pattern.

This shattered essence was now worthless, but he refused to let the setback dampen his resolve. That was just the beginning, a trial in a long series of experiments that would eventually lead to mastery.

"I will need a lot more similar biological specimens to continue the testing," he realized, furrowing in contemplation. "Since the arachnid managed to find my location, its lair must be nearby,"

"Or perhaps I should try with something simpler," he continued, eyes narrowing in thought. "An ordinary creature with a less complex genetic structure would be a more suitable testing ground."

Activating his inventory, Lynn stored away the remnants of the intruder and cleaned the sludge from the ground using scraps of newspaper he had kept stored, dispersing the liquid residue.

With that task complete, he started erasing the traces of what had transpired within the secluded cave. If the Special Investigation Bureau and other interested parties scoured the area, he could not afford to leave any clues behind.

Methodically, he swept the ground, dispersing the piles of dust from the cocoon and gathering all the fragments and shards. Ensuring no physical evidence of the confrontation or the ritual was left behind, he systematically removed every trace of his presence and existence.

Even the cave walls were scrubbed and patched, using his hands and strength to blend the damaged areas with the natural surroundings, carefully hiding any signs of destruction or disturbance.

While these measures might not stop the most persistent investigators from eventually uncovering his actions through extraordinary means, they would significantly lower the likelihood of an accidental discovery.

When he finished sanitizing the space, Lynn stepped back to observe the results. The cavern now looked untouched, its natural ambiance restored, and every proof of his activities meticulously removed.

Satisfyingly nodding, his gaze focused on the scene outside. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the hidden valley. Nocturnal animals would soon start to stir, providing new opportunities for his research.

As he emerged from the dark fissure in the hillside, the warm glow of twilight washed over him, and he took a deep, rejuvenating breath. The crisp scent of the forest and the soothing sound of the nearby stream were a welcome respite after the intense ordeal he had just endured.

He allowed himself a moment to stand there and savor the tranquility of his surroundings. The initial dizzying rush of his transformation had subsided, and currently, he felt a profound sense of clarity.

Gazing out at the wild nature, he could sense the intricate web of life that permeated every inch of the landscape. The energy flowed through the trees, the animals, and the very soil itself, seeming to hum with a primal vitality.

Lynn found himself attuned to its rhythm in a way he had never experienced before. It was as though a veil had been lifted, and he could now see the world in a new, more vivid light.

The boundaries between the physical and spiritual had blurred, and he felt the subtle currents of energy that ebbed and flowed through the natural realm. This newfound awareness was both exhilarating and daunting.

Immersed in these sensations, he contemplated his next step. He could head back to the city to fulfill his promise of treatment for the wealthy client. The appointment time set was drawing near.

However, as he pondered this option, he couldn't help but feel apprehensive. The thought of plunging back into the chaos and intrigue of the urban realm was decidedly unappealing, at least for now.

The untamed wilderness, with its pristine beauty and primal energies, was far more suited to his current needs. Here, he could explore and hone his evolved abilities without the prying eyes of others.

With newfound determination burning within him, Lynn made up his mind. "The city can wait," he murmured, his gaze sweeping the verdant terrain. "I have no pressing obligations there at the moment."

He started to make his way along the stream, his footsteps light and agile. The [Quickstep] skill, enhanced by the sublimation ritual, allowed him to navigate the uneven terrain with effortless agility.

His sharp eyes scanned the ground as he moved, searching for any trace of the massive creature's passage. Its death had been swift and decisive, but he was still interested in its origins.

What had drawn such an extraordinary entity to his remote refuge? And more importantly, how did such a being come to be, transforming into a monster far beyond a typical spider?

His gaze finally settled upon the broken tripwires he had set up to secure the perimeter. The fine filaments hung loosely, their tension disrupted by the passage of the uninvited intruder.

Crouching down, Lynn inspected the disturbance, noting the direction and force of the displacement. The twisted strands and scattered debris painted a clear picture – the arachnid had approached from the west, following the creek.

Straightening up, his hand instinctively rose to the [Magnifying Lens Pendant] hanging around his neck. With a subtle movement, he raised the item to his eyes and activated the [Aura Reading] effect.

The world around him immediately shimmered with a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues. The landscape was now awash in a dazzling display of pulsating spiritual forces, each teeming with subtle vibrations and undertones.

Focusing his gaze, he discerned the distinct auras emerging from various entities within the secluded valley. But his attention quickly concentrated on the trail left by the extraordinary monster.

The path it had taken was marked by a distinct discoloration, a sickly, mottled aura that pulsed with a sinister undertone. Tendrils of this corrupted energy clung to the damaged vegetation, tainting the natural order.

"Is there a pollution source nearby?" Lynn silently wondered as he studied it, his curiosity piqued by the unsettling aura path that seemed out of place in the otherwise untouched nature.

His mind raced with possibilities, considering the implications. If there were more creatures like it lurking in the shadows of this place, caused by some hostile force, he needed to uncover them.

Since he had chosen to remain in the secluded valley a while longer, now aware that it might harbor hidden dangers, he needed to eliminate them before proceeding with his plans.

He slowed and started walking, his senses sharpening as he tuned into the surroundings. The enhanced abilities granted by his recent transformation heightened his awareness, allowing him to perceive the subtle shifts in the air, the faint tremors in the ground, and the lingering traces of spiritual energy that wove through the fabric of reality.

The track led westward, following the stream that meandered through the valley. Lynn moved cautiously, his footsteps barely making a sound as he navigated the uneven terrain like a predator stalking its prey.

During this walk, he did not forget to get used to the new power and skills his successful assimilation granted. With each step, he understood the subtle modifications and changes coursing through his body.

Especially the [Mimicry Heart]. Determined to familiarize himself with this ability, he did not hesitate to take action and quickly captured suitable targets to test it for the second time.

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