Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 163: The Bone-Spiked Execution

Everything began to make sense as Lynn observed the cavernous lair. The countless crushed bones scattered across the floor, the mysterious glow of the embedded mineral deposits, and the bizarre sickness that plagued the mining employees - all pointed to a common root cause.

During their excavation, the miners had unwittingly unearthed an extraordinary treasure trove deep within the mountain. These ores possessed an innate spiritual energy, a power beyond the understanding of ordinary folk.

This exposition unleashed a gradual but profound change in the local environment without anyone noticing. Potent energies seeped from the veins and slowly imbued the very fabric of the landscape.

The workers, subjected to this supernatural influence, exhibited slight symptoms of pollution. Their bodies and minds deteriorated, succumbing to a mysterious affliction that conventional medicine could not treat.

But the corruption did not stop there. It acted as a catalyst, triggering mutations in the local wildlife. Lynn had little doubt that this was the origin of the monstrous arachnids swarming the underground tunnels.

When the first victim appeared among the people working on the site, panic must have spread like wildfire. Unable to comprehend the unnatural changes, they likely abandoned the place, fleeing without looking back.

Since then, this area has become the hunting and breeding ground for the spiders. With their increase in size and numbers, they needed large amounts of sustenance, leading to the extermination of all other animals in the vicinity.

"With spiritual recovery affecting the world, events like this are probably occurring everywhere," he slightly shuddered. If such a place was left alone for a long time, he could not help but imagine the catastrophic potential.

As the thunderous footsteps of the pursuer drew closer, he quickly shifted his focus back to the present. Planting his feet firmly on the ground and gripping his sword, he whirled around to face the oncoming juggernaut.

The colossal beast burst into the spacious chamber, its momentum carrying it forward. But just as it was about to collide with Lynn, he sidestepped the attack, and his blade lashed out in a blinding arc.

Flame Edge sliced through one of the spindly legs, wanting to sever it, but the thick exoskeleton stopped the progress at the last moment. Greenish ichor sprayed from the wound as the monster screeched in pain.

Without pause, he turned around, ready to press his advantage and rain down a flurry of slashes upon the injured enemy. But just as he was about to unleash his strikes, the arachnid ruler suddenly reared back.

A barrage of thick, glistening strands erupted from its spinnerets, lashing out with surprising speed and precision. His eyes widened as he realized too late that it was preparing to entangle him.

White silks whipped through the air, converging on him from every direction. Driven by instinct, he twisted his figure, the fiery weapon cutting through the first approaching ones with a swift flash.

But the offensive continued unabated, the creature seemingly unstoppable, able to generate an endless supply of webbing. For every line Lynn severed, two more took its place almost immediately.

The sticky fibers clung tenaciously in mere seconds, wrapping around his limbs and torso, restraining his movements. No matter how he struggled, they refused to break, adhering with supernatural strength.

"Clever beast," he muttered in frustration, frowning as he assessed the dire situation. The opponent had adapted its strategy quickly, utilizing its innate abilities as an effective counter to his agility and swordsmanship.

"But you are not the only one who can do that," he growled, a flash of defiance crossing his features. Before it could seize the opportunity and deliver a devastating blow, he unleashed [Spirit Threading].

Countless thin, translucent filaments erupted from his body, lashing out and slicing through the tangle that bound him. The strands danced and whirled like a storm, cutting a path for him to break free.

Simultaneously, he rushed forward, Flame Edge transforming into a crimson blur and launching a series of precise slashes, targeting the vulnerable joints and soft underbelly. Each blow elicited a painful reaction as the searing heat penetrated the thick defense.

Viciously snapping the massive fangs and spewing torrents of venomous liquid, the arachnid tried to retaliate, sensing the tide turning against it. But the enhanced reflexes allowed Lynn to move gracefully, evading the clumsy, erratic attempts.

Amidst this chaos, he spotted a fleeting opening. With a fierce stomp, shattering and sending cracks racing across the earth, he propelled himself toward the enormous head that just missed its attack.

Ruthlessly driving the sharp edge deep into one of the multiple oversized eyes, he provoked a howl of agony. Blood gushed forth, splattering the cavern walls as the creature thrashed in anguish.

The sudden shock and blinding pain caused it to lose control momentarily, its massive body twisting and convulsing. Observing its tortured struggle with an impassive gaze, Lynn pushed on with his assault.

He kept the attention of the spider ruler fixed firmly on him, ensuring his subtle movements went unnoticed. On the ground, the strings he had manifested earlier through [Spirit Threading] finished forming an intricate trap.

In a fluid, synchronized motion, the razor-sharp threads started to rise, weaving and intertwining with each other. Instantaneously, they assembled a cage-like structure around the flailing beast, encircling it on all sides.

"Time to end this," he declared with an unsettling calmness. The monster, feeling the imminent danger, struggled even more violently. But no matter how it strained and pushed, its fate was sealed.

With a simple touch of his consciousness, he willed the spirit filaments to transform, and in response, a menacing crimson color began to spread and glow inside the transparent strands.

The entire cage became scarlet, imbuing it with an ominous aura. Through the [Cell Distortion] skill, the hue rapidly turned into a writhing mass of flesh, each curling and contorting with an almost sentient menace.

Lynn raised his hand, and with a shudder, hundreds of bone spikes immediately protruded from the distortion. At his command, they rushed forward with lethal precision, converging from every angle possible.

The onslaught was relentless, a storm of death that left nothing untouched. They sliced through the chitinous exoskeleton, exploiting every wound and joint to tear into its innards. Vital organs were pierced and ruptured, and no part of the creature remained unscathed.

Overwhelmed and unable to resist, it emitted one last, piercing sound. In an instant, the ruler of this underground domain was transformed into a grotesque, perforated carcass riddled with holes.

As it convulsed briefly before falling silent, a fountain of green liquid poured out, painting the floor in a macabre display. With the last flicker of life fading, the cage of bone and flesh slowly retracted.

"I did not expect it to be so difficult," he muttered, taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat from his brow. After eliminating the threat, a satisfied smile slowly crept across his face.

"Still, uncovering this extraordinary mineral deposit made it all worthwhile," he added, his gaze scanning the ores in the walls. Had he known such a treasure was buried within this mountain, he would have planned his approach better.

Instead of the quick and disorganized confrontation that had just unfolded, he could have systematically eliminated the minions one by one, carefully weakening the horde before facing the final boss. That would have been a far wiser strategy.

But hindsight was a luxury he did not have in the heat of battle. Now, with all the noise and chaos he had caused, he would not be surprised if something—or someone—was already closing in to investigate.

Lynn let out a long exhale as he surveyed the aftermath of the intense encounter. The dim light from the fading inferno cast flickering shadows and revealed the extent of the devastation provoked.

"Luckily, it is still midnight," he analyzed. "At this hour and in such a remote place, it is unlikely anyone would notice the black smoke drifting from the tunnel opening," he reassured himself, noting the dispersing plumes started to thin out.

The isolated mining site was deep inside the mountain range, far from any beaten paths or settlements. Combined with the dark surroundings, this afforded a sizable window before anyone would stumble upon the scene.

It was risky to stay here, but the potential gains from all the spider corpses alone justified the danger, not to mention other things like extraordinary ores and some arachnid eggs he noticed deeper in the lair.

“I must make the most of this situation before the sun rises," he decided, his sharp eyes sweeping the area one more time after activating [Spiritual Vision] to ensure he did not miss anything.


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