Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 53: A Test Of Medical Skills

As the cold barrel of the pistol pressed against the back of Lynn's head, he had to use every ounce of strength to stay composed. His face contorted in an ugly expression, eyes burning with fury. Lynn felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, he really wanted to beat down this arrogant person.

"Marcus," the injured man snapped, his voice laced with irritation. “Be quiet! Is he the doctor or are you the doctor?" The gang leader cursed angrily.

Lynn took a deep breath, steadying himself mentally. Though he wanted to unleash his anger, he knew that maintaining control in this situation was crucial. 

Marcus let out a frustrated grunt and reluctantly took a step back, his lips tightly pursed, while the injured man's face hardened into a smile. "Don't worry, make yourself comfortable with the treatment, whether it's good or bad, I will pay for it."

Lynn nodded expressionlessly, even though that wasn't what he truly believed deep down. Once this gang leader died during the treatment, Marcus behind him would probably finish him off at the first opportunity.

He had already made up his mind to take decisive action the moment he sensed danger, even though the chances of the medical intervention failing were incredibly small, even without Lynn utilizing his extraordinary abilities.

Lynn swiftly removed the sheets and bandages, revealing a total of three bullet wounds on the large man's body. The wounds were all wide, but upon examining their condition, they seemed to have been temporarily treated.

"Have the bullets been removed?" Lynn inquired.

"Two bullets were removed from the arm and thigh, but the one in the abdomen went in too deep, so I didn't dare to take it out," Marcus replied on behalf of the boss.

Lynn attentively examined the three wounds. It became apparent that the wounds inflicted on the arm and thigh, while serious, were not immediately life-threatening. However, when he turned his attention to the abdominal wound, the severity of the injury was evident, and it was clear that the person was in a perilous condition.

The wounds had become inflamed, marked by the presence of pus and blood. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, pain, and heat in the affected area.

Lynn touched the forehead of the injured man, and he noticed that he felt slightly feverish. Given the circumstances, it was truly remarkable that this man had managed to survive up until this point.

"Do you feel anything?" Lynn asked as he pressed on the abdomen wound.

"No, it doesn't hurt much," the boss responded.

Lynn frowned as he continued to press on different areas of the wound. The big man had taken a large amount of drugs to alleviate the pain, perhaps causing nerve paralysis. In this way, he couldn't determine if the nerves near the wounds were necrotic without using extraordinary abilities.

However, Lynn had already decided not to use them and to rely solely on his medical knowledge to test his limits. Of course, if the intervention was truly at risk of failing, he wouldn't hesitate to use all of his abilities.

Lynn took out two syringes from his backpack and retrieved two small vials. He carefully unscrewed the caps of the two small vials, revealing the clear liquid inside. He expertly filled the syringes with the sedative, ensuring precise measurements. The vials contained a mild sedative that would help the patient relax before the operation.

"Before we begin the operation," Lynn explained, "I'll administer this sedative injection to help you relax. It will make the procedure more comfortable for you. After that, I'll proceed with the anesthesia and start the operation right away. If you experience any pain during the procedure, it's important to endure it. However, if it becomes too uncomfortable, biting down on something can provide some relief."

The big man laughed with a hint of confidence in his voice. "Don't worry. I can handle the pain. Just do what needs to be done."

"Bring some lamp torches to illuminate the room," Lynn requested of Marcus.

Marcus swung open the door to the room and firmly directed the men outside, who promptly fetched three powerful flashlights instead of lamp torches, as requested.

With the makeshift operating room now brightly lit, Lynn first administered a powerful sedative to help relax the man and dull the impending pain. Once it took effect, he injected a local anesthetic around the abdominal bullet wound site.

After diligently disinfecting the wounds, Lynn patiently waited for a few minutes to allow the anesthetic to take effect. Taking a deep breath, Lynn then prepared to proceed with the extraction of the resilient bullet deeply embedded in the man's abdomen.

He sterilized the scalp and started the operation.

With steady hands, Lynn enlarged the bullet entry wound, peeling back damaged flesh to open up access to the trauma path. Once the way was clear, he inserted forceps and began carefully maneuvering them toward the embedded bullet.

Marcus and the other men watched silently, their expressions tense. The injured gang leader seemed barely conscious now, mumbling incoherently under the influence of sedatives and drugs.

The bullet had penetrated deeply into the abdomen, but fortunately, it didn't hit any major organs or blood vessels. It had missed the liver by just a few centimeters.

Lynn remained focused as he guided the forceps slowly along the bullet's path, feeling carefully for the metal object. He relied solely on his medical knowledge of anatomy rather than any supernatural senses. After several tense, painstaking minutes, the forceps finally made contact with the bullet.

Gripping the bullet firmly but cautiously with the forceps tips, Lynn began to withdraw them, slowly and steadily pulling the intact bullet free. Marcus and the other men audibly released sighs of relief seeing it finally extracted from their leader's body.

The operation was challenging, and beads of sweat had appeared on Lynn's forehead as he concentrated intently. It took nearly twenty excruciating minutes to locate and remove the embedded bullet. Lynn let out a huge sigh of relief once it was finally out.

But he knew the hard work wasn't over yet. He still needed to thoroughly clean out damaged tissue and debris to prevent infection from taking hold. Meticulously irrigating the wound, he removed any remnants before beginning to suture the deepest levels of torn muscle and vasculature.

With the major internal repair work completed, Lynn continued closing up the rest of the abdominal wound with small, neat stitches, layer by layer until no openings remained. The edges came together cleanly.

After double-checking over his work, he moved on to properly cleaning and suturing the arm and thigh wounds as well. The two other wounds did not require bullet extraction and were not nearly as deep, making them easier to deal with.

The entire emergency operation took more than two hours. By the end, Lynn's patient was stable, and the wounds were treated and closed.

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