Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 55: Tavern’s Enticing Offer

In the morning, the pale light of dawn slowly covered the abandoned district, gently rousing Lynn from his light slumber. He quickly glanced at Anton, who was already awake and alert. They exchanged nods, silently acknowledging the events of the previous night.

Lynn's first priority was to check on the gang leader’s wounds. He approached his bedside and carefully examined the bandages. To his relief, there were no signs of infection or complications. However, he noticed a small amount of pus, indicating a minor infection. Lynn promptly cleaned the area and applied a fresh dressing, ensuring that it was properly secured.

With the leader’s wounds tended to, Lynn turned his attention to the other injured gang members. He moved from one person to another, examining their wounds. The previous treatment they had received effectively addressed their wounds, and there were no signs of complications or infection.

With his medical duties finally complete, Anton led Lynn away from the gang's safe house. The two figures slipped out a back entrance, disappearing into the maze of dilapidated buildings and overgrown alleys.

They swiftly navigated through the winding alleys and narrow passages, avoiding the main streets. Anton kept a brisk pace, his senses heightened for any signs of trouble. Although Lynn's patients had received treatment, their lives still hung precariously in the balance. If the rival Saber Tooth Gang located the hideout, they would show no mercy.

"Stay close and keep alert," Anton muttered under his breath. Lynn nodded, fully aware of the lingering dangers. His sharp eyes continuously scanned their surroundings, perceiving even the most subtle of movements and sounds.

The further they distanced themselves from the gang's lair, the more Lynn's sense of unease diminished. But he knew the threat still lurked as long as they remained in the area.

As the duo navigated deeper into the outer district's maze, Lynn's thoughts turned inward. He pondered the opportunity this medical emergency had presented, thrusting him directly into the center of a gang rivalry. Witnessing firsthand the brutal violence that plagued this area had been an enlightening experience.

By the time they arrived at the tavern, it was well past breakfast hours. the atmosphere was subdued, with only a handful of customers scattered throughout the dimly lit space. The lingering scent of stale ale and the low murmur of conversations filled the air. At the center of it all, Boss Reggie, the barkeeper, sat behind the counter, meticulously polishing a collection of wine glasses.

Upon noticing Lynn and Anton's arrival, Boss Reggie greeted them with a warm smile. "You've returned - good to see you in one piece," he remarked, a mix of relief and curiosity in his voice. "How did it go with the gang leader?"

" Everything went smoothly," Lynn reported. "It was a challenging intervention, but I believe he will make a full recovery with time."

"Excellent work," Boss Reggie nodded approvingly.

As the conversation progressed, Boss Reggie offered a gesture of goodwill. "Since you've done such an outstanding job," he insisted, "I insist on treating you to a meal. Consider breakfast on the house."

Lynn's hunger grew more pronounced as his stomach rumbled in agreement, a reminder of the long and eventful night he had endured. Grateful for the offer, he eagerly accepted.

"Izzy, listen to me," Boss Reggie's voice echoed through the tavern, he shouted towards the kitchen. "Hurry up and prepare a hearty breakfast for our esteemed doctor!"

A clear, feminine voice responded from the kitchen, indicating that Izzy must be the chef Boss Reggie had shouted for.

While waiting for breakfast, Anton recounted the adventure they had just experienced to Boss Reggie. He described the people of the Saber Tooth Gang deployed in the area, sneaking through enemy territory, and performing emergency surgery on the badly wounded gang leader.

Anton vividly narrated the harrowing tale, not leaving out any details. The barkeeper listened intently, leaning on the counter with a deep frown. "That area is dangerous, even in broad daylight," He remarked with a shake of his head.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps emerging from the kitchen. Soon enough, a young woman appeared. She looked to be in her early twenties, with long black hair tied back and wearing a simple waitress uniform.

She was carrying a large wooden tray laden with piping hot plates of delicious-looking food. Izzy placed the plates on the table in front of Lynn and Anton without making eye contact, then swiftly departed back to the kitchen.

"That's my daughter, Isabelle, though she prefers Izzy," Boss Reggie explained, noticing Lynn's glance. "She's a bit shy and doesn't talk much.”

Lynn nodded understandingly. He turned his attention to the steaming plates of breakfast before him and inhaled the enticing aroma. The meal consisted of fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, buttered toast, and a side of roasted potatoes.

He didn't waste any time, immediately grabbing a crispy strip of bacon and chomping down on it quite favorably. The food tasted incredible, it was a feast compared to the meager rations they had subsisted on during their time in the gang's safe house.

As Lynn ate, Boss Reggie leaned toward him and spoke in a small voice: "You behaved well throughout the process and handled yourself properly. Consider this whole ordeal a test of sorts. If you are interested in taking on more medical work around here, you can always come to the Whispering Serpent's tavern. A skilled doctor like you is precious in the abandoned district."

The barkeeper continued, raising his voice slightly. " I can present you all kinds of work, as long as you complete the tasks assigned to you, I'll ensure your safety. I'll only take a 20% commission fee."

Lynn's eyes widened at Boss Reggie's offer. The abandoned district was a place plagued by violence and suffering, with limited access to medical care. The idea of being able to establish himself as a trusted doctor in such a challenging environment was enticing.

Lynn nodded, expressing his gratitude to the barkeeper for the opportunity. "Thank you for your trust, I’m interested.”

Boss Reggie smiled. “You’re a smart one. You know where to find me when you’re ready for another work.” With that, he turned and left to attend to other customers who had wandered in.

Lynn turned to Anton. “I appreciate your escort. I have some things I need to take care of, so I’ll be leaving first if that’s alright.”

Anton simply nodded without saying a word.

With nothing left to do here, Lynn put the hood of his cloak back on, obscuring his features once more, and left the tavern. Out on the streets again, Lynn’s mind wandered as he walked. “This place is certainly full of opportunities, but also many hidden dangers.”

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