Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 70: Swift Medical Assistance

The injured sheriff lay unconscious, his face drained of color due to the blood loss. There was an officer next to him who was attending to the injured arm, applying pressure and hastily wrapping bandages around the gunshot wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

Lynn, who arrived and was observing the scene, immediately stepped forward and spoke up, expressing his intention to take care of the sheriff's injury. "Let me take care of him. I know a little bit about medicine," he said with unwavering confidence in his voice.

The officer tending to the wound hesitated, unsure of what to do. However, before he could respond, Cooper began to regain consciousness, emitting a groan of pain as his awareness slowly returned.

Sheriff Cooper stirred, slowly pushing himself into a sitting position, his face contorted with discomfort. As his eyes focused on Lynn, he mustered a pained smile, attempting to downplay his injury. "Just a scratch, nothing to worry about," he remarked through gritted teeth, his words laced with a mixture of pain and resilience.

Lynn knelt down and carefully examined the wound, his calm eyes assessing the damage caused by the bullet. "Indeed, it appears to be a clean shot straight through the muscle," he observed after he unwrapped the blood-soaked bandage. The bullet had pierced through the fleshy part of Sheriff Cooper's upper arm, leaving a visible and potentially consequential injury.

Aware of the potential risks involved, Lynn calmly explained the situation to the sheriff. "While this may not be an immediately critical situation, it's important to note that the arm contains major blood vessels, including arteries and veins," he began, choosing his words carefully. "Without a proper medical intervention, it could lead to severe bleeding or other complications."

His words hung in the air for a moment as Sheriff Cooper tried to comprehend these complex words, his brows furrowed in confusion. Seeing this reaction, Lynn realized that the modern understanding and practices of medicine might not be widespread or fully developed in this particular world.

As this realization dawned upon Lynn, he made a mental note to explore the town further when he had some free time. He considered the possibility of finding a hospital or medical facility, it could be a good place to earn more experience.

After he simplified the explanation, Sheriff Cooper, though initially reluctant, nodded in understanding. He recognized the expertise and sincerity in Lynn's words.

Lynn's fingers hovered near the wound, and to Sheriff Cooper's surprise, two thin threads emerged from his fingertips. The nimble strands delicately penetrated the bullet hole, causing a slight sensation that made the sheriff flinch.

"Try to keep still," Lynn advised in a calm tone, understanding the discomfort the sheriff was experiencing. "I need to extract the bullet fragments to prevent any complications.”

The threads worked their way through the tissue, gently dislodging the fragmented remnants of the bullet. Sheriff Cooper's arm twitched, a reflexive response to the sensation. After a few moments that felt like an eternity, Lynn deftly withdrew the threads, now intertwined with the extracted bullet pieces.

With all the necessary components in position, Lynn concentrated, activating [Cell Proliferation], affecting the injured area. At the same time, he summoned a third thread, integrating it with the existing two. With utmost precision, he deftly stitched together the rapidly multiplying tissue and intricate network of blood vessels within the injury, expertly aligning the edges of the wound.

Sheriff Cooper watched in awe and disbelief as the wound, once ragged and open, began to transform before his very eyes. The accelerated cell regeneration, fueled by Lynn's extraordinary ability, worked swiftly to repair the damaged tissue. In a matter of moments, the traumatic injury was erased, leaving behind its location pink flesh and skin indicating that it was correctly healing.

As Lynn withdrew his hand, a faint sigh of relief escaped him, accompanied by a gentle wave of fatigue. This procedure had sapped the last remnants of his already depleted reserves of spirit energy.

Breaking the silence that had fallen on the group, Lynn spoke up, his voice tinged with a hint of weakness. "That should suffice for the present," he stated. "The wound is closed, and the damaged tissue has been repaired. However, you must refrain from engaging in strenuous activities for a few days to allow the tissue to heal fully and for your body to recover from the blood loss."

Sheriff Cooper flexed his arm tentatively, testing out the miraculously healed injury. To his amazement, while some lingering soreness persisted, the intense pain that had been throbbing just moments ago was gone. In its place, he felt a tingling sensation—a sign that the cells were continuing to regenerate

"Incredible," the sheriff muttered in awe, still trying to comprehend the astonishing healing he had witnessed. "I've never seen anything like it."

Lynn mustered a feeble smile and nodded silently. The sheriff, with his keen eyes, immediately noticed that something seemed off. He quickly realized that Lynn must have been exhausted, considering the strain of utilizing these extraordinary abilities and the fact that he had been engaged in multiple battles against monsters.

The realization triggered a memory within the sheriff, prompting him to speak up without delay. "Sir Lynn, after such an eventful day, you must be weary. I completely forgot, but we have arranged a place for you to rest during your investigation in this town."

"Shall we head to the headquarters? We have made the necessary arrangements for you there," Sheriff Cooper proposed.

Lynn, too fatigued to linger any further, silently nodded in agreement. He reasoned that they could discuss the situation of this incident at a later time, once he had the opportunity to rest and replenish his energy.

"I'll guide you to the dormitories," the sheriff kindly offered.

Lynn followed the sheriff as they arrived at a group of buildings adjacent to the sheriff's office, designated to serve as dormitories. Their strategic placement provided the advantage of saving valuable time during emergencies.

Upon entering the dormitory, Lynn was pleasantly surprised by its interior. It exceeded his expectations, offering a comfortable and modest living space. Unlike traditional dormitories with bunk beds, this one featured a separate bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. The bedroom seamlessly merged with an office space, complete with a desk and two chairs. A dark curtain adorned the window beside the desk, adding a touch of privacy.

Although not excessively spacious, the area was more than sufficient for Lynn's needs. He settled onto the single bed, releasing a long exhale as he allowed his body to unwind and recover from the strenuous encounters.

He entered a state of meditation. Regulating his breathing, he sensed his depleted reserves of spirit energy gradually replenishing. The gentle currents of energy flowing through his body brought a comforting sensation, washing away the remnants of fatigue and pain.

As Lynn settled into this meditative state, he contemplated the potential of this ability to replace sleep if utilized effectively. By consciously guiding the circulation of spirit energy to nourish his mind, body, and spirit, meditation could refresh and rejuvenate him beyond what normal sleep could achieve.

Moreover, the meditation allowed his sharp mind to operate unimpeded, without the dulling effects of fatigue. He could sustain deep contemplation for hours, analyzing information and forming plans even while restoring his strength.

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