Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 73: Shared Marks and Manipulation

Lynn's meticulousness was evident as he painstakingly reassembled the shattered pieces, determined to restore the bell monster to its original form. The grotesque and distinctive features of the entity gradually emerged from the chaos, each fragment carefully pieced together like a macabre jigsaw puzzle.


[+15 Experience]

As Lynn pulled his hands away from the cluttered table, he took a step back to admire his completed work. The notification of gained experience indicated that the reconstruction procedure was finished, confirming his meticulous efforts. A sense of accomplishment washed over him as he gazed at the fully restored bell monster.

The creature's main body, which had been hidden beneath the metallic bell during the entire confrontation in the tower, was now completely exposed in front of his eyes. It was an intriguing sight.

Its appearance was that of a large and bulbous being, with a rounded body covered in silver, bumpy skin. The texture of its skin reminded Lynn of the rough hide of an elephant, leading him to speculate that it likely served as a form of natural armor.

But what truly caught Lynn's attention was the creature's immense, wide-open mouth. This feature occupied a significant portion of its main body and previously held rows of razor-sharp, uneven teeth. Although most of the teeth were now destroyed, just envisioning them interlocked menacingly revealed its formidable crushing mechanism.

Inside the mouth, he noticed specialized nests where the tentacles emerged from and rested when not in use. These nests were located towards the back of the mouth and were surrounded by fleshy membranes, providing support and protection for the appendages. The tentacles spilled out from the wide maw, resembling twisted and oversized tongues.

Lynn attentively examined every aspect of the living form before him, carefully comparing it to the information he had gathered from dissecting the smiling monster. As he observed the reconstructed corpse, a speculative thought escaped his lips.

"It must be a stationary creature, one that hangs from elevated surfaces to hunt its prey," Lynn mused aloud. The physical attributes, such as its lack of limbs or visible means of locomotion, suggested a sedentary lifestyle.

"Its primary method of attack would be utilizing its long, fleshy tongues that resemble tentacles," he continued. The resemblance of the tongues to tentacles hinted at its ability to extend and ensnare unsuspecting prey, drawing them into its grasp for consumption.

Compared to the smiling monster, the creature before Lynn presented a completely different appearance. Its outward characteristics diverged drastically, making it clear that they belonged to distinct species. However, amidst these differences, Lynn's astute observations unveiled certain resemblances that confirmed his suspicions.

Fixing his gaze upon the entity’s rugged, leathery skin, Lynn's attention was drawn to a subtle mark nestled within its texture. To his astonishment, it was the very same symbol he had previously discovered etched upon the neck of the smiling monster.

"This mark again," Lynn muttered, his voice laced with intrigue. His narrowed eyes scanned the corpse, contemplating the implications of his discovery. "Just as I suspected, these creatures share a deeper bond.”

The revelation of the shared mark only intensified Lynn's conviction that these monsters were not independent beings but rather subject to external manipulation. The mark served as a tangible link, a symbol that hinted at a controlling force behind their existence.

However, the shared mark was not the only evidence. Lynn's intense examination uncovered further unsettling similarities between the two entities. Both beings possessed biological features that deviated from normal, suggesting an engineered origin.

The smiling creature, for instance, presented a disturbing amalgamation of serpentine and insect anatomy. Its unsettling form defied conventional biological boundaries.

In the case of the bell monster, Lynn's scrutiny revealed a mesmerizing array of tentacles, each possessing unique functions. Some tentacles were equipped with venomous stingers, capable of injecting paralyzing toxins into their prey. Others bore razor-sharp edges, designed to tear flesh with ruthless efficiency. Lynn's keen eye detected more features that he couldn't even identify.

"Such diverse biological weapons in one creature are highly irregular with natural evolution, bordering on impossible," Lynn remarked with a frown. "This degree of unnatural design implies intentional modification and enhancement."

The notion that these monsters were mere products of the wild, untamed world was quickly fading, giving way to the realization that they were purposefully engineered living weapons.

As Lynn meticulously cleaned up the makeshift autopsy room, methodically returning his tools to his inventory, his sharp mind churned over the insights gleaned from his examination. Each discovery reinforced his conviction that these creatures were not random anomalies but rather the result of a hidden hand, a clandestine force manipulating and shaping their existence.

“This knowledge and method of manipulating and shaping creatures could really be useful for me," Lynn muttered, recognizing its immense value, particularly for his class.

Carefully placing the reconstructed corpse into his inventory, Lynn stepped out of the room. As he walked down the corridor, his gaze instinctively turned toward the window. The sun still hung in the sky, but he noticed a gradual fading of its light as dusk approached.

"I should probably go out and explore the town," Lynn mused to himself, his eyes fixed on the changing scenery outside. The allure of the unknown beckoned him, urging him to uncover the secrets that lay hidden in this town.

As he pondered his next steps, a familiar voice suddenly called out to him from behind. "Sir Lynn!" Startled, he turned around to find Officer Jink standing there—the first person he had encountered upon entering this world.

"Jink, right? How are you doing?" Lynn greeted him with a small smile, observing the patrol officer and noting that he appeared to be in good health despite last night's incident.

Jink's eyes flickered with a mix of gratitude and lingering unease. "I'm doing well, thanks to you. It was a truly terrifying experience. I couldn't shake the image of that monster from my mind. But physically, I'm fine. It seems the injuries were more of a scare than anything substantial."

"It must have been quite frightening," he acknowledged, his voice filled with understanding. However, Lynn's curiosity compelled him to delve further into the situation. "Are you still working even after your accident?"

Jink's expression turned slightly bashful as he replied, "I was supposed to take a few days off, but we're facing a staff shortage, so I decided to assist with some paperwork instead." As he spoke, he seemed to recall something, and his posture straightened. "In fact, the sheriff also asked me to assist you. Is there anything specific you need?”

Lynn paused momentarily, taking a brief pause to contemplate his situation. Encouraged by Jink's gracious offer of assistance, he wasted no time in presenting his request. "If that's the case, could I trouble you for a favor?" Lynn inquired.

"Of course!” Jink responded promptly and enthusiastically, leaving no room for doubt.

"In that case, would it be possible for you to acquire a map of the town for me? I want to explore a little bit," Lynn requested, hoping to gain a better understanding of his surroundings.

Jink's eyes widened slightly, taken aback by Lynn's unexpected request. However, he swiftly regained his composure and nodded. "Acquiring a map can be quite challenging, but fortunately, Sir Lynn. I happen to know of a place where I can obtain a highly detailed map."

The young officer gracefully excused himself from the ongoing conversation and promptly set off to complete the task entrusted to him by Lynn.  His eagerness to fulfill the request was palpable.


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