Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 117 - Continuation 3

Soon, three black armored soldiers were patrolling slowly in the arched passageway in front.

Seeing Lin Sheng approaching, the three said nothing, and rushed towards him silently like a bison.

In the dull footsteps of thumping, the first soldier waved his sword to Lin Sheng’s chest. He hid sideways.

Lin Sheng’s arm caught the soldier’s neck like lightning, and he twisted suddenly.


With a crisp sound, the heavy armored soldier’s head was turned 180 degrees on the spot, losing his strength and kneeling on the ground.

Lin Shengshun grabbed the epee in the body and blocked it horizontally.


The epee just blocked the attack from the following two.

His speed was much faster than these soldiers. They completed one action, and Lin Sheng had already completed three actions.

This is the key to Lin Sheng’s ease.

After the two heavy armored soldiers were blocked, the other hand iron shield slammed into Lin Sheng.

It’s a pity that Lin Sheng took a step back, flipped his epee, and tricked everything over the two men’s wrists.

The clang rang twice, and the two epees of their wrists dropped on the spot.

Lin Sheng stepped down again, waiting for the shields of the two men to grow old, and then the same fierce collision.

The divine power in his body surged quickly, and a white light appeared on his shoulders.

Huh! !!

Lin Sheng bumped into two black shields.

In the sound of the huge impact, two heavy armored soldiers flew out on the spot, and the hand holding the shield was obviously bent and fractured.

Lin Sheng stepped forward quickly, Jian Guang flashed, slammed twice, and cut off their throats.

Soon, the two black lines condensed and quickly dipped into his chest.

Lin Sheng sorted out the information a bit, except for some boring memories of drinking and farting, it was a chaotic mosaic.

Except for adding a bit of soul to him, the rest is meaningless.

Skilledly stripped off the soldier’s equipment, Lin Sheng replaced them one by one.

He and these soldiers are not much different in stature, and they don’t feel incompatible.

After changing into heavy armor, he continued to walk in the opposite direction. I plan to go to the end to look at it completely.

Soon, a collapsed wall blocked Lin Sheng’s path.

He poked forward with his sword.

The walls are very thick, and it takes a lot of energy and time to get through.

Lin Sheng tried it and couldn’t find the exit from the dungeon. The only exit was blocked by the collapsed wall and couldn’t get through.

Can’t find the exit, he can only turn around again and walk deeper into the dungeon.

Since it can only go down, then simply go and completely solve the dead fat man.

In the previous direction, Lin Sheng quickly returned to the corner. Taking a break here, he moved on, and soon reached the depths of the dungeon again.

The fog was getting thicker and heavier.

The visible distance quickly decreased from ten meters to four or five meters.

Lin Sheng’s pace is getting slower and slower.

He clenched his epee and began to move as lightly as possible.

This time he did not put on metal boots, but still wore sneakers.

The sound of the shoes on the hard and rough ground is inaudible.

Lin Sheng maintained a posture, his armor and sword shield had no collision, and kept as quiet as possible.

As we move forward,

A huge black shadow more than two meters tall gradually appeared in front.

The dark shadow was distantly distinguishing the black armband worn by the fog. It’s really the spitfire black fat man

Lin Sheng stopped quickly. Carefully move forward.

Soon, he found the wooden shield and armor that he had died here before, as well as the small black cloth bag containing the loot.

Put the wooden shield on your hand, then pick up the small black cloth bag and put it in the sportswear pocket.

Do it all.

Lin Sheng once again cast his eyes on the tall black shadow in front.

Tightening his epee, he tried to lighten his feet and approached slowly.


Six meters.

Five meters.

Four meters.

Three meters! !!

Huh! !!

Lin Sheng burst into a sprint with a heavy footfall.



“Holy Shield !!!”

The standard charge of the Cruel Aegis was used by him in an instant.

The epee in Lin Sheng’s hands was clamped on the edge of the shield, and the whole body lit with the light.

His body swelled slightly, purple lines appeared between his eyebrows, and his whole body gathered on the sword.

Huh! !! !!

Lin Sheng, like a lion, crashed into the back of a black fat man.

The white light of the epee’s tip, superimposed by a huge impact, finally stabbed a sharp blade into the center of the fat man’s back.

Huh! !!

The fat man roared, and turned sharply to punch.

The huge fist accompanied by the spikes on the armband swept down like a stone pillar.

Lin Sheng bowed his head and rolled over, pulling out his sword and avoiding his fist. Quickly rushed through the gap in the side of the fat man, and came to the back again.

Huh! !!

Exhausted, Lin Sheng’s epee lighted up again, and stabbed into the wound just pierced.


This time the epee was a lot easier, and it went straight into most of the wound.

Huh! !! !!

The fat man roared, raised his head, and slammed his backhand on Lin Sheng.

This time, the speed is extremely fast, because there is no need to turn, and Lin Sheng is caught off guard, he can only loosen the hilt of the sword.

Huh! !!

Lin Sheng splattered debris in the wooden shield in his hand. He kept the defensive posture all the way, gliding a few meters away, and two black burn marks under his feet.

Didn’t wait for him to breathe back.

The fat man’s second fist was pressed again.


Lin Sheng was half-knelt on the ground, and there was a bleeding spot in his knee.

He blocked his arms with a shield in front of him, and blocked his huge black fist in front of him.

Ahhhhh! !! !!

He roared, turned his fists on a roll, then got up to the side of the fat man’s waist and flew over. Hold the sword hilt in the air in the air.


It happened that the fat man punched in a volley, just blocked by Lin Sheng with a half-edged epee.

Huh! !! !!

The huge force hit the epee like a flood, and the epee slammed open the waist of the wound edge, pulling a huge gap.

This is the power of the fat man! Just being clever by Lin Sheng.

The epee was smashed and broken, and flew out with Lin Sheng’s body, hitting the iron door of the cell on one side.

Huh! !! !!

The fat man shouted in pain, covering the huge gap in his waist, and a large amount of black blood accompanied by gray smoke spewed from his wound.

The cut gap cut almost half of his waist.

The fat man knelt down and fell to the ground. The tall body roared angrily, trying to stand up again and rush to Lin Sheng.

“Oh!” Lin Sheng spit out blood from his mouth, climbing up expressionlessly.

Just now, fortunately, the heavy armor on his body blocked most of the power.

Coupled with flying out, there is no hard resistance. Now there is only a slight fracture in the body with bleeding. The rest were not much injured.

Holding the broken sword, Lin Sheng stared at the fat man in the end. Hold the sword in both hands and assume the standard sacred shield shield charge.

“Instead of wandering endlessly here, why not go out and kill me!”

He raised his sword and arched his body like a cheetah.

“Become Holy Light !!! Kill !!!”

Lin Sheng condenses the strength of the whole body, and white light appears on the edge of the body.



“Holy Shield !!!”

He roared like a dying lion, rushing towards the other with a final roar.

At the same time, the fat man who fell to the ground also growled and roared, raised his fist and slammed into Lin Sheng with all his strength.

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