Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 121 - Bloodline 1 (Thanks to the leader of Pure Xiaolong for reward)

Walked along the pet street. Lin Sheng finally felt a slight reaction to the pattern on the back of the hand.

The response is not very strong, weak and bland. If it weren’t for his careful perception, I’d be unaware of it.

Right in front of the last penultimate pet shop, he slowed down and slowly stopped in an iron cage placed at the door.

A dark brown old lizard was kept in the cage.

This lizard is very strange.

It has a dark outer skin, but its eyes are light gray.

Lin Sheng noticed that its skin was full of wrinkles, it looked very old, and was so old that he didn’t even want to waste energy even with a little movement.

Lin Sheng felt a kind of indifference from it when he faced his eyes.

A weird feeling of indifference to the extreme, cruel and calm.

“How does this lizard sell?” Lin Sheng stood up and asked the boss who approached.

The boss is holding his belly, holding a card in his hand, and is betting on others. He heard his voice and squinted.

“You can take it a hundred dollars, don’t blame me for not reminding you, this lizard is dying. You can’t raise it for a few months.”

The boss is honest. Nothing flickers to hide.

It was just that he had just finished speaking, but an old woman who was playing cards next to him interrupted.

“You lizard are still there? You have entered so many lizards before, now this one is left?”

“It was almost killed by it.” The fat boss was impatient as soon as he mentioned this.

“Before I just put them together for one night and waited for the new boxes to arrive. I also divided them into carton partitions. It’s **** bad! The next day I saw other lizards turned belly!”

“Is there something wrong?” Lin Sheng asked curiously.

“I’m not sick, I’m sick! Don’t say, anyway, you need 100 yuan.” The fat boss turned his head and continued to play cards.

Lin Sheng leaned his left hand across the glass box and approached the old lizard.

The silver pattern on the back of the hand, as the distance from the old lizard continued to decrease, the inexplicable hunger became clearer.

“Sure enough, that’s it …”

Lin Sheng determined that he found his wallet from his pants pocket and counted two hundred and passed it.

“I want this box together.”

“This glass box is not enough for one hundred.” The boss said casually when he took the money back. “Give it another fifty.”

“Okay.” Lin Sheng was too lazy to bargain. For a lizard with extraordinary blood, a small amount of two hundred and fifty dollars is simply too cheap.

After paying the money, he picked up the glass box and asked the boss for a big plastic bag.

Then I put a few pieces of cardboard around the box and continued to walk around.

This time it seemed that the lizard in his hand was disturbing, and the pattern of hunger on the back of Lin Sheng’s hand was always active.

After several more turns, he was unable to find a second bloodline creature.

In desperation, with the old lizard, Lin Sheng went straight to his old stronghold-the abandoned factory warehouse.

The abandoned factory was a long way from the urban area, and every time he passed, he had to take a taxi, which made him feel inconvenient.

Thinking about when to get a car to drive by himself, Lin Sheng once again carried the box and went into the warehouse.

Set the glass case aside.

He quickly began setting up a new primary summoning ceremony. Most of the materials are ready-made, and only a few of them need to be fresh and must be caught immediately.

Therefore, Lin Sheng today only drew out the ritual array as a backup.

“The lizard’s extraordinary blood is too weak, and his ability is uncertain. Even if I merge, how much improvement can be predicted. It seems that the true reliability depends on the call.

Lin Sheng’s mind was still determined, using his summons to extract the essence of fused blood vessels.

Even if you lose a summoned monster as a result, if you can get a strong bloodline fusion, such loss is acceptable.

“I happen to have enough soul load now to summon stronger summoners.” Lin Sheng glanced at the old lizard in the glass box.

He intends to contract the old lizard as his pet. Just like the crow before.

But all these need to prepare materials.

He sinks his heart, and in the warehouse of the abandoned factory, he downright depicts the ritual array.

Six hours later, the sky was gradually darkening, and two different maps finally allowed him to draw it completely in one day.

Squatting on the floor of the warehouse, Lin Sheng glanced out at the sky, knowing that there is no way to prepare today, he just stood up.

“Look here for me, don’t let people approach.”

He commanded calmly.


A stream of black fog condensed quickly, turning into a strong swordsman wearing a black bandaged headband.

The Black Feather Swordman bowed slowly to Lin Sheng without saying a word.

During the holidays, my mother and father have recently taken a rest at home because of my sister’s affairs.

So there is no need to separate so many hands to protect everywhere.

Lin Sheng let the Cruel Aegis secretly take care of himself, and the remaining two black feather swordsmen dealt with some chores for themselves.

Mainly, the Black Feather Swordsman is much more concealed than the Cruel Aegis. As long as you wear a hat to cover the bandage, it is not much different from ordinary young men.

Lin Sheng carefully rolled all the maps and put them in his backpack. There were too many other materials in bottles and jars, and they were placed in the corners alone and looked after by the black feather swordsmen.

“Look at it!” Lin Sheng ordered again to the Black Feather Swordsman.

The Black Feather Swordman quickly held his body, rushed to the piles of cans, and then stared down at these things.

He was meticulous in motion, looking straight at these things through the bandage.

“Is this guy going to stare at this pose tomorrow?” Lin Sheng was speechless.

No more talking, he turned and quickly left with his backpack.

For the ceremony, the most important thing is the map and the slogan. In fact, anyone can easily buy the materials.

As long as he does not reveal the map in his backpack and the starter words in his mind, the ritual will not be dangerous.

Back home, Lin Sheng relaxed a little, and chatted with his sister Lin Xiao about the interesting life in the university, which helped her enlighten her mood.

I ate dinner because I didn’t eat at noon. In the afternoon, Lin Sheng ate five bowls of rice in one breath, and each bowl was full.

Gu Wanqiu was so scared that he touched his forehead to see if he was sick.

Lin Sheng didn’t explain in a mood, and after a few sentences, he started to use his excuse to go back to the room to review and began to meditate on the gray marks.

Meditate on the gray marks, practice the Holy Power, take a short rest, and then continue. In this cycle, it’s time to sleep.

Lin Sheng could not wait, and put on his sportswear and shoes and lay on the bed. Slow down your breathing and try to be as stable as possible.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da …

An inexplicable sound of the second hand beating into his ears.

With this voice, Lin Sheng’s consciousness sank quickly, blurred, and gradually lost consciousness.


Something fell to the ground.

Lin Sheng opened his eyes and saw a leg armor falling off his feet.

He took a closer look, the heavy armor on his body was already overwhelmed, and the left leg armor fell on the instep with no concern and rolled off.

“What is this? Inferior product?”

He reached out and simply took off all the heavy armor and threw it away.

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