Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 130 - Assault 1 (thanks to the support of Li Qiwu\\\'s leader)

the next day.

Lin Sheng became obsessed with practicing the piano because he couldn’t enter the dream. He simply devoted himself to the blood blue harp all day.

He has discovered that with this gadget, the speed of growth of Holy Power is fast. So I don’t want to waste any time.

There is no change on his side, but there is trouble in Tekken.

Saru went home.

He discussed it with Father Dao Ling, and went home alone, saying that there were important matters to be dealt with and that he needed to take a few days off.

In the past few days, the affairs of the meeting were delegated by Mr. Dao Ling.

Lin Sheng also received a call from Saru at home and knew about it.

Saru left, and many things of the Iron Fist fell on Dao Ling and the newly joined Luo Xin.

Lin Sheng went to the Guild Hall again, and compared to Saru’s time, the two Dao Ling issued several injunctions, which made the meeting more calm.

However, although it has stabilized a lot, it does not have the previous attitude of reform.

After discovering that nothing happened, Lin Sheng no longer paid much attention to the events of Tekken.

Instead, focus on practicing piano.

At the same time, the number of homicides in Huaisha also began to increase rapidly.



Tekken will.

Dao Ling sits in the practice room with a long breath, and the holy power in the body slowly flows like a stream, continuously healing the dark injuries left in his body and restoring the aging cell body.

Uh …

The door to the practice room was knocked, and someone was talking outside.

“Mr. Tao Ling, something has happened, and you may need to come out and deal with it.”

Dao Ling slowly opened his eyes, and there was a touch of gold under his eyes.

“What’s the matter?” He exhaled and asked calmly.

“It was about several burglary and homicide cases that suddenly occurred in the urban area last night.” The man at the door answered quickly.

“Oh?” Dao Ling frowned slightly.

Saru wasn’t there, and Boss Lin Sheng didn’t care. I know that asceticism has such a style of leader, so the core theme of the whole Tekken Society is naturally to make money, cultivate, make money, cultivate.

Some time ago, he also heard that a disciple mentioned to him about the robbery and homicide.

In his opinion, as long as it didn’t mess with Tekken, it wouldn’t bother.

These days, in this era, the political situation is chaotic, and Celine’s upper-level roots are rotten. Various cases erupted everywhere, and there was no energy to manage it.

So as long as Tekken is calm, he doesn’t want to be troublesome.

But now …

Dao Ling stood up and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a young disciple. The disciples bowed their heads respectfully.

“Teacher Tao Ling, the key is that there are disciples in the meeting …”

“Well?” Dao Ling frowned. “Speak a little bit, who’s wrong. To what extent?”

Saru walked away, and something happened in the meeting, but his face was lost.

“Xu Wanqing didn’t come when she called today. Relatives in her family called and said that something happened to her family. Xu Wanqing was seriously injured and was admitted to the hospital. Her family died and was seriously injured.” The young disciple quickly said.

“One death and one serious injury …” Dao Ling looked solemnly. “Did the owner be notified of this?”

“Not yet, we don’t have contact information for the Lord,” the disciple explained. At the same time there was a hint of indignation on his face.

“Someone dared to start against our Tekken, Teacher Tao Ling, there are many people in the meeting now that everyone finds the murderer and helps Xu Wanqing get revenge!”

“How about Xu Wanqing’s injuries?” Dao Ling Shen said.

“The left arm is broken … it may not be able to come back …” The man lowered his head a little and said in a repressed manner.

“….. first inform the owner of the Salou Pavilion.” Dao Ling arranged. “After that, when everyone enters and leaves the hall, it is best to go together. Don’t go alone.”

“No …. Mr. Tao Ling, we had contacted the owner before, but the phone number he left was not available.” The disciple hurried.

“Huh?” Dao Ling raised an eyebrow, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Let’s go to the hospital first,” he commanded Shen Shen. “In addition, immediately send someone to inform the host. The location of his house is …” He quickly informed the other party of Lin Sheng’s address.




Saru followed his father, Wyan, not far behind, looking closely at the two weird bodies lying on the grass.

The corpse looked like a mantis, dark green throughout, with a hard shell and fine burrs on its body.

But does a praying mantis grow so big?

He was incredible.

Both bodies were more than one person tall, and the fatalities were on the chest. A large hole was opened there by a heavy sniper rifle.

Light green, viscous blood was slowly flowing out from the wound.

“This thing is the murderer who caused the murder?” Saru’s father, Wyan, stood up and asked lowly.

“Yes Minister, when we found them, the two monsters were planning to ambush a couple who came here.”

The man in a black suit on one side sank.

“Did the samples be sent for testing?” Wyan asked.

He stood up, if only looking at the appearance, a dark red suit, elegant temperament, and Saru with savage temperament are completely different extremes.

It’s hard to believe that they are father and son.

“It has been sent. In addition, Deputy Secretary Smith said that there was a new clue for you to look over.”

“I see.” Wyan nodded and turned back to Saru. “Would you like to come together? Since it’s all here, it’s time to let you know something that was previously hidden from you.”

Saru looked down at the two bodies again and nodded fiercely.

But neither of them noticed. At least more than half of the more than ten people who were watching around looked at each other secretly, and some inexplicable look flashed in their eyes.

Secretly, in the area where everyone is located, everyone’s cell phone signal, I do n’t know when it will start, has already been disturbed and disrupted by some kind of mysterious signal.



“Who killed my son …”

In the dark mountain forest, a huge mantis slowly dangled from the trunk of a large branch.

“Interesting …. So many places haven’t moved, but it’s a small port with two bodies missing …”

The mantis eyes glowed with red fluorescence, and it seemed to be operating a certain ability to query sub-body information.

Soon, the redness in his eyes suddenly slammed, and gradually brightened.

“found it…..”

“There are always a few hard bones that want to struggle and live well, isn’t it good?”

The mantis opened its mouth and spit out a slender scarlet tongue.

“Go work it out, number four.”


In the shadows, a tall shadow jumped up.


The next second, it had disappeared into the dark woods.



boom! !! !!

Lin Sheng punched him in the chest of the cruel shield. He was also hit by a frontal shield on the forehead.

His head flickered slightly, and pale gold eyes widened suddenly, holding his body in shape and grasping the fist smashed by the cruel shield.

Crash right knee, elbow!

Huh! !!

The power of terror was accompanied by a large amount of dust, spreading from the place where the cruel shield was smashed.

It stepped back two steps, holding up the shield and smashing again towards Lin Sheng.

Huh! !!

A big hand is holding the shield in front. Push forward.

Suddenly a whip-leg cannonball drew on the cruel shield of Aegis.

The metal was making a harsh twist.

The Cruel Aegis can no longer maintain balance, and was smashed to the ground by this blow.

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