Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 133 - Expand 1

“That’s it, no matter who caused the murder, since they dare to take action against Saru, they dare to take action against my Tekken disciples. This is the biggest challenge to us.”

“I announced that from now on, Tekken will formally intervene in this case investigation.” Lin Sheng slowly got up, calmly.

“I don’t care about the rest of Anduin, but here, in Huaisha, I don’t want to hear about the murder again.” He looked cold.

“But, the Lord, purely with our strength, is it too much to find the killer …” Dao Ling frowned.

Tekken is just a folk force that has not been established for a long time. The time is too short, and even the loyalty of its members and disciples is uncertain.

At this level, he didn’t know what kind of confidence Lin Sheng had, and he could say something to stop Huaisha’s murder.

“Don’t worry about this, I have already applied upwards. Can you think that Tekken is just us?” Lin Shengping said indifferently.

up! ?

“Well?” Tao Ling looked for a moment.

Not only him, but also the others present, all changed slightly at the same time.

This sentence has a lot of information …

A few people had a lot of speculation in their minds for a while, but there was no movement on the surface, but there was no small association in their hearts.

Lin Sheng glanced at it, and he had something in mind, which was the effect he wanted to achieve in advance.

From the beginning, he had the overall plan and calculations.

Regarding the practice of Holy Power, about the various swordsmanship, fighting skills, and experience accumulated at a glance.

None of these can come out of thin air, but there must be a source and a foundation.

And the bottom line, it’s time to throw it out.

That is, there is a general meeting above the Tekken.

A mysterious, powerful and anomalous force, but invisible.

“Meet the Lord …. what do you mean, … Our Tekken Club is just a branch?” Dao Ling was silent for a moment, his eyes flashing inexplicably excited.

He looked at Luo Xinna on the opposite side, Luo Xinna was also shocked with a look on his face, apparently did not expect this turn to appear.

Apparently he didn’t know that Tekken had such an inside story. It didn’t take long to join after all.

The expression of Saru’s father, Wyan, was even more dull.

He couldn’t figure out what happened at all, although from the words, he probably knew that there was a general club above the Tekken Club.

But he didn’t know what the concept was, what it meant, etc.

Lin Sheng looked at the changes in the eyes of everyone and continued.

“The establishment of the chapter was originally solely responsible for me, but now there are unexpected situations. The strength of our chapter alone is beyond our reach. So …”

He paused.

“I will reduce support to the General Assembly, applicants!”


There was no sound in the entire room, only a slight thick breathing sound, everyone was trying to digest the sudden material that Lin Sheng burst out.

Tekken will not be a small force alone?

It sounds like a branch of a powerful organization! And it is still an important branch that can apply for combat power at any time!

Dao Ling lowered his head at this moment, and there was a clear flash in his eyes.

“That’s it! I said that the Holy Spirit’s practice skills are so mature, it’s absolutely impossible to have a system that only a genius can create.

Now it seems that there is a huge secret behind it! Behind it, there are more and stronger backgrounds, more secrets … just don’t know how strong Tekken always is … “

“Okay. Next, an investigation by Tekken will arrive soon, but the investigation will not show up directly, but will investigate the situation secretly.

As for the identity, appearance, and information of the investigator, if everyone encounters it, it will be clear at that time. Needless to say now.

That’s all for today. Now Mr. Wyan can go to rest first. “

Lin Sheng quickly arranged.

Wyan stood up and solemnly said, “Lin Huizhu, thanks to your timely arrival this time, to save our father and son.

Since you Tekken will be involved in this case, I have some information here that may be helpful to the progress of the case. “

Although he didn’t know how powerful Tekken would be, even without this background, he was quite confident about Lin Sheng’s personal force value.

“Oh?” Lin Sheng looked at Wyan in doubt. “Appreciate further details.”

Wyan smiled bitterly: “Don’t look at me so embarrassed. Anyway, I have also been a deputy minister in the provincial security department for a few years, although now it has been demoted …”

Lin Sheng was slightly moved.

Provincial Deputy Minister of Security, although he is not sure how high this level is, it can involve the security affairs of a province.

Officials at this level, even if Celine is rotten and corrupted, must know a lot of inside information.

“I never heard Saru mention it.”

He looked immobile. Although the other party was very high-level, the memory fragments absorbed in the dream made him no longer a purely ancient language expert.

“Yeah, it would be best if it can be compiled into written materials so that everyone can have a general understanding and mental preparation.” He said seriously.

“Actually, I have no choice but to apply for a reduction in manpower. This will not only reduce my personal evaluation.

It is also because the style of the people in the general meeting is completely different from ours. They … and our club, not a world. “

The others did not understand, but they could also see Lin Sheng’s attitude towards the people there.

“So, I’ll write a written material right away.” Wyan nodded. Leaving the table.

The disciple standing by the door quickly led him to the rest room.

In the Tekken Clubhouse, because it was originally a school, there was also a row of rooms dedicated to teaching staff to rest at school. Now this row of rooms has been converted into guest rooms.

Wynn could just take a break from here now.

After the outsider, Wyan left, there were only Lin Sheng, Dao Ling, and Luo Xin in the meeting room.

“Now that Saru is injured and needs recuperation, the main affairs in the meeting are on Dao Ling you.” Lin Sheng looked at Dao Ling.

“No problem, the old man still has this ability. The current Tekken Chapter is not large, the scale is moderate, and it is easy to manage.” Tao Ling quickly said.

After all, he had managed a large martial arts hall with hundreds of people before, and the Tekken Club was basically capable.

“No, I mean, the chores in the meeting were handed over to Luo Xin, you have broken through stability and entered the extraordinary, a rare opportunity, go to the city to search for that kind of mantis monster.”

Lin Sheng simply said.

“I’m alone?” Dao Ling froze.

“of course not.”

Lin Sheng clapped his hands gently.


Two beeps.

The door was slowly pushed open. A tall man in a black suit and hood, who seemed to be wearing a mask, slowly walked into the living room.

The man’s entire head was covered by a hood, and his face was tied tightly with bandages, revealing only bloodshot eyes.

“This is a raven, originally a recorder who monitors and observes the progress of our chapter.

Now because of special circumstances and lack of manpower, the crow will also join the search team. Eliminate unknown threats in the city. Lin Sheng reached out and introduced.

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