Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 135 - Expand 3

Riding a bicycle, Lin Sheng went straight to the abandoned factory in the suburbs without stopping.

It takes half an hour to cycle from home to the abandoned factory.

This made Lin Sheng somewhat want to find another place as a base.

At the same time, this abandoned factory also has the disadvantage of not being sufficiently concealed.

“Let’s go back and make arrangements, and deal with it now.”

Put the car in and push it into the grass.

Lin Sheng walked quickly into the factory gate.

In the spacious large factory building, there are exactly three young people sitting around a bonfire, and I don’t know what to do.

Hearing footsteps, the three looked up at the door.

Seeing Lin Sheng, who was fit, walked into the door, one of the bald men with earrings stood up and ripped off his leather jacket, watching Lin Sheng.

He didn’t speak, but his eyes meant to be bad and warning. Obviously intend to scare away each other with eyes.

“This place is mine. Don’t come again later.” Lin Sheng walked to the bonfire and stopped. Calmly.

“How old are you? Hey!” The bald young man scolded when he opened his mouth. Rushing towards Lin Sheng aggressively, he reached out to grab his collar.


Then he was picked up. Two small short legs constantly jogging in the air.

“Hmm! What about you … Hmm! Hmm!”

The bald screamed, and he was thrown aside casually, laying on the ground with his stomach shrunk.

The other two just stood up and pulled out fruit knives from their bodies to rush over.

Seeing this scene, the two were silent.

But what made Lin Sheng somewhat surprised was that the remaining one man and one woman did not immediately run away.

They could see that they were scared, and the woman’s legs were shaking.

But they still stood in place, and their eyes kept shifting between the bald head and Lin Sheng on the ground.

A moment of silence.

“Sorry, we have taken your place, we will go now, we will go now!” The remaining short-haired boy put away a fruit knife to accompany the laugh.

He pulled a girl, and the two hurriedly ran to the ground and raised their bald heads. Seeing that Lin Sheng didn’t take any action, he was relieved and went out quickly.

“Wait.” Lin Sheng said suddenly.

“You guys, do you want to make some extra money?” He looked at the tattered leather coats on the three, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

The three of them stepped on their feet and looked back at him, with a distinct tinge in their eyes.

ten minutes later.

Lin Sheng packed his things and no longer held a summoning ceremony in the warehouse.

Since it was discovered here, it means that it is more insecure, and he has another arrangement.

Leaving the abandoned factory, he hung everything behind the bicycle, raised the car, and walked down the mountain road to the depths of the barren mountains.

Walked along the dark mountain road for more than ten minutes.

Soon, an abandoned gray temple appeared before him.

The temple is a brick and tile structure. The wooden doorway at the door is in disrepair for years and hung on it at an angle. It may collapse at any time.

The main body is a small square courtyard, the wall of the courtyard collapsed more than half, there are gaps where people can enter.

The temple itself has almost no roof, and the walls are a little black, with a slight scorching smell.

The courtyard was overgrown with weeds and vines, and the roots of several large trees were exposed, entwining the small temple.

The thick tree roots even grew into the temple gates, squeezing a one-person-high gate into a half-height hole.

“It’s here.” Lin Sheng carried his bicycle into the temple courtyard.

Putting the car down, he snapped his fingers.

A crow flew in midair, hovering and dancing above the temple, and spying at any time.

Lin Sheng picked up the backpack full of ceremonial materials and quickly walked into the temple.

There are five rooms in total here.

The main hall was packed with tree roots and vines and weeds, and it was impossible to use.

The side hall, the kitchen, and the bedrooms were all in dilapidated condition, and the falling roof tiles were broken. It’s hard to find a location for a station.

There is only one room and there is a bit of space. The roof is not completely leaking.

In addition to the moss covered everywhere, there were some mushrooms on the ground, and the rest was fine.

After Lin Sheng determined the location, he quickly lowered his backpack and tore off an obstructing dark green vine with his feet.

The vine was covered with tiny stingers, but it was useless to his skin at this time.

These poisonous thorn forests felt like they were touching the soft feathers of birds.

The vines and weeds were cleaned up slightly, and a clearing was cleared.

Lin Sheng took out the painted ceremonial plastic paper from his backpack. This is the one I used last time. It was not bad. He wiped it and continued to use it.

“Fortunately, I use high-purity ink that is scrub-resistant.” Lin Sheng took out his flashlight and carefully examined the ceremony on the rolled out plastic paper.

The lines are complete and the symbols are clear, just like the new one that has never been used.

Lay out the plastic paper, start to mix the materials, take out the gold nuggets, and pan the rack.

Pick up dry wood branches around and build a simple cooktop with stones.

Soon, Lin Sheng lit a small bonfire.

The tiny flares of smoke were a little sultry. Lin Sheng put the pan up, took out the plastic water bottle, and poured the home-cooked cold white into it.

Finally light the butter lamp.

The faint aroma of beef is diffused.

In this small room of less than ten square meters, the bonfire and butter lamp, plus a flashlight, the three light sources illuminated, the overall light suddenly brightened a lot.

Lin Sheng finally checked the array on the plastic paper. After confirming that it was correct, he stood up and began to put the blended material into a fixed position.

At the same time, add white spiders to the water in the pan.

After doing all this, he straightened his body and slowly began to sing the starter.

“Mu, ba, en, di, yu, yi …..” The weird syllables kept drifting from Lin Sheng’s mouth.

Gradually, the butter lamp began to emit a trace of white smoke.

The smoke quickly penetrated the surface of the pan and caused ripples.


Soon, a striking piece of water vapor evaporated from the pan and surrounded by Lin Sheng.

He closed his eyes skillfully, and his vision fell into darkness.

In the darkness, **** of light continuously lit up.

Blue light ball, gray light ball, red light ball, three types of light **** float clearly in Lin Sheng’s vision.

“The blue light ball is the bird soul in the gray angel. The gray light ball is a heavy armored soldier in the elf dungeon. The red light ball is the black feather swordsman.”

Lin Sheng paused, frowning slightly.

He can feel that his soul is free, but what he lacks is a powerful enough summoning creature.

“The last time I was fused with blood, the Spitfire Fatty could not be summoned. It seems that it is still necessary to enter the dream as soon as possible to find new summoned individuals.

He now knew the pattern of the ceremony.

The number of soldiers he summoned seemed to depend on the number of dream monsters he killed.

Like Cruel Divine Shield, he has only killed one, so there is only one Cruel Divine Shield that can be summoned.

The same is true of Spitfire Fatties. But heavy armored soldiers and black feather swordsmen are different. They were all killed by him a lot, and can be summoned again.

“Heavy armored soldiers are suitable for confrontation. In terms of strength, they are below the third level and about the second level.

Slightly stronger than the Black Feather Swordsman, defense is much stronger. It’s a little slower, but it takes less of my soul than Black Swordsman. “

Lin Sheng thought about it.

“Everyone has the ability to dream. The black feather swordsman belongs to the assassin type, and the heavy armored soldier belongs to the frontal push type …. The heavy armored soldier is from the elf dungeon, so just call the dungeon soldier.

Soon he made a decision.

Sight bet on the gray ball of light.

He chose a dungeon soldier. Taking off the armor, this unit is completely different from normal people, and it is more concealed than the black feather swordsman.

Suddenly, a gray light drowned Lin Sheng completely.

In a blink of an eye, the vision returned to clear.

He was floating above a huge medieval-style temple.

In front of the gray temple stood a tall general wearing a black cape and a white helmet.

The general was bare-chested, and his muscles were as strong as iron.

Beneath the shrine are densely armored sword and shield soldiers.

“I will make your souls oneself and be one with me.” The general pulled out the huge double-edged sword on his back and held it high.

“The sun protects!” He growled.

Wow! !!

“The sun protects me!”

All the soldiers below drew their swords and raised them high, yelling.

The shout was like a row of mountains.

Lin Sheng’s eyes darkened, and he immediately withdrew from the memory space.

Within his field of vision, a dungeon soldier covered in silver heavy armor was quietly floating at this time.

A Gurren figure emerged below the soldier: four.

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