Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 14

After rummaging in the living room, Lin Sheng didn’t find anything.

He went to the study again, where there was nothing but books.

Then he went to the kitchen from the study.

He quickly found a pointed kitchen knife in the kitchen, and he went straight to the bedroom.

The manor bedroom has a double wooden bed in the middle.

Along the wall, there was a wardrobe, a dressing table, and a large wooden box.

The lid was open and empty inside.

Lin Sheng slowly glanced left and right, walked to the dressing table, he reached out to open the front drawer.

Inside are a few young girl-style colored hair bands, which are a bit old.

Pressing back the drawer, Lin Sheng glanced at the other places.

Soon, near the corner of the window, something leaning against the wall, covered with curtains, caught his attention.

He strode forward, went to the thing, and reached for it.


It’s an unsheathed cross sword!

The silver-black sword tip rubbed on the ground with the movement of Lin Sheng, making a slight noise.

He carefully raised his sword.

The sword is not heavy, about four or five pounds. The length just reached the toes from Lin Sheng’s waist.

The hilt and body form a standard cross. It looks like a long cross.

Lin Sheng held the sword handle with both hands and felt some rough cloth tangles on it. The hilt and the body are completely integrated, and the gap created by the process is hardly visible.

A simple vertical pupil pattern is engraved near the handle of the sword body. It looks exactly like the one on the door.

He tried to wave his sword, feeling a bit heavy.

“See if there are others.”

Lin Sheng rummaged in the bedroom for a while, but found nothing else except this sword.

Helpless, he left the bedroom with a sword. Back to the lobby.

“Be careful this time, and don’t make any noise, it should not cause trouble.” Lin Sheng was still worried about the last death.

But this does not mean that he dare not go out.

Anyway, in a dream, it won’t really die.

Lin Sheng’s heart was full of curiosity about the outside world. He didn’t want to go out for a stroll.

Holding the sword, he stood in front of the gate, breathing hard for a few moments, calming his mood.

“This time, try to be as quiet as possible. As long as it is not found, it should be fine.”

He carefully reached out his hand again, holding the snake head doorknob.

Click …

With the sound of a very subtle door lock turning.

A gap was opened in the door, just enough for Lin Sheng to enter and leave.

Holding his sword, he moved out extremely slowly.

There was a blast of cold air from outside. Blowing him cold, his joints seemed to become stiff as his temperature dropped.

“It feels more real …. Compared to the previous dreams, the senses now are not like dreams …”

Lin Sheng frowned.

This weird change made him a little disturbed.

Stepped out of the gap and stood at the door.

He looked around and didn’t choose to go down the wooden steps in front.

“Before, the sound from this step was too loud. I should jump straight to the mud, so that there would be no sound at all.”

Thinking of the route, Lin Sheng slowly moved his steps and walked to the right of the steps step by step.

The wet mist slowly rolled around, and the dark yellow floor under the feet had old scratches, and there were many fine pebbles.

Lin Sheng had to avoid the stones with great care when moving.

He managed to hold his breath, quickly walked to the edge of the board, and jumped lightly.


An extremely subtle stepping sound.

He stood firmly on the black mud ground.

Standing on the ground, Lin Sheng looked forward. There was no strange noise coming from that lane.

“Success! Just be careful, you won’t attract that figure.”

He was slightly relieved.

Standing in the mist and looking around.

Behind him was the half-opened living room door, where he had just come out.

Left and right, it’s all a dark and dense forest. All that can be seen is the carriageway ahead.

Lin Sheng took a deep breath and slowly began to circle around the manor.

Go left.

He soon came to the yard facing the living room window.

There is a black swing in the yard. It is a wooden shelf tied between two dead trees. It is made of only two thick hemp ropes.

Several decaying benches scattered randomly on the ground.

There was a small withered garden in the corner of the wall.

Lin Sheng walked around again, and found nothing, and then continued to walk towards the back of the house.


Suddenly he had a footstep and heard a noise.

Standing in the mist, Lin Sheng’s manor house is on the right, and a humble courtyard on the left.

He held his sword in both hands, carefully stepped, and stared straight ahead.

That’s where the sound came from.

Hiss …

Seems like something is dragging on the ground.

Lin Sheng feels familiar.

He was tense, standing still, staring at the dark mist ahead. There is a corner leading to the backyard.

Gradually, the sound is getting closer and closer.

The vocal master slowly appeared in front of Lin Sheng.

It was a weird human body with black pustules all over its skin.

He carried a long black sword in one hand, and the hilt grew with his arm. The rest of the body is the same as the person.

Only the face was covered with thick gray sackcloth, no eyes, nostrils, mouths, and sackcloth with slight bleeding.

The human figure is half a head taller than Lin Sheng, about one meter nine.

It had just emerged from the mist and immediately saw Lin Sheng as well.


The humanoid reluctantly moved forward step by step, approaching Lin Sheng.

His pace was very slow and weird, and the blade of his sword was dragging on the ground, hissing slightly.

“What kind of monster is this thing …?” Lin Sheng stepped back involuntarily.

Although he was scared by the other’s appearance for the first time, he was more frightened than when he had died once before.

Lin Sheng instead calmed down quickly.

Although still a little scared, I can barely think about countermeasures.

He looked down and noticed that the monster’s right leg was lame. Through the black trousers on the legs, you can see that large pieces of flesh are missing.

“It doesn’t look terrific.” Lin Sheng clenched the hilt, he did not intend to avoid it.

Try the details of this guy first.

It was close to the door, he could turn around and run back at any time, and rushed into the door.

Under the premise of retreat, he intends to try and touch the second living creature.

“Hello. Can you understand me?” Lin Sheng lowered his voice and whispered in Celine.

The weirdo did not respond, and still moved firmly towards him step by step.

“Are you a resident here? I’m not malicious, can you tell me where this is?” Lin Sheng tried to communicate with the other party.

Hiss …

The weirdo did not respond, and continued to approach him step by step.

Lin Sheng didn’t feel right and had to retreat slowly.

Just when the two were less than three meters apart.

The weird flew forward suddenly, the sword in his hand held flat, and stabbed forward.

Huh! !!

The black sword point just happened to be on the cross sword in Lin Sheng’s hand.


The harsh, sharp impact echoed in the night.

Lin Sheng was hit by a slap and almost fell.

His face changed greatly, he turned and dragged his sword and ran, taking a few steps and making a step, jumping up the wooden steps and rushing into the living room door.

Huh! !!

He closed the door violently and lowered the latch with a click.

Hiss …

Suddenly a small noise came from behind him.

Lin Sheng froze.

Turn around slowly.

In the middle of the hall, a rotting swordsman with the same sackcloth on his head was struggling to move towards him step by step.

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