Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 143 - Easy 2

This declaration of the raging giant has caused a lot of storms throughout the province of Anduin.

There are not a few foreign boxers who come here to fight in the coastal area, and there are a few like him every year.

It’s just that no one like him can cause anger.

A large number of angry martial art masters gathered towards the Linghua City where Bangosi was located.

Unfortunately, two days later, the harsh reality gave everyone a hard hit.

All twelve people who came to power in succession were all selected, and they are very representative and powerful martial arts. Are the top masters who have reached their own limits.

But these people were beaten to death by Bangos with overwhelming force less than three minutes after taking office.

The arrogant Bangos even claimed that he could penetrate half of Celine by himself.

Not yet waiting for Bangos.

There were also reports from other provinces that Redon Hercules entered the Celine challenge. These Hercules are endlessly powerful, tall, and tough on their skin.

Wherever they went, the Xilin martial arts around them couldn’t even stop one or two.

A long-known Celine martial artist was forced to go to the ring for the industry boxing hall he created, and then killed alive.

For a moment, the entire Xilin martial arts circle fell into anger and humiliation.

Numerous masters who think they are powerful have rushed to these places, challenging the strong men from Redon.

The death news came one after the other, except for a few veteran martial arts who could barely get injured in the hands of Hercules and survive. The rest were almost the last dead ones.



Huaisha, Tekken.

“Bangos is said to be from Redon?”

Saru frowned, took the newspaper into the quiet room, and walked while placing the breakfast for Lin Sheng on the low table.

“Yes, not only him, but also Miga’s free boxer, but the momentum is not as severe as they did.”

Lin Sheng is also reading the newspaper.

These Red Won Hercules, said what Jiulin Mu Lin martial arts, hurriedly rushed to want to marry friends.

Isn’t the current situation a replica of martial arts against foreign martial arts during the Republic of China?

It’s just that on the earth, martial artists face the Russian Hercules, and here is the Red Ong Fighting Hercules.

There is not much difference between the two.

“Boss, do you say they are so provocative, will our masters of Tekken always take a shot?” Saru asked in a low voice.

“They always have their own business busy, they won’t bother with such trivial matters.” Lin Sheng answered casually.

“Don’t worry about these things, it’s still far away from us. The priority now is to maximize the influence based on the previous reputation.”

“No way, we don’t have enough people. Boss. Now that Director Shad has given us propaganda, there are many people who come to us to send business, but we can only get some people if we can get it.”

Saru helplessly said.

“I can’t always use ordinary disciples who haven’t finished training yet, right?”

“You are wrong … What we have to do is not to send someone out ourselves. Instead, allow them to borrow our reputation as a shelter.” Lin Sheng calmly said.

“Reputation? You mean, hang our brand?” Saru looked up. He hadn’t thought of it.

“Yes. In this way, we only need to deal with the part of the customer who is in trouble. Shock some restless forces in the city once again. We can solve the problem,” Lin Sheng explained.

“I see! It is worthy of being the boss, this can be thought of!” Saru praised in his heart.

“It’s just that you didn’t ask. Dao Ling should all know this model.” Lin Sheng didn’t care.

He picked up the breakfast bun, one was three, and swallowed.

“In addition, the Heishui District and the Port District are the most chaotic and key areas in Huaisha. The main gangs are in these two places.

I used to let you lead a team to contact the forces in these places. Now what? “

Saru mentioned that the business was upright.

“There are eleven gangs of different sizes here in Heishui District. Five of them are not convinced.

Father Dao Ling personally led the team. One of them couldn’t beat the gun on the spot and was slaped into the face by the father. Boss, you are not at the scene, that’s a domineering! “

“What about the port area?”

“The port area … is a bit cumbersome, mostly messy. But it doesn’t matter. I can fix it soon.”

Saru didn’t elaborate, but the seriousness of his expression made Lin Sheng choose to believe him once.

“In that line, the port area is actually more important than the black water area and must be won. Now the white card gang has completely separated from Huaisha and even the last industry has been sold off. We cannot miss this opportunity.” Lin Sheng pointed out.

“I understand.” Saru nodded.

Seven days have passed since the chaos of the Eight-winged Mantis.

In these days, Lin Sheng is dealing with the Tekken Society during the daytime, and at the same time practicing the Holy Spirit anytime, anywhere.

In the purple ocean at night, keep trying, trying to find a way out of the dungeon.

Tekken’s influence in Huaisha sharply increased after the Mantis case.

Especially after Dao Ling formally shot and suppressed the surrounding forces with extraordinary strength.

The power of Tekken will swell like a snowball. A large number of newcomers enthusiastically joined the meeting.

Fortunately, after the third-level Templar Warrior, he will naturally get a fixed magic skill-detect evil.

Dao Ling just broke through and didn’t realize it yet. But Lin Sheng alone is enough.

For he absorbed the Holy Spirit’s driving force of the Grey Angel, only the eyes were plated with white awns, and then a little divine power was emitted to radiate these newcomers.

It will be easy to determine whether these people are suitable for practicing the Holy Spirit.

As for loyalty after joining, detecting evil can also have an effect.

Once the faith in the Holy Light and the approval of the Iron Fist Association are not firm, such a soul is not firm, and a divine magic can be revealed. At that time, no monster or ghost can be described.

Discussed with Saru and move on, Lin Sheng finished his breakfast and slowly walked out of the quiet room.

“Good Lord.”

“Good Lord.”

The men and women who met along the way, whoever saw Lin Sheng, respected each other, and saluted him with awe.

After the battle of the Mantis, in the torn hall of Tekken Hall, the furniture and wall dents that were damaged by huge forces clearly showed Lin Sheng’s powerful power.

Lin Sheng’s pace is not upbeat or slow, calm and stable.

After passing through the large practice room for fighting techniques, the old man Luo Xin strode closer to him with a few sheets of printing paper.

“Master, in the previous battle of Mantis, several disciples were implicated, the family members were disabled, and they themselves were slightly or seriously injured.

The families of these disciples, relying on labor to live, are now injured and have no strength. Life is very difficult … You see … “

I have to say that Luo Xin was much more efficient than Saru to handle these things.

“They can be allowed to work for Tekken, and there is still a lot of manpower in logistics.

You broke through right away, right? After you break through, Dao Ling will establish a branch in the center of the city. At that time Salou also broke through, and you are expected to go out to sit in the branch. “

Lin Sheng commanded.

“I see.” Luo Xin nodded.

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