Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 145 - Big change 1

The wind on the beach is fresh and a little hustle and bustle.

Lin Sheng reached out and managed the hair that was blown to his forehead. Looking far into the sea from which merchant ships and freighters kept coming and going.

The mood gradually calmed down.

“But I have been standing for a long time, why is it still so deserted?” He remembered that there were still many idlers here at this time.

At a glance now, several cargo ships were loading cargo in an orderly manner at the port terminal.

The laborers and businessmen who helped move the goods were in harmony and smiling.

Like any laborer I heard before, the price is sitting on the ground, and the goods are stuck and the product is not allowed to be moved.

“It seems that the rumors are biased.” Lin Sheng nodded slightly.

At least what he saw with his own eyes was a completely different dock area.

Standing beside the fence for a while, Lin Sheng felt almost time to go back for dinner. Also turned and walked towards the course.

As he turned to leave, he glanced at the woman on one side. He remembered the woman standing here when he came.

He was ready to leave now, and she was still standing here. There wasn’t much change in posture. Not to mention, even this qualitative is quite admirable.

However, he didn’t know that he was so swept away, Xie Qiaoyue almost shook, his legs were weak and he sat on the ground.

She has been standing for too long, and has been in a pose, her calf has been unable to support it for a long time.

Lin Sheng slowly left the pier, stopped a taxi, and finally walked away.

Until the car completely disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

Xie Qiaoyue just let out a sigh of relief, wiped his forehead, and sweat was all over it.

“No, no … I’m so frightened by my mother’s care. I’ll do this a few more times, I’m afraid I have to account for my life!”

She has been living in the port area for more than three years, and can be regarded as the old churros in this area.

Because of its inherent acute sensitivity to danger, it was able to mingle in the chaotic port area and became the elder sister of a thief group.

Because of this, the moment she saw Lin Sheng, the rising fear and escape from her heart was arguably the strongest time since she became a pickpocket!

Lin Sheng seemed to be haunted by a certain inexplicable momentum, which also had obvious effects on others.

Sensitive to her innate perception is even more effective.

“Zhen Te Niang’s energy!” Xie Qiaoyue exhaled a long breath, bending over and rubbing her stiff legs.


As she bent down, a pale pink drop-shaped stone necklace slipped out of the gap in her chest.

The stones are like jade, but the center is a little milky white, with a delicate pattern that looks quite mysterious.

Xie Qiaoyue quickly put the necklace back on her chest and put it on.

This thing she stole from a embarrassed foreign captain the other day.

At that time, it seemed novel, and I thought it was good-looking, so I brought it back. Later I felt more and more pleasing to the eye, and I simply put it on.

Although she is only a little pickpocket, her vision is not bad.

Although the texture of this thing does not seem to be valuable, the carving and decoration are quite historical. Maybe it is an antique. If the value rises in the future, it will be a big profit.

She patted her legs, she straightened up again, stretched a lazy waist again, and looked at the sea. For a while, she felt relaxed and happy.

“Well? What is that?” Xie Qiaoyue was about to turn around and leave, but her eyes were involuntarily attracted by something gradually floating over the sea.

It was a dark blue, blue seahawk as pure as a gem.

The most eye-catching thing is that the sea eagle’s neck and double wings are carrying some golden fine-grained patterns.

Even if the sea eagle, Xie Qiaoyue grew up on the beach from childhood and has seen too many.

But the sea-hawk inlaid with a golden pattern on the neck of her wings was the first time she had grown so big.

“It’s a pity … this thing is so eye-catching, it certainly can’t be mine.”

The boss at this dock is the Black Wolf Gang. At least ten of the people who just ran faster than her were all from the Black Wolf Gang.

So many people have seen that this extraordinary sea eagle will naturally have nothing to do with her.

She stood by the fence and watched the sea eagle float slowly along the waves, motionless.

But what surprised her was that until the sea eagle floated to her eyes, less than ten meters away from her position, no one was paying attention.

“What’s going on?” Xie Qiaoyue felt something obviously wrong.

She glanced from side to side. Of the many people around, so many people did not even care about the sea eagle so prominent on the sea.

That sea eagle is a full-sized basin, with golden patterns on its body, and it shines in the sun, conspicuously.

“Somewhat wrong …” Xie Qiaoyue looked a little dignified.

This situation is very weird.

She found something, and people nearby didn’t seem to see any movement from the sea eagle.

A sailor who had just disembarked, even passed the fence next to the sea eagle, stooped to pick up a penny of silver coins from the ground, and then left with joy.

But he ignored the floating sea eagle.

It feels like … just like I haven’t seen it at all.

“Little guy … can you see me?”

Suddenly an old peaceful voice sounded slowly from Xie Qiaoyue’s mind.

She was stiff, and instantly tightened, ready to run away at any time.

This weird phenomenon has exceeded the limit she can accept.

There was no one within five meters of her, but her voice sounded like someone was leaning against her ear. Close at hand.

“Don’t be afraid … I’m hurt, it’s very bad. It’s on the sea in front of you.” That voice sounded again.

Xie Qiaoyue swallowed and drooled, glanced quickly at the sea in front of him.

Then, she saw in horror that the sea eagle floating on the sea, not knowing when to open her eyes, staring at herself calmly.

She is a little foolish, the strongest person she has ever seen since childhood, is the nearby Tekken boss who dominates the Heishui area.

Where have I seen such magical means.

“Please help me, little girl, in return, I can teach you something.” Haiying opened his mouth and made an old man-like voice.

“Guru …” Xie Qiaoyue tried to swallow his mouth and felt his throat dry ….

But she didn’t realize that the necklace stones hidden in her chest were exuding a soft light golden color.



Lin Sheng returned home and practiced the Holy Seal and meditation gray seal alternately to the afternoon.

Then I had dinner, watched TV with my elder sister Lin Xiao, and ate some supper brought back by my dad, and quickly washed and slept.

Because he failed to explore and was drowned again, he couldn’t get back into the dream for the past two days. He could only sleep honestly and normally.

Stumbled into the middle of the night.

A shattering firecracker-like sound made Lin Sheng wake up slowly from deep sleep.

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