Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 155 - Confrontation 1 (thanks to an old friend of Jidao, a leading ally of Beijing\\\'s hippopotamus god)

The air seemed to freeze in the lobby.

The girl at the front desk looked blank and stunned and seemed to be frightened.

This night she was on duty at the front desk alone, and the rest were either making up for sleep or going home to rest.

Only the guard room outside the door was guarded.

Under normal circumstances, no one would dare to break into the iron fist and kill him since the master solved the mantis monster in the last meeting.

But now … what did she see?

Xie Qiaoyue muttered, swallowed a saliva, and barely squeezed an ugly smile.

“What now? Teacher!”

The sea eagle was silent.

“Run !!!”

One person, one eagle turned and ran, and by the way did not forget to pull the frightened front desk girl.

“Hahahaha! Have you escaped ?!” There was a chuckle in the lobby behind him.


The laughter came to an abrupt end. Immediately after, a terror that was more dangerous than the previous killing intentions spread suddenly.

Xie Qiaoyue glanced back at once, and her hair was all upright. Turn around and run faster.

The sea eagle grabbed her hair with her two claws, and her entire body was floated back by the inertia brought by the fast running.

“You stupid! Stick mallet! It’s been eight years since my mother met you!”

It was screaming, and his feathers were upright like steel needles when he was stimulated by Long Wei.

There was a muffled sound.

In a blink of an eye, the two men and one eagle disappeared, leaving only the iron gate of the Guild Hall, which was pulled up by the backhand.

In the lobby, Lin Sheng poked out a geek with a hand.

The weirdo can still bite him hard if he sticks in front.

But unfortunately, Lin Sheng’s hand penetrated through his back of the brain, and rushed out of his mouth with the brain pulp.

The blood and white liquid was muddy and stained on his hands.

“Hmm …” The weird mouth opened and closed, trying to speak.

But unfortunately, his vocal cord was also pierced and torn by Lin Sheng’s palm.


Suddenly, the weird smashed his elbows behind him, and his complexion turned red and hot, and gray smoke appeared from the top of his head.


The blood that dripped on the ground quickly corroded the floor and walls, leaving holes of different sizes.


Lin Sheng was surprised, was hit in the chest with both elbows, and paused slightly.

The weird took the opportunity to flutter forward, freeing from Lin Sheng’s arm. Rolling on the spot, disappearing into a pool of blood on the ground.

Lin Sheng strode to the **** beach.

Suddenly, blood and water formed, and turned into a shadow of blood.

Before he rushed to the front, the blood shadow was hit by Lin Sheng with a punch.


Blood and water splashed, countless blood spots quickly dragged and condensed in mid-air, and once again formed a new blood shadow behind Lin Sheng.

Before he could start a sneak attack, he was hit by a fist with white light in the chest.

“I’m going to tear you !!! Ahhhhh!” The weird roar of the weird came from the shadow of blood.

Countless scattered blood and water condensed again, and the hot air became hot and quickly turned into a human form.

This time it seems different than before.

The blood-shadow human figure was surrounded by black smoke and black gas, and in the middle of the chest, an inverted pyramid-shaped golden box turned rapidly.

The shape of the Blood Shadow Humanoid has expanded rapidly, increasing rapidly from one meter and eighty meters to more than two meters.

Accompanied by smoky black gas. He yelled madly and hurled fiercely at Lin Sheng.


Blood water splash.

The blood figure humanoid was blown up again with a punch and turned into countless blood spots.

Blood spots sputtered onto the surrounding floor, burning the starting ignition star. A trace of smoke filled the air. Some flammable, finely shredded paper trash cans or the like have already ignited open flames.

The blood spots condense again, this time condensing several times faster than before.

A faint bluish blue light began to appear on all blood spots, apparently that the weirdness had inspired some special secret skills.

“You forced me !!! Dizhao Wanming, Moon Wolf !!!”

A large number of blood spots once again condensed into a blue monster three meters high.

The monster wolf has a human body, covered with a layer of light black smooth leather.

Roar! !!

He bowed his head and shouted at Lin Sheng in front of him.

Huh! !!

Its head is gone …

Another blood spot exploded. The werewolf’s entire body exploded.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! !! !!

Again and again.

The scarlet humanoid is continuously exploded into a blood spot by Lin Sheng or a fist or a palm, and then instinctively condenses to form, and then smashed with a punch.

In the end, he could not even maintain the human form. As soon as they get together, they will be broken up.

Lin Sheng’s face was dull, his hands flashed around his body like a phantom.

The weirdness around him, from the roar of the beginning, to the hard support in the back, to the crazy continuous attempts to escape.

In the end the pain was mournful.

Gradually, blood and water seemed to be consumed in general, less and less. Getting weaker.

Lin Sheng has never seen such an extraordinary person.

Previously, he thought that the so-called evil energy man was at most a martial arts master with a little special energy. At most he could increase himself or use it as weapon armor.

But now the shape of this blood weird is completely beyond his expectations.

Suppressed by the power of his rock dragon, his body was broken up again and again, but he was still tenaciously revived and condensed.

Huh! !!

He smashed the weird creeping on the ground again.

The freak had climbed more than two meters away on the floor, leaving a stubborn blood mark, and finally saw the door, and he reached out his hand in horror, trying to grasp the threshold.

Unfortunately, his body was broken again.

It’s desperate …


A thin layer of blood exploded, rolling out a small square like a golden pyramid.

The cube accidentally fell into a pile of flames in the corner of the lobby.

Everything is quiet.

That seemed to be the last reunion of the weirdo.

Lin Sheng reached out towards the golden pyramid.

“I’m sorry, could you please ask Lin Huizhu to pause.”


A spark suddenly exploded at Lin Sheng’s feet. Make a deep bullet hole deep into the floor.

Lin Sheng made a move and looked up.

Outside the iron gate of the Guild Hall, several troop carriers were stopped.

The door opened, and a group of heavily armed Redon soldiers guarded a young woman with short blond hair rushing in.

The woman wore an officer uniform with white feathers on her right shoulder and a lieutenant colonel on her chest.

She looks good, but there is a faint sense of sharpness between her eyebrows.

“Lin Huizhu, it really is worthy of the name, it is indeed the first strong person who can solve the eight-winged praying mantis with Huaisha. My name is Yuan Mingsha, who is responsible for hunting down this **** human figure in front of you.” The woman introduced herself.

Lin Sheng was expressionless. Pale gold eyes stared at each other calmly.

Six red dots lit up on him. That was a sign that a long-range sniper was aiming.

The shot just hit him in front of him. Lin Sheng has been made to feel cold and erect.

The horrible penetrating power and destructive power, even after he became a dragon, felt the threat of superimposed gray marks.

Obviously, his instincts determined that this sniper bullet was a power he could not resist.

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