Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 16

“Because it is not profitable, I just laughed on this condition.” The girl explained with a smile. “My name is Xu Yi, you can just call me Sister Xu. You can find it here, presumably you are also very interested in Naxi swordsmanship.”

“Yes, but I’m a novice, I can’t do anything, I can only learn from the most basic, I don’t know whether to teach here?” Lin Sheng answered.

“No problem, as long as you are willing to learn.” Xu Yi reached out and pulled a piece of printing paper skillfully and handed it to Lin Sheng.

“This is the basic price. You can see for yourself. You can choose the package you want.”

Lin Sheng took the list and glanced.

‘18 basic lessons, two lessons per week. Tuition fee is four hundred. ’

‘Advanced course is eighteen lessons, one lesson per week, and tuition is one thousand. ’

‘Coach information …..’

Below is a row that introduces the coach.

There are two club members in charge of teaching.

One is Chen Huan and the other is Du Xinlei. One male and one female, corresponding to different genders. Both men have national third-level athlete certificates.

Then the others are gone.

Lin Sheng twitched.

The third-level athlete … It’s really worthless. Normal sports schools come out. If you get a little bit better, you can pass this certificate.

In some remote areas of Celine, there is even the phenomenon that you can buy this certificate for money.

Unless there is a second-level, first-level certificate, there is something to watch.

Seeing this, this club is also an irregular miscellaneous brand. But try it first, it’s better than never learning.

“Can you try the class first? I’m a student, and you know that students don’t have much money.” Lin Sheng asked honestly.

Xu Yi smiled.

“Of course you can. The first class is a free trial. What time do you want to make an appointment? Generally, boys are instructed by Chen Huan, and girls are in charge of Du Xinlei.”

Lin Sheng glanced at the wall clock on the wall.

“It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. I happen to have no class this afternoon. Is it okay to start now? How long is a class?”

“Forty minutes a class, I will take you to see if there is time for Coach Chen Huan?” Xu Yi and the other two greeted him, stood up skillfully, and led Lin Sheng out of the door.

The two turned to the left and soon went up to the next floor, standing by the stairs.

There are two large classrooms on both sides of the staircase entrance, and there are constantly rumblings.

There are more females on the left and more males on the right.

“You’re on the right, I’ll ask.” Xu Yi asked Lin Sheng to wait at the door, and she entered the classroom on the right.

The classroom is very large, which is equivalent to the combined area of ​​four school classrooms.

The floor was paved with thick cushions, surrounded by a simple concrete wall, with two rows of rudimentary fluorescent lamps on it.

A long-legged ponytailed woman wearing gray tights, light white short-sleeved T-shirt, holding a black stick, was demonstrating something to three male students.

The woman has fair skin and a slender waist. Looking at the side, she is beautiful. At this moment she also noticed Xu Yi entering the door, and turned her face to say hello.

The two simply whispered. Xu Yi beckoned to Lin Sheng.

“You try it in a class before you decide whether to sign up.”

Lin Sheng nodded: “Okay.”

He followed, glanced at the humble wooden stick in the woman’s hand, and could not help but twitched.

“I’m Chen Huan. I’m the swordsmanship coach here. Okay, let’s continue what we just said.”

The woman has a beautiful face, a small mouth with apricot eyes, and a fortitude in her eyes. At first glance it is a very stubborn type.

Lin Sheng walked to the three people who were attending the class, and quietly began to listen.

“After you set your posture just now, the next step is to watch. For the opponent, you need to pay attention to the force of the opponent.”

“The so-called power point is the part of any muscle tendon that will cause movement before it is exerted …”

Coach Chen Huan held the stick with both hands, stood up, and stood in his right ear.

“It’s roof-top first, because there are new students, so here is a review.

The so-called posture is a hand-made design designed to facilitate faster attacks and hit opponents faster.

Rooftop is one of them. This is one of the most basic swordplay postures. You must be proficient. “

Lin Sheng listened carefully to the content, and the time quickly passed more than ten minutes.

The part of Chen Huan’s explanation is a bit deep, and the basics are flashed. Fortunately, she quickly arranged for other students to practice by themselves, and each person walked aside with a stick.

Then, she asked Lin Sheng to take a wooden stick from the corner of the classroom.

“Learning for the first time?”

“Well. I haven’t studied at all and haven’t touched it.” Lin Sheng nodded.

“Why do you want to learn Naxi swordsmanship?” Chen Huan threw down the wooden stick, obviously a thick stick, and it should have been the fluttering sound that she fluttered.

Lin Sheng narrowed his eyes and stared at her shaking stick.

“Because of interest.”

“Insincere.” Chen Huan smiled. “Well, since you have no foundation at all, let me start with the basics.”

She held the stick and raised it again, holding it to the side of her right ear.

“The foundation of Naxi swordplay is divided into stance, basic moves, sword skills, and three parts. Our club mainly teaches basic stances and basic moves. If sword skills, it is too far away from you, not to mention.”

“Okay, I understand.” Lin Sheng nodded to understand.

“Naxi swordsmanship is a delicate swordsmanship introduced from ancient foreign countries. Many people think that this swordsmanship is simple hacking and chopping. There is no skill at all, then it is very wrong.” Chen Huan raised the stick over his head with both hands. .

“This is also a basic stance, roof-type. This is a stance commonly used when there is no armor piercing. It is higher than the top of the head, and it is easy to slash from top to bottom.

That was a stance wearing armor just now, because the helmet was too high and too large, the sword was placed on the ear. “

“Understand.” Lin Sheng raised his stick and followed the same posture.

“After the posture, there are basic moves. The basic moves of Naxi swordsmanship are mainly thorn, chop, and roll. If you apply later, you need to learn these three categories.”

Chen Huan started to show Lin Sheng a simple one-on-one rooftop one-to-one, and one of the basic tricks-thorns.

A lesson forty minutes soon arrived.

Lin Sheng probably learned.

The next thing is the most important thing.

“I have no money for the time being, can I pay a part first?” Lin Sheng calmly said.

He has more than a hundred pocket money left. Although his sister said that he would make money, he did not plan to rely on his sister.

As a traverser, if you ca n’t make even a little money, it ’s really stupid.

“Part? How much?” Chen Huan asked silently.

“One hundred. I can take a quarter of the course first.” Lin Sheng calmly said. “After the money is made up, we can continue.”

“Yes.” Chen Huan thought for a while and nodded.

Enrollment was confirmed, and the two discussed the class time. Try to arrange the weekend when Lin Sheng has no class.

After everything was clear, Lin Sheng handed in a hundred yuan, holding a receipt, holding a handed black wooden stick in his hand, and left the sword club.

Before leaving, he also asked clearly. Generally, the club is empty after 4 pm. The venue can be used casually. He can come and exchange exercises with other students. After all, there are protective clothing and helmets for practice.

Of course, damage is compensated at the price.

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