Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 18

After a while.

Lin Sheng sat in the kitchen and looked carefully at the rotten swordsman’s black sword dissected out in front of him.

The black sword has a long arm, a wide palm, and a glass-like smooth coating on the surface. The black handles are on the hilt. Like the silver long sword, it has a cross-shaped blade.

In the middle of the sword body, near the hilt, there is a vertical pupil mark.

This is exactly the same as the silver long sword.

“It seems that the rotting swordsman is Ravel.” Lin Sheng, who saw a little memory of the picture, could basically determine the identity of the other party.

“The most unimaginable thing is that I can actually learn from each other’s memory !?” He reached for the black sword hilt and lifted it gently.

The black sword is heavier than the silver long sword, which is about 1.5 times the silver sword.

Lin Sheng waved gently in his hand, and unexpectedly joined hands.

A trace of inexplicable familiarity made him stabilise gently, and his muscles continued to pass from strength to strength, from the leg to the waist and abdomen to the shoulders and arms, stabbing forward fiercely.


At that moment, the black sword pierced a black line, piercing the air in the front precisely and steadily, bringing out a slight air-breaking sound.

“???” Lin Sheng froze. “what happened?”

The way he gave out the sword just now is completely instinctive, without any hesitation.

It’s like practicing countless times beforehand.

After a pause, Lin Sheng waved his sword again and tried other actions.

But no matter how he waved wildly, except for the straight piercing just now, the rest didn’t feel anything.

He simply started trying to pierce straight.

With continuous practice, a slight crackling sound is constantly heard in the kitchen.

He felt that the power was definitely not small.

“Wait! This trick … feels like the trick used by that rotting swordsman!”

Lin Sheng had died in that stab before. At this time, he continued to practice and felt a little familiar.


He thrust forward again with a sword.

Obviously it’s just a simple basic move, but with the power of the whole body, the power is not as great as the basic move.

“The attack site is the same on the left side of the chest … the heart.”

Reminiscent of the memories of the clips I saw before, Lin Sheng vaguely felt that this might be the last physical memory of the rotting swordsman.

“If I had the incomplete memory of a rotting swordsman before, then getting physical memory is not an unacceptable thing. Anyway, in a dream, anything can happen.”

Lin Sheng settled down, and soon began to enjoy this feeling of becoming a lot stronger.

Holding the black sword, he slowly walked out of the kitchen and went to the hall to inspect the body of the rotting swordsman. After determining that there is nothing abnormal.

He grabbed the body’s clothes, dragged it out of the door, then closed the door and lowered the latch.

Because there was no water in the manor, Lin Sheng simply used a curtain as a rag and wiped away the black blood on his hands.

Then I returned to the study and sat down, intending to continue to memorize the previous swordplay notes.

But not long after he sat down, he unexpectedly found that there were a small number of words on the handwriting, and he actually knew what it meant.

Combining context and illustrations, in some pages, he even guessed with concealment and probably could read the general idea.

“It must be caused by the incomplete memory of Ravel just drawn!” Lin Sheng was overjoyed, and killing a human-turned monster in his dream would have this benefit.

He decisively began to scan the book quickly.

Soon, the entire swordplay handbook was scanned by him. The part about swordplay was indeed as poor as he had judged before.

There are only a few pages of the picture that mention Ravel’s famous sword skills-Angry Strike.

Lin Sheng combined the content around those pages, and probably read it.

“The Raging Strike is not so much Ravel’s famous sword technique as a kind of ordinary long sword technique, but Ravel uses it well, so he became famous.”

He flipped through the pages of his book, his gaze flowing over some of it.

“This book is said to be a swordplay note. In fact, except for mentioning a little sword practice, most of them are about Ravel’s travels, battle stories, experiences, etc. Most of them are touted and exaggerated.

Lin Sheng shook his head, put down the book, and with a little Ravel’s memory, he looked at these books that had been studied for a long time, and was barely able to recognize many words.

Standing up, he glanced over the bookshelf again.

Soon I found out what I could see.

This book is different from most other tombs. It has nothing on the cover. When it is opened, only the first half of it has contents, and most of them are scribbled.

Lin Sheng opened the first page carefully and began to read it carefully.

“It seems to be notepad?”

At the top of the first page, lines are written vaguely.

‘….. It ’s getting dark again … Tang En is here again. ’

‘He plans to leave here and find a way to ask for help. But all this can’t be undone. Leaving will bring more terrible results. ’

Below is a line of illegible handwriting, which is not clear.

Lin Sheng simply turned to the second page.

‘The night is getting longer and the wind is getting colder. Tang En left, my last best friend, I hope you can be safe ….. ’

All are simple vocabulary phrases, Lin Sheng reads unexpectedly easily.

He started flipping page by page and browsing backwards.

‘I ’m old and my physical strength has fallen badly. Bao Li has also grown up and actually shot down my sword for the first time today, I am very happy. ’

‘The farm ’s chickens and ducks are missing more and more recently. I do n’t know if it ’s dead or something? ’

‘….. wind, it ’s going to freeze …’

‘I hope everything returns to the beginning. ’

Flipping page by page, Lin Sheng found that most of the content recorded in this note, except for the incomprehensible part, was recorded daily life.

It’s all the little things between Ravel and his granddaughter Baoli.

But the external environment seems to have some huge danger, approaching it step by step.

There was a touch of despair and depression in Ravel’s words.

Along the way, Lin Sheng quickly turned to the last few pages that could be seen.

‘Is there something wrong with the Black Patrol patrol? Even the last shield … everything, no hope … It seems I have to go to Lhasabel and get my new sword. The long sword before was obviously unable to support it. ’

‘Poly will be fine, protected by my Sergeant ’s Armour, she will be able to rush out safely …’

When I got here, I blurted myself and couldn’t see anything.

Lin Sheng frowned.

From this note, he learned several important information.

First, it is likely to be a place called Kurowa Castle.

Second, the last place where Ravel went to fetch the sword was a place called Lhasabell, which should be a place to buy and sell weapons. Maybe find protective equipment.

Lin Sheng, who checked in at the club for a week, is no longer ignorant of such weapons and equipment.

When he checked the information on the Internet, he was also very clear that in the cold weapon stage, a complete set of good armor would be of great help to improve the survivability.

“Black feather city … Lhasabel …” Lin Sheng felt the dream became more and more real. It’s getting more and more interesting.

He couldn’t wait to figure out what happened in Black Feather City, and why Ravel would change from a second-level swordsman to a rotting monster now.

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