Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 20

Xu Yi stood aside, showing a trace of interest on his face.

“The rest pulled back, I’ll start.”

Seeing that someone dared to pit against Coach Chen Huan, several trainees were interested and stopped to watch.

Feng Xia stood with her hands over her shoulder and stared at Lin Sheng carefully. She didn’t feel that she had lost. She just was in a bad shape yesterday and didn’t rest well.

“Look how this kid died!” She muttered fiercely.

But she was the old man in the class. She came in for more than two months, and now she was defeated by a newcomer. This is almost …



A bang suddenly.

The two swords fought fiercely together.

Huh! !!

At that moment, everyone, including Xu Yi, seemed to see two swords fighting fiercely, not two sticks.

Chen Huan stepped forward, pressing Lin Sheng with a wooden stick in his hand, and his elbow turned forward, trying to knock the opponent’s weapon with his elbow.

This is a sword-sword technique that she hasn’t taught yet. Although it is only a simple combination of capture and sword tricks, it also takes a long time to become instinct.

At this moment she was shocked.

You should know that she just didn’t stay there just now. She wanted to defeat Lin Sheng in the first round to show her coach’s strength, but she did not expect that the distance controlled by the two of them was the largest.

Now she can’t win a single move, she can only follow up to change her move, otherwise she can’t get through.

“Great!” Xu Yi looked dignified.

“Naxi swordsmanship is the heaviest distance calculation. The main purpose of the recent battle is to first locate yourself at a distance that the opponent can’t attack, and then find an opportunity to maximize the sword tip and assassinate the vital.”

“But Chen Huan didn’t have the upper hand just now … this newcomer is a bit bullish …”

“Is it so powerful?” A student who just joined a side murmured. Before entering the club, he was a bit basic, and he also practiced with Chen Huan many times, and was hit in an instant each time.

Now seeing Chen Huan and Lin Sheng coming and going in the field, he actually fought several moves in succession, and he couldn’t help but be surprised.

“He’s progressing too fast!” A male student mumbled. “I remember he was only in his early three weeks. Did he learn it before?”

“Not like … it should be born to be good at this kind of movement.” Xu Yi shook his head.

Just as a few people spoke, the field changed again.

Chen Huan’s offensives were shunned by Lin Sheng sensitively, and she suddenly felt anxious.

She is a coach, and now she can’t even win a student who has only studied for three weeks. How can she teach other students after that?

She wants to win, and she must win beautiful!

But the more this emotion accumulates, the more anxious it becomes.

Chen Huan’s movements have been slightly deformed, his face slightly reddened.

Lin Sheng also found this out.

He was previously immersed in the instinct of muscle memory control, and for a while he didn’t respond. At this time, he looked back and found that he seemed to have overdo it.

With a thought, Lin Sheng quickly revealed a flaw, and the block motion on the right was slow.

Chen Huan’s eyes were overjoyed, and the wooden stick was stabbed with lightning.


Lin Sheng was stabbed in the right rib, the chest door opened wide, and he stepped back.

He was about to give in.


Suddenly a loud roar, and another head on the head.

Chen Huan’s eyes turned red, holding the stick in his hands and slashing down.

She also felt that Lin Sheng had deliberately revealed the flaws, but it has been dragging on for too long.

She was a coach and it took so long with a trainee.

So she must have an absolute victory to re-establish prestige!

At this time, she clearly knew that Lin Sheng had deliberately confessed to lose, but following this flaw, she was still at a loss, and the stick was retracted. The action was extremely fast, and he made up his mind not to let Lin Sheng admit defeat.


Lin Sheng was already ready to close, but at this time he was too late to see that Chen Huan was wrong.

But it was too late to block.

His body instinctively felt a crisis, and the stick clenched with one hand for a moment, and stabbed forward. At the same time, the body is standing sideways.


Chen Huan’s stick was rubbed off his mask fiercely.

A lot of strength!

If it hits the head, even if there is a hood, it will definitely happen!


Almost at the same time.

Lin Sheng’s wooden stick stabbed Chen Huan’s abdomen severely.

A moan.

Lin Sheng immediately felt wrong, and then went to see Chen Huan.

She was squatting on the ground with her belly in her arms, her face paled, and the stick dropped aside. It looks very serious.

“Lin Sheng!”

Shouted Xu Yi aside. “What are you doing !? It’s just practice, you have such a heavy hand !?”

She walked quickly and squatted beside Chen Huan to help check the injuries.

Lin Sheng’s retaining hand and Chen Huan’s deliberate pursuit, because the action was too fast, so that everyone around did not understand, and ended.

“…” Lin Sheng stood silently without speaking.

He just followed his instincts completely, dodging, and then fought back.

At that moment, it was Ravel’s muscle memory that determined his body.

It seems that this instinctive blow made Chen Huan sad. Even if it was protected by bamboo braids, he could not squat on the ground for a while.

But if he didn’t fight back just now, Chen Huan’s last one …

She was obviously intentional, pretending not to see that the flaw was revealed by Lin Sheng.

“How many years have you studied before? To be honest, don’t fool us with novices!” Xu Yi stood up coldly.

“What did I learn for a few years?” Lin Sheng stunned.

“Pretend !? Did you come to the club next door?” Xu Yi felt that he had guessed the fact.

“Tuition fees are refunded to you, you go! You are not welcome here!” She yelled at the door.

Just now she looked at Chen Huan’s injury, and there was a large congestion in the abdomen, all bruised. She didn’t expect Lin Sheng to be so heavy.

Lin Sheng didn’t speak again.

This is actually just a misunderstanding.

Chen Huan was frustrated, he deliberately grabbed the flaw and dropped his heavy hand, and then he struck back.

If you are an ordinary student, this may never happen. But he is not an ordinary student.

However, his purpose was also achieved, and he really tested how good Ravel’s swordsmanship was.

“It seems that you are not going to make it clear. Then, goodbye.” Lin Sheng didn’t even get up to explain when he saw Chen Huan, and the eyes of the students around him also became somewhat repelled under the guidance of Xu Yi.

He was too lazy to stay here too.

Taking off his protective clothing and helmet quickly, he dropped the stick. Then strode to the classroom door.

Then he noticed that the entrance of the classroom had attracted a lot of people.

Some of them are female students on the opposite side, and some are unknown people.

“Trouble borrowed.” Lin Sheng went to the office without delay, and the people over there quickly settled his account. Returned him a hundred dollars.

Holding the money, Lin Sheng turned around and went straight down to the second floor.

It was slowly getting dark.

He stood downstairs and looked back at the listing of Tengchong Sword Club.

This place where he mingled for three weeks, did not expect to say goodbye so soon.

Chen Huan was okay at the beginning. I didn’t expect it would be so because of his face …

have nothing to say.

Lin Sheng shook his head, and his story could not explain it.

Turning around, he was about to leave here.

“Wait, buddy!”

Suddenly a tall man rushed behind him and patted him on the shoulder.

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