Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 32 - Exploration 2

For three days after that, Lin Sheng did not enter the dream again, nor even dreamed.

Every night he rested very well.

In addition to studying and reviewing every day, I go out to find a place to practice swords.

Now practicing sword, he is to merge and absorb the memory of the elite rotting swordsman.

That guy is the captain of the Black Feather City patrol. He is a typical aristocratic academy. He has to practice a whole set of basic swordsmanship every day, so Lin Sheng has a comprehensive swordsmanship system.

The opponent’s sword skills are obviously more than one move, but there is only one move in the incomplete memory inherited by Lin Sheng.

Of course, he was already satisfied.

After all, this is the first time he has mastered real sword skills. Before that, he was actually using basic skills to fight against the enemy.

In addition to his sword skills, what he expected most was the part of this guy’s memory about the Temple of Warren.

In the mutilated memory, the Temple of Waren does hold a special secret technique that can quickly increase the strength of the body. Only this mystery is undisclosed, and it is only for the formal soldiers in the temple to learn.

The most important thing is that according to the fragments of memory obtained this time, the temple has indeed mastered a special practice method, a way to break the limit faster.

That is, the real special limit breaking method.

The rotting swordsman who was so powerful before was only a second-level soldier in his memory.

In this incomplete memory, fighters who reach the third level can automatically get certain town preferential treatment in Black Feather City.

If a third-level soldier is willing to attach to a certain family, the treatment he can get can even be equivalent to many senior citizens.

This also makes Lin Sheng look forward to more and more when he can break through the limits and enter the third level.

Soon, there was not much time for calm.

On March 31st, finally, the dream can be entered again.



The fine rain, like a silk thread, fell from the sky and fell on Lin Sheng’s body in pajamas.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt the coldness and wetness on the back of his hands and neck.

“It will still rain in this ghost place?” Lin Sheng quickly glanced around.

He was standing where he had killed the Elite Rotten Swordsman, and on the left stood the triangular black hawk flagpole.

“Go stripping first!”

Lin Sheng said nothing, rushed forward, and began to undress from the rotting swordsman body.

“Yo, still a woman?” Lin Sheng shuddered slightly as he put his hands up.

“No, it’s because the pectoral muscles are a bit bigger …” He immediately recognized the difference.

The clothes on the rotting swordsman were like a large black tablecloth, digging a hole from the center of the circle, and then stuffing his head in.

The style is too simple.

The lower body is a black long skirt, which is split on the side, and is wearing gray trousers.

A decorative silver bead chain is attached to the waist belt, and there is also a purse.

Lin Sheng reached out and ripped off the purse.

The off-white money bag has the same structure as the old-fashioned shoulder bag, only the size of a palm.

He untied the bag and shook it upside down.


A little black thing fell to the ground.

Lin Sheng picked it up quickly, it was the key, the serrated key with round handle. There is also a small vertical pupil symbol engraved on it.

“This symbol …..” Lin Sheng picked it up and put it in front of his eyes, looking closely. “It’s similar to the vertical pupils seen by Ravel.”

He discriminated carefully, then quickly raised the black sword in his hand, and looked at the symbol of the sword above.

Two symbols, one big and one small, are lined up together and look similar.

“Same style, it should be a symbol.”

Lin Sheng felt a bit suspicious.

“There is no doubt what this symbol definitely represents, maybe an organization, an influence, a belief? It is possible.

And this kind of symbol can be carved on the door openly, on the sword body, not afraid to be found, it is obviously not a cult, a mark that is not accepted by everyone. “

He looked away at the huge black feather city not far away.

“Maybe the answer is there …”

Put away the things, three times five and two, Lin Sheng peeled off the coats of the elite rotting swordsmen, and barely put them on.

The coat is a bit big. Obviously he was too thin.

“It’s time to strengthen the muscles and exercise.” Lin Sheng sighed, looked at the black sword in his hand, and looked at the black sword in the body.

The corpse had a thicker and wider blade. The guards are round and perfectly protect the palms. The hilt is of a suitable thickness and is tied with a thin non-slip yarn.

In the end, the end of the hilt was not spherical, but spiky, and blood remained on the end of the spike.

“It looks like this is significantly better.”

Lin Sheng decisively abandoned the black sword obtained from Ravel and bent over to pick up the black sword in the body.

“Since they were all obtained from the rotting swordsmen, these black swords are called rotting long swords.”

He carried the black sword and stunned, heavier and heavier than before.

“It’s almost ten pounds …. Great.”

Before he used only four or five pounds, this almost doubled, and it took a while to adapt.

Then there was the dagger he had previously used.

The dagger was unexpectedly heavy, at least three or four pounds. He hesitated, but he didn’t bring it. Just a sword is enough.

Buried the dagger under the flagpole, maybe you can find it later when you come back.

Holding the sword in both hands, Lin Sheng once again began to wander around the city.

In the darkness, the weeds around Black Feather City continued to shake with the wind, making rustling noises.

He walked for a long time by moonlight, and none of the monsters met.

Instead, he was anxious himself, a little breathless, and was physically sleepy.

“Too weak …”

Lin Sheng rested on his back against the city wall. The ten-pound long sword was carried all the time, and it was still a little tired after walking for so long.

“You have to think of a way to quickly improve your body’s endurance and the like. Exercise every day, although it has also improved, is too slow …”

He sighed.

After a rest, the rain stopped.

His clothes were soaked, his body was cold, but his heart was hot.

He has a rough map of Kurowa Castle.

He also planned the route of the Warren Temple and Lhasabel, and now all he has to do is to enter the city!

“I’m getting stronger now and I’ve been around for so long. I can’t find any living creatures. It seems I can only enter the city.”

Lin Sheng licked his lips and looked away slightly with his sword.

“But I just changed the sword now. Don’t rush. After getting used to it, I’m ready to enter the city.”

After stopping for a while, he stood up and continued to hunt for prey with his sword.

But this time is different from before, he is on his way back. No more exploring elsewhere.

There is no need to distinguish the direction along the city walls. Going back is much faster than exploring.

It didn’t take long for Lin Sheng to return to the front gate of Chengmen again.

The doorway was deep and dark, and a gust of wind kept blowing from it.

Lin Sheng looked up and glanced over the gate.

After the rain, the mist dissipated, and there were jagged arrows above the gate.

Behind the arrow stacks, there are faint black towers looming.

The moonlight was falling, and the entire city wall was stained with silver.

Lin Sheng looked back, clenched the rotting long sword, and strode toward the door.

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