Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 50 - Encounter 2


The man blocked the blade with one hand and pulled his right leg sideways.

Almost at the same time, Lin Sheng also raised his leg.

The two legs collided, Lin Sheng grunted, and retreated quickly.

“Yu Guangzhe!”

Lin Sheng’s sword was recovered, and there was a moment of silence.

Suddenly, a silver snake shot out, chopped at the man’s neck at a speed much faster than before.

“That’s a good move.”

The man took a quick step back, just avoiding Jianguang’s slash.

“Elephant Tower!”

As the sword became older, he stepped on his feet and stepped on the ground with his right leg, splashing a huge shock. The body rushed forward, leveraging the whole body, shoulders hit Lin Sheng fiercely.


This impact was avoided by Lin Sheng, and he was hit **** the concrete wall by the road.

Large pieces of loose cement were shaken down, and fine dust was scattered and spattered.

Some gravel **** splashed and hit a girl’s arm not far away, beating her whine.

This time I watched the lively girls to know that it was true. At this time, I watched Lin Sheng fight with the man. Frightened one by one, Hurry trot away from the distance.

Lin Sheng held the sword in both hands, his face was cold, and he slashed quickly.

He has experienced many opponents in the dream, and is also killing. And now this is not worse than the strong hands in dreams.

He just didn’t get used to this kind of weapon-free, pure fist play.

Jianguang and the palm of the hand kept fighting each other, making a bright or dark sound.

Over the two men’s heads, a car quickly passed over the viaduct, and the rumbling sounds just covered the two men’s hands.

Huh! !!

There was a sudden muffle.

Lin Sheng quickly stepped back a few steps, the hand holding the sword trembling violently.

A bloodstain appeared slowly on the wrists of the opposite men’s hands.

“Interesting …” The man looked down at his wrists. “Just in terms of swordsmanship, it’s been a long time since I have met an opponent of your level.”

“Are you sick? Or is there a problem in your brain?” Lin Sheng looked cold and quickly stabilized his shaking hands. Avoid showing weakness to the other party.

He asked himself who hadn’t offended.

If it was the previous white card gang, he would never have been so aggressive in the daytime.

Although the man in front of him has some mental problems, his strength is beyond doubt and he is an absolute master.

Since practicing sword in the nightmare, in reality, Lin Sheng encountered this person for the first time who could confront him in martial arts.

“Oh, pretend to be stupid? As long as I have the right price and the right opponent. I will take the order.”

The man retracted his hand and released his five fingers. “That’s it for this trip. I didn’t expect to come by and see this kind of surprise.”

“You mean, someone is looking for someone to kill me?” Lin Sheng was shocked.

“Yeah. The price is not much, 200,000. Chat is better than nothing.” The man grinned.

“If it weren’t on the list, say that you can knock down five people in five seconds with a sword. I would never take such a small list.”

“Now?” Lin Sheng stood upright, and although the other side was no longer showing an aggressive attitude, he remained vigilant at all times.

“Now, I give up. You feel free.” The man opened his arms, his face calm.

“You don’t need a gun?” Lin Sheng froze. He glanced at the pistol above the fence.

“You’re humiliating me ?!” The man looked cold, his eyes slightly changed. “It looks like your teacher didn’t teach you, I wait for the rules.”

He finally glanced at Lin Sheng, turned around and grabbed the concrete wall, made a few vertical jumps, and rushed to the viaduct in a second.

Taking the pistol and putting on his jacket, the man turned indifferently, and soon disappeared into Lin Sheng’s vision.

Lin Sheng stood under the bridge and waited silently for a while, determined that the other party would not appear again, and then slowly walked to the sword box that fell on the ground.

The black box was smashed flat on one side, and the scabbard inside fell out and fell not far away.

Lin Sheng looked around and found that the sword sheath was being held in his hand by one of the group of girls who had just seen it.

The girl was pale, sweaty on her forehead, and trembled with her arms in her arms.

Seeing Lin Sheng coming over, she quickly got up and passed the scabbard with both hands.

“You … your stuff …” She felt her voice tremble.

“Thank you.” Lin Sheng took it, and gently inserted the **** blade in his hand. Put it into the sword box.

Then back on, turn around and leave quickly.

The only girl left was to stare at him in the back, and he didn’t dare to move until he completely disappeared into view.



“Swollen legs …”

Lin Sheng looked calmly holding an ice pack to apply calf muscles.

He examined his legs carefully, and just hit his legs when confronting the mysterious man just now.

If it hadn’t been for the effect of the Grey Seal Rune Sanctuary, it would have broken his entire calf into a fracture in just a few moments.

“But then again, if it weren’t for the gray runes, I wouldn’t have used my legs to block it so hard. In the final analysis, I’m too weak and in poor physical fitness.”

Lin Sheng recalled the previous war.

His speed and strength are weaker than the opponent, and he must spend more skill and skill to resolve the opponent’s brute force in each collision.

This also restricted him from exerting the power of black feather swordsmanship.

Sitting in the bathroom at home, Lin Sheng took away the ice pack and looked at the swollen area. I feel a lot of numbness in the wound.

“The bleeding has almost stopped.”

He picked up the traumatic injury oil from one side, dipped it with his fingers, and quickly wiped the wound.

With a touch of medicinal oil, there was a strong medicinal smell in the entire bathroom.

After taking the medicine, Lin Sheng pulled off his trouser legs and put everything back in place.

“Fortunately, medicines such as bruises are always available at home, otherwise we have to buy them on this trip.”

This trip suddenly changed, but fortunately, the other party seemed to follow some rules and did not use a gun.

“I drew the runes for so long to meditate for so long, and the effect was a little stronger than the last park test. I haven’t grown since then. It seems to be the upper limit.

Lin Sheng exhaled and returned to his bedroom.

“If you really encounter a pistol shot … I have a high probability that I can’t stop it. Damn it will still die.”

He later tested that the gray rune effect on his body was at best equivalent to a textbook with a few hundred pages.

Because there was no reference object at hand, he used the textbook as a test comparison item.

“The key now is, who is looking for someone to kill me? White card?” Lin Sheng frowned.

“I haven’t messed with anyone before, why would anyone still target me? If it was only for the amateur swordsmanship competition, a place in Huaihua City, as such?”

He doesn’t know.

He didn’t know that the few gangsters in the white card gang started out, in fact, they just planned to play his father.

It’s not the kind of broken and disabled, it’s just a slight injury that scares him.

I just didn’t expect to force Lin Sheng, the hungry wolf, to solve all of them at once, and also forced a pistol hidden by the petty heads.

“There is no information at all, I don’t even know where the root cause is … Annoying!” Lin Sheng was anxious.

Even if you want revenge, you have to know who the target is.

The point now is that he doesn’t even know who is targeting him.

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