Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 62 - Craving 2

Different from before.

After Lin Sheng got the sweetness of the sacrifice ceremony, he focused his eyes on Sir Kayaman again.

Just a female follower of the other side can get such good things as ritual worship. So what can Kayman, the real man of the house, gain?

Lin Sheng has great expectations for this newspaper.

He gently pushed open the iron fence of the Temple of Warren, trot rushed to Sir Kayaman’s House, and pushed the door gently.

Bypass the fountain and walk to the gate.

The owl on the door slowly opened its wings and the door opened.

Lin Sheng took a deep breath and pushed away quickly.

It was dark inside, darker than the last time he came in. Just in front of the window, a little hazy moonlight illuminated a small piece of carpet.

Lin Sheng saw the crooked bookshelf at the door, and Enni’s body lying on the ground.

Next to the corpse was a black sword he knew very well. It was the elite rotting sword he had held before.

Walking over and holding the black sword, Lin Sheng raised his vigilance and carefully looked towards the stairs on the second floor.

The previous Enni flew from the second floor.

And the perverted axeman at the back is also likely to come down from the second floor.

Walking forward with the sword, before Lin Sheng walked to the entrance of the staircase, a sudden violent wind on his head was severely suppressed.

He immediately felt his breath suffocated slightly. The air around him seemed to be evacuated for an instant.

Too late to think, he rolled sideways, rolled out a few circles on the carpet, and quickly got up, looking back.

In the darkness, in the position he had just stood, a huge freak standing more than two meters tall was standing.

He carried a huge double-edged axe in his hand, a metal helmet like an iron bucket on his head, a naked upper body, and a thick iron skirt on his lower body.

Those iron skirts reflected the silver light flowing in the moonlight.


The weird pulled a double-edged ax from the wall and turned to face Lin Sheng.

He started trotting and sprinting.

Heavy footsteps stepped out of the dents on the carpet.

The weird was like a heavy armored vehicle, rushing towards Lin Sheng fiercely, he clenched the double-bladed axe with both hands, waving a vicious wind, and chopped it down towards Lin Sheng’s chest.

boom! !!

Lin Sheng bent his knees and let a double-edged axe cut into the wall above his head.

“The last time you were attacked by a sneak attack, this time see who died first!”

Lin Sheng held the sword in both hands, and it was a sword in front of the stranger’s chest.

Unexpectedly, the skin on the chest of the stranger was extremely tough, and the sword tip stabbed on top, but it only penetrated into a knuckle, and it couldn’t move and got stuck completely.

At this point, the weird man had pulled out his axe again, and chopped to Lin Sheng again.

“Holy Blood Burns! Kill !!!”

Lin Sheng’s muscles swelled slightly, and his chest and eyebrows suddenly appeared purple.

A huge explosive force burst out from the depths of his heart.

clang! !! !!

The black sword smashed and slammed into the double-edged axe.

The two weapons collided, bursting into explosive power.

Both the weirdo and Lin Sheng were backed by the shock.

Lin Sheng’s back was against the wall, and his arms were numb.

But he didn’t care, he clenched the hilt, straightened up, stepped on his feet, and his body rushed toward the opposite weird like an arrow.

This is the limit of testing ability and the beginning of his real change.

He was tired of hiding in Tibet, and had a pathetic experience like a mouse.

Under the huge explosive power, the black sword wielded heavy and powerful chops.

With the use of black feather swordsmanship by Lin Sheng, for the first time, the terror power comparable to the previous elite rotting swordsman erupted.

Continuous intensive offensive, violent sword style tricks. Keep the weird body’s center of gravity constantly swaying.

With an unstable center of gravity, he was unable to wave a more powerful axe. Can only be continuously pushed back by Lin Sheng.

Dangdang Dangdang! !!

In the dense chopping sound, the weird man’s naked upper body kept appearing blood.

Huh! !!

He opened his mouth and roared, trying to fight back.

But just after moving, he was severely slashed on the face by the black sword.

The hard and powerful black sword passed through his eyes, the bridge of his nose, and his mouth as if he had cut through steel.

The freak froze suddenly, and he didn’t move. A huge gap appeared on the face.

With a bang, the double-edged axe in his hand fell to the ground, his strong body fell to his knees on the carpet, and he stumbled forward, no more motion.

Lin Sheng was full of heat, walked in front of him with his sword in his hands, and the sword tip stabbed against the stranger’s chest.


A stream of black blood poured from the weird heart.

He twitched, his body slowly rising black smoke, the black smoke converged into a black line, flew silently to Lin Sheng, and in no time entered his chest.

Lin Sheng said nothing, and hurriedly backed up with his sword.

After a few steps, he rushed out of the living room and returned to the yard.

Leaning against the wall of the gate for a while, breathing and whispering until the memory and information that came to my mind slowly diminished, and the headache weakened. He slowly straightened his body and walked back into the room.

“I did one move last time and I won’t have a second time.”

Lin Sheng took a deep breath and walked to the freak with a black sword.

Squatting down, began to reach out and fumble on the freak, searching for loot.

Judging from the memory fragments, the man’s name was Baide, one of several adopted sons that Kayaman had adopted since childhood.

Unlike Enni, although Baide also gained ritual knowledge, it is not a ritual that acquires special abilities like the spirit ritual.

It is a weak orthodox ritual.

In memory, the strongest of Baide is actually not himself, but the animal partner contracted by him because of the ritual.

“Weak ceremonies? Orthodox rituals that can contract animals and manipulate animals?” Lin Sheng became interested.

As long as it was a ritual, he was extremely interested.

The previous sacrifice ritual can only be held at most once, but this weak ritual is different. As long as the materials are sufficient and your soul can support it, you can perform multiple rituals.

But to Lin Sheng’s regret, he didn’t get the details of the weak ceremony in the memory of Paterson.

It should be that I did not get part of the memory related to the ceremony. What he got was more trivial love affairs in life.

It looks like this Paterson belongs to the type that places love extremely important.

While the sacred blood was still burning, Lin Sheng quickly walked up the stairs.

In memory, Baide’s room is on the second floor, and he wants to go upstairs to see if he can find the details of the weak ceremony from his room.

Contracting animals, controlling animals, such a ritual ability, if it can be obtained, is undoubtedly much safer and more hidden than the previous spirit ritual.

And the most important thing is that this weak ceremony gave Lin Sheng’s previous ideas better inspiration.

Under the sacred blood burning state, Lin Sheng’s body perception has reached the physical limit.

He rushed up the stairs and stood at the stairs on the second floor.

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