Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 73 - Wind and rain 1

Ferret brothers at the Tobu Building.

The most famous serial robbery murderers in Huaisha City. The two had robbed and killed fourteen in a row.

In the end, the lack of evidence from the prosecution, plus someone behind the money to pay. The two brothers were eventually sentenced to four and six years in prison.

Later, they were released from prison, and for a while became a well-known sensation in Huaisha City.

At that time, Lin Sheng was still young, all listening to Dad Lin’s anniversary, just feeling fresh.

But right now.

He stood on the road leading to the abandoned factory in the suburbs, but it was the first time he had seen the mob he had heard from childhood.

The two men with thin skins and bald red and black leather clothes were similar in appearance, tall and short, just whistling past him on a motorcycle.

Apparently they were not in the Tobu Building just now. They should have received the news and came over decisively. It’s too late.

Lin Sheng stood on the roadside, and in the deserted road at night, he glanced at it.

Sober as he is, either drug addicts or thieves.

The two brothers looked gaunt and passed by on a motorcycle. It soon disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

Lin Sheng looked back and went to the place where he had buried the money before.

Before he was attacked, he was assassinated online with pending orders. Of course, he would never forget such a major event.

So after gradually growing from the Tekken Club, he began to quietly use the news network of everyone to explore the black hands behind the sword competition.

Soon, the truth surfaced. The black hand is the biggest gang leader in Huaisha City, Chen Tan’s only son.

And Chen Hang is also one of the bosses of the white card gang.

Perhaps Chen Tan didn’t hide much at all, he had made secret moves more than once against Chen Huan’s opponents. This time it was Lin Sheng’s turn.

“The gangster? It’s a bit of a problem …. The money we’ve snatched isn’t good for the time being … can’t be used locally.”

Lin Sheng quickly returned to the grass where the money was buried and dug out a large bag of money wrapped in a plastic bag with a few strokes. Then bury the weapon with ease.

Carrying the money, he went straight to the factory where he had performed the ceremony before.

In the factory warehouse, two black backpacks were stacked in one corner, and they looked extremely inconspicuous in the dark. He was also pressed by several dirty boards.

Glancing at it, I thought it was ordinary garbage.

Lin Sheng pushed in the door and closed the back door. Go to the two backpacks.

Opening the backpack skillfully, he took a complete set of weak ritual materials from a backpack.

From another backpack, take out a small translucent bottle.

Inside the bottle was a big, white, silkworm-like bug.

The worm was almost as long as two knuckles, and was still creeping slowly in the grit in the bottle.

This is the second contract creature that Lin Sheng thought of.

If the previous crow was just an attempt, then this bug is the beginning of his formal contract.

“The queen of flying ants, this is a good thing that I have collected many places before ordering.”

Lin Sheng raised the bottle with satisfaction and looked at the queen inside.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to choose flying ants as his second pet.

He didn’t know if anyone had chosen insects as the object of the contract. He decided to choose this anyway.

Flying ants are better than crows. Once a group is formed, a large number of flying ants will become all-pervasive guards, which can be guarded in the sky and underground.

And he specifically asked the pet shop owner to order this flying ant, which is also quite toxic.

It took him more than five thousand, and the remaining small treasury was missing a lot to get such a good thing.

The other material is the part he did not run out of last time.

The last time the crow was contracted, there was almost no loss.

Lin Sheng intends to use these for a second time.

The ritual map of the rapid deployment of light vehicles.

He placed the stirred pastes one by one in a fixed position, and then clamped out the queen queen and placed them in the center of the array.

“hope everything is fine.”

Taking a few steps back, he took out the knife to start disinfection, and then stood meticulously in front of the ritual map. After the knife had cooled down, he aimed at the palm of his other hand and made a fierce stroke.


The blood and water dripped slowly and thickly, and dropped on the black pond flower in the middle.

At the same time, Lin Sheng’s mouth began to sing a wave of weird starters.

After five consecutive start words.

He paused slowly and quickly began to bandage his wounds.

After bandaging the wound, Lin Sheng moved forward and crouched.

He then realized that the pastes in the map, as if oxidized, became dull. Not at all like a mixture of crystal powder and silver powder.

The gold bars on the side also indicate that they are covered with thick gray. Seems to be another metal.

Lin Sheng stared at the queen in the center of the array. Reach out your hand and touch it lightly.


An electric shock flew from his fingers into the body.

It’s just different from the last time. The crispy feeling of this time only lasted for a moment and then disappeared immediately.

Lin Sheng’s eyes calmed down quickly, staring at the queen on the ground.

“Don’t move?”

He passed on an idea.

The queen queen was motionless.

Lin Sheng frowned, and poked the queen’s epidermis with his fingers. Still not moving.

He gently turned the queen queen upside down, lying face up.


During the flip, the queen queen did not move, and her body seemed to be stiff.

The body extension like the crow did not reappear.

Lin Sheng knew instantly that the ceremony had failed.

Standing up, he quickly wrapped the plastic wrap and shoved it into his schoolbag.

After making sure that everything was cleaned up, he found a nearby place, wrapped up all the money he stole, and buried it underground.

In order to prevent mildew, he also specifically looked for the relatively dry and disorderly rocky area. Anyway, it was only temporarily released, and soon he had to find a way to transfer.

After packing his hands and feet, Lin Sheng walked to the nearby road to stop the car.

But maybe it was because it was too late today, and I couldn’t stop a taxi for a long time.

He rushed towards the house on foot. Anyway, it was just over ten kilometers from here. He doesn’t need to go all the way, as long as he walks to a relatively prosperous place, he can stop the car back.

The crow kept it at the place where the money was buried. As for food, Lin Sheng prepared a lot of eggs and fruits for him and put them in a basket hanging high in the warehouse.

On the way home, Lin Sheng guessed that his failure should be one of the taboos in the ceremony.

Cannot be too different from a bio contract.

For the ant, his size is too big, and the ritual failure is normal. Just wasted so much material.

One hundred thousand materials can only be used twice.

Lin Sheng, a little frustrated, returned to Huilian District at five in the morning.

What he told his parents was staying at a friend’s house, and it was obviously inappropriate to return home so early.

He simply wandered around the community a few times.

I bought a newspaper at the kiosk, sat in the bun shop that opened the door, and ordered a big sauce bun.

Big buns with soy milk, one greasy and refreshing, are quite delicious.

Lin Sheng ate four in one breath.

The newspaper is the Celine Daily, a national publication issued uniformly throughout the country.

The front headline black words are clearly written on it: war broke out, protracted war or infiltration war?

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