Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 81 - Cohesion 3 (thanks to the lead of Pingchuwu\\\'s old friend)

Huaisha, a deserted beach.

The rocks were rough and there were several fishing boats scattered on the beach.

The sun was shining at noon, but the chill grew stronger.

“It’s getting colder and colder …” Lin Sheng stood on a big rock, looking out at the pale yellow sea in the distance.

He wore a slim white sportswear with a small dagger on his back. The dagger is in a sword box and looks like a literary teenager practicing the violin.

Saru and another red-haired boy stood on the side of the open space, and their hair was constantly turned by the sea wind.

Both put on the same black tights and camouflage trousers. Looks fit and strong. The back of the vest has a clear fist.

“Brother, the master you want me to inquire about, has already fallen. But we really want to visit?” Saru’s face was calm, but his eyes were worried.

You should know that he is not a good man, and he has been ruthless in his style since his debut. Once something goes wrong …

“You just need to tell me the location. I will go by myself, and you will stay here alone.” Lin Sheng flatly said.

“But … isn’t the weight too light on my side …?” Saru worried.

“And the boss, even if the senior is willing to join, but we are not on track right now, will it be too burdensome?”

Lin Sheng shook his head.

“I know. You don’t need to worry about these. Focus on absorbing members. It’s good to stabilize Tekken.”

Saru didn’t know what Lin Sheng was thinking.

The man he asked himself had the nickname Death Claw. He was a well-known martial artist in the coastal area when he was young. At the peak, he opened a martial arts apprenticeship.

It was a pity that no disciple who could help him to stop him was found by the old opponent, and his own arm was abolished.

After that, the man fell into disappointment and the martial arts hall was not opened. The apprentices were all demobilized, and no children or children were left. They lived on their previous savings.

“When will the boss go?” Saru saw that Lin Sheng was determined and had to mention this.

“Do you have the address of his home? If we are near, we will go directly.” Lin Sheng replied.

“It’s close, but I’m not familiar with that place. I have to find it …” Saru frowned.

“Then you lead the way.” Lin Sheng stopped talking nonsense, jumped off the big stone, and walked quickly toward the highway.

The other two quickly followed.

The three had a rented white car by the side of the road, and Master Saru had a driver’s license.

The three got on the bus and ran all the way, and soon left downtown Huaisha.

The car went west.

An hour later, the vehicle slowly drove into a rural town named Baisha Town.

The whole town is deserted. The only streets where the townspeople are either old people or children, not many young people.

Saru’s mentor whispered as he drove the car.

“I’ve been here for a while here in Baisha Town. The young people have gone to work outside, leaving the elderly and left-behind children. The whole town adds up to a few hundred people.

“This town … in a few years, I am afraid it will disappear …” Saru sighed.

Lin Sheng didn’t say anything, just looked at the old, low-rise bungalows all the way out the window.

The car quickly took a bend and slowly drove to the door of a farmyard outside the town.

The small courtyard was built with lime soil, and the roof was mixed with straw and mud. The surface was covered with black tiles, but the original neat black tiles were mostly broken at this time.

The courtyard door was half open, and the sound of someone washing clothes was faintly heard in the courtyard.

Lin Sheng stepped forward and knocked gently on the wooden door.


The sound of washing clothes stopped slowly.

“Who?” A thin, middle-aged woman walked to the door with a dirty apron and looked up and down Lin Sheng.

“Is Mr. Dao Ling living here?” Lin Sheng asked politely.

“Yes, are you?” The woman wondered.

“We are former students of Mr. Dao Ling, now come to visit him along the way.” Lin Sheng smiled sternly.

“I’m the babysitter he invited. Wait a minute, I’ll tell him.”

The middle-aged woman turned around and trot into the earthen house inside.

Before long, she came out again and beckoned the three of them.

“Come in. He lets you in.”

“Excuse me,” Lin Sheng replied loudly, hurriedly walked into the courtyard, then crossed the threshold of the house, and walked to some dark inner room.

There was a smell of decoction in the inner room.

On the red chair in the main hall, sat a straight old man with gray hair.

The old man was wearing grey cotton jacket with a red blanket over his knees.

His eyes are bright and sharp. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Lin Sheng wouldn’t believe that this is the look of an old and physically weak old man.

“Which one are you from? I’m sorry, I’m old and I don’t remember well.” The old man said quietly and slowly.

His voice was deep and powerful, clear and stable, and old-fashioned.

“Senior Dao Ling, my name is Lin Sheng. I’m the master of the Iron Fist Association of Huaisha. I’m hoping to invite you out of the mountain and become my fighting consultant for the Iron Fist.

Lin Sheng smiled and explained his intentions.

“Well?” Dao Ling’s expression sank, “Iron Fist?”

Then he looked at Lin Sheng’s figure carefully.

“I haven’t heard of any Tekken, but your body is a weapon, right? I want you to be a wasteman?”

Before he was abolished, he became famous, and indeed many forces wanted him to join. But after the accident, due to the influence of his enemies, no force dares to invite him now.

Only some ordinary small forces quietly approached him, hoping that he would pass on some experience and at the same time give a little tuition.

This is also the only source of his life now.

“The predecessor of Dao Ling was also a martial artist who reached the limit of the human body. I heard that you are striving for the breakthrough of the limit.

Lin Sheng paused, raised his hand, and signaled Salou and his mentor to exit the door.

They said nothing, went out the door and closed the wooden door with their backhands.

“What do you want to say?” Dao Ling’s eyes were dull, staring at Lin Sheng.

He has lived for decades and hasn’t seen anything. He has cultivated his heart and soul and has a calm temperament. He is not easily moved by the world.

“I want to say that I found a way to really push the limits!”

Lin Sheng said one word at a time.

“What then?” Dao Ling remained unchanged, still just looking at Lin Sheng flatly. He’s seen too many semi-proclaimed professing to break the limit, but he can’t persuade him by just talking.

“I hope you can join the Tekken.” Lin Sheng calmly said, “I want to establish a pure association, a pure organization that integrates all martial arts.

Too many martial arts fell on fearless attempts. This was not only the loss of Xi Lin, but also the loss of the entire martial arts community.

Today, martial arts are weak and guns are rampant, and pure martial arts are increasingly difficult to survive. If we don’t unite again and find out countermeasures, in the future … Martial arts may be completely wiped out in the tide of history. “

“It sounds good, it’s very big. But the old man has long passed the stage where people flirt with big cakes.” Dao Ling sneered. “And, just because you’re a little kid, you want to save the entire martial arts world? It’s almost … laughing …”

His words were not finished, but the irony on his face gradually faded away.

Lin Sheng in front of him, the whole person is expanding rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Various purple blood vessels and meridians emerged on his body, muscles became enlarged. Even with Lin Sheng’s height, he was pulled up several centimeters.

“I … have exceeded the limit long ago.”

Lin Sheng stretched out his hand, and held it with a large, purple palm, and clenched it lightly, and it turned into an afterimage that hit the right wall.


The wall was ripped open, penetrated, and blasted large pieces of debris.

The soil wall, which was more than ten centimeters thick, was as weak as tofu under his hands.

Dao Ling muttered a throat and watched Lin Sheng slowly pull out his palm and walked in front of him.

“Are you gambling?”

The big hand full of purple blood vessels slowly stretched out in front of him.

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