Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 908 - Source 3

Regardless of the size of these released monsters, they are released at this time. The manifestation in this space is that countless black light spots fly out of Lin Sheng.

“I need your help.” Lin Sheng sent a soft message.

The Kuroshio monsters, who have already been dyed by the divine power, turn back without hesitation and rush back to Lin Sheng’s body.

Under the purification of the divine power and light, their bodies became more pure and holy, and then began to build into countless Lin Sheng cells and tissues.

In other words, these Kuroshio monsters, who have lost most of their consciousness, rely on the only remaining consciousness. They willingly entered Lin Sheng’s body and acted as cells, tissues and organs in his body.

The planetary body combines the bodies of countless Kuroshio monsters.

This form of the body finally gradually resisted the filling of countless true spirits and wishes from below.

Lin Sheng’s huge body is constantly rising upward, rising, rising.

Here, my height is the height of the spirit.

The stronger the spirit is, the higher it is here, the closer it is to the original light.

At this time, Lin Sheng was slowly approaching the original light with the support of countless universes infected by Kingdee.

Compared to the heights he and Anselia had just appeared, he is now far beyond.

At least a thousand kilometers higher than the original.

Here, a breakthrough of the spirit is equivalent to raising 500 meters.

Lin Sheng rose thousands of meters at a stretch, already far beyond his budget, and even reached the level of the three spirit-breakers.

“Thank you all.” He lowered his head and looked down at the countless black universes below, his expression soft.

He knew why countless universes helped him.

Because compared with the black tide that destroyed the sky and the universe, he has been redeeming. Has been helping.

He can rightfully say that all the Kuroshio monsters he encountered have been helped by him.

Ordinary Kuroshio monsters don’t say, but as long as they are bred to a certain height by the world, he will redeem them in his guardian deity.

Others attacked him, polluted him, attacked him. Hope he dies.

But he complained with virtue, protected them, redeemed them, gave them light, and gave them hope for recovery.

So vague cosmic consciousnesses understand who is the true justice and who is the real light.

Because Lin Sheng really made a contribution.

The universe he has touched and the world he has touched have fallen into incomparable peace and tranquility. The Kuroshio retreats, destroying away.

Countless true spirits are preserved. In the light of the guardian light, there are very few deaths.

Even the perpetrators can be preserved, staying in the guardian divinity and detaining sins, the total amount of true spirits in the universe is constantly rising, the total energy level is also constantly rising, and civilization is developing rapidly.

That’s the feat! This is the confidence of his promise!

It can be said that all the universes he is in contact with are constantly developing and evolving to a higher level.

He is constantly merging all universes through the differences between the rules of the universe. Let them tap their own potential and grow stronger.

“Anselia. I already said that I’m different from you.” Lin Sheng looked again at where Anselia disappeared. Look calm.

“You stop the great silence for your own sake.”

“And I do it for all souls!”

“Because all spirits are me, I am all spirits!”

The universe’s vague consciousness was boiling and cheering.

They released more real spirits even more madly, and even Lin Sheng could feel that these universes themselves had also begun to release a completely different wish than before.

That is the cosmic wish! !!

Countless sounds danced around him.

‘One soul! ’

‘All things are one! !! ’

All voices were shouting such messages.

Lin Sheng closed his eyes, slowly opened his arms, feeling more true spirits, more influx of wishes.



“what happened??!”

In an unknown universe.

On a barren earth-colored giant planet, the blue figure walking on the edge of a huge crater suddenly looked up.

His fuzzy blue face was rippling and spreading like water waves, his eyes penetrated time, through space, through the barriers of the universe, as if he saw an incredible scene somewhere.

“This … this is …!?”

Such fluctuations! !!

Such a shocking message! !!

“Blue!” A light curtain suddenly appeared behind the figure, and the red whale stepped out of it. Look dignified.

“What happened? What happened in the Lingge space! Why do so many universes have the same shock and message at the same time !?”

“I don’t know! I was just looking for the whereabouts of the ash. At the same time, the traces left by the light were eliminated. Then suddenly this happened!” Lan was equally dignified.

“I have observed that many energy levels in the universe have suddenly risen recently. This is abnormal!” The red whale frowned.

“The energy level of the universe is determined by the spirit. The more the total number of true spirits, the higher the energy level.

According to the principle of the natural cycle, the high-energy universe should be devoured by natural collisions between countless universes. But now … “

“Everything is messed up!” Lan Shen cried.

The universe is not all the same size, some are as small as one planet, others are comparable to a galaxy, and there are infinite galaxies.

According to the theory of nature and fixed number rules, the universe should have their own vague consciousness, instinctively killing and swallowing, in order to determine better and stronger outstanding people, and then promote to higher energy levels.

It stands to reason that the true spirits in the universe should also follow a fixed number. When the growth reaches a certain level, internal war will break out, and then the fittest will survive and the better true spirits will be left.

These are two ways of evolution that can make the universe evolve step by step.

But now, follow the observations of blue and red whales.

They did their best to observe that there were dozens of anomalies in the surrounding universe.

The war for the screening of true spirits that should have occurred within the universe, though it has not disappeared.

But the defeated did not die. This part of the true spirit that should have been wasted and sacrificed did not disappear, but most of it was survived in an unknown way.

This also caused the total amount of true spirits in the universe to increase rapidly. As a result, the total energy level of the universe also began to leap.

“It’s messy! Everything is messy!” Lan’s voice was inexplicably anxious.

“Several of the weak universes I have been to before should be swallowed up, and they are inexplicably powerful …. At such a powerful speed, they can reach higher energy levels soon … This is totally against the set number Violates the principle of nature !!! “the red whale sank.

“The natural law of the law of birth and death has been destroyed, and everything has become disordered!” Lan nodded. “You have to find the ash as soon as possible, unite the three of us, and go to the Lingge space to check the situation! Can’t drag any more!”

“OK!” The red whale nodded.

The disaster in front of us is more imminent and more serious than the evil light.

Once the supreme law of birth and death is broken and the cycle of balance is lost, then everything will be out of balance.

Perhaps the next great silence will happen ahead of time.

In order to stop the Great Silence in advance, they must do their best!

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