Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 91 - Summon 1

The next day.

The morning light came in obliquely from the broken window of the factory, illuminating most of the warehouse area.

Lin Sheng lowered his backpack carefully. He didn’t do anything last night and used it exclusively to remember the primordial summoning ceremony.

Fortunately, after many checks, he finally seemed to really perfectly remember the ritual array.

When the dream was over, he went to school early in the morning to ask for leave, and then prepared all the other materials. Go straight to the abandoned factory of the last ceremony.

The factory warehouse has become a fixed ceremony site for Lin Sheng.

He kept crows around and used to keep an eye on the surroundings.

Old rules, Lin Sheng took the plastic paper from his backpack and spread it on the ground.

Then take out the ritual paste that has been stirred in advance and light the lard lamp.

In the middle of the French formation, set up a pan, and throw in clean water and other messy materials.

Lin Sheng went out to find some dry wood and put it under the pot. Then drizzle with petrol.


The lighter ignites the finest dry firewood, one after another, and continues to ignite.

Soon a small bonfire ignited under the pan.

Lin Sheng specially cut a hole in advance for the purpose of the ceremony.

Seeing the bonfire igniting, he repeatedly poured the paste needed for the ceremony, partly on the fixed position of the circle, and partly threw it into the pan and began to boil.

The lard lamp on the side also exudes a faint aroma, which makes people appetite.

Lin Sheng continued to prepare everything according to the map.

After boiling the soup in the pan for half an hour, he began to use the paste-like soup to make the remaining ritual symbols on plastic paper.

The complexity of the ritual of the primary summoning of the outer world is far more than the ritual that Lin Sheng has arranged before.

It took him another half an hour to draw all the lines, and then he took another 20 minutes to check them carefully.

It wasn’t until he took out his notebook to check that there were no problems, then he stepped back and stood in front of the map.

“It should be fine.”

Lin Sheng was quiet.

“Ten minutes, the layout of the array ceremony is only valid for ten minutes. If I can’t complete the call as soon as possible, this ceremony will completely fail. All the materials will be all over.”

Lin Sheng took a deep breath.

This was his first encounter with a ritual that could summon entities.

The previous rituals, whether they are spiritual rituals or weak rituals, are just the map of the spiritual soul.

But this time it was different.

He will draw a completely unknown alien existence, pull him to his own level, and fight for himself.

After being settled, Lin Sheng opened his mouth slowly, and a clear weird murmur uttered in his mouth.

This syllable has no meaning, it was created just to match the ritual map.

It is a starter and a regulator that maintains balance and stability.

There was a deep whisper like a dream groan, which kept spreading from Lin Sheng’s mouth.

The sound seemed to grow louder and louder, shaking the pan in the middle of the ceremony.

The ripples are getting more and more obvious and bigger.

Slowly, a cloud of cyan smoke wafted above the flame of the lard lamp.

These fumes, like living creatures, quickly burrowed into the paste in the pan.


Suddenly, a lot of water vapor was evaporated in the pan.

Countless water vapor twisted and hovered, slowly flying around Lin Sheng.

A feeling like entering a dream, let Lin Sheng close his eyes unconsciously.

In the darkened vision, two large and one small light clusters appeared in front of him.

The light clusters are red and white.

The red is the size of an egg, and the white is the size of a football.

“It’s started!” Lin Sheng didn’t panic.

He understood that he had successfully entered the summoning process of ritual circle formation weaving.

The two light **** in front of him are the two creatures he can summon.

But he was somewhat surprised that after the launching ceremony, he needed to take the initiative to look for clearance everywhere.

So within ten minutes, from the gap, bring your favorite summoning creature back. A contract with him is then concluded.

But as soon as he entered this stage, he floated two monster light **** himself.

Don’t need him to look around.

“The pattern ceremony is not so much mysticism as a fixed procedure weaving with mysterious power.

I just don’t know why, I can choose two monsters to summon without looking for it. But this is also good, save a lot of heart. “

Lin Sheng frowned, he hesitated.

“Since being able to appear in front of me means that I can afford the consumption of these monsters. The book says that the bigger the light group, the stronger the monster.”

He no longer hesitated, looking at the larger white ball of light.

It was just a moment when his consciousness touched the past.

An angry roar exploded in his head.

Countless white lights exploded in front of Lin Sheng’s eyes, as if tossed them into the middle of a flash bomb.

After a pause.

A lot of images, memories, sounds, and madness gushed out of Lin Sheng’s mind and passed into the white light ball in front of him.

What surprised him was that the flowing image memory sounds seemed to resonate in the light ball.

A brighter white light burst into his eyes.

“I will give everything to God.”

In the middle, a giant with an exaggerated height, wearing white armor, kneeling down on one knee devoutly, praying towards the temple statue of Mingjing and luxury.

“God doesn’t exist! Only the faith in our hearts lives on!”

A voice came from behind the giant.

“No, I believe there is a **** in the world.” The giant calmly said.

“Just for a joke about Anseria?” The voice behind was full of disappointment.

“But she saw a miracle!” The giant said in a deep voice.

“That’s fake, Hansen.”

“Even if it’s just a ray of vitality, I’ll stick to it!” The giant stood up and mumbled.

“When everything is pulled into the nightmare, you will only be wandering around like the other cruel shields.” The voice behind it calmly recounts, as if it was a fact that has happened.

“Then I will kill them!” Said the giant coldly, “I will take all of them, live to the end, and see the ultimate hope!”

“…” There was no more sound behind him.


Lin Sheng suddenly exited the memory picture, in the darkness in front of him, at this time, the white light ball had completely disappeared.

Replaced by it is the huge white armor warrior-Cruel Aegis that he encountered in Snowwind Castle before.

“This … actually ….!?” Lin Sheng had no idea that the light group he had chosen was actually the cruel shield of Xuefeng Castle! ?

He could feel that there was a steady stream of black lines flying out of his body, and traces of thread digging into the cruel shield.

These seemed to be the memory fragments of the cruel shield that he had absorbed.

The opponent’s powerful body, more than three meters high, was suspended in the dark space of his vision, like an empty shell, constantly being filled by Lin Sheng’s black line.

Maybe one minute, maybe five minutes.

Lin Sheng felt that all his memories of the Cruelty Shield seemed to be copied into the body in front of him.

He can touch the spirit of the other party. The other party is like a machine without emotion, without consciousness and personality, and only executes his own orders.


He suddenly opened his eyes.

On the ritual front in front of him, at this moment is standing a huge white armored soldier more than three meters tall.

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