Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 912 - War 1

Taichu survivors, extremely blue domain.

Snow was falling all over the sky. The sky was a blue sky with a chill blue sky.

The ground is full of glaciers, and huge ice-blue hourglasses seem to stand on the ground for countless years.

There is fine white sand in the hourglass, dripping slowly.

Between the white glaciers, blue slowly climbed up the winding ice steps step by step.

He was panting and seemed tired.

There is no air, no gas, and even every step is suppressed by extremely strong gravity.

Everything here is surprisingly dense.

Even a snowflake falling from the sky can easily crush a continental shelf.

The glaciers form the gravitational force that is comparable to a black hole. Even light cannot escape from here.

In other words, it looks like a black hole.

Lan climbed step by step, slowly and firmly forward along the largest iceberg.

“What are you doing back?” Suddenly, a huge vague message came into his mind from the surrounding iceberg.

“It’s already semi-closed here. If you reopen the entrance and exit, even you, you can’t leave safely.”

Lan smiled slightly.

“I’m here to save you.”

“Save us?” The message cast doubts.

“Yeah, you have n’t known about the calamity before. I have been temporarily informed and I ca n’t tell you from a long distance. I ’m also afraid that the people sent will not have enough weight to affect the judgment of the mother clan.

So I can only do it myself. “Lang Lang said.

“No words!”

Suddenly, the whole glacier started to shake.

The icebergs in front of him have faded the snow layer on the surface, exposing the huge and transparent ice layer below.

Under that mountain-like ice layer, there are huge giant dragons of pure blue solidified and solidified.

Not only that, the surrounding icebergs have all taken off their coats, revealing the huge blue dragons themselves enclosed in the mountain.

The giant blue dragons meandering fiercely, like sculptures, shining soft blue light in the eyes of the iceberg.

These ice dragons have countless fine and wonderful patterns on them, and the patterns are like ancient text symbols, with a special energy resonance.

Instead of stopping, Lan continued to move forward.

He crossed the blue dragons in the icebergs, crossed the huge fissures of snow and ice, and carefully walked from the edge to the huge cliffs with deep bottoms.

Finally, came to the deepest ice and snow cliff.

At the end of the cliff, a blurry figure stood quietly in the endless snowstorm, waiting for him.

“You have brought bad news. It should be related to the great silence?”

The man turned slowly, revealing his true colors.

He was indifferent, wearing a white robe with a mysterious rune. Behind it was a disc-like blue light, radiating in all directions like a needle.

Lan approached step by step and stopped at a distance of 100 meters.

“Long time see you, Master Patriarch.”

“I hurriedly disturbed my sleeping family land, I hope you can give a reasonable explanation.” The man’s voice was quiet, and there were countless numbers of faces like him floating slightly in the light behind him.

The face in the light is much smaller than himself, but the number is extremely large. At a glance, a large number of faces are written with smaller runes, and all runes even form a pattern similar to the scriptures. The arrangement floats in the light.

“The patriarch doesn’t know anything. Since the last great extinction, there has been a new big change in the spirit space now …” The blue voice was lowered, and the narrative was slowly described.

The snow became bigger at a moment, slowly covering up the conversation between the two. Hiding the two together with this cliff, they are also hidden under the thick snow, which can no longer be seen clearly.



Under the ever-changing cosmic plane.

It is a deep layer of dark mud like soil.

This mud layer could have accepted the original light of Hao Ran. But since the birth of the universe, their light has been blocked and absorbed by the universe.

So the light disappeared.

The countless wills that lived in the dark mud layer gradually gave rise to resentment, gave birth to pain, and gave birth to hatred.

They are craving for light, but only when the universe is destroyed, the surrounding universe has not had time to converge the gap, and a ray of light leaking from that gap can shine on them.

Whenever this time, they will furiously fight for that beam of light.

Therefore, the wills here are happy to destroy the universe. When the universe is destroyed, when the original light is leaked, it is a big party of carnival and excitement.

Deep in the dark layer of mud, in a dark world.

Gray slowly walked slowly, between a weed covered with red eyes and slowly moving forward.

The wind was blowing, and countless red-eye weeds were blown and shaken on the endless grassland.

The eyes on all blades of grass kept staring at him with vicious and greedy eyes.

Gray has long been accustomed to these and has turned a blind eye.

He stepped on the weed step by step, and continued to move in the direction set.

I don’t know how long it has been or how far.

Everything around was dark, the only thing we could see was the red eyes under the weeds.

Gradually, Grey seemed to feel something, raised his head, and looked straight ahead.

Countless similar red eyes blinked on him, heading towards him.

“Welcome to you, my dearest child …” Countless black clouds gradually gathered in front of him, condensed, and soon formed a huge woman with an upper body and a mist in the lower body.

The woman’s face was loving and gentle, and her huge arms gently hugged Ash.

Compared with gray, she is more than ten meters tall, her skin is white and flawless, and she wears a hazy dress like a black gauze. Gorgeous and delicate.

The curve of the woman’s body is undulating, with unevenness, and there is a vague charm.

“Gray, you are my most proud child. When you come back this time, there must be something to say?” The woman gently put Ash in her palm and stared down.

“Loving Mother Emperor.” Ash bowed and lowered his voice.

“Great silence, maybe ahead of time.”

“Oh?” The woman raised her eyebrows slightly. “Great silence? Do you want my tribe to move to delay the great silence?”

“Exactly.” There was no accident Gray could guess.

According to the realm and strength of the other party, she can certainly sense the change of the Great Extinction.

“Since you want to invite the tribe to go out, it is up to you to persuade the tribe yourself.” The empress smiled.

Grey was silent and nodded slowly.

“I understand.”

“Very good, my dear boy … now, come in.”

The mother queen smiled and opened her mouth slowly against the gray.

Her mouth opened wider and wider, and from the outside she could clearly see that the inner wall of her mouth was filled with countless blood-red evil eyes.

Thousands of eyes rolled and blinked, looking at the gray standing outside.

Ash paused, stepped forward slowly, stepped on the air, walked into the mother’s mouth, and walked down to her deepest throat, throat.

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