Night’s Nomenclature

Chapter 163: Cao Wei Was Better Than You

Triggering the rules of the Forbidden Land would not lead to death directly.

In theory, as long as one was powerful enough, one could still walk out of the Forbidden Land alive.

There was a common saying in the Inner World: If you triggered the rules of a Forbidden Land, then just find a good place to await your death.

If you have B-level strength, you can try to break out of the Forbidden Land.

If you have A-level strength, you can break out of the Forbidden Land even if you were at the center.

If you have S-level strength, just do whatever you please.

So, that was why Wang Bingxu said that even with peak C-level strength, Qing Huai wouldn’t stand a chance.

However, Li Yinuo suddenly said, “But if he was telling the truth, we are only 5 hours away from the border of the Forbidden Land, then maybe he can really survive until he gets out.”

Li Yinuo didn’t talk about the teenager who was after Qing Huai would not let that happen.

Countdown 3:00:00

It was almost midnight.

Qing Huai’s left arm was hanging limply by his side, and when he was running, the arm just flung back and forth like a rag bag.

When he tore off the vine just now, he was stung by a Forbidden Land wasp. That made his entire left arm hurt unbearably, and the palm of his hand was swollen to the size of a steamed bun.

If it wasn’t for his C-level strength, this sting would have paralyzed his whole body!

Qing Huai had always claimed to the world that he was a D-level, attempting to give those who plotted against him a surprise.

However, he didn’t expect that his first foe in the Fight for the Shadow would be so fierce.

He clearly remembered that Wang Qiang, who came to assassinate, was clearly smiling before he died.

Every time Qing Huai thought of that smile, he would feel a chill on his skin. Even a dead man would feel remorse and fear before sacrificing himself, but Wang Qiang didn’t seem to have any of that.

He was just smiling.

That weird smile before his death seemed to have said, “Even with your hidden powers, you’re doomed.”

Vaguely, Qing Huai still felt that the sense of crisis threatening him the whole time was still here, and the person who controlled Wang Qiang was still hidden in the darkness.

At this moment, there was a dark cloud following Qing Huai, and there was a buzzing sound coming from the dark cloud. It was an astonishing number of poisonous insects flying in the air, chasing after him.

In front of him, the vines in the ground swept up again like a woven net, closing up on him.

Qing Huai gritted his teeth and jumped. His body took off into the air, narrowly dodging the big net.

If his jump was just a little lower, his ankles would probably be entangled by the vines.

But before he had time to celebrate, he heard a whistling sound coming from the words, and two revolving sycamore leaves passed through the gaps of trees, shooting from the darkness like a bolt of lightning.

“Autumn Leaf Blade!” Qing Huai exclaimed.

The leaves came at the worse moment and the deadliest angle possible.

The teenager had been following him the whole time in the woods, and even when Qing Huai lost an arm, he still waited for the best moment to attack.

When he leaped up from the ground, there was no way for him to change his course until he landed.

If Cao Wei was to comment on this, he would say that the teenager was the best hunter in the world. It wasn’t for his skills or ability, but for his patience and intelligence.

Knowing that he couldn’t avoid the leaves, Qing Huai forcibly turned his waist and hips to take the hit with his back.

When the Autumn Leaf Blades cut into his sink, Qing Huai instantly tightened the muscles on his back and clamped onto the two leaves tightly, preventing them from piercing any further.

Qing Huai was glad that his opponent was not an experienced Knight, otherwise, these two autumn leaf knives alone would have killed him.

However, the Autumn Leaf Blades still disturbed his balance.

His survival instinct came into play. As one of the best in the Qing Family’s youngest generation, he was able to react just in time.

As his feet came into contact with the rotten leaves on the ground, his legs pushed against the ground, and his body shot out like a cannonball.

He tried his best to adjust his angle in the air and regained his balance the next time he touched the ground!

This was the power of a C-level. His bones and muscles have completely transformed into something a normal human could not compare.

In the previous battle with Cao Wei, Qing Chen had to be overly cautious, which led to the twenty-hour-long chase.

The superhumans in this world were too fierce. Without being cautious, Qing Chen would be risking too much confronting them head-on now.

In the dark Forbidden Land, Qing Huai ran wildly while avoiding pursuit and obstacles.

The next moment, he discovered that the teenager was running parallel with him, keeping a dozen meters in between.

Looking over, Qing Huai could see that the trees beside him were moving past him at an unprecedented speed, yet the path seemed to be endless.

He had to face the obstructions, and Qing Chen didn’t, which made it impossible for him to outrun Qing Chen.

He saw the teenager start speaking calmly.

“You’re a walking pile of feces.”

Qing Huai could feel a breath of air in his body smashing all his movement rhythms, and his balanced system of breath, muscles, and heartbeat was thrown out of order.

Before he could recover, Qing Chen started speaking again in a calm voice, “Your wife steals other men.”

“You’re adopted.”

“You’re dad’s dad is Grandpa.”

“I’m your dad.”

Qing Huai, “???”

Qing Huai felt like he was going crazy, What was all this for?!

Most importantly, he couldn’t curse!

After triggering one rule, creatures and plants from the edge of the Forbidden Land would start trying to kill him, but after triggering another rule, creatures from the center would be after him.

When running, Qing Huai suddenly changed direction and ran toward Qing Chen. They were like two trains on train tracks, but one wanted to slam into the other.

However, just as he changed his pace, Qing Chen’s figure disappeared into the darkness again, not giving him any chance to Kamikaze.

Just when Qing Chen was disappearing into the dark, he said to Qing Huai, “Cao Wei was better than you.”

Qing Huai looked stunned. He didn’t expect Qing Chen to say this.

Having a slight distraction, he felt a sharp pain coming from his right leg as if someone was scraping his bones with a steel knife.

Qing Huai quickly realized what happened and cut off a piece of his thigh with his dagger without hesitation. There was a Six-Winged Beetle biting deep into his flesh.

Even so, there was still toxin left beside the wound.

Qing Huai was mad. If he was a B-level, a bite from a Six-Winged Beetle would be nothing!

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