
Chapter 233: Rebirth

# 233. Rebirth

A moment ago, the Xu clan members were still lamenting Dalang's untimely death, mourning the shattered dreams of the Xu family's rise, their hearts heavy with sorrow.

But when they saw Xu Qi’an actually sit up from the coffin, their legs moved faster than their thoughts, and with a flurry of movement, they all rushed to a distance, trembling as they watched.

"He's moving… he’s come back from the dead! Xu Dalang has really come back from the dead! Quick, report it to the authorities!"

"Report to whom? Every official here outranks the County Magistrate."

The chaotic voices rose and fell, as the Xu clan members were both terrified and frightened. But because of the presence of the princess and several other high-ranking officials in the courtyard, they felt emboldened and didn't flee in panic.

Some people stepped back in fear, while others instinctively moved forward, yet hesitated, confused and unsure of what was happening—people like Xu Xinnian, Xu Lingyue, Chu Caiwei, and Huaiqing.

*So itchy…* Xu Qi'an felt a tingling itch on his scalp, as if lice were crawling all over it.

He reached up to scratch, peeling off a large chunk of scalp along with his hair.


The timid auntie shrieked, pushing Xu Lingyue in front of her as a shield.

Xu Lingyue was also terrified. Even though this was her most beloved elder brother, under such circumstances, with her brother suddenly rising from the coffin, she felt a chill run down her spine. Instinctively, she wanted to scream and run away.

But she didn't. Her face streamed with tears as she trembled, her voice quivering with sobs, "Big Brother, do you have any unfulfilled wishes, anything you couldn't let go of…"

Her sorrow overcame her, and she wept like a flower drenched in rain.

After a brief moment of shock and confusion, a few people in the room quickly realized what was really happening to Xu Qi'an.

These individuals were none other than refining qi level Princess Huaiqing; Chu Caiwei from the Sitianjian; the high-ranked martial artists Nangong Qianrou and Zhang Kaitai; and Xu Pingzhi.

Chu Caiwei knew qi-watching, and could distinguish between the living and the dead. Coupled with something her teacher, Jianzheng, had once said, she, though not particularly clever, now began to piece things together.

*...Is this the effect of the Rebirth Pill? No wonder the teacher mentioned it when I gave the pill to Xu Qi'an. But how did the teacher know Xu Qi'an would come back to life… and how did Xu Qi'an even take it…* Chu Caiwei couldn't quite figure it out.

As for Xu Pingzhi and the others, it was simply due to the keen hearing and sharp eyes of martial artists. They heard Xu Qi'an's heartbeat and saw the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

Their expressions were varied but shared a commonality—they were both astonished and overjoyed.

Xu Pingzhi's eyes gradually widened, his otherwise ordinary face showing a mix of overwhelming joy and sadness. A grown man, he burst into tears before everyone present.

Zhang Kaitai, too, was both excited and delighted, his emotions written all over his face. *Xu Ningyan had come back to life? He had really come back to life?*

Since stepping into the Xu residence, Princess Huaiqing, who had maintained her usual cold and aloof demeanour, suddenly revealed a gentle warmth on her fair face, her eyes and brows filled with joy. Anyone familiar with her would have been greatly surprised.

Nangong Qianrou, however, looked suspicious.

*Unfulfilled wishes…* Xu Qi'an's heart stirred. Remembering how his aunt had cried last night, saying he was the ugliest, he replied in a sorrowful, trembling voice, "Auntie treated me badly, I want her to apologize…"

His aunt let out a wail and burst into tears.

"The sage says: do not speak of strange events, the power of spirits, or unnatural beings!"

Lacking the keen hearing of a martial artist or the Qi-viewing ability of an Arcanist, Xu Xinnian, who was only at the eighth-rank Self-cultivator level in the Confucian path, believed that his brother had indeed become a vengeful spirit. He stepped forward, chanting the scriptures.

He intended to use the rudimentary power of "laws follow commandments" to make his brother lie back down.


But his father suddenly smacked him down with a slap. Xu Pingzhi, overcome with both grief and joy, rushed to the coffin as if approaching a rare and priceless treasure.


Nangong Qianrou stopped Xu Pingzhi, squinting as he scrutinized Xu Qi'an, who was scratching his head and peeling off chunks of flesh.

"The body may have come back to life, but whether the soul is still the same person is uncertain." Nangong Qianrou sneered.

Everyone's heart tightened. Recalling the strange orange cat, they immediately sensed that something was amiss.

The orange cat had leaped over Xu Dalang's body, and then Dalang had really come back to life. It was hard not to think that the one who had revived wasn't actually Xu Dalang, but someone or something else.

Nangong Qianrou, Princess Huaiqing, and the others were all well-informed people. They had either seen or heard of cases involving soul possession.

"No, he must be Dalang." Xu Pingzhi's tone was firm.

He had no reason to doubt. He could only accept that Dalang had come back to life. Any other explanation was one he couldn't face or endure.

The knife had already cut through his heart once.

"Second Uncle, it's me. I'm not dead," Xu Qi'an said.

*Huh... Why has his voice changed?* Xu Pingzhi's expression shifted slightly.

This "Second Uncle" was spoken in a clear, resonant voice, more magnetic and pleasing than Xu Qi’an had ever sounded.

Xu Pingzhi's heart immediately sank. Clenching his fists, he stared at his resurrected nephew and demanded, "How can you prove that you're Xu Qi'an?"

Xu Pingzhi's questioning tone heightened the suspicions already present in the minds of everyone else.

*Good thing I don't have a mother, or I'd have to prove she's my mother too…* Xu Qi'an inwardly complained. After a moment of thought, he replied, “Though green oranges are sour and astringent, uncle still finds it to have marvellous use.”

Xu Pingzhi's face instantly stiffened.

Xu Erlang still couldn't believe that his brother had come back to life. He glanced at his father's troubled expression, took a deep breath to steady his emotions, and asked, "Are you really Big Brother?"

At this moment, Xu Qi'an's face was a grotesque mix of fresh and decayed flesh, terrifying to behold. Yet, his gaze toward his little brother was deep and affectionate as he said,

"If heaven births not I, Xu Xinnian, then the Great Feng forever will be night that never ends."

He silently added in his mind: _And if one morn the women home leaves, Reflecting Plum Pavilion becomes a place for three._

*If heaven births not I, Xu Xinnian, then the Great Feng forever will be night that never ends…* Hearing this, both Second Uncle and Auntie became even more convinced that the awakened one was indeed Xu Qi’an. These small, intimate details of life were something only someone who had lived through them could know.

Inside the mourning hall, the attention of the others immediately shifted to Xu Xinnian.

Chu Caiwei thought to herself, _This phrase better not reach Senior Brother Yang's ears, or else my fellow disciples at the Sitianjian and I will have to endure endless brainwashing._

_This arrogance rivals that of that fool Yang Qianhuan…_ Nangong Qianrou and Zhang Kaitai frowned, feeling that this scholarly Xu family member was far too conceited, and martial artists detest such arrogance.

Princess Huaiqing remained silent, but she observed Xu Xinnian with a thoughtful gaze.


Xu Erlang's handsome face turned beet red, even his ears blushing. Having these words overheard by his family was already embarrassing, but for his brother to recite them in front of so many outsiders—this level of shame was more than Xu Erlang could bear.

He wished he could push his brother aside and lie in the coffin himself, ending it all.


Seeing that his son had drawn the fire and become the center of everyone's attention, Xu Pingzhi let out a sigh of relief and felt a bit pleased.

"It's really Big Brother!" Xu Lingyue cheered, rushing over without hesitation and wrapping her arms around her brother's neck, crying uncontrollably.

"Big Bwother, Big Bwother..." Xu Lingyin was overjoyed, hopping around the coffin and stretching out her arms, hoping her brother would pick her up too.

But Xu Qi'an was busy comforting his sister, holding her soft body close, and completely ignored Little Pea.

Xu Pingzhi, too, rushed forward, hugging his daughter and nephew tightly, afraid that if he let go, they would disappear again.

Xu Erlang lifted his face, refusing to let the tears fall from his eyes. In front of so many people, there was no way he would display such a sentimental gesture.


Auntie turned her sharp, snow-white chin away in disdain, but then she immediately covered her mouth and began to cry.

Nangong Qianrou silently observed the falling dead flesh—it wasn't just dead skin, but chunks of decaying flesh. He frowned and asked, "How did you come back to life?"

"I never actually died…" Xu Qi'an began to explain but was interrupted when Chu Caiwei raised her hand. The beauty with big eyes and an oval face asked sweetly, "Did you take the Rebirth Pill I gave you?"

Xu Qi'an was momentarily stunned, then quickly composed himself, adopting a grateful expression. "Miss Caiwei, your kindness is beyond words. Xu Ningyan is eternally grateful and would gladly offer his life in return."


Chu Caiwei blushed. In truth, she felt somewhat ashamed—being an innocent foodie, she had a strong moral compass and wasn't good at lying.

Unlike Xu Qi'an, who was a habitual liar and not very good at managing relationships, often nearly drowning in his own deceit.

Xu Qi'an looked around at the others, knowing they needed an explanation. After a moment of thought, he said, "During the rebellion of Yunzhou, the rebel army besieged the Provincial Administration, putting the Governor and others in mortal danger. Knowing that the battle could end in my death, I remembered the Rebirth Pill that Lady Caiwei gave me, so I decided to gamble with it… heh, the situation was dire, and I had no other choice.

"I suppose the Inspector General must have thought I was dead, leading to this whole misunderstanding."

_The Rebirth Pill… so that's what happened…_ Nangong Qianrou and the others nodded in understanding.

Princess Huaiqing glanced at Xu Pingzhi and the others, who were still confused, and explained calmly, "The Rebirth Pill is a miraculous medicine crafted by the Jianzheng of the Sitianjian. Taking this pill is like a cicada shedding its old skin and being reborn in a new body.

"Even if one suffers a mortal wound, they can emerge from their cocoon completely anew."

The pill's efficacy lies in using the old body as nourishment to cultivate the new one. Just like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.

But there are significant drawbacks, such as its "prohibitive cost" and the stringent conditions required for its use. The pill's effects kick in an hour after consumption, and the person must die within that hour—if they don't, the pill will force them to die.

It's easy to imagine tragic scenarios where someone ends up delivering themselves to death.

If someone were decapitated or died instantly, the Rebirth Pill wouldn't be able to save them.

In short, it's a case of the pill's effect kicking in at the exact moment when one's life is hanging by a thread.

Understanding the pill's effects, Nangong Qianrou and the others could only marvel at Xu Qi'an's incredible luck.

To the Xu family, Dalang's resurrection was entirely due to the life-restoring elixir given by Miss Caiwei of the Sitianjian.

"Miss Caiwei, your great kindness is beyond words," Xu Pingzhi said, cupping his fists. "Dalang owes you his life. If you ever need him to scale mountains or tread through boiling oil, just say the word. If he refuses, I, his Second Uncle, will tie him up and send him to you."

_I did nothing and gained a life debt. Damn, Chu Caiwei has the protagonist's luck…_ Xu Qi'an played along, cupping his fists and expressing his deep gratitude.

"Alright, Lingyue, help your brother out of the coffin. The living shouldn't stay in a coffin; it's bad luck." Xu Pingzhi said, clearly in a good mood.

"Mhm," Xu Lingyue responded, but instead of helping her brother out immediately, she began peeling the dried chunks of flesh from his face.

After removing the skin and flesh from his face and head, Xu Qi'an felt a cool breeze on his forehead. His heart sank—damn, my beautiful hair, nurtured for twenty years, is ruined.

He then noticed Xu Lingyue staring at him in a daze.

"What's wrong with my face?" Xu Qi'an's heart tightened, and he quickly touched his own face.

Xu Lingyue's pretty face flushed with two spots of red, and she looked down without saying a word.

Xu Qi'an had no choice but to step out of the coffin himself and face Princess Huaiqing, Nangong Qianrou, and the others. He clearly saw their expressions freeze.

The Xu Qi'an before them had perfectly chiseled facial features, exuding masculine vigor, with thick eyebrows, a high nose, and piercing eyes. His lips were perfectly shaped and curved.

His features hadn't changed, but they had become more refined and flawless.

_Is this the boy I raised?_ Auntie's rosy lips parted in disbelief as she stared at Xu Qi'an.

Nangong Qianrou let out a dismissive "tsk."

Even Chu Caiwei, who had never experienced romantic feelings, couldn't help but glance a few more times, finding Xu Ningyan more handsome after his transformation.

Princess Huaiqing's gaze lingered on his face for a few seconds before she subtly turned her head, moving her eyes away as if trying to deceive herself.

"Big Brother looks so handsome," Xu Lingyin said happily. Although her brother hadn't hugged her, her love for him remained unchanged.

"I looked like this when I was younger too," Xu Pingzhi said, pleased.

After speaking, he noticed his family staring at him in silence. Feeling a bit awkward, he added, "More or less, more or less…"

"Dalang isn't dead?"

Among the Xu clan, an elderly man called out from a distance.

Second Uncle Xu immediately went over to share the joyous news that Xu Qi’an had come back to life and explained the reasons behind it.

The Xu clan members then realized it wasn’t a case of corpse moving; Xu Qi’an hadn’t died at all. Instead, it was the Sitianjian's miraculous pill that had saved him.

The commoners in the capital were quite familiar with the Sitianjian. Many of the city’s pharmacies and clinics were owned by the Sitianjian, and ninth-grade Arcanists often took turns practicing their skills in these clinics, providing high-quality and affordable medical services.

After explaining everything, Second Uncle Xu led Xu Qi'an around to pay respects to the elders. The Xu clan members were overjoyed. The fact that a younger member of the clan had returned from the dead was cause for celebration. Moreover, recognizing Xu Qi'an's potential and connections, the clan naturally hoped he would climb even higher.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the funeral was filled with happiness.

After reassuring the clan members, Xu Qi'an saw off the two Gold Gongs, sent off Chu Caiwei, and bid farewell to Princess Huaiqing before heading to the bathhouse.

The Xu clan members remained at the Xu residence, helping to dismantle the funeral arrangements.


After filling the bathtub with water, Xu Qi'an rested his hands on the edges, looking down at the reflection of his face in the water.

“How handsome, now this feels right. Though, it’s not quite up to the standard of my previous life," Xu Qi'an exclaimed in satisfaction.

At this moment, his facial features were still vaguely the same, but they had become more refined and perfect, with a significant increase in his attractiveness.

Sinking into the cool water, Xu Qi'an let out a comfortable moan and then ruefully rubbed his now bald head.

Just then, an orange cat nudged open the door and, with an elegant stride and tail held high, walked into the bathhouse.

“Tsk, I’ve long heard of the impressive effects of the Rebirth Pill, and now that I’ve seen it, it truly lives up to its reputation. It’s transformed an ordinary person like you into someone quite distinguished.”

*So in your heart, Daoist, I was just a plain Bronze Gong all along...* Xu Qi'an felt a bit disheartened and replied:

“Daoist, it seems you've developed too much of a fondness for cats.”

“Don't dwell on such trivial matters,” Daoist Jinlian said, raising a paw to tap the floor.

The orange cat leaped onto the edge of the bath barrel, then onto a stool meant for clean clothes, where it sat and spoke in the human tongue:

“I never believed you would actually perish. When I heard about your funeral today, I came by to see. Sure enough, though your body had no signs of life, there was a faint trace of a soul's presence.”

This faint soul presence was something only a Daoist adept in cultivating the Yin Spirit could detect, not something a Martial Artist could sense.

“I just gave you a little push to help you return to your body sooner.”

“Thank you, Daoist,” Xu Qi'an said sincerely. If it weren’t for the Daoist’s intervention, flying in with his majestic stride and exclaiming with that startling cry, there would’ve been little joy even if he had come back to life.

Indeed, the blessed are always protected; the Pond Master has divine providence.

“However, Miaozhen mentioned that she didn’t sense any soul presence in you and that you seemed utterly dead,” Daoist Jinlian continued.

Is “utterly dead” really the right term here? Xu Qi'an pondered for a moment before saying:

“On the journey back from Yunzhou to the capital, I had no consciousness at all and only began to regain a faint awareness last night.”

He implied that the faint soul presence had only appeared recently, a sign of his revival.

Daoist Jinlian nodded, then glanced down, pressing his paw on the fragment of the Earth Book, and let out a “tsk”: “Wei Yuan didn’t reclaim the Earth Book fragment.”

Wei Yuan is fishing? Xu Qi'an was startled but listened as Daoist Jinlian continued:

“However, getting you to join the Heaven and Earth Society was merely a minor move for him, a step in his broader strategy. Those who are skilled in planning think long-term. After your supposed death, he might have become somewhat disheartened and didn’t want to involve himself in the Heaven and Earth Society’s affairs anymore. Whether the Earth Book fragment stayed with you or was retrieved by me, it likely didn’t matter to him.”

*Daoist, you and Wei Yuan really seem to be on the same page. But openly revealing my double agent status in front of me is a bit awkward…* Xu Qi'an forced a laugh.

“By the way, could you not tell Li Miaozhen about my resurrection just yet?” Xu Qi'an asked while playing with the water.

Daoist Jinlian fixed him with a stare, his amber cat eyes gazing intently: “You should be honest, young man.”

*Motherfucker, who hasn’t boasted online before? Back in the day, when I was browsing forums, I used to pose as a high-educated talent, with my catchphrase being: 'Thanks for the invite, but I'm in the U.S., just got off the plane.'*

Xu Qi'an forced another laugh, then, recalling the events in Yunzhou, asked, “Daoist, the Yunzhou case had signs of an Arcanist's involvement, and at least a third-grade one at that. How much do you know about the Sitianjian?”

He proceeded to inform Daoist Jinlian about the mysterious Arcanist involved in the Yunzhou case.

Daoist Jinlian quickly grasped Xu Qi'an's implication and mused, “The Sitianjian has only one third-grade Arcanist, named Sun Xuanji.

“But I don’t think the Arcanist who acted in Yunzhou was him; it’s likely someone else.”

“Who?” Xu Qi'an asked eagerly.

Daoist Jinlian glanced at him: “Do you think I would know?”

*... What use are you then?* Xu Qi'an forced a smile and said, “Daoist, in my mind, you’ve always been a wise elder, knowledgeable in all matters under the heavens.”

*And a cunning LYB.*

Daoist Jinlian shook his head and corrected, “It’s the Arcanists who are knowledgeable about the heavens, and the scholars who are knowledgeable about the earth.

“However, the Jianzheng certainly knows the background of that Arcanist, but no one can fathom that old man's thoughts.”

With that, Daoist Jinlian scrutinized Xu Qi'an and remarked, “Your vitality and qi are several times stronger, and your spirit is complete. You’ve made significant progress since you left the capital. The Rebirth Pill’s effects are indeed extraordinary.”

*It’s just too expensive…* Daoist Jinlian thought with regret.

“Just lucky, lucky... Stepping into the Refining Spirit realm in three months, such dull talent, dull talent indeed,” Xu Qi'an said modestly.

… The orange cat turned and left, leaving behind a parting comment: “Go find Wei Yuan. The resources needed for the Copper-Skin Iron-Bone realm would bankrupt you several times over, but he can provide them.”

After finishing his bath and changing into dry clothes, Xu Qi'an mounted his horse and rode out of the estate, heading straight for the Nightwatchers constabulary.

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