
Chapter 236: Autopsy

# 236. Autopsy

*I Understand that your brother the crown prince is a lecher…* Xu Qi'an had only casually replied without thinking, but Biaobiao mistakenly thought he had already solved the case.

"It’s too early to say whether His Highness the Crown Prince is innocent." Xu Qi'an shook his head.

As the saying goes, "a drunk man's actions often reveal his true nature." When a man drinks too much, he can become reckless and do things he wouldn't normally dare. If the Crown Prince had been as cautious and meticulous as Lin'an described, the more he suppressed his desires, the more explosive they would be when he was intoxicated.

"Why do you think it was the Fourth Prince and the Empress who framed the Crown Prince?" Xu Qi'an asked, partly wanting to gossip and partly to investigate.

The Fourth Prince was Huaiqing's full brother, both born of the Empress. Although the Fourth Prince was not the eldest son overall, he was still a son by the empress. By rights, his claim was more justified than Lin'an's brother.

However, due to the succession crisis two hundred years ago, which was still recorded in history and remained a significant event in the minds of the Great Feng’s scholars, there was a psychological shadow regarding any conflict for the throne.

Therefore, Emperor Yuanjing’s decision to make the eldest son of a concubine the Crown Prince was not entirely without reason.

"The Empress naturally wants the Fourth Prince to become the Crown Prince. Let me tell you, among all the royal brothers, only the Fourth Prince and the Crown Prince care most about state affairs. Would the Fourth Prince be this enthusiastic if he didn’t want to be the Crown Prince?"

"It is indeed against convention for His Majesty to appoint the eldest son of a concubine as the Crown Prince when the Empress has a son." Xu Qi'an didn’t hold back in front of Biaobiao.

These matters would typically be sensitive to inquire about, even with the official mandate to investigate. But with Biaobiao, he could ask freely.

After all, she was one of his own.

"That's because my mother was the most favoured and the most beautiful back then." Biaobiao proudly lifted her chin, her face as pretty as a picture.

*Based on what I saw at the ancestor worship ceremony, it was clear that the Empress was superior to Imperial Concubine Chen. That demeanour, that beauty—even though she had passed the prime of her life, her charm still surpassed that of ordinary women. If she were twenty years younger, she would likely outshine both Lin'an and Huaiqing…*

*But being favoured isn't solely about looks; there are many factors involved, such as personality, skill, and other techniques… It’s all quite complicated.*

*Did Emperor Yuanjing really dislike the Empress so much as to appoint a concubine's son as Crown Prince?*

Seeing Xu Qi'an lost in thought, Biaobiao suddenly became wary. "Do you think Huaiqing might be secretly manipulating this?"

Xu Qi'an looked at the radiant beauty of the Second Princess and asked, "What if she is?"

Biaobiao first raised her delicate brows, like a proud little hen, but then quickly deflated, her brows drooping:

"I still have to admit that Huaiqing is cunning and unscrupulous..."

She complained, "I can't outsmart her."

*Hmm, for the Princess to openly admit in front of me that she can't outmatch her rival Huaiqing, it shows she’s increasingly trusting me...* Xu Qi'an nodded slightly, feeling somewhat satisfied.

At that moment, he suddenly felt a pang in his heart, knowing that someone in the Earth Book chat group had just spoken up.

"Your Highness, I need to visit the restroom. Please wait for me." Xu Qi'an stood up and left the hall.

The little eunuch waiting outside saw him come out and immediately followed, but stopped when he realised Xu Qi'an was heading towards the latrine, deciding not to continue.

In the latrine, Xu Qi'an took out the small jade mirror and checked the latest message.

【SIX: Daoist Jinlian, could you block the others? I have something to say to Number Three.】

*Why is Hengyuan looking for me...*

The members of the Heaven and Earth Society had mixed reactions upon seeing Six's message. After the previous transmissions, some had already guessed that Number Three was the cousin of the late Xu Qi'an in Yunzhou.

Perhaps only Number Five was calm and clear-headed, without much "distraction."

Number Four thought: That Xu Qi'an, who recently died in Yunzhou, just passed away, and now Hengyuan wants to "talk privately" with Number Three. It seems he too has guessed Number Three's true identity.

Number Two, Li Miaozhen, felt a pang of sadness. They all believed Number Three was Xu Qi'an's cousin, but in truth, Number Three was Xu Qi'an himself.

And he had died in Yunzhou.

The Heaven and Earth Society no longer had a Number Three.

Number One observed silently, not commenting. Number Five didn't think much of it, glancing at the message before putting the Earth Book fragment aside.

【NINE: Okay.】

Li Miaozhen was momentarily surprised but then understood. Daoist Jinlian was probably going to explain the situation to Number Six in private.

In the Heaven and Earth Society, Daoist Jinlian was the only one who knew everyone's identities.

Xu Qi'an waited a few seconds, then saw the small jade mirror display Hengyuan's message:

【SIX: Three, I wish to see Sir Xu one last time.】

*You could have just seen him, so why message me… Ah, Hengyuan still doesn't know I’ve been revived…* Xu Qi'an carefully replied:

【He has already been revived. If you wish to see him, you can find him at the Nightwatchers' office.】

There was a long silence on the other side before three words finally appeared: 【Is that true?】

In just three words, Xu Qi'an could feel Hengyuan's overwhelming excitement and disbelief. It took him so long just to type out those three words.


Xu Qi'an's reply was just as brief and firm.

【No wonder you wouldn't see me. I was even somewhat resentful earlier—what a sin, what a sin. Sir Xu is a good man, and good deeds are rewarded. Amitabha, I am overjoyed, overjoyed.】

Xu Qi'an then concisely explained the process of his "cousin's" revival to Master Hengyuan.

【Master, I do not wish for my identity to be revealed. I hope that when we meet in the future, we can simply smile in recognition.】

【The humble monk understands.】

Hmm, you can smile at Xu Erlang. Sorry, Master, I had no choice before, but now I want to avoid another social death.

After putting away the Earth Book fragment, Xu Qi'an returned to the hall. Biaobiao complained, "That took so long."

"I was pondering the case. My thoughts became absorbed." Xu Qi'an casually explained, then asked, "Your Highness, I need to go inspect the remains of Consort Fu. Would you like to come?"

Biaobiao immediately stood up. "Yes!"

Consort Fu's body was stored in the ice cellar of the Imperial Palace. Judging by Emperor Yuanjing's attitude, it would be difficult for Consort Fu to be laid to rest until the case was thoroughly investigated.

Xu Qi'an, holding the Gold Token, arrived at the ice cellar under the guidance of Biaobiao and the little eunuch. The eunuch on duty led them inside.

In the cold ice cellar, Consort Fu lay quietly on a wooden slab, covered by a white cloth.

Biaobiao shivered slightly, tightening her fox fur cloak.

"Your Highness, why don't you wait outside?" Xu Qi'an suggested, concerned both that she might catch a cold and that Biaobiao might not have seen a corpse before.

Biaobiao stubbornly shook her head. "I also want to be involved and do something for my brother, the Crown Prince."

Xu Qi'an instructed the young eunuch to uncover the white cloth. Then, taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, he suddenly grasped the princess's soft hand, infusing it with his warm Qi.

Biaobiao's delicate body stiffened, instinctively trying to pull her hand away as if she had been stung by a scorpion.

But that rough, warm hand held her firmly, like an iron clamp. A shy emotion welled up in her heart—she, a dignified Second Princess, pure and chaste, had never been so disrespected by a man.

*How could he do this...* Biaobiao felt both embarrassed and angry, and a bit wronged.

The next moment, warmth flowed from her palm, spreading up her arm, warming her entire body, driving away the chill of the ice cellar.

She no longer felt cold, and even felt a lazy desire to stretch.

She heard the running dog’s low voice by her ear: “Your Highness, the ice cellar is terribly cold. If you insist on staying, this is the only way I can help.

"Although investigating the case is important, it pales in comparison to your precious health."

*He held my hand to keep me warm... Compared to my body, the case is unimportant...* Biaobiao, who liked hearing sweet words, suddenly felt less angry, though she was still shy.

She sneakily glanced at the two eunuchs ahead, then lightly tutted before discreetly moving closer to Xu Qi'an, using the wide cloak to hide her held hand.

*Damn, the princess’s hand is so soft, so smooth, so tender…* Xu Qi'an thought to himself.

To charm a girl, you must take the initiative, be bold in your approach, and occasionally tease her. Over time, you’ll leave a deep impression on her heart.

Of course, this only works on innocent girls. If the other party is like a high-mileage car with multiple spare tyres, this tactic won’t be effective.

In that case, it’s simpler—just crash a luxury sports car into her tail lights.

"Sir Xu, please look."

The young eunuch lifted the white cloth, quickly retreating to the side, avoiding looking at Consort Fu's body.

Xu Qi'an released Lin'an's delicate hand and approached the body, examining the ill-fated consort.

She was a beautiful woman. Despite the pallor that marred her face, her features were strikingly attractive. She wore a plain white garment that accentuated her curvaceous figure.

Xu Qi'an reached out to loosen Consort Fu's clothing but was stopped by the young eunuch, who shook his head in terror. "Sir Xu, you mustn't..."

*As expected, this won’t work… I even wanted to perform an autopsy...* Xu Qi'an understood and turned to the eunuch guarding the ice cellar, saying:

"Bring me the autopsy report and the case file."

The eunuch left immediately, returning shortly with the documents, which he handed to Xu Qi'an.

*No signs of rape... bruises on the wrists and arms, suggesting they were forcibly gripped... her clothes were disheveled at the time of death, indicating violent struggle... her hair was disordered, consistent with resisting violence...*

*Attempted rape followed by death from a fall…* Xu Qi'an made a preliminary judgment.

As he continued reading, a subtle detail caught his attention:

She fell face up!

*Hmm? Fell face up?*

Typically, when someone jumps to their death, they face the ground as they leap. The dramatic backward jumps seen on television, facing the crowd, were actually uncommon.

Thus, a person who falls would typically land face down, back up.

Of course, if someone falls from a tall building, factors like air resistance and wind can cause their body to turn mid-fall.

But the pavilion from which Consort Fu fell, according to the case file, was only two and a half stories high. So, the position during the fall would likely be the same as at the moment of impact.

Could it have been the Crown Prince who pushed her?

*This doesn't align with the judgment that Consort Fu, unwilling to be humiliated, jumped to her death... If the Crown Prince wanted to taste what his father had exclusive rights to, it wouldn't make sense for him to push her off the building. Although, it’s possible he became violent out of shame and anger, or perhaps he was drunk.*

Thinking along these lines, Xu Qi'an reached out once more toward Consort Fu’s body.

“Lord Xu!” The little eunuch stopped him, warning, “You must not disturb Consort Fu’s body.”

She was the Emperor’s woman. Even in death, her body was not something a subject can defile.

“Get lost!” Xu Qi'an kicked him aside. “I’m investigating on imperial orders. First, you won’t let me touch this, then you won’t let me touch that—cut it with the bullshit!”

Xu Qi'an prided himself on his basic manners, even in his choice of words.

The young eunuch, having been kicked, didn’t dare make a sound.

Xu Qi'an lifted Consort Fu’s neck, feeling the back of her head, then ran his hands down from her shoulders to her back, and finally to her hips. Her plump buttocks made it necessary for him to press and squeeze a few times to feel the bones.

According to the structure of the human body, if someone falls on their back, the first parts to hit the ground would be the head and shoulders, followed by the most protruding part—the buttocks.

Since she was the Emperor’s woman, Xu Qi'an couldn’t undress her to check if there was damage to the flesh, so he could only confirm it by touch.

“She did indeed fall on her back...” he concluded.

This ruled out the possibility that someone tampered with her body after death to stage the scene.

“What did you find?” Biaobiao immediately asked.

Xu Qi'an shared his findings and thoughts with Biaobiao, though it was also meant for the young eunuch who was overseeing him.

“So, Consort Fu didn’t jump to her death on her own?” Biaobiao quickly grasped the key point.

*Not too dense after all...* Xu Qi'an thought admiringly. “Your Highness is exceptionally intelligent, a cut above the rest.”

Biaobiao beamed with happiness at his praise.

After leaving the ice cellar, Xu Qi'an washed his hands with the help of the eunuchs before departing with Lin'an.

“Your Highness, it’s getting late. Let’s stop here for today, and I’ll return tomorrow to continue the investigation,” Xu Qi'an said, glancing at the sundial.

It was *shen* 1-*ke* (3:15 PM).

According to the regulations of the Great Feng Dynasty, after the Spring Festival, the end of the workday was in the middle of *shen*. After the Autumn Equinox, it was at the beginning of *shen*.

Although the Spring Fesetival had passed, the Spring Equinox had not yet arrived, so dismissal was still at the start of *shen*. Now, the workday had already ended a quarter-hour ago.

Since Emperor Yuanjing wasn’t paying him overtime, Xu Qi'an decided to call it a day and waved goodbye to Lin'an.


At that moment, Emperor Yuanjing was sitting in his bedchamber, deeply engrossed in the Daoist scriptures in his hands.

Compared to the tedious memorials and the endless state affairs, the Daoist scripture in his hand, which contained the secret to immortality, was far more enticing and captivating to Emperor Yuanjing.

What is the most alluring thing in the world?


But the lifespan of a mortal is limited, no more than a few decades. Even if one holds great power and commands the four seas, what does it amount to in the end?

Ultimately, one still succumbs to time, turning into nothing more than a handful of yellow earth.

Only eternal life and unending youth are truly desirable, for they represent the ability to hold power forever.

Emperor Yuanjing put down the book, closed his eyes, and pondered the mysteries within it. He then picked up his ginseng tea, took a sip, and exhaled softly.

Seizing the moment, the Grand Eunuch reported, “Your Majesty, Xu Qi'an has left the palace.”

Emperor Yuanjing thought for a moment before asking, “What did he do in the palace today?”

Having just appointed Xu Qi'an as the lead investigator, Emperor Yuanjing was quite interested in how this little Bronze Gong would conduct the investigation.

The Grand Eunuch immediately summoned the little eunuch and led him into the bedchamber.

The little eunuch kept his head down, bowing low.

Emperor Yuanjing, seated lazily, glanced at the young eunuch and asked lightly, “What did Xu Qi'an do? Has there been any progress in the case?”

The Grand Eunuch immediately prompted, “Tell His Majesty everything in detail.”

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