
Chapter 240: Xu Pingzhi: You Two Wait

# 240. Xu Pingzhi: You Two Wait

"There was one year when, for some reason, Father became furious and sent Mother to the Cold Palace, even attempting to depose her. But the civil and military officials vehemently opposed it, and at that time, I was too young to remember," Princess Huaiqing said helplessly:

“Although Mother was released from the Cold Palace the following year, Father never visited her chambers again. Because of this, Fourth Brother was also neglected. And since I was born, Father never showed much affection for me.

“Noble Consort Chen is actually a very jealous and petty person. Even though the Eldest Prince was later made Crown Prince, she was always insecure and held a deep hostility towards Fourth Brother and me.

"This isn't just my narrow view. Do you know why Lin’an and I don't get along?"

Xu Qi’an felt a spark of insight. "Consort Chen instigated it?"

Huaiqing nodded slowly. "Lin’an is deeply loved by Father and spoiled in every way. In the early years, Noble Consort Chen was worried about the Crown Prince’s unstable position and often incited Lin’an to cause trouble and make things difficult for me."

*Poor Lin’an, she must have been bullied by you quite badly...* Even though Lin’an started it, Xu Qi’an still felt sorry for her. It wasn't about favouring one wife over another; all are equally cherished. He just felt that with Lin’an’s level of skill, she would have been no match for Huaiqing.

On second thought, this might have been exactly what Noble Consort Chen wanted. The more she understood her daughter, the more she encouraged her to provoke Huaiqing, to achieve the desired effect.

Imagine: Emperor Yuanjing doted on Lin’an, but if she constantly cried from being bullied by Huaiqing, how could he not dislike Huaiqing?

"What was the reason for His Majesty wanting to depose the Empress?" Xu Qi’an asked.

"There was no reason, which is why the officials strongly opposed it." Huaiqing shook her head.

Deposing an Empress was similar to deposing a Crown Prince. It was not only the emperor’s family matter but also a national issue. The scholar-official class were not allowed to easily divorce or dismiss their primary wife, let alone the Emperor with his Empress, who was the mother of the nation.

Without a reason, how could the civil and military officials agree to Emperor Yuanjing deposing the Empress?

However, without a reason, would Emperor Yuanjing suddenly get furious and want to depose her?

There must be more to this than meets the eye.

"What year did this happened in?" After asking, Xu Qi’an realized he was being too gossipy and added, "It might be related to the case of Consort Fu... ah no, I don't mean to suspect Her Majesty."

Princess Huaiqing glanced at him and said calmly, "If you're curious, just ask. There’s no need for so many excuses."

... Xu Qi’an felt a bit embarrassed.

"In the thirteenth year of Yuanjing." Huaiqing withdrew her gaze and looked into the distance. "As for the reason, I don’t know. Even though I asked Mother many times later, she never answered."

*The thirteenth year of Yuanjing sounds familiar...* Xu Qi’an nodded. "Thank you, Princess, for telling me."

He had thought that Emperor Yuanjing didn't appoint the Fourth Prince as Crown Prince because the Crown Prince was a bit dull, but now it seems there might be deeper reasons behind it.

*Yes, the Crown Prince may not be particularly clever, but could the Fourth Prince be much better... Hmm, it’s possible the Fourth Prince is just playing dumb...* *I’ll ask Duke Wei later. With his sharp insight, what he says about the Fourth Prince will be accurate.*

After walking a few steps, Huaiqing suddenly said, "Why did you end it so quickly today? With your ability, there’s no need to go home to ‘ponder’."

Xu Qi’an felt that since Huaiqing was quite open with him, he should also be candid, which would help maintain a good relationship.

"I'm just trying to buy time," Xu Qi’an said.

"Buy time?" Huaiqing frowned.

"Yes," smelling the faint fragrance from the princess, Xu Qi’an said helplessly, “I’ve offended too many people during the Sangpo and Yunzhou cases, and His Majesty doesn’t like me either. He originally intended to confer the title of Viscount on me, but it was cancelled because I survived.

"Later, His Majesty promised to reinstate my title as Viscount of Changle County if I do a good job in investigating Consort Fu’s case."

*I’m really having a tough time.*

"Do you think Father will go back on his word?" Princess Huaiqing agreed. "This is a good plan. One day without the title, you delay one day."

Xu Qi’an looked at her in surprise. *No wonder she’s Wei Yuan’s student; they think alike.*

The saying “The emperor has no idle words” doesn’t mean the emperor won’t lie. It refers to national policies and imperial edicts.

So, as long as Emperor Yuanjing doesn’t confer the title, Xu Qi’an will delay, lest the Dog Emperor goes back on his word.

"It’s getting late, I should return to my residence now." Xu Qi’an glanced at the sky. If he heads back now, he can still catch lunch.

"Mm." Huaiqing nodded.


Meanwhile, in Emperor Yuanjing's sleeping quarters.

Half an hour before lunch, Emperor Yuanjing, having finished his meditation, returned to his quarters. The grand eunuch hurried in, grinning from ear to ear, and announced, "Your Majesty, there has been a major breakthrough in Consort Fu’s case."

Emperor Yuanjing was taken aback, immediately putting on a serious expression. "Speak," he said in a deep voice.

The old eunuch relayed the information reported by the little eunuch, word for word. Emperor Yuanjing listened silently, without showing any reaction.

"Your Majesty..." The old eunuch bowed his head. "May I be so bold as to ask, does this mean the Crown Prince is innocent?"

Emperor Yuanjing shook his head slightly. "It’s too early to tell... Within just two days, Xu Qi’an has managed to grasp the initial details of the case. He truly is talented, but perhaps a bit too cunning."

He snorted coldly. "Urge the cabinet to draft the edict quickly. There’s no need to choose an auspicious date."

Last time, when he had the grand eunuch convey his orders to the cabinet, they had accepted but delayed, citing the lack of an auspicious date.

"As you command."

Uncle Xu, who was in charge of the day patrol, returned home with his helmet in his arms, the sabre by his waist swaying with each step.

There was an hour of rest at noon, and as a *Baihu*, Xu Pingzhi would return home for lunch during this time, taking the opportunity to have some tea.

The kitchen was still busy preparing lunch, and Auntie was in the backyard planting newly purchased bush lilies. She wore a light blue silk dress with a matching pleated long skirt, intricately embroidered with swirling cloud patterns.

As she bent over to plant the lilies, her slender waist and curvy hips were accentuated by her clothes.

Uncle Xu stood not far away, holding his helmet, and cleared his throat. “Dearest, I’m hungry. Could you hurry the kitchen along?”

Auntie continued planting flowers, ignoring him.


“What are you calling me for?” Auntie responded coldly. “Is Master Xu going to entertain colleagues tonight and not return home?”

Uncle Xu was taken aback. “What are you talking about, dearest?”

Auntie finished planting the last lily, dusted her hands, and put her hands on her hips, giving a cold smile.

“What’s the saying? Right, blood is thicker than water. Your dear nephew, even after his success, hasn’t forgotten you. He knows to secretly give you money.”

Uncle Xu was astonished and thought to himself, *It’s been so long since Daluang gave me money. It was before he went to Yunzhou, so why are you bringing up this old matter?*

“There’s no such thing. Dalang just came back from the dead yesterday and went out for the day, not returning home. How would he have time to give me money?”

Of course, Uncle Xu wouldn’t admit it even if it were true, let alone something that’s completely unfounded.

Auntie, hearing this, erupted, her brows furrowing, and she raised her voice, “Xu Pingzhi, you really are planning to hide fifty taels of silver and secretly go to the brothel.

“Erlang told me this morning that Xu Ningyan secretly gave you fifty taels. I thought if you admitted it, we could let it go. I didn’t expect you to actually want to keep it hidden.

“You’re not going to admit it, are you? Would Erlang lie to me? Xu Pingzhi, you ungrateful man. I’ve managed this household with all my heart, even helping raise your unfortunate nephew, and this is how you repay me?”

“Where’s Erlang? Bring him out here.” Uncle Xu was angry.

“Pfft, Erlang is catching up on sleep. Don’t disturb him and don’t change the subject. Are you going to hand over the fifty taels or not?”

“… I’ll hand it over, just don’t be angry, dearest.” Uncle Xu, crestfallen, went into the bedroom, moving quickly to prevent Auntie from discovering where he hid his banknotes.

Once in the bedroom, he went straight to Xu Lingyin’s annex, lifted his daughter’s bedding, and underneath was all his private money, a total of eighty taels.

Uncle Xu gritted his teeth and resolutely pulled out two twenty-tael and two five-tael notes.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a bag of green oranges on the small table by the bed.

Green oranges, in Xu Pingzhi’s eyes, were not just simple oranges, which immediately aroused his suspicion.

*Green oranges are sour and bitter, usually used for medicinal purposes. Why buy them for no reason? And why are they in Lingyin’s room?*

With doubts in his mind, Uncle Xu left the small room and returned to the courtyard, obediently handing over the banknotes.

Auntie’s expression softened slightly, and she hummed as she pulled out a small, elegant purse and put away the notes.

Xu Pingzhi took the opportunity to ask, “Why are there green oranges on Lingyin’s table? Did Dalang buy them?”

“Erlang bought them,” Auntie replied, satisfied now that the fifty taels were accounted for.

*Erlang bought them? Why would he buy these things… His reason for buying green oranges must be different from mine… No, wait!*

Uncle Xu’s mind stirred. “Erlang didn’t come home all night, just like Dalang, right?”

“Erlang went out to entertain with colleagues. As for your nephew, god knows where that damned boy went.” Auntie rolled her eyes.

If it weren’t for the previous instances of social death, Xu Pingzhi would have agreed wholeheartedly with his wife. But now, he knew exactly what kind of person his son was.

*Dalang didn’t come home all night, and neither did Erlang… From what I know about Dalang, he most likely went to the Jiaofangsi, but the green oranges were bought by Erlang…*

“Erlang smelled of oranges, didn’t he?” Xu Pingzhi asked casually.

Auntie nodded, not paying much attention, as she admired the bush lilies she had planted.

*The answer was clear… It was Dalang who taught Erlang. Without a doubt, Dalang betrayed me, and Erlang fabricated the private money story to get me… These bastards, even daring to scheme against their father.*

Xu Pingzhi said solemnly, “It seems Erlang has been having headaches recently.”


Auntie looked over, confused, but she was very concerned about her son.

“Green oranges can soothe the nerves and relieve headaches, among other benefits. Otherwise, why would anyone sell such sour and bitter things?” Xu Pingzhi explained.

Green oranges do have medicinal value, but treating headaches was something Uncle Xu made up. After all, his wife, who rarely touched domestic chores and hadn’t read much, wouldn’t be able to see through it.

“It must be the stress of the imperial examinations,” Auntie said, immediately feeling sorry for her son.

“Dearest, Erlang is not married yet. As his mother, you need to take good care of him and not just spend your time tending to flowers,” Uncle Xu admonished.

“This was something Erlang gave to Lingyin. I thought it would be a waste to throw it away, so I left it in her room for her to eat after her studies,” Auntie explained.

“Alright, no more talk. Quickly take the green oranges to the kitchen and have the cooks make soup. Erlang will need it when he wakes up. Also, make a bowl for Dalang,” Xu Pingzhi said, quickly adding:

“This soup won’t taste good, so Dalang probably won’t want it. You, as his aunt, can’t force him. Have Lingyue make it together. When he comes back tonight, he won’t dare refuse.”

Auntie nodded and swayed her waist as she went to get the green oranges.

Just as lunch was prepared at home, Xu Dalang returned, removed his Bronze Gong and dagger, tossed them on the ground, and sat by the table, calling out:

“Second Uncle, you’re having lunch at home now?”

“I’ll be coming home for lunch from now on. I just received my appointment this morning. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be patrolling the inner city instead of the outer city.” Xu Pingzhi said rather coldly while sipping his soup.

From the outer city to the inner city — though his title didn’t change, the treatment he received was tantamount to promotion.

“That’s good, that’s good!”

Xu Qian took the bowl and chopsticks handed to him by Lyu’e and thought to himself, *What’s up with Second Uncle today? He looks so unhappy.*

At this moment, Xu Xinnian came out, still sleepy. He glanced at his older brother, and the two brothers understood each other without words.

“Dad, did you and Mom have a fight today?” Xu Erlang probed, sitting down as he spoke.

“Hmph, none of you give me any peace of mind, except for Erlang, who truly is his mother’s child.” Auntie glared at her nephew and son.

Xu Erlang’s lips curled slightly.

Xu Pingzhi calmly looked at Auntie’s personal maid and said, “Lyu’e, go to the kitchen and check if the soup is ready.”

Lü’e obediently responded and walked out of the side hall.

“What soup is it?”

Xu Qian, who had spent all his money the previous night, asked with great interest.

“It’s to nourish you and Erlang,” Auntie replied.

Xu Qian and Xu Erlang exchanged a glance, feeling something was off. How did Auntie (Mum) know that we needed nourishment?

Before long, Lyu’e came in carrying a large pot of soup, and a strong sour smell wafted through the air.

The large porcelain bowl was placed on the table, with slices of green oranges floating in the yellowish soup, not even peeled.

Auntie personally served Xu Erlang some soup, complaining, “Erlang, why didn’t you tell Mum about your headache? The Spring Examinations are approaching. It’s my fault; I didn’t take good care of you.

“This green orange soup is something I specially prepared for you.”

Green orange soup?!

*This… isn’t this the green oranges I bought?* Xu Erlang looked bewildered, thinking, *How can green oranges be made into soup? This could kill someone.*

“Mom, my headache is just from drinking too much. Last night, I was out with colleagues…” Xu Erlang glanced guiltily at his older brother.

*Green orange soup… Who came up with this dark cuisine?* Xu Qian almost burst into laughter and said seriously:

“Green orange soup is highly nourishing. Erlang, you should drink more.”

“You have some too,” Uncle Xu Er said lightly. “This soup was painstakingly prepared by Lingyue and your Auntie.”


A big question mark appeared in Xu Qian’s mind.

“I, a dignified warrior at the Refining Spirit level, need this stuff?” Xu Qian retorted.

“Big Brother!” Xu Lingyue said softly, “Just have a bowl. We’ve been cooking it for a long time.”

Xu Qian couldn’t help but look at his younger brother.

His younger brother was also looking at him.

The two brothers were hoping the other would rise up in rebellion.


“Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp….”

In the end, both of them drank a big bowl, tears streaming from their eyes, their stomachs churning.

“Hahaha, eat up, eat up.” Uncle Xu Er sipped his liquor, revealing an innocent smile.

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